JANUARY 2024 : Twelve week Reset one week, one month at a time to end MARCH 2024

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by wendleg

    HI everyone !

    Happy NewYear ! As promised, here is our new reset thread for 2024 based on a 12 week programme .

    Wherever you are right now, whether starting out or needing a bit of extra incentive to keep going , we hope this thread will help to give you useful guidance and keep you motivated !

    Several of us like the idea of a journal to log progress .That could be Jason Fung’s “The Diabetes Code Journal ” which helps to track daily food and exercise, monitoring foods that spike blood sugar and begin the journey towards better health” It could just be a nice sparkling new diary or an app, whatever works for you . The Journal is based on a 12 week programme which is a neat format and takes us to the end of March 2024

    Some of us are looking to manage a pre-diabetic or diabetic diagnosis and can provide lots of very useful information . Others like to include different strategies : OMAD, (One Meal a Day ) and fasting to mix things up a bit . Some of us weigh daily, others weekly or monthly , again whatever suits you .

    The main objective is to stay low carb to manage insulin and blood sugars to yes lose weight but also to improve our health and immunity .

    The thread will be renewed monthly although we can have weekly targets too .It’s just easier to renew the thread every month rather than every week .

    Feel free to join us to share your experience .We are open about what works, our wobbles and worries . No pressure, we all ‘lose’ weight at different rates .It’s not a competition, just a group of like-minded , supportive folk .

    If you think that would work for you, please join in and look forward to a healthy 2024 !

    Wendleg, sunshine-girl and SunnyB

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thank you for once again hitting the reboot button for us, Wendy and for laying out a clear plan for the 1st quarter of 2024.

    Like you, I’ve purchased the Fung journal to help keep me focused and accountable, but shall of course also be here on the forum, which has been a huge support over the years I’ve been with the BSD way of eating. There will be some people starting BSD for the first time, as well as returners and stalwart like myself, but whatever stage you’re at, you are welcome to join us here. We try our best to support those needing it, offer experience based advice and it’s a safe space to vent as and when necessary.

    It is important that we work out how to mold this WOE to meld with our lifestyles. It has to work for us long term, this is not a flash in the pan quick fix diet, but needs to become integral to our way of life.

    Anyway, like others my festive season has seen some indulgences, but I’m okeased to say all mindful. That said, I’m in no doubt there will have been a gain when I step on the scales … shall weigh in and report on Tuesday.

    Meanwhile, I’m wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024 …. enjoy you new year celebrations 🍾 πŸ₯‚πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ and see you on the other side.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Wendy (wendleg) and SunnyB, Happy New Year.

    I am so glad I bought the Jason Fung The Diabetes Code Journal – no I am not advertising – most of us already know about Jason Fung and lots of other proponents of good health, especially in diabetics. Within just the introduction I discovered why using insulin is causing me to gain weight. I thought that the insulin eliminated the sugars from my BODY. Apparently it only pulls it out of the blood and shifts it into other parts of the body where it is stored as fat. I have also discovered other things now I am also reading the Diabetes Code and it is frightening enough to make me realise that only me can help me. If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic then low carb is the way to go. Also, fasting, intermittent fasting, time restricted eating and exercise are how to get back to good health. You have to get rid of the sugar not just push it around and hide it.

    Sorry, I do go on a bit but I have been truly shocked by some of the things I have learned over the last week of reading and I am really ready to do something about it.

    Welcome to the thread, I can assure you it is not always so heavy and we do have fun chats about all aspects of our lives, not just illness.

    I will be starting on Tuesday 2nd as hubby has decided he wants to cook a special lunch on New Years Day along with a bottle of champagne (actually Cremant d’Alsace which is nicer) so I will be on my usual Tuesday to Tuesday weigh in.

  • posted by 1960smp

    Great!! Looking forward to this next 12 weeks. I will look into this 12 week journal.

    Thank you Wendleg, sunshine-girl and SunnyB you guys are amazing keeping us going and motivated, much appreciated. Really simple explanation for me too, I like idiot proof explanations ( I know you don’t say that) but it gave me a really helpful jog to jump in and get started…

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you Wendy & a Happy New Year to everyone. We are just watching the London fireworks display after Big Ben struck midnight.
    I am looking forward to joining the 12 week challenge & already am recording in a daily diary.
    Margaret xxx

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Back to 800 calorie eating today so planning to make MMs Chunky courgette & prawn soup & probably eggs in some form for supper. All the Christmas leftovers are gone now with the boxes of biscuits & chocolates we have been given hidden away in our cupboards. My husband & I have agreed to do ten squats each morning before dressing & we will increase that over the next three weeks to two sets then the recommended three sets of ten squats each day. I’m conscious of how flabby & untoned my bottom is & no other exercise but short mat bowls starts again on Wednesday.
    My husband & I are watching the New Years Concert from Vienna on tv which we do every year on New Years Day.
    Best feet forward everyone πŸ‘πŸ˜€
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, I just couldn’t resist starting today even if I will be having a small glass of Cremant with dinner tonight. At least he won’t be cooking anything carby as we don’t have anything in. We will do a small shop tomorrow, Started my journal with the date and my weight plus answered the questions it asks although I didn’t really do TRE last night I still did 12 hours.
    What am I happy with – my food choices.
    What could I improve – no alcohol.
    What made me happy – a lovely long hot shower and hair wash in my own bathroom.
    Christmas weight gain 2lbs. I have thought about my goal and by my next holiday at the end of April I would like to have lost at least 16 lbs or one pound a week. So just under a stone for the 12 weeks.

    Today I am going to research some easy exercise routines on YouTube so I can get in front of the TV forearmed instead of just flicking through what might be suitable.

    Bonne chance everyone.

    As per usual I have a medical appointment. 3rd January Mammogram.

  • posted by Verano

    Happy New Year everyone!

    Well I’m back, for a few weeks at least. For me it’s definitely going to be one week at a time.
    I have gone back to my method of listing all the things I want to add to my diet like water and a piece of fruit each day and those I want to dispose of like crisps and cheese. There’s nothing nicer at the end of the day than seeing a column of ticks and crosses especially when they are in the right places!

    I listened to the podcast below, earlier. It’s all about journaling. I never realised that it’s almost a β€˜science’. Anyway I like Dr Chatterjee so was quite happy to listen to it. Please be warned he does have a β€˜journal’ which he obviously wants to sell but that bit only comes at the very end. He does say that a notepad and pen are all you really need. It’s also a bit long so might be worth listening to in two parts. Anyway, given that so many people are β€˜journalling I thought I’d post the link.


    I’ve started my new β€˜weight diary’ today and we’ll just see how it goes. After using the same system/book for the last four years this is different but might be better. Time will tell.

    Hoping that everyone will be living the best life they can in 2024.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone ! We’re off !
    Well,my reset is delayed until tomorrow as we had friends round for a meal this lunch time. It had been planned for a while.
    No worries, we had an enjoyable time and it was a good team effort with hubby !
    I weighed myself this morning so have my starting point and motivation is in place.
    I am a regular faster and will probably begin my reset doing exactly that tomorrow
    just to give my system a rest. As you know SG ,it’s all about keeping insulin low ,getting rid of the sugar and without that nothing works for me .
    All the best to everyone. Remember this is a 12 week programme. If an event or celebration happens during that time just go with it as it will balance out over time. Consistency is key though. Too many wobbles and you will have fallen out of love with your journal!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi everyone…. this morning I weighed, started my journal and am 16hrs into a fast, by way of a reboot – great minds, Wendy!

    Happily despite my festive indulgences, I managed to stay in the right stone bracket …. only just though, with a gain of just under 3lb. However, feeling motivated and that I’m starting from a good place.

    I have a few things happening during our twelve week programme, but will do my best not to stray too far from the straight and narrow. Think the journal will help with that and have decided to take it with me, when we go away in Feb. But that is a way off yet … need to make this week count first!

    Looking forward to hearing how you are all getting on with your fresh start.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, official start date after having a couple of glasses of fizz and therefore no weight loss. So it begins today. Everyone seems to be super motivated and we can keep that feeling going for 12 weeks. I have 3 events coming up with 2 birthdays (Feb and March) then our wedding anniversary in April (outside of the 12 weeks).

    So far I am happy with my food choices, I need to get on with some exercise so plan 30 mins of yoga for old gits when I have finished here.

    I will read your recommendation Verano, I too like Dr Chattergee. I have started taking 5g of collagen in my morning tea. Supposed to be good for lots of things – skin, nails, hair, unsticking tightness in muscle fibres, BG, etc.

    As Shania would say, lets go girls.

  • posted by Verano

    Ahh… Shania … one of my favourites!

    Well Day 2 for me and my β€˜little blue listing book’ is working well and keeping me on track. I think I might need to add some more foods that I should be eating more of but my goodness life has just taken another turn!

    Nothing bad but just eye-opening.

    Today I started to read β€˜Ultra-Processed People’. I bought it several months ago after reading an overview in a newspaper. Now up to chapter 2 and I’m not sure that I’ll be eating anything in a β€˜box’ or β€˜packet’ ever again apart from maybe oats or unsalted nuts! Oh dear! I just had no idea.
    Has anybody read the book? I’d be really interested in your opinions.

    And yet another β€˜phenomenon’ in the β€˜healthy eating/diet’ world:
    Dietdoctor has come up with a new concept β€˜satiety’. You might well ask!
    Anyway the app is now β€˜live’ with a 7 day free trial and then Β£13 a month …. but app doesn’t work!!! Thought I would go through the motions and see … just another β€˜miracle’ ? I don’t know, it could be but until it’s tried and tested I’m staying with what I know!

    S-g interested to know if the collagen works…. will try anything once! BTW it’s a podcast not sure if there’s an abstract.

    So day 3 coming up and 22 days until our trip. I’m going to do my very best to β€˜keep the faith’ until then.

    Best of eating to everyone!

  • posted by 1960smp

    Hi all
    Just running in quickly to check i have got the right book ( journal) shame we can’t post pics…
    Mine is The Diabetes Code journal- jason fung
    Says on front cover, by the way which is a lovely light blue. The official workbook..
    Think i can add a link…

  • posted by SunnyB

    Yes, that’s the one some of us are using to help keep ourselves accountable for the next 12wks, smp.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, feeling good on day 2. Not going to do weight stuff until I have completed a full week. Must eat more calories. I had a near hypo during the night. Good job my body wakes me up. Needed just a little protein to lift my BG but just looked back on MFP and I only had 550 calories so must be careful about that. Interfered with my TRE so it defeats the purpose.

    Just back from a mammogram. In and out in 30 mins with no waiting. It was a man and he was a bit rough but the doctor who came after to do the manual exam was a woman and very gentle. I know it is all over in a few minutes but I had to go back in for one more photo as apparently I breathed πŸ™‚ All is well and I will get the Xrays in about 10 days along with the official report.

    I did 30 mins of easy yoga yesterday and managed but struggled with downward dog. Realised while I was in position that I am just fat. I really need to lose 2.5 stones. No real exercise today due to appointment. Will commit to 3 or 4 times a week.

    Hope you are all doing okay.

  • posted by Verano

    WOW! S-g 550 is soooo low. Treat your body! Glad the mammogram looks good. I’m of an age now where, in the UK , you need to ring and ask for one as it’s no longer automatic. You’ve reminded me it’s something I need to do this year!

    Nothing to report here all going to plan!

    Hope everyone is having a β€˜planned’ day.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Good news about your mammogram S-G. I also don’t think that I’m eligible anymore because I’m too old but have already had breast cancer & that was originally picked up from a mammogram so important to keep getting checked.
    It’s day three for me & I am spending lots of pennies so no doubt dumping carb fluid but it is disrupting my sleep. I will weigh on Saturday. I am trying to keep to eating between 800 – 900 low carb calories. It’s left over homemade chilli con carne with a little wholewheat couscous for my supper with perhaps a peach to follow. It was chicken salad for lunch.
    Lovely to read about all the progressπŸ‘
    Margaret xx

  • posted by 1960smp

    Thanks everyone! So glad I did get the right one. I will try and spend sometime this evening reading through…
    I also need to plan meals, that is DEF on my to do list!
    OO 3 weeks to your hols V, how lovely, am sure you are in the right mode to get prepared. Cambodia sounds interesting!
    SG, I really don’t like them either, I had mine before Christmas and alls well… Was at the hosp today for my annual ECG sohoping that remains stable too, they found a heart murmur 2 years ago and keep an eye..
    Margaret, your menu today sounds yum..

    I had a tuna crunch n salad at lunch with a cheese quiche and salad for dinner…
    Have not started logging and counting yet – something am lagging behind to start!

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone !

    Day 2 for me after my Day I fasting reset .When I start back on fasting I find I feel very cold at night and need to wear socks in bed !! Also I don’t sleep that well . Hopefully tonight will be a better night . I hear you, Margaret !

    Today I focused on protein, eggs, bacon and avocado .I don’t count calories but might start if I hit a plateau later on . At the moment I am doing OMAD , one meal a day but I will switch that up at some point . Yes, be careful to make sure you are eating enough,SG .

    I need to get an exercise routine sorted.The only exercise I got in the last 3 months was cuddling my grandson πŸ˜‰ I am starting back to my pilates class tomorrow and I hope it’s a gentle post Christmas session as I am very unfit .Yoga next week .I love aquagym but that won’t start until May so I have to get out for a walk at least . I get lazy in the winter .

    I won’t weigh for a week .

    Good to see evryone so motivated .Even if some of us have events coming up there’s still time to establish good habits .
    Keep posting and keep going everyone !

  • posted by wendleg

    Glad you found the journal 1960smp ! It’s a nice little tool for daily tracking !

  • posted by SunnyB

    SG, take care, make sure you get enough calories … at least you quickly identified the problem so can now avoid that pitfall. Hope your mammogram results are clear.

    My second day has gone well. Like Wendy, I started off with a fast, mine was from Sunday evening, broken today mid afternoon with some yogurt, seeds and a little miso. This evening was a pork steak and veggies. Tomorrow and Friday will be OMAD. Currently I’m not counting cals or carbs, but will do so if progress stalls.

    My biggest challenge as always, is adding in exercise, but so far so good. I’ve been doing a couple of short sessions (approx 10mins each) a day, mixing in various exercises …. today was some qi gong and then later squats, push ups and arm curls. Looking to extend the duration of my mini sessions so have bookmarked some wall pilates to add in too.

    Stay focused everyone!!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    I agree Verano that the revelations in Ultra Processed People are really shocking. There was also a tv programme made that may still be available. The impact of modern food processing with all the untested interactions of the colourings, flavour enhancers, preservatives & emulsifiers etc. must be having some effect on our 19th century bodies & brains. My worry is for the children from the 1960s & now who have known nothing else really than snacking between meals & fast food with the left over post war food shortages routine of only eating three meals a day & sweets being bought with pocket money in my childhood as a treat & cakes mostly reserved for Sunday or special occasions no longer followed. Michael Mosley is in a new tv series called Undercover Doctor : the secrets of your Big Shop on C4 on Mondays at 8-0pm seeing how our shopping affects our physical well being that I have recorded & will be watching.
    I am trying today to complete a 23/24 hour fast from 7-pm last night to supper this evening around 6-7pm. I have every day been following TRE because I don’t eat breakfast. It’s only two days now until I weigh on Saturday
    Keep on going everyone πŸ‘
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Sunny I already have my mammo results, got them there and then. Then when I arrived home there was an email from the hospital with all the lovely pictures and a letter to show my doctor, just said boobs supple and non granulated. No signs of anything and I will get that actual X-Rays in 10 days. You have to take your last photos with you so they can compare. They don’t keep them as you can go anywhere (a choice of many Radiography offices) so you are responsible for providing the last set.

    Today I have a rdv with the chiropodist. Nice medical appt as we just chat while she pampers my feet and gives me a foot massage.

    Verano and Margaret, yes it is quite frightening when we find out what we are doing to ourselves. For me it is the medical intervention that has scared the poop out of me. I honestly thought if I took the meds and insulin the evil sugar devil would be banished from my body. Turns out it just pushes it around into all those organs my doctor keeps checking on, like eyes, kidneys, heart, liver function etc. It appears so far I have staved off any damage despite the medical fraternity choosing to ignore what the real problem is – too much insulin and too much sugar (which then causes insulin resistance and diabetes). As Dr Fung says you should treat a food illness with a food solution, not drugs. Or more bluntly, we are rotting from the inside out. Now that is really frightening. That is why I know I have to do everything possible to save myself.

    I am a bit cross with my doctor even though he is gorgeous. I was using 7 units of insulin before my op and after being starved of meds and fed sh%t in the hospital I had to immediately go back on to 28 units. When I tried to explain to my doctor he said, what do you expect, you are older and you have diabetes which is incurable. What he fails to see is that the new damage was done over a space of 3 days and it is now a year and I am still struggling so the drugs are not performing as they did before surgery. Maybe I have post surgery malaise and not trying hard enough while my body has been healing. So it is up to me to rid my body of carbs, then rid it of the drugs.

    Anyway, I am doing well at day 3.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g it’s almost like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place! I’m sure you might be able to wean yourself of insulin but I wonder if you need some help?
    Dr Unwin in Southport started to wean his diabetic patients of carbs way before low carb became mainstream for T2. I wonder if there’s anybody, nutritionist/medic maybe, who might monitor you carefully to help you reduce the insulin to the point where your blood sugars are normal? It’s obvious that dr gorgeous is β€˜old school’ who thinks diabetes can’t be β€˜cured’ . Maybe it can’t, but so many people β€˜control’ their blood sugars with diet alone without meds. It makes you wonder if there’s a way to maybe replace the insulin with other drugs that may be easy to control and eventually remove completely? Sorry, just my β€˜wanderings’. Anyway, very frustrating for you.

    Margaret it really is an eye opener! There seems to be a lot more in the press about UPFs recently so maybe it’s the next β€˜best thing since sliced bread’, although that might not be a good saying anymore!!
    Another interesting book is β€˜Why we Eat (Too Much)’ by Dr Andrew Jenkinson. I listened to it on audio and it was really fascinating how they have β€˜modified’ crops etc. Has Michael Mosely’s new program started yet?

    Well I’m still keeping on keeping on …….
    Hope you are too!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Verano, I went through it with my doctor and he is not willing to change my meds as he thinks they are doing a good job. He was very happy with all my results and is going to do a lot more blood tests for my chronic fatigue, although not diagnosed as such have been reading about it. Checking thyroid etc. As for the diabetes he says 6.3 is still classed as pre-diabetic with meds so he wont budge. Don’t know who else to speak to as the nutritionist was as useful as a chocolate fireguard and made matters worse. I think after the first 2 years of doing so well on this diet I have become complacent with my lot and been happy to have reduced the insulin from 40 something in the early days, happier with my weight when really I need to lose at least 2 stones more. Just that the hospital set me back and it is now up to me again but to go even further. Even if I was in the UK I wouldn’t know how to self refer myself to a specialist. Seems like you cant even get to see a GP. My daughter gets everything she needs but then she is with BUPA through her job.

    This is why I have said I am the only person who can take responsibility for me. Reading, watching videos etc and learning from good people like you.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g the first thing I just need to say is that in France you are getting far better attention than you would have in the UK unless, like your daughter, you belong to a private health scheme.

    I understand β€˜complacency’ and yes there may be a certain dose of that on your part, but, you know we shouldn’t blame ourselves for doctor’s β€˜complacency’ too. Research is moving so fast that there may just be something that we/they might not have read about yet, but that will be the next β€˜New great’, β€˜Fast 800’?

    I sympathise with you. I hear your frustration. He (doctor) thinks he’s doing a good job ….. pats himself on the back . He can sleep well. After all you are β€˜ageing’ so what do you expect! Diabetes is incurable so go live with it!

    One of the things that annoys me the most about doctors is that they see a β€˜number’ (age), and that’s all they see. It’s a NUMBER! It’s almost as meaningless as BMI but sad to say, in 85% of cases or more, the β€˜NUMBER’ defines the patient and is more important than the patient’s state of health.

    I think the only answer is to say β€œforget my number, that doesn’t define me”. Treat me like I am a 30 year old!!! OK maybe 40!!

    As we all age we need to take our health into our own hands by eating as well as we can.
    We also need to pub}

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi All,
    I hesitated whether to jump back in to comment as I have not been visiting for a long while but I am moved by Sunshinegirl’s situation with her Dr. Gorgeous who feels that she is just fine continuing with her use of insulin.
    I don’t want to be a broken record, but I strongly recommend going back and following Dr. Benjamin Bikman’s podcasts — they are very entertaining (I like to listen while driving) but more importantly, incredibly informative about insulin. Dr. Bikman is one of the world’s most respected researchers on the effects of excess insulin in the body — specifically, that INSULIN ITSELF IS THE PROBLEM.
    Insulin in large amounts in the body is extremely damaging.
    The goal of low carb eating is to lower your insulin levels.
    You don’t want to just “push the sugars you eat into your fat stores” (which as Sunshinegirl notes is exactly what insulin DOES). Yes, that gets the sugars out of your blood but it makes you fatter and ultimately full of MORE insulin.
    Dr. Bikman’s best book on the subject is |”Why We Get Sick” — it explores the relationship of high insulin levels to all kinds of illness — and ultimately to the health of our brain, which to me, was always the most important thing!
    Hello to all of you still following the blood sugar diet — I am still very low carb for going on now 9 years!! It has just become my regular everyday life and my very favourite part of it is that I don’t struggle anymore with food. My body has become my friend, not my endlessly demanding enemy.
    If you are feeling wobbly, trust me, keep on going, DON’T STOP NOW — it will get easier and easier and ultimately you CAN win this thing. The payoff is huge in health and happiness.
    And yeah, ultra processed foods should never see the inside of your grocery sack — and anyway, they are all carbs so shouldn’t probably be there anyway.
    Happy New Year to all — best wishes for a healthy 2024

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Thank you for your advise and care Verano. And OMG, hi there Californiagirl. Glad to see you are still around. Your comments are exactly why I have stayed on this site for coming up to 8 years. Not just for the personal experience of people like you but also for the recommendations. Dr Bikman here I come.

    It was through this site a couple of weeks ago I bought the journal and learnt 2 new things just in the introduction. That led me to buying the Jason Fung Diabetes Code where I am learning so much. So much of it is like why are we not told all this. Why are the medical profession fooling us. Honestly, I think since the discovery of insulin the medical profession have just breathed a sigh of relieve and relied on the meds. Dr Sanger discovered insulin around 70 years ago so doctors today have lived with their ‘truth’ for so long it is totally ingrained.

    I always knew my doctor didn’t believe in what I was doing with my diet (never told him it was only 800 cals) and he even said he couldn’t ask a French person not to have a baguette every day – it is like a ritual here. But he has let me just get on with it and when it is going well it is the meds and if it goes wrong I must be doing something wrong and he rolls out his list of forbidden foods or which carbs are not even there. Just things like processed meats and cakes. Doh, that’s so obvious. He is, however, quite pleased that I don’t have any diabetic complications after 18 years but puts it down to me being a good girl and taking my meds.

    Day 4 of the new strict regime (don’t like the word diet) and I am super pleased with my results so far. Going to fit in some exercise this afternoon and I have at least a month before any more appointments and that is the opthamologist for a full diabetic check up. You will recall it was an opthamologist that saved my life last year when he saw the black marks in the back of my eye which was my carotid artery malfunctioning and then the surgery that followed.

    No Californiagirl, I will never give up and I am now more determined than ever to get rid of the meds and this diabolical disease.

    Keep on keeping on…

  • posted by Verano

    Hello Julia! Good to hear from you. I’m also a fan of Ben Bikman and am actually following him on insulinIQ he has some really good advice.

    S-g I can only endorse what Julia is saying …. Dr Benjamin Bikman makes one heck of a lot of sense. I’m following reversing insulin in 90days
    I am part way through the course and in one video he is chatting with a doctor who says one of his patients came of insulin injections after 20 years!!! I just can’t find the exact clip but if I do I’ll post the link.

    In the meantime well done. I’m pleased that your new regime is working. I’m on day5 today and it’s not been brilliant but on the other hand it’s not been a disaster! As you say ….. just have to keep on keeping on ………

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi there,
    Just popping on to say that s-g, I totally hear you about your situation with doctors. I now have 2 conditions that my new gp won’t take seriously or even acknowledge. I’ve been suspecting for the last year that my complex vertigo may in fact partially be a result of vestibular migraine. I don’t get regular migraines very often (I think I’ve had a total of 5 or 6 in my lifetime) but they run in my family. Watching my sisters and how they eat, it is so clear that their migraines are related to poor blood sugar control. I landed in casualty with severe vertigo and non-stop vomiting in summer of 2022 after having a very poor eating day where I wasn’t watching my carb intake. When I had my follow up appointment with the gp and raised my concern that it could have been blood sugar related, he dismissed it. I was having vertigo symptoms in the fall and that is what kick started me back to being serious about this woe. I discussed it with my vestibular physio who said that of course poor blood sugar control could bring on symptoms. So I’m glad I at least have 1 health professional in my court who believes me. Of course, the other thing that is keeping me going on this track is the lipedema. I can’t get a diagnosis here, and I haven’t even broached it with my current gp after the vertigo conversation, which is a condition that has been confirmed through so many tests and an ENT and neurologist. I know that the medical school he attended only did 1 hour on the lymphatic system and never covered lipedema. The lipedema foundation here finally got the school to recognize it as a condition this past year and now going forward all medical students will get 2 hours on the lymphatic system and lipedema will be mentioned as a disease of the lymphatic system. Luckily I’m responding to conservative treatments, and the fasting for autophagy has been a real game changer. I get 7 appointments of lymphatic drainage massage per year covered through my work benefits and luckily I don’t need a referral from my gp, I just book the appointments and go. I can also buy light compression garments online without a prescription, so that has been helpful, but without the prescription, I can’t get medical grade and I can’t get custom ones made or paid for. So yes, we’re on our own when it comes to our health a lot of the time, unfortunately.
    And just a little aside as it is patriotically relevant, Dr. Sanger sequenced the amino acids that make up insulin in 1958, but he didn’t discover it. That credit belongs to Sir Fredrick Banting in 1921 who was a Canadian doctor working as a researcher at the University of Toronto along with one of his students, Dr. Charles Best. They began injecting insulin into human Type 1 diabetic patients in 1922. Dr. Banting and the head of the research unit, Professor Macleod were awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery in 1923. Sorry, just had to jump in with this info. As Canadians we all learn about this in school and Fredrick Banting’s image was recently on stamps, etc. to mark the centenary of the discovery of insulin. It has been so important to saving the lives of many Type 1 diabetics, but Type 2 diabetes was previously controlled through diet and fasting and I think it is medical laziness that caused doctors to start using insulin for Type 2. Usually what you hear them say is that Type 2 patients won’t help themselves by changing their diet, etc, so they are just trying to limit the damage, but they hardly ever bother to educate themselves on how to motivate change in their patients. It’s really part of their attitude that Type 2 patients are like that because they are lazy. Same with their approach to lipedema patients. They think we’re just fat and it’s our fault for eating too much and not exercising. They never go beyond that and think that there might be a hormonal/inflammatory reason. I was a national level athlete eating according to what the sports nutritionists said and doing up to 4 workouts per day at my peak, and I was still gaining weight. It didn’t make any sense then, but it sure does now that I know what is wrong with me.
    Anyway, sorry for the long rant.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Good morning everyone & the sun is finally shining here & it’s not raining! I have just weighed & have shed 4.25 lbs of my 7.5 lbs festive weight gain but I also don’t have to also cope with such complex health problems as some of you!
    I sincerely wish that this New Year will be a much better one for everyone 🀞🀞
    Margaret xx

  • posted by wendleg

    Morning all from a pretty grey SW France but thankfully no flooding in our area .

    Hi Julia ! Good to see you and to hear you are well .Your advice was always sound and sensible !

    Big hugs to arcticfox .You are amazing to keep going with the demand sof your work, your farm and the ongoing health issues .Yes sadly you have to challenge the established advice at times .

    Talking of which ….SG I know you are researching lots at the moment and your thinking is changing .Jason Fung was one of the authors who inspired me to go low carb. Also….Gary Taubes ” Why we get fat” He is an investigative science and health journalist and his research is extremely thorough .It does mean his books are long and a bit heavy at times but the advice is sound.

    I just read that he has a new book ‘ Rethinking diabetes . What science reveals about diet, insulin and successful treatment ‘ It will be released on the 18th January .It’s 512 pages but Taubes knows his stuff
    I reckon it is worth a look


    Apart from that I am staying on track with my journal and healthy food choices .I went back to pilates on Thursday and ouch I have been stiff ever since !!Talk about unfit !!

    Enjoy the day and the coming Week everyone xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone

    Arctic, thank you for your consideration of my situation and for sharing your problems. This is a safe space but also a place of learning and I think we are learning you have to take care of yourself. It is great if you can find a medical ally but this is not often enough in my view. I do hear newbies now saying they were recommended the BSD book for their newly diagnosed diabetes (or pre) and that is great news.

    Thank you for the insulin info Julia. I have certainly heard of Banting but didnt realise it was his work on insulin that lead to future discovery by Sanger. You are right that insulin was a life saver for T1 diabetics but doctors became lazy and thought it would be good for T2 when we know we are not lacking insulin but with high glucose, insulin is flooding into our bodies and just not able to cope. So injecting with insulin for me is only making my situation worse. I live in the hope that one day I can stop completely and say nah nah nah to my doctor i.e. told you so. My own complacency led me to take my foot of the pedal when I lost weight and saw my BG drop along with my insulin. So, taking what the doctor said, yes I am older, yes I do have diabetes so yes I have to make even more effort.

    I liked the quote today in the journal Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food. Watched a playback of the Tonight programme on food and ageing and was interested that they recommend collagen supplement. Although they did say one man was eating chicken feet to get this and it worked. Not ready for that.

    Verano, I logged onto the Insulin IQ and I am working through the course on reversing insulin resistance. That is now my lessons each day instead of FutureLearn.

    Wendy how is the painting going. I have retrieved the one I did of my boys as it was appreciated but my daughter didn’t know what to do with it and the boys didn’t want it in their rooms. So I have just the place for it. Keep on.

    Have a good weekend.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g InsulinIQ is a great substitute for futurelearn!
    Funny that that is the quote of the day in your journal, because I read that same quote on IIQ this morning, Hippocrates!
    We seem like a sad lot with all our aches and pains but at least here we can be sure of a sympathetic ear, a helping hand and the benefit of our experience. None of which may be a great deal of use but at least we know we’re not alone!

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Sunshinegirl, I can hear your focus and determination in your writing! I think that was what caught my attention a few days ago, that you simply realised that it is up to you to make these changes and only you can save yourself!
    I think that same thought was what finally got me to start seriously on the low-carb road. I wasn’t going anywhere but downhill to more and more troubles with weight and health and I had to save myself. The journey has been worth every difficult moment. Best wishes moving forward. So glad that Verano is also a Bikman fan and that you are already on his website!
    Arcticfox — I totally relate to your comments about being an athlete, working out, following dietary recommendations and STILL getting fatter. That was exactly my experience too. And interesting you brought up the question of whether or not something else in going on — I have come to the conclusion that SOMETHING is going on out in our environment that is making it hard to get control of our weight. Is it hormones in our water supply? Is it stress from modern life? What the heck IS going on that is driving this situation?
    Although I have come to believe there is something going on, the good news is that this way of eating is effective.
    Hi to Wendleg too! I saw you had become a grandmother — how lovely and congratulations!! Thank you for the heads up about Gary Taubes new book. I love his work and it was his “Good Calories Bad Calories” that originally changed my mindset so I could accept the research on carbohydrates. Now THAT was a seismic shift! My first breakfast after that “ah ha” moment was a cheese omelette and bacon and black coffee — that was SO WEIRD. No juice, no toast, no fruit…. why it was just a lot of fat. Now I laugh at that memory.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Bonjour a tous, Arctic, it was you who said about Banting, sorry for mixing you up. Can get confusing when using real names along with psuedo-names.

    I feel I am doing quite well and losing weight but need to get my carbs down further. I have been logging between 25 and 45 g carbs daily and want to be around the 20 mark but I count total carbs not net carbs so I am probably lower than I think. Only ‘bad carbs’ all week have been one slice of Ryvita at 7g and today, 1 slice of multigrain bread which was 21g – that is going to be cut out. My successes are that I have cut out my nightly square of chocolate. Not really bad for me except it is just a bad habit. The IQ site doesn’t totally ban the occasional ‘bad carb’ but for me, I am not talking about birthday cake but even noticed that my oat milk is high in carbs but only 5.8 and almond milk is lower at 3g and also less calories than the oat. Just a few tweaks needed. I have to let go of worrying so much about calories, although I have been around 750 to 850 all week. Still quite pleased with my progress and BG is in a good place.

    Hope everyone else is doing good.

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon.
    S-g I’m sure you know that the β€˜total’ carb figure in the UK is actually the β€˜net’ carb figure unlike the US where the β€˜total’ carb figure actually is the total and you have to deduct the fibre. I have no idea what the French system is. If you’re counting β€˜total’ carbs you could be way under you daily carb total, especially if you’re eating high fibre foods. Might it be better to count net carbs? Anyway, glad that whatever you are doing is working well!

    Another week just one sleep away and another new start!

  • posted by 1960smp

    Good afternoon!
    SG, I read your post “Although they did say one man was eating chicken feet to get this and it worked. Not ready for that.” and thought, you could potentially be making your own stock using them? I have learned this only last year and as gross as it seems, the result is so flavourful. I make jars and jars of the stuff ( canning ) which I took up around covid lockdown. I use it to add to soups, gravies and even a drink. YUM

    Anyway, sick this weekend. Viral am sure but knocked me slightly back…
    Weigh in tomorrow and shall make a new start this week. I have my journal, some menu planned and hope to keep on.

    Hugs to those who might need one, and look forward to reading more success stories as the week goes on

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Verano, what I meant about carbs is that for example, on my oat milk it says carbs 5.8g of which 1.2g are fibre. I say I have had 5.8g and not deducting the 1.2g of fibre which I should do to get net carbs. Also, a lot of my calculations are automatic say in MFP or I ask google for the nutrient values so it says one apple 29g carbs with no breakdown. I rarely eat from packets or tins so I don’t know what they say. I still say I am counting total and not net. Just found a tin of Baxters French Onion Soup which I brought back from UK, it says 29g carbs of which 14g are sugar and 1.8g are fibre. I would say I have had 29g of carbs but not deduct the 1.8g of fibre. So UK products show total carbs not net. BTW since looking at carbs I wont be having the Onion Soup as it is a hell of a lot of sugar. I bought it because a whole can is only 90 calories but that is not where my counting is concerned with now. Im still learning.

    1960, I do save left over chicken when I debone thighs to make kebabs. I put the bones and any meat left on into a pan of water and boil. Yesterday I had the chicken water and bits of chicken with some sweetcorn. Hubby said it tasted the same as from a Chinese takeaway. But no, I am not going to eat fried chicken feet.

  • posted by LittleDrummerGirl

    Morning! Hope you don’t mind me hopping on the bus – I haven’t been around for a very long time so thought I’d pop in while I sort my life out πŸ˜‚

    Last year was a total bust for health and wellbeing! Been at risk or redundancy since June last year so massive ongoing stress, had a colonoscopy in November for suspected bowel cancer (fortunately negative) and totally stopped all hobbies and fitness in the summer as my life went on hold due to the work situation.

    So, here I am, not my heaviest, but not far off – about the same as 12 months ago, give or take two or three pounds, so a fresh start on Fast 800. Last day of the first week today for me, so weigh in today will see how I’m getting on. Starting to swim again tomorrow, am crocheting like a fiend in the evenings to keep occupied and will start picking up some instruments at some point to get back in the music groove – although I start singing lessons tonight as a new thing, so we’ll have to see how that goes; suspect that will require much of my available practice time as I’m tone deaf and can’t hold a tune πŸ˜‚

    Hope you all have a great week!

  • posted by wendleg

    Thanks for your good wishes Californiagirl ! The little man is 3 months old today.I wish he wasn’t on the other side of the world but as someone said to me once ..’ You can’t give your kids wings and then prevent them from flying ‘ So true and as I left my home country 34 years ago I cannot complain . Looking forward to the summer when I see him again .

    Welcome back LittleDrummerGirl ! I am going to have to call you LDG I’m afraid πŸ˜‰ Good to see you and hope this year is a better one for you . Sorry to hear about the stresses . The main thing is you are back and feeling positive and we will do our very best to keep you motivated .We are not plugging Jason Fung’s journal as any diary will do but that is helping the gang to track daily foods and progress .

    So folks …if you started on January Ist, your Week 2 begins here .I started on the second so I have another day in the journal to complete. I am in the swing and no distractions in view.I am still not doing enough regular exercise which I can definitely improve .

    SG …. something that keeps popping up in my reading is the importance of eating healthy fats to lose fat . I am not a calorie counter but I definitely stay low to very low carb .I don’t worry about the calories in my avocados, oily fish , cheese etc. I just don’t add any white stuff . How do you feel about increasing your calories in the form of healthy fats which won’t affect your insulin levels ? know you are on the ball and doing your research but have you come across this ?

    Have a good week everyone !
    Wendy xx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Just popping in to add a comment on UK carb labeling.
    Our labels here definitely show net carbs, under which is how much of those grams are sugars. The fibre is a separate line and these grams have already been deducted from the total carb content … please see the explanation via the attached link

    Great to see old contributors posting again, always good to know there are others who have been able to make low carb a long term way of life.

    Little Drummer… sorry 2023 was such an awful year for you, hope that this one will be much brighter. It sounds like you have kicked it off in good style, with plenty of positive action. Looking forward to reading of your progress in the weeks to come.

    Like Wendy, I have another day before the end of my first week on the reboot. So far things have been going well, but we’ll see how things look at weigh in tomorrow.

  • posted by 1960smp

    Well! I am surprised…have actually lost 1.5kg since my weigh in before Christmas!!
    I have, as yet, to start my journal. I will get to that today, I hope.
    Sg, I hear ya re fried chicken feet, the mere thought of it makes me feel yuk lol. No, I add them to the stock I make as it helps gelatinise them but apparently most of the good collagen is in their feet .hahaha too.

    Hoping to make a real positive dent in my eating habits this year….

    Hi to all those travelling with us, we need one another to enable us to do it.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all,

    Great start 1960smp, keep it up. Great to have you on board LGD, shout out if you need help or just an ear to listen.

    well no matter how carbs are counted I know I don’t eat white stuff as Wendy calls it so some of my higher carbs are coming from things like oat milk or lentils etc. Put into a calculator I never go over 50 and usually around 35. I will cut out the occasional Ryvita and one slice of bread on a Sunday to mop up my canned tomatoes but besides that there is very little else I can do and I am happy with my numbers.

    Wendy, I think you might have missed the point of the chicken feet conversation. It has nothing to do with fats, of which I eat all the good stuff like avocado, full fat Greek yoghurt or now Skyr, almonds, olive oil etc. The point was about getting collagen. I have started using collagen powder in my first tea of the day. My daughter used it as she had back pains and read about how it returns the elasticity of the bindings around muscles. She has not had any pain since using it. I don’t know if it is helping me or if it is the yoga but I did manage a lying down pigeon pose yesterday πŸ™‚

    My weigh in is tomorrow and I am happy with my BG. I am sticking with 20 units of insulin even when my BG goes down, as recommended by the doctor and will only think of reducing it when the low numbers are consistent.

    Have a good week.

  • posted by LittleDrummerGirl

    Morning all!

    Thanks for the welcomes 😊

    I’m not using the Jason Fung journal, but I am a big fan of his and have had a number of his books for years, which I re-read for motivation occasionally! I’m tracking things on my Fitbit and HabitNow for the time being, to get me into the groove. I’m currently low carb, but do have the odd bit of rye bread to put my poached egg on, or bulgur wheat with my tuna. I start the day with actimel and chia seeds at around 6.30am and then try to have finished eating by 12.30 (bar the odd evening cup of tea). Looking to keep at 800 or a few over if an extra mug of tea is required. Will see how it goes and amend if needed.

    Well, first weigh in today and 9.2lb off, which is great. Knew I had a lot of fluid retention & inflammation so losing that fluid is great. Lightest since June last year, so I’ll take that! Onward to week two!

    Back to swimming tonight – going to see if I can swim for an hour, rather than banging out 400m as quick as I can and legging it, as was my usual approach πŸ˜‚ I’m aiming to swim 5k in this year’s swimathon at the end of April, but I’m not sure I’m going to make it – it’s not the distance that worries me, but the 3hr cut off! I’m definitely not built for speed – was always at the back of the field when I ran half marathons, and doubt I’ll be any different swimming, but I’d hate to get to the cut off and be two lengths short or something!

    Singing lesson last night was fun – apparently, despite all evidence to the contrary, I can sing – or so the teacher advises me! But she would, wouldn’t she πŸ˜‚ Also looking to get my drum lessons started back up and they’re seeing if my drum teacher will pick up the bass guitar lessons I’m waiting to restart as I can’t find a suitable tutor/timing at the moment, so that would be handy. I might not have a job in three months, but I will hopefully be more musical πŸ˜‚

    Hope everyone is having a good week.

  • posted by RubyG

    Ruby G and hubby still here πŸ™‚
    My weight this morning was 12st10.6lb, so a few lbs gained over the festive season, which I did expect.
    But we’re back in the low carb zone and back to work, more office days than WFH days too now, so a packed lunch and no snacks. I have homemade soup again this week, which brings me to S-G’s collagen conundrum.
    I agree that chicken feet may be a step too far, but what about pig’s trotters? They should be readily available in France, 1 in a pot of soup with lots of veggies – I particularly like the fact that a soup like this is solid at fridge temperature πŸ™‚

  • posted by RubyG

    I also wanted to add, the Jason Fung journal sounds really interesting, but as I don’t measure blood glucose (I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic), I am not sure if the journal would be useful or not – happy to be convinced either way.
    I have read The Obesity Code, but not The Diabetic Code.

  • posted by SunnyB

    That’s a very impressive discard, LDG, even if it might be largely fluid. Seeing a good result on the scales
    or having clothes feel looser, is a great motivator. Sounds like you have a very full social life, including lots of exercise. Exercise is something I struggle to get a handle on … currently making more of a concerted effort though, adding in a little everyday.

    On the bread front, have you tried making linseed bread? It just 2tbsps milled linseed, half tsp if baking powder, a tsp of melted butter, an egg whisked together and a little water if necessary to loosen the batter. Put this in a large greased ramekin and microwave for about 2mins. Job done.

    Ruby, glad to see you and hubby are still with us. Like you, I’m not diabetic/pre-diabetic and don’t measure my BG, but I’m finding the Fung journal quite useful. It is helping me to stay focused and motivated and includes a goal for each week and a quote to reflect on each day. However, the journal was suggested just as an interesting addition to our usual routine here, so is by no means a necessity. There are some people here, who have always kept a journal to record their progress and any journal or diary would suffice if you wanted to keep track in this way.

    Finally, the result from my weight in today … Happy to report I’ve ditched all but a tiny fraction of my festive season gain. Currently still fasting from Sunday evening, plan to break that mid afternoon. We are away this coming weekend, by way of a celebration for my birthday. This will certainly be a challenge and I’m fully expecting to see a blip upwards at the beginning of next week, but am determined to find my way back to target weight, so will be reporting in again same time next week.

    Looking forward to reading about everyone’s progress, so please be sure to post.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, hope you are all still energetic and motivated. Can I just say I don’t have a problem with collagen, just happened to see a programme about supplements and the man eating chicken feet. It was totally rejected as you would have to eat at least 3 every day….. I am taking a collagen supplement and quite happy with it.

    On the subject of ‘the’ journal. I am reading about how people find them useful so my comments may not go down well. I think FOR ME they are a waste of time. Recording weight loss, food intake, exercise is not a waste of time but I don’t need a the Jason Fung journal to do that. It is not the essential recording I don’t like, it is all the navel gazing and what did I do well today, what can I do better etc etc. Maybe if you asked me that at the end of my week I would have some comments but every day I just say the same or say nothing. I log on MFP everyday, it does useful calculations of calories, fats, carbs etc. I have a chart on my fridge with what I ate and what I weigh. So not saying keeping track is not a good thing, I just don’t need the Jason Fung journal to do that. So if you are just writing things in a diary or on a homemade chart that is fine. In fact this site is also a good way of keeping ourselves on track.

    Well done to LDG, that is an impressive loss. Welcome back Ruby and husband, don’t go disappearing off again and stick with us for the 12 weeks if you can,

    My weight loss for the week is 4lbs. Better still my BG is running quite low around 68 to 75 so will consider lowering insulin by 1 unit for this new week. I am still keeping carbs low but will make one swap from oat milk to almond milk, half the carbs and calories. I use it to mix my Purition shakes which I use about 3 times a week, so they are not a big part of my plan.

    Have a good week 2 and keep on journaling if it is helping you stay on track.

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