Ladies help

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  • posted by KJ77

    Hi I am in week 7 and have been good as gold to date and stuck to the plan – then along comes TOM and bam straight off the carb / sugar wagon yesterday 2 biscuits and today I raided a bar of orange Lindt my boss gave me over a month ago which I foolishly left in my drawer – I thought as it is dark a square would stop my craving and instead I went on a full binge and ate 3/4 of it – I had to go throw it in the bin otherwise I would have eaten it all. Oh my gosh – I felt so ill, all shaky and fuzzy. Even though I knew I was sabotaging myself and as prediabetic I need to avoid sugar I just lost total control. I stI’ll feel queasy so no dinner for me tonight. How do you cope with the cravings – are there any supplements that may help. I have a long journey to go with at least 4,stone to lose (I have lost 2 stone in just over 6 weeks) so I would be greatful for some tips!

  • posted by Izzy

    First of all, well done for throwing the rest away and not going on an all out carb spree of eating even more.

    2 stone is 6 weeks is awesome I think if you just pick yourself up and start again you might find that you can just carry on where you left off with not much damage.

    As for what helps? well… today I succumbed to a chocolate hobnob snack bar. I felt awful and I won’t bore you with the details but it didn’t end well! So next time I fancy something like that I’m going to try and remember just how crap I felt afterwards and hope that it might be enough to help me see sense at the time.

    Ordinarily I make do with a few nuts or sugarfree gum!

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