Hi All,
Well, we’re both still here, I think?? Really, really p.ssed off with my weigh-ins as I’ve managed to reach 12stone again despite basically sticking to the BSD but upping my carbs slightly to around 50gms instead of the 20 that I lost all the weight on & getting my blood sugars in the ‘normal’ range. Hubby is 16st 13lbs.
Finally managed to get ourselves appointments to have our bloods done and the first in over 2 years docs appts to reassess our medications last Wednesday. Was a rather damp squib though as none of the bloods were assessed at the hospital due to being labelled incorrectly. Luckily we both had our annual diabetic check up with the diabetic nurse straight after our docs appts. so had bloods drawn again & doc will phone us Wednesday to reassess what we can drop off medication wise. He took me off my water tablets already so I’m hoping that it’s just water I’ve added. I think he’s going to take me off my blood pressure meds too as although my BP is always up at docs it seems I have ‘white coat syndrome’ & I’m currently sending my daily readings to one of the docs apps that apparently does wondrous things with them. lol I did give him 4wks of readings BUT the app knows best!
Poor hubby is still having REALLY bad syncopies daily & there is still no sign of him having the spinal injections/nerve cuttings on his back that had been scheduled for April 2020 – so on top of the syncopies he still is losing the use of both his legs (used to be just 1 leg) intermittently. As this led to him losing most of his beautiful teeth (American Dentistry seems to be MUCH better than ours) when he hit a huge porcelain umbrella stand & smashed it to pieces & also to losing a great deal of skin off his leg on hitting a floor fan, it’s worrying for both of us. Doc has written yet again to his heart consultant & back consultant as he’s heard nothing from them in years.
I hope you are all enjoying the glorious weather we’ve been having recently. Hubby has been enjoying all the pagentry & we’re both hoping the concert today goes well. Although we can’t see it beating the Golden Jubilee Rock Concert – No way could that be beaten! We were lucky enough to have invites to that & OMG it was absolutely fabulous & something neither of us will ever forget. From walking through the Palace, standing on the red carpet & then wandering the gardens to watching all the warm-up acts in the numerous marquees in the grounds & then finding our seats in the 2nd row & centre stage, next to an aisle, looking behind us was the Royal Box. OMG what a concert & Paul McCartney at the end did a solo act then other musicians joined him for an hour after the BBC TV ended. It was truly wonderful & we were so, so lucky to be there. We hope the people who got the invites this year will enjoy it.
I’ve been enjoying listening to some music recently that makes the hair on my arms & back of my neck stand up & sends shivers down my spine – to me that’s the sign of a damned good singer. Caught BGT’s Loren Allred on you-tube & Tom Ball – OMG they have some tubes on them. I think Maxwell Thorpe too may have some musical tubes but ITV sound dept. didn’t make the best of his, which is a shame.
We’re both waiting for the blood results to come Wednesday, hoping they’ll be great again. I’m OK with 12 stone as I don’t think I look overweight BUT again I’d like some leeway so I don’t ever go above this. I’ve actually been reading on American Scientist & on New Scientist publications that Drs & the scientific community have discovered that older patients who are in the ‘overweight catagory’ of BMI live longer than those who have a normal BMI so…….??? Food for thought for some of us?
The last 2 buses haven’t been great for me & also some others I see. Maybe it’s third bus lucky for a lot of us? I’m going to wait until after our results to decide what to do. Maybe we go back to eating more fruits (missing our large fruit nutribullets, every morning) – the results will somewhat decide what we’ll do. Whatever, I’ve enjoyed our time together & I’m sorry that my bad brain fog has stopped me joining in more.
Love to ALL, Linda XXX