Hello, I am just wondering if pearl barley is okay. We tend to eat a reasonable amount of legumes and grains, but am now worried about the carb content of these two food classes. Thank you.
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Hello, I am just wondering if pearl barley is okay. We tend to eat a reasonable amount of legumes and grains, but am now worried about the carb content of these two food classes. Thank you.
Hi Suhara
I don’t like to class foods as OK or not OK. It can depend on a lot of things – and how much of a food you have and how often.
If you are looking to reduce your carb intake, then pearl barley wouldn’t be something I’d eat often.
The Diet Doctor website has some good visual guides on carbs and some good recipes- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/low-carb-grains. If you are vegetarian or vegan perhaps ask others what their meal ideas are. Post a question on the weekly thread – this week is One week at a time 5th Oct.
This link gives a guide that includes barley. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/low-carb-grains
Lots of good knowledge on this forum, so post any questions you have. 🌼🌼🌼
oops – that Diet Doctor link should have been : https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/visual-guides
Thank you for your help. I’ll look up the links. Cheers