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  • posted by chezie

    So excited to get started today! I am a mom of 2 in NC and looking to shed 40lbs! I’m not new to the LC way, but I’ve never done the low 800 a day. Do you adjust to the low amount any weird side effects?? Anyways, any tips are welcome and so are buddies!

  • posted by Avila


    I say that prep was crucial for getting through the start – meal plans (mine not the set ones in the book but using their recipes etc) and shopping whilst de-carbing the kitchen cupboards.

    The body adjusted pretty well – though some have what people call ‘carb flu’ during the adjustment. Changing emotional habits I am finding much harder (as an emotional eater, living with depression). But the body coped fine… the full fat and protein helps to feel full, and lots of good healthy nutrient rich foods meeting the bodies need. Just without the sugars and refined carbs so forced to take that from the stored reserves instead, ie burning fat!

    Have you read the book? Lots in there, and browse the forums for lots of encouraging stories and questions answered

  • posted by dlmoulton

    Hi there! Starting today as well with 45lbs to lose. I’ve done keto on and off for years but never this low cal. I am excited and after eating my lunch I am also STARVING. My cardiologist told me to increase my salt intake and to help combat the carb flu. I’m wondering how long it will take for me to adjust to such small meals? Surely, all 8 weeks won’t be this way.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    You should get used to it quite quickly.

    Remember you are reshaping your body’s hormones. They are used to triggering you to eat refined carbs frequently to get the blood sugar back up from the “spike” and it will rage even a bit to change to get energy from fat cells.

    That thing on your shoulder saying HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY is the carb monster. Kick him into touch. Have a drink – fizzy water with lemon? Herb tea?

    Once you get into the swing you will find the hunger goes away. Promise!!!

    Keep on keeping on. Kick that monster out and get your control of your body back ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

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