Izzy's 8 week diary :)

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  • posted by Izzy

    Good Morning all πŸ™‚

    I weighed in this morning and it’s hovering around 11 st, so I’ll make that my official -1.5 down this week. Hopefully by next week I will be properly established in the 10’s, so I’m still happy. I haven’t measured as my tape measure is in the loft. I might be up there tonight so I’ll bring it down and measure tomorrow. My work trousers are definitely looser anyway.

    Raspberry shake for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch. Baked potato for the kids tonight and fajitas for us. I’m going to do home made salsa yum yum. Lettuce wraps for me, normal ones for the lean hubby.

    I had a good day at work yesterday and was in the right place at the right time to install some new controls for a customer which is a bit more interesting than what I do most of the time, and had some lovely customers too.

    My daughter wants me to make a too small onesie into a summer one with short legs and sleeves so I might have a look at that, she also wants me to make her a cushion, and a bolster cushion, and I have the mermaid tail thing still to do that she doesn’t know about. So many things so little time lol.

    Well I got to go, few things I want to do before getting my son up, have a lovely day πŸ™‚

  • posted by weescotty

    well done Izzy! good to read. Did you watch ‘fixing dad’ on telly? It was inspirational and hankies needed – especially for end credits with photos. I was BAD last week – it was my birthday. Getting back on wagon pronto. Today I find I haven’t got a foodplan which wearies me. I don’t really like spending so much time thinking about what to eat. Getting further with collecting recipes and ingredients – just need a final shove to get a rhythm of a menu up an running. Love hearing about your crafty doings too. I don’t tend to make much in ‘Summer’ but later on will continue learning how to draw Celtic shapes and writing blessings to go with them. I also knit and sew and like photographing nature. Filmed a wee baby coot on a local pond last week cute bundle of fluff. It is a late baby the rest are now bolshie teenagers.

  • posted by HappyLife

    Hey Izzy!
    You are so talented with all your fun projects!! Wish I had time to do some like you as creating things is so rewarding!
    You will reach your 10 stone soon, maybe tomorrow!!!!
    I just went to buy a couple shirts yesterday because my shirts are too big and my clients are telling me I need a couple new ones and I am down 10 full sizes from when I started this program. 10!!!
    I will probably be in shock about this for another week so bear with me, but it’s amazing and I thank you for all that you share in all of your inspiration.

  • posted by Izzy

    Hi Weescotty, hope you enjoyed your birthday and welcome back on the wagon! i like taking photo’s as well mostly of stone circles and castle (and my kids)

    Hi Happy, excuse me, but did you just say 10 sizes? 10 SIZES!!!! OMG Happy that is just amazing! You must look incredibly different! Well done you really deserve your success!

    Well the kids are all fed and I’ve made my salsa and the fajita stuff is all at that stage where it can be sorted in 10 mins once the little one is in bed. Looking forward to it.

    After that I plan to escape to my den. I’ve taken in all the other wood from outside that was waiting to be burned in the chimnea. There are sections of my daughters old bed a couple of table legs and the sides from my sons cot. I have a few ideas and plan to re-arrange my space a little. I’ll see what I can do with what I have. I’d like the original workbench to be just for sewing and plan to make an area at the other side for my painting. I also have plans for other stuff… but it is all still forming in my mind.

    I’ve been watching youtube tutorials of people making clever organising drawers for lightweight things from cardboard and foam board which is pretty inexpensive…So I’m hatching plans to build with those ideas between the roof supports. Utilising the space I have to it’s best advantage. I love the planning and thinking and making! The whole process.

    Well it’s time to be off and have some snuggles before my sons bed time.

  • posted by Izzy

    I forgot to say No, I haven’t watched saving Dad yet, but I do plan to.

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    This weekend I am a party pooper. Staying here in the mountains and go swimming in the lake instead of going on a wild trip to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It is the capital of the state Pennsylvania. But the high life is a town next to it called Hershey, Pennsylvania. Yeh, that Hershey.



    I have not been to HersheyPark in over 5 years. But, there is no way I am going with my sister to such a place. I wish I did…but no willpower there.

    Stay in Adirondacks and go for a dip and kayaking. I won’t see any junk food saying hello to everyone!

    Maybe next year I will go on such an adventure.

    Keep your willpower strong everyone! We all fall off the wagon; but get back on it again! πŸ™‚

  • posted by HappyLife

    Hi Izzy,
    Yes 10 sizes! In fact I just went back to the shop to get a new bra and it’s 8 sizes smaller!!! I just got one. They are so dang expensive and I am too frugal to spend on those since I will need more new ones later. I can wash it nightly!
    Now I know why the shoulder straps were all fall off.
    Happy day to you!!

  • posted by Izzy

    Ah Mr Stud, I’m one of those people who really doesn’t like the rollercoasters! I’d rather have the quiet life!

    Happy 10 sizes is just amazing, 8 sizes for bra! I’m down 3-4 sizes and I look a fair bit different it’s hard to imagine how different 10 sizes would be!

    I’ve made 2 big shelves out of my sons old cot sides πŸ™‚ and I was in the process of constructing an angular workbench for my easel but my drill ran out of juice πŸ™ so I have it charging and I’m having a cup of tea and a little chill πŸ™‚

    I’ve ordered some foam board and a glue gun to make myself little drawers, so many ideas, so little time! I’ve put on hold my little trips out to stone circles etc as I can’t spend on trips as well as the craft stuff I have bought recently and continue to buy. The actual space and construction is mostly recycled stuff but I’ve easily spent Β£150 on bits and bobs for making and sewing! I hope to make some money back but the problem is I still have so many things I want to make for myself/family it could be a while before I can make anything to sell.

    Although I have a lot of holidays to use up and I’ve asked for a week off next month so perhaps if I get that week I can do something then as well as in a month I will have a few hours on Friday mornings.

    Well I’ve finished my cup of tea so I best go see if my drill has charged up enough to finish what I want to do tonight.

  • posted by Izzy

    morning πŸ™‚

    Well I got my loft re-arranged a little. Fixed the shelves down properly and finished the easel so it all just needs tidied up and properly organised, which will become easier once my foam board comes and I make drawers πŸ™‚

    However when I went to bed I couldn’t sleep so I ended up watching a movie and then still couldn’t sleep and it was 0100 at least before I was sleeping but never mind. Here we are in another day. My husband is on late shifts for the next 3 nights, so I can be up in the loft every night once the kids are in bed and get it all sorted and try to go to bed early as well.

    food today, normal breakfast shake, pickled eggs for lunch, hunters chicken for dinner.

    Back later gotta go πŸ™‚

  • posted by Frog

    Morning Izzy
    your loft sounds brilliant!
    I’ve never had pickled egg – are they vinigary?

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Sorry Izzy does not like Rollercoasters. I have no idea if I like or dislike them…….. I never been on one thanks to epilepsy! It sounds like you are melting away!


    I think you should really reward yourself….Like a swedish massage or something of that sort. What an accomplishment! 7 days and my handlebars and getting smaller. I am still waiting for my scale and glucometer to come. This is what sucks about buying online!

    Wish you all for following The Witch Of The West and succeed in MELTING, MELTING!!!!!!!!!


  • posted by Izzy

    Frog – yes eggs in vinegar! prepared and jarred up you have to wait at least two weeks to eat them and then they last in the fridge for 6 months. I’ve eaten the last of mine though so I need to make more.


    Mr Stud, a massage does sound awesome…

    Well last night I ate some things I shouldn’t have in an uncharacteristic fall from BSD grace. I’m not really sure why. I wasn’t feeling great yesterday and I think I’ve let myself get too tired recently. I’d also forgotten to take my medication in the morning. Anyway I came home last night and ate some chocolate and a biscuit, and then a packet of crisps! I’ve never done that since starting BSD! I’ve only ever maybe had one thing at a time, and usually it has been planned deviations like when I was out with my friend. It’s always felt controlled until last night.

    I considered not telling you guys – the nature of the internet… no one would know… Only I know. The kids don’t know, my husband doesn’t know…However I think in order to trully conquer my demons I needed to stay true and honest here. This diary is where I keep myself accountable after all and if I’m not honest here then where will I end up?

    So last night after eating the things I shouldn’t, realising that actually I was pretty exhausted I went to bed early. I was asleep when my daughter phoned me (from her bedroom lol) at about 2215 to ask me something, and I was asleep again when my husband got home from work at 2300, then slept right through and was not ready at all to get up this morning!

    So last night is done and gone. I stepped right back on the wagon when I went to bed, and hopefully that is where I will stay. I’m having a strawberry shake, I have cheese salad for lunch and hunters chicken for dinner (didn’t have it last night)

    I feel a bit shaky this morning but I don’t know if that is post-carb nonsense, or tiredness. Anyway much as I’d love to be back in the loft this evening I really think my body is craving some good old fashioned rest so tonight I will have another early night I think. Tomorrow is Friday so I only need to get through today and my working week is done.

    So back on track – listen to my body- practice self care.

    Have a lovely day my friends.

  • posted by Angiebabe


    You sounded really tired Izzy maybe that’s what was happening and your body was pushing for some instant energy? There is a huge correlation between weight gain and lack of sleep I should know I am a prime example.

    The strange thing about the BSD is when things go wrong I kinda stand back and look at myself and think now why did that happen? In the past I would have kept my head down and carried on eating and not wanted to know why.

    Bless your heart be very kind and gentle with yourself for a few days and things will be fine.

    You have a huge following of well wishers here so lie back on that cushion of support.

  • posted by PrincetonianStud


    Interesting article above. Kicking the wheat binge eating habit again is no different than…………

    Getting high on HEROIN in Hamburg’s Reeperbahn Red Light District!

    Yes, Wheat, Barley and Rye are nothing more than Opiates (Just like Opium)! That is why you eat one Drake’s Coffee Cake and end up eating 6 custard donuts 1 hour later! Hunger is never associated!

    Welcome To The Mosley Rehabilitation For Opiate Junkies (Like I used to be in Philly eating Cheesesteaks)

    Rules Of The Princetonian Stud:

    1) Cut the GMO foods
    2) No genetically made foods allowed: That includes Frankenfish
    3) Eliminate Genetically Modified Chemistry Lab Made Wheat, Barley, and Rye FOREVER (Yes, booze also)

    Like the Pringles Commercial Says:

    Once You Pop…………………..:O:O:O:O


  • posted by Izzy

    Thanks Angie and Mr Stud!

    I remember seeing someone here (I think?) talking about how pringles and hula hoops are made – apparently no one would eat them if they knew, and Dr Mosely talks a lot about Carb addiction in the BSD book.

    I made it through the day without eating crap today thankfully so I’m back on track but very tired. Part of me wanted to get into the loft tonight but I know I don’t get myself out again early enough, So I’ve stayed downstairs and now my daughter is home and settled and my son asleep – I’m tucked up ready for some snoozing.

    Grateful that tomorrow is Friday and I’ve made it to the end of my work week.

    Night BSD peeps

  • posted by greenjanet

    Big pat on the back, you will feel better when you wake up knowing you have a good day behind you. I have also battled a bit today, carby things kept jumping out at me, blinking family not eating their food, but managed another 800 day and 51 carbs. Yeaaaaaa bit waves in the air, ooh I’m easily pleased.

  • posted by michaelmas daisy

    I’ve just watched Fixing Dad on the BBC I-Player. It was down-to-earth, funny and inspirational.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi Izzy,
    So pleased to read that Thursday was a better day for you and you’re focused on the BSD…….and you’ve got 3 whole days before you have to face work again. Well done.

  • posted by Izzy

    well done GreenJanet! we can make it through another day too I’m sure !

    Michaelmas Daisy – I keep forgetting about that, I’m going to watch it NOW. My son is busy cutting the grass in the lounge with his toy hoover lol so I’m sat here with my herbal tea.

    Thankyou Switzerland, I know you empathise with how it starts to feel for us tired people! I think I’ve just been carried away lately with getting the loft all done. I was thinking that when I go up there I should set a timer on my phone – decide before I go up that I want to be in bed by 2200 for example, so set my timer to remind me because once I’m busy with a project I don’t notice the time.

    I need to be generally more disciplined with myself I think.

    Midweek weigh in shows my weight the same at just under 11st, so pleased to see a 10 at the start still lol. So I will keep moving forwards. Less than 2lb’s to my next mini target (which will be 2st lost on BSD)

    My son has sooo much energy today! I will need to take them out later I think! I don’t like taking them shopping but we still need to get my daughter school shoes and also some new stationery for school so I might take them out and go for those things and maybe a park on the way home. Or we could take the train… my son likes the train. Hmmm decisions decisions… and in town there is a Hobbycraft… haha I’ve spent soooo much on craft stuff! But if I take the train it will be a deterrent as I will have to carry what I buy and I will get more steps too…

    might have a look at the train times and decide after breakfast.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi Izzy,
    Brilliant idea – setting a timer before you go to the loft. As you know, when you’re being creative, the space/time continuum morphs into something that Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Brian Cox would no longer recognise (although they would have experienced it when they were formulating new theories).
    It’s great that your weight starts with a ’10’. Well done.
    I’ve been pressing some flowers. Beautiful purple violets and white violets. Truly, I didn’t even know I had white violets in the back garden until I was ‘scratching around’ last week-end. I’m also starting to do some calligraphy again. I’m best at Old English font. I’ve always loved how perfect it is.
    Enjoy your days off and good luck with catching up on some (much needed) sleep.

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Hello Izzy:

    I am the sinner……. Putting Pringles video up and saying that they ain’t even potato chips!!!!!! Creeps me out that people actually eat that crap (2 years later when quit eating most, but not all, junk food). Atleast ice cream and potato chips you know the ingredients by looking at it!

    Cruising up empty highway in the Boonies of New York. Off to the lake house to rest and relaxing. Maybe stay the whole next week. Working on a laptop, I can work with Santa’s elves at the North Pole or Kangaroos in the Outback.

    I LOVE MY FREEDOM!!!! I mean freedom from the 9 to 5 slavery we call work and getting stuck in THE MATRIX!

    Well, I need a break from the BIG CITY and get away a while from the chav. People with stuffed shirts give me a headache when shopping or doing anything in the BIG CITY.

    Well, TGIF!!!!!! Have a great weekend!


    The Stud

  • posted by Izzy

    Hi Switzerland, I used to play around with a calligraphy kit in my youth! I enjoyed it but I never mastered it. Everything like this is calming I think! I’ve never tried pressing flowers either but we don’t really have any lol.

    Mr Stud, I crave your freedom! My desire is to give up my day job, be around more for my kids and write/make/sew/paint things to sell. I don’t know for sure if I can ever make a living this way but I am going to try! It will be a few years before I could ever give up my day job anyway so I can work towards it slowly.

    My daughter has a friend who wants me to paint something, and another friend who wants me to make her a keyring, My daughter wants another keyring, and my Mother – liked her painted coaster so much she has become my first paying customer. She called me last night asking for me to make her 6 to give to her friends as little christmas gifts (which is a compliment for me to know she thinks they are nice enough not just for us but to gift to her friends) I would do them for free of course but she wants to pay me. I’ll just ask for the cost of the materials though. Plenty time to be charging lol when I feel my skills are worthy.

    Well today I deliberately had lunch at home (I had my usual shake for breakfast and then soup for lunch) so that I didn’t have to navigate eating out, it feels too soon after my slip up the other night. So we had lunch and then decided in the end to take the car and we headed into the city. My daughter now has her school shoes, and pens/pencils/folders etc. A scientific calculator and a pretty nice new pencil case (all the while I was thinking… I could make one of those) and her school bag arrived in the mail so I’m pretty sure that is her all sorted. Oh her blazer hasn’t arrived but it has been ordered so I’m hoping it won’t take too long. 3 weeks before she needs it so it isn’t like I left it until the last minute… and she needs new undies. I did buy the kids some sweets when we were out, and I did consider having something myself, but I stuck to my plan today.

    We also went to hobbycraft… I got some paint in colours I was running low on and a new set of brushes, some zips for making things and duct tape with skulls on… just because. I probably bought some other bits but for the moment I’ve forgotten. In the mail I received some iron on vinyl which you can use to laminate fabric – I plan to make a new cover for my mobile with it. I have so much stuff now, fabric, ribbon, beads, key ring hardware, zips etc I really need to make stuff! I wish I had more time. It will get easier as my son gets older but I don’t want to wish his time away either.

    I had a lot of holidays at work left to use up so I have a week off booked now at the end of August so I can do some crafting then. In addition my friend and I have tickets for the Rocky Horror show in September and want to make ourselves something outrageous to wear so I may be focussing on that by then! So much fun to be had.

    Well it is nearly my sons bedtime and I have a headache so I best go get my glasses. I have bad habit of forgetting to wear them.

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Dear Izzy:

    Four score and Seven years ago, our forefathers bought forth a new ……………….


    It is called the internet. Try selling your arts and crafts and other creations online at:


    You might be amazed at the stuff being sold on that website.

    Go for it or someone else will!!!!

    PrincetonianStud Freedom

  • posted by Izzy

    I’m going to Mr Stud! I’ve been deciding where to start. There is a UK version of Etsy called Folksy so I thought I might start there and perhaps ebay, and see how I get on. The best approach seems to be to use etsy, folksy, ebay and amazon all combined as some things sell better in different places, but my time is limited for the moment and I can’t afford to over commit myself.

    I can’t sleep so I thought I’d check in… earlier in my loft I made a little storage unit with foam board. Inspired by but not directly copied from youtube tutorials.Mine has two larger drawers, 4 medium ones, a large shelf… and the skull duct tape I bought earlier has decorated most of it πŸ™‚ I’m going to add a picture to my blog.

    I now have a place for all my little bits. It turned out really well and as has become the norm with almost everything I make… my daughter wants one! I have plenty board left so I think I will make her a smaller one. The one I saw on youtube was smaller, just 3 drawers for make up etc and wrapped in wrapping paper and then varnished which might give a nicer finish than my skull duct tape (which is almost finished anyway)

    Well I’ve supped a herbal tea and now I think I should really try to sleep again.

  • posted by Izzy


    Well I had my normal shake for breakfast, and I’m about to have boiled eggs for lunch. After that we are going to the cinema (family time) to see Finding Dory, and then we are having dinner out.

    I will be careful with my meal but I may allow myself a pudding. No sweets or popcorn etc.

    Apologies for turning up smelly – I’m off to have a shower, see you guys later have a nice day πŸ™‚

    pics of last nights creation are on my blog πŸ™‚


  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Hey Izzy:

    People always ask me what I do for a living. I get people with their mouth wide open and look at me like I am from Mars. So what do I say that makes people look at me with eyes bulging out?

    Oh, what I do for a living? I sell bento boxes and cardboard shipping boxes. (yeh, even boxes used by pizza shops)

    I see you looking at me like I am a strange dude. Yet, I sell on US Amazon and drop ship from their warehouse. I never do any work on that at all physically. Just order and drop ship from Amazon. No inventory or trips to post Office to ship.


    That is a good site to start from for ideas of what to sell online.

    ETSY is your best bet since Americans have more disposable income.

    Live Long And Prosper

  • posted by Izzy

    Thanks for the link Mr Stud, and well done for finding something that works for you. The best ideas are often the simplest ones, people do over complicate their ideas often!

    I’ll need to start and keep a proper record of everything I buy and sell.

    Breakfast today was strawberries and greek yoghurt, lunch was soup, dinner is going to be chicken and veg.

    I’ve been out most of the day helping a friend with something and still avoided eating anything I shouldn’t (yesterday at our meal out I had chicken and bacon salad, and a banana cheesecake pudding)

    I’ve not made crackers for a few weeks so I think I might make some for this week, and maybe try something else too not sure what yet… I need to pick my daughter up at 2100 so the night will be a bit fragmented, I’m also committing to editing a chapter of the story I wrote last year every night – it won’t take long. There is a competition in September I may enter it into, or I might just try to submit it to a publisher and see what happens but either way it needs edited. I also want to get more of my second story written. I’m pondering the idea of committing to writing a couple of nights/week. I haven’t really written anything properly for months and I don’t want to lose that part of me in favour of sewing lol. I want it ALL. Yes I’m greedy.

    So tonight at least is going to be writing and baking I suspect!

  • posted by Izzy

    I didn’t update yesterday – I was running late in the morning and then I was overcome by tiredness in the evening and took myself off to bed early. I’ve kept up with my daily plan of book editing though and had a weird dream last night… I had sent my book to a publisher and it came back all ‘corrected’ with red pen all over it lol.

    Today is weigh and measure day – my weight stayed the same but I did have the slip up last week and I had cheesecake when we had a meal out. However – I’ve lost 12 inch from my waist and hips so that’s ok πŸ™‚

    We are low on food in the house for my breakfast no berries πŸ™ so I’m having a satsuma and some of the pecan brittle I made. I won’t have time for lunch today as I’ve got my doctors appointment at 1700 so I need to finish a bit early, so I don’t mind having a bit more than normal calorie wise for breakfast today. I have some nuts in my van to nibble.

    After the Doc we will be seeing my Mother in law and sis in law who have booked a caravan site nearby for a little hol, they live 400 miles away so we don’t see them often. My sister in law is 10 and my daughter is 11 lol we like a good quirk in our family. My Mother in law is only 10 years older than me too.

    Well I guess I best head off and make my sons lunch!

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Just had to congratulate you, Izzy, on losing a FOOT from your waist! πŸ˜‰ :):):)

    Fantastic, and well done. I know you are low in food in the house, and no worries, but do be careful of satsumas. I used to eat bucket loads of them at Christmas, and have always loved them – bought a few when on self-catering holiday a couple of weeks ago with the family, and at the end of the time ‘just finished them up’ as you do.

    OMG when I entered them on MFP and saw how much SUGAR was in them…..!!!!

    Need to be very very careful in future.

  • posted by Frog

    hi izzy- 12 inches – brilliant
    sounds like the loft project is proving its worth!

  • posted by Nursebean

    WEll done Izzy!! That’s amazing stuff! I never think to measure myself, I always just rely on the scales – and the looseness (or not) of my clothes! πŸ˜‰

  • posted by Mumofthree

    Hi folks
    Can I join in? πŸ™‚
    I’ve been on the BSD for 6 days now, and really struggling. I really really want to bake some cakes. I’m a mum of three and stay at home sewing, I’d really recommend Etsy, Izzy.
    Kids are calling, speak later.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi MUMOFTHREE and welcome.congrats on starting BSD x
    Do you just want to bake cakes or bake cakes and eat them! The former wd be ok !
    There are some recipes on here for making cakes using ( i think) using almond flour. Take time to have a browse,so much info and support here.
    Do you feel any slimmer yet after six days? Will you get weighed after yr first week ?
    Try to stay strong coz the first week can be very challenging..you may feel weak and tired..and you may crave bread etc..but it does get easier as yr body adjusts to its new regime,then you start to reap rewards! X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    IZZY just catching up on some of yr diary..youve lost 12 inches from yr waist! Thats remarkable! You must look a totally different shape,and in a short time! X

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Yowzer49 is all what this site is all about:

    Support for all, and all for support! (Yes, Arthos also)

    I thought this would be a good tune to sing to yourself when you urge for those custard donuts or other process foods:



  • posted by Yowzer49

    Ahhhhh BeeGees always hit the spot PS! X

  • posted by greenjanet


    12 inches of waist, Wowser, bet you are mega chuffed, how much more have you to loose. ?

  • posted by Izzy

    Oh my… I’m feeling like such a fraud.

    I’ve lost 1/2 inch from my waist and hips this week, is what that was supposed to say!! I have lost 5.5 inches from both since I started though lol.

    I have visitors just now so I will update properly later.

    Humble apologies for misleading.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Its us Iz,not you.lack of food maybe,making us lose concentration!
    5.5 inches from waist and hips is fantastic..must be v noticeable, are you getting lots of compliments! X

  • posted by Izzy

    Hee hee yes people have noticed, my Mother in law hasn’t seen me since January so she saw the difference and other people have said too πŸ™‚ I’m down 3-4 sizes. I still have around 2 stone to go which at my pace will take a long time but that’s ok.

    I had chicken and cashews for dinner with half a corn on the cob.

    My doctors appointment went well, I have an appointment at the hospital for some tests (regarding my dizziness) and I might have to get another blood test. My iron is normal now so I can stop taking the iron tablets and although the depression and anxiety is much improved she thinks I should stay on my anti-depressants for a bit longer. She says the ones I am on are not addictive with minimal side effects and that I should give myself the respite and be properly better before coming off them. I’m happy to take her advice.

    So I have hospital tests on 15th august and then hospital consultant on 5th october but don’t need to see the gp for a few months. Winter can be stressful for us with my husband suffering from his SAD, so I don’t think I should come off my medication in winter, I expect I will just stay on them until early next year now and then decide from there.

    I’m off to finish my book chapter and head to bed, Mother in law not long left and taken my daughter with her lol. They are staying on a caravan site a few iles away as it’s a real squeeze here for us to have guests as we don’t have a spare room.

  • posted by Izzy

    Yowzer it’s funny you posted that picture, because that was where the book I wrote came from. One night I was in a mess due to personal problems, I went to pick up my friend in her pyjamas – she hadn’t planned on going out but wanted to help me. We drove and sat in a car park and I sobbed on her shoulder. That night as we sat talking and looking out at the stars we timed it perfectly and were treated to a meteor shower. It made me feel like just maybe everything could be alright. That night I went home, picked up my laptop and started to type. Several months later I had woven a magical tale revolving around starlight and magic. Sometimes if I can’t sleep I stand at my back door looking at the stars and trying to get my head around the fact that many of them no longer exist – only their light does. It’s kind of like watching a memory. There is much to be awed by in the world.

    Night night πŸ™‚

  • posted by Yowzer49

    What a fab story! And youve written a book…wow! Isnt it marvellous you were so inspired after feeling so down.
    Its funny how things can change suddenly ..and yes, a big coincidinky that i sent that particular pic x
    The world is awesome isnt it..full of magic and wonder!
    -And its also a small world – but i wdnt want to hoover it! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  • posted by Izzy

    It isn’t published but it’s going to be part of a trilogy, I’m going to try to get published – dream big!

    a very rainy day here today so I’ll be getting soggy dropping off my son soon!

    I’ve had a shake for breakfast, stocked up on frozen raspberries yesterday πŸ™‚ having soup at lunch and I think either chill or bolognaise with courgetti later.

    Have a great day BSD-ers πŸ™‚

  • posted by HappyLife

    Hey Izzy,
    I am trying to play catch up as I have been offline over a week due to travels.
    Re SAD do you have the sun lamp for your hubby? Lots of people have it here in the northwest also and we have a HuGE medical sun lamp ($300) we have used for 18 years. We don’t have sad but we miss the light anyway and I like it sunny and bright to do my jigsaw puzzles.
    I don’t know how things work there but hope you can get one if you don’t have one. Makes a huge difference for friends here. Also my indoor flowers bloom all winter!!

  • posted by Izzy

    yes we have a lightbox for his SAD ( all the healthy rays without the suntan) it made a big difference to him last year. Nice to see you Happy I hope you are well xx

    Morning all, I’m supping my usual shake, cheese salad for lunch and tonight as it is my Mother in laws birthday we are having a takeaway. I won’t have rice πŸ™‚

    I stated here previously whilst talking about the author Elizabeth Gilbert – that I didn’t like her book ‘Eat Pray Love’. I had tried to read it previously and gave up on it quite early. However I like her talks about creative living, and her book ‘Big Magic’ and I wanted to know more about her so I decided to give it another go and downloaded the audio version. Now I don’t know if it is because I *wanted* to know about her, or if it is because I like the way she talks (she did the audio herself) but I got hooked and ended up really enjoying it.

    I’m now listening to ‘Mindfulness for the Frazzled’ by Ruby Wax, among other things… I’ve not read much for a while but I seem to be re-hooked lol. I listen to the audio ones in my van between jobs as I have bored of the radio – I go through phases of enjoying music and then only wanting my favourites, and flit between various talking radio shows but mostly they all talk politics just now and nothing is grabbing my attention, so I have started listening to books instead.

    Ruby Wax’ book is a 6 week thing so I’ll read it in the sections and try her suggestions.

    For now, I’m thinking… BSD bookclub? might start a thread…

  • posted by Izzy

    Morning my lovelies πŸ™‚

    Well mid week weigh in is showing me staying the same again, but we had a take away last night and I also had a bit of chocolate. We are also going out for dinner later and there will be birthday cake for my Mother in Law so I’ve decided to just let it happen. I’ll only have a small piece of cake and I’ll still avoid all the obvious carbs for the meal out and my food at home will be my usual low carb small portions. I won’t be binging and snacking and eating everything in sight. If I can stay the same this week I will be happy, I know I haven’t been as vigilant so as of tomorrow I’ll be back to normal and making sure I drink enough and log every mouthful. complacency has sneaked in I think.

    My son woke me at 0550 πŸ™ he used to sleep later on a weekend, at least past 7 but I know some people struggle a lot more with their kids sleep we are very lucky really. He is in bed by 8pm and although he doesn’t always sleep straight away he is fine until the morning. My husband is off today and tomorrow so he is sleeping in today and it’s my turn tomorrow!

    Today we are probably going to a castle with Mother in law and the kids and then she is moving camp site, then dinner out and chill for a bit. My husband is then coming home with our son to put him to bed and stay home and I’m going to take my Mother in law, sis in law and daughter to a stone circle in the dark πŸ™‚ fun stuff.

    You know how people shorten stuff to MIL for mother in law, DIL for daughter in law? well… I can’t remember how it happened but a few years back it evolved that I call her MILDO and she calls me DILDO lol. I’m ever grateful that we get on so well.

    I’m behind with my book editing so I’m off to make a morning shake and get on with that. I’m awake and my son is playing so I may as well do something useful!

    Have a lovely day πŸ™‚

  • posted by Izzy

    helloooo, I missed a diary day yesterday lol probably the first time since I started! But i have been busy with MIL and SIL.

    Friday I was off plan and ate too much and then didn’t feel well. Maybe one day I will learn! Yesterday I still felt iffy and stuck to BSD, will today as well. As if in defence my scales have died and need a new battery but it means I can live without the knowledge of a gain if I have had one lol. I’ll pick up a new battery on Monday if I can, if not I will just wait until next week to weigh in. At this stage it doesn’t really matter – it’s a long term thing now. Days where I fall off now and then will happen but I’m straight back on.

    I’m behind with my book editing and I’ve made nothing new in the loft however MIL and SIL are only here one more day so I want to give them my time.

    My son just went downstairs and came back up (I’m still in bed) and presented me with a macademia nut lol. His Dad was eating them last night and left some out. I guess I will get up and decide on breakfast, maybe I’ll make us some pancakes. MIL will be along later this morning and my daughter and SIL want croissants. I’ve run out of vanilla extract but need to nip to shop anyway.

    Hmm oh well I’ll get up and rummage!

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Don’t feel bad! I missed writing last night also! I was busy fight a war against you Brits! Yes, of course the Revolution:


    239th year since the Battle Of Oriskany! Big celebration. Many of the ancestors (Indian and Whiteman) died in that bloodiest war in the Revolution! Yeh both Patriots and Torries!


    Here is a video on the Oriskany Battle in the US Revolution! Them Torries killed my many of my ancestors in this war. One of them is General Nicholas Herkimer!

    Look carefully, at the next site: You see a picture of Mohawk Indian Chieftain Joseph Brant. I am direct decendant of him because his wife was Molly Brant, Englishwoman coming who’s family ended up here in US in 1702. The obilesk in the picture is the memorial we had a wild party last night! The Oneida Indians come because they were on our side fighting 239 years ago in the bloodbath war.

    The Oneida India, Mr. Patterson, and newly wed wife were there. He sang an Oneida peace song during the ceremony. Both them have moved from a Reservation to Oneida, New York to stay at the other Oneida Indian Reservation. Quite a great celebration by the US Government Park Service!


    Well, I have to get back and kick some British Ass! πŸ™‚ Wait a second, We speak English in US today! Who won the war!!!!??????
    Off to the family reunion!

    Live Long And Prosper!

  • posted by Izzy

    kick us gently please some of us are fragile lol.

    It is very sad looking into history and seeing what various humans from all over the world have done seemingly with little conscience. It still goes on in modern ways but the suffering is the same for the victims. It’s important to remember I think.

    MIL and SIL were here all day but I won’t see them now for several months (400 miles away sadly) I spent an hour in my den once they were gone and my son was in bed and made a new improved alien keyring for my friend πŸ™‚ my daughter snaffled the last one I made anyway lol

    foodwise in the end today I had a shake for breakfast, soup for lunch and hunters chicken for dinner, and some pecan brittle.

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