Another week is here and motivation is doubled after watching Ben Bikman and then another with Jason Fung. Seems like a few of us were on the same page. I am attempting to be more keto by at least not letting some carbs creep in. For example, I normally have 2 boiled eggs but I also have one Ryvita – that has gone. Today I have had 2 boiled eggs, lunch was miso soup with spinach and chicken and tonight I am having red pepper stuffed with left over chilli and cheese. I was really impressed that it not how many calories you have but what is in those calories. He uses the example of 100 calories of broccolli against 100 calories of bread. Both the same calories but one will turn your body into a fat burner and the bread will mess with your hormones. The other thing I took from it was we have to buy pin oats, we buy real oats but the rolled oats. I never buy what is called instant oats which I think is mixed with sugar and sometimes a touch of cinnammon so thought we were doing the right thing. Hubby has porridge most days, me more rarely.
It just shows you that even after nearly 9 years on BSD I am still learning, the science is changing and there is always something different to learn.
I was a bit naughty last night and had a couple of vodkas and it has really shown on the scales – although could be partly bounce back from the booze I had on Friday. Anyway, that is it at least until end of Feb.
Margaret you are correct that lack of sleep can upset weight loss – again it is to do with hormones and insulin resistance. I have always been a poor sleeper and no amount of medications or home remedys can change that. Although I am now taking Magnesium +3 (malate and citrate are the 2) and besides not having cramps or restless legs for a while I also seem to be sleeping better.
As with others I am too sedentary and my plan to exercise every other day soon went out when one of the days we had the electrician coming, another (Friday) was my birthday and I was getting my hair done. Going to get back on it later today. Not sure who said about chair yoga a few posts ago. After my surgery it was 6 months before I could do much of anything ie housework, exercise etc. Then over the months I discovered I had asthma as well and I was physically unable to do more than 5 mins of my usual hard core Shaun T HipHopAbs – absolutely no way. I started doing a one month chair yoga course and even little things I found difficult like lifting my bottom off the chair using my arms, turning, reaching – I was totally breathless. Then after the month it was like I was a new woman. I am now back to Shaun T also standing yoga with Adrienne. Yesterday I was dancing around the house like a nutcase and feeling absolutely great – such a change from a week or so ago when I was really down. If you are feeling down please know it will pass.
Well after all that gabbing I had better go a do my 30 day French course of French cuisine with Geraldine Lepere. See you all soon.