Forging Ahead in February –  one month at a time in 2025

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  • posted by SunnyB

    Well, that’s January done and dusted! I know many have struggled through what was largely a dreary month, so if you have had any success in ditching lb/kg, a huge well done to you. And if you tried unsuccessful to make progress, dust yourself down ready for a fresh start.

    Days are getting longer now and hopeful spring flowers are starting to put in an appearance to help lift spirits. So it is an ideal time to refocus and kick February off in a positive state of mind.

    Can I suggest we take time to review our goals for the month (and long term) and adjust them if it feels necessary. Then make a plan for how you are going to navigate achieving those goal and get ready to make February count.

    Hopefully lots of old ‘faces’ and new will join us for the month ahead and as usual we’ll do our best to offer support and encouragement as needed.

    SunnyB, SunshineGirl and Wendleg

  • posted by Verano

    Thank you Sunny.

    February, new month, time to refocus. Will make a plan for the month tomorrow although I think I may just be doing the same as January but with a bit more ‘care’. Looking forward to the new month.

  • posted by Pootle

    Thank you Sunny.
    Shaking January off…welcome February and 🤞 spring! Sunshine and spring flowers make such a difference!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you Sunny & I have lost 0.75 lbs last week so a 4lbs total loss in January not yet getting rid of my festive weight gain of 6lbs that I feel disappointed about. I’m viewing February as a more positive month now with a refreshed attitude to be able to be more focused & to forge ahead losing at least seven pounds this month.
    I am playing a competitive short mat bowls match this morning so some exercise today 😀
    Happy February everyone & keep on going 👍🍀🍀
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, thank you for the thread Sunny.

    My goal for January was 3lbs so I am happy to say I have lost 5.5lbs. My goal for February is 3lbs again but I have a birthday meal next Friday. Also, as I have been and succeeded in dry January (Yipeeeeeee) I was going to have a drink tonight. Open a nice crisp Bergerac white, but having second thoughts as I don’t was to spoil things. We will see.

    Hubby surprised me with a big huggy Hoodie Blanket. I look like an eskimo but it is lovely and warm. I am always complaining I am cold and he said he does actually listen so it was sweet of him.

    Have a nice weekend.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Margaret, 4lbs is a good loss, you will soon be rid of the other 2. I know how it feels – like you are going backwards but that is in the past, look forward and keep on keeping on…

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thanks S-G & you also keep on keeping on!!

  • posted by Verano

    S-g brilliant result!

    Margaret 4lbs is 4lbs what’s shabby about that? Just keep going

    I planned 2lb per week for January but i managed a smidgeon under but then we were away for 9 days. No excuses really.

    I was planning on 2lb per week but I think that may be a bit ambitious. Maybe 1lb a week with any extra as a bonus will be my February target!

  • posted by Pootle

    S-G, That is superb…a real bonus 2.5 lb! Hope you enjoy your birthday meal without stressing about what you are eating.

    Margaret 4lb is a good result…hope the bowls match went well and the exercise helps!

    Verano I think a loss is a loss… keep positivity, a 1lb target is probably a good idea, then you can celebrate the extras!

    I am still maintaining at my target weight. 🎉😁

  • posted by Verano

    Pootle my last plan was 1lb a week but I wasn’t very successful so I thought if I had a stricter plan it might work. Anyway, I am losing which is the most important thing so I’ll just keep on keeping on….

  • posted by Verano

    Thinking about a plan for the coming weeks I think I might follow s-g and instead of a weekly goal I think I’ll go for 6lbs this month. As you say Pootle, anything more will be a bonus.
    Have a good week.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Having read all the impressive results from others (well done to you all), I thought I should report my result for January too. Sadly it was a rather paltry 2lb loss, but that’s okay as I’m now 1.1lb from being in the right stone bracket again. True, I could have done better, but I see no point in beating myself up about it. It’s more important to concentrate on what I do from here.
    So as a slow loser, my aim for February is to drop 1lb a week🤞🏻, which would set me up nicely to hit target again before we go away in April. We have a couple of things happening this month, so there will be some alcohol and the occasional off-piste day, which is why I’m keeping my expectations low.

    Anyway, I hope to achieve my modest goal by using a mix of fasting, TRE and OMAD, but most importantly, avoiding those pesky carbs as of matter of routine! I’ve had a good BSD day today and will be fasting from dinner this evening to dinner on Tuesday, which should kick things off nicely for my result in the first full week of February.

    Looking forward to reading how you all get on in February, so keep posting everyone.

  • posted by wendleg

    Thanks for the new thread SunnyB !
    I am still here and had a good January staying focused. I haven’t weighed yet ..I tend to prefer to check how my clothes and my insides feel 🤣. My clothes feel looser and my insides are happy after Christmas Carb Bloat. Acid reflux has gone .
    I am fine when I am just cooking for myself or managing a fasting period. Hubby prefers hearty meat dishes cooked in the slow cooker!
    The danger arises when my son and partner come over as inevitably I eat more carbs /dessert as I always cook something they enjoy. Then it takes me a few days to stabilise my blood sugars and ketone levels. I accept it’s part of life and I just have to adjust. I have a lunch date with a friend tomorrow so I have to be very careful the rest of the week. I always look long term so hopefully it all balances out over the month .
    Six weeks before we go to Australia..six weeks to make a difference!
    Well done everyone. Keep going…small victories are always to be celebrated. Remember it’s about health above all xx
    Wendy x

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, just shows what a few drinks can do, had a couple of vodkas on Saturday (1st Feb so not dry January) and was tempted again on Sunday evening, just a couple. 1kilo gain. Okay, managed to lose nearly half of that by today but still over my January weight goal. Can I say I was also very stupid. I bought something in the UK – ready dumplings, just add water. They were massive (but yummy) but I am sure it didn’t help with my weight. Never buying that again.

    It is my birthday on Friday and I will go a enjoy a lovely meal and a few drinks but try not to let it run over the whole weekend.

    Blood glucose has been very low and I was up during the night eating chocolate and Werthers originals – will have to cut my insulin.

    Just got to keep on….

  • posted by happysnap

    Hi everyone!

    I am back after lurking here for a some time.

    Things have been extremely hectic for a while. I ca’n’t remember if I’ve shared this, but I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, which basically means the pressure in my brain is too high. Idiopathic means they don’t know the cause- but that’s not quite true because the cause is metabolic (insulin resistance) meaning its caused by my obesity, so the way to reverse it is, you guessed it- weight loss.
    Part of the problem is that I am severely insulin resistant so weight loss is very, very difficult. I am very eating very low carb, doing lots of intermittent fasting, and some extended fasting, but even so, my weight loss is extremely, painfully, disappointingly slow.
    So I have been prescribed Acetazolamide (a diuretic) to reduce the swelling on my optic nerve to reduce the risk of damage to my optic nerve but my consultant keeps stressing that the best treatement is weight loss. I know that and i’m trying my best but as I said, the weight loss is so challenging! so the medication comes with a host of difficult side effects, including constant migraines, joint tingling and swelling, severe fatigue, metallic taste in my mouth, etc etc.
    So understandably these these these last few months have been hugely challenging. But I really have been trying with the weight loss, because I’m desperate to get off the medication and start living again. I have now changed from Acetazolamide to Topiramate because it is more successful with treating headaches and hopefully will start seeing an improvement in that area- and a side effect of this med is weight loss so who knows??
    In total, I have lost 4 kg so far- a very small loss for the amount of effort but I will not give up!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Happysnap, so sorry you have been battling both on the medical and weight front, with them so tightly interlocked. I’m a slow loser too, but am lucky enough do not to have any medical issues, even so I can imagine how screaming frustrating it must be for you.

    Try to focus on what you have achieved … that’s 4kg you no longer have to deal with. Hopefully the new medication will help and you’ll soon be reporting another kg or two ditched.

    Please drop in to offload as often as you need to, we’re here to support each other and offer encourage.

    Keep doing what you’re doing and keep us posted on how things are going. Take care

  • posted by Verano

    Happysnap welcome back. So sorry to hear of your problems.
    Please take a look at Ben Bikman’s podcasts etc. He is so hot on insulin resistance. His mantra is …
    Control Carbs
    Prioritise Protein
    Fill up with fat and fibre.
    Wishing you well and hoping you find a way through your current problems.
    Always somebody here to help where they can.

  • posted by Pootle

    So sorry to hear about your troubles. Losing 4kg is an achievement, it is 4kg you no longer have to carry.
    I hope the headaches ease and life becomes a little easier!

  • posted by happysnap

    Thanks for the support and encouragement!
    Yes exactly, that’s 4kg gone and 4kg closer to remission so I will just have to keep on keeping on to quote some wise person on here! I will check Benjamin Bikman out- thanks for the tip!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    I’m sorry to hear how difficult things are for you happysnap but you are doing well so keep on going & posting how you are doing👍
    I’m trying a fast day today until supper & usually don’t anyway eat anything until lunch at 1-0pm after supper the night before at 7-0pm but still feel that I am not fully back into this low carb routine yet.
    I am reading a lovely series of books written by Martin Walker an English writer who lives in the Périgord region of France about a fictional small town policeman named Bruno immersed in French country life in the fictional town of St Denis. The stories are a delightful commentary on French country life full of recipes because he likes cooking and the history of the Dordogne. There is also a cookery book out with the recipes of the area which is fun to read. I buy them as second hand paperbacks from a well known online supplier & I can share them with my husband this way although we are running out of book shelf space. I’m also finding reading an actual book rather than on my kindle seems to help with my poor sleep rather than reading digitally.
    I am hoping that I might lose some weight this week & will weigh on Saturday. It’s lovely sunshine here in Sussex today but very chilly with a heavy overnight frost.
    I hope you are all having a good week🤞🤞🍀🍀
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, Happysnap, no need to lurk – welcome back. Hope things get better for you.

    Margaret, on your recommendation I looked at the books you mentioned and found him on French Kindle – in English. Was going to order one at €3.99 but saw his first 6 books were being sold as a collection for €2.99. Not a bad price even if I don’t like them. I like tough thrillers like Angela Marsons and just discovered Carla Kovach but it will be nice to read a gentle story – think he might be like Midsommer but in the Dordogne.

    Managed to get down to 71.6 (went to 71.4 before drinks) so should be back down by tomorrow but out for a meal. I am not going to worry about it and after my birthday we have nothing special until hubbys birthday 23 March – might have a quiz night inbetween.

    Was in our local town yesterday getting my free gift from Yves Rocher which is a tube of face pack. But noticed my lady sewing specialist has closed down. Anyway, I have a recommendation for another lady so will be giving her a call in a few weeks to alter my jumpsuit for the cruise – still got plenty of time. Hubby tried on his tux and his trousers are too tight, going to see if they can be taken out or will it be an excuse for a trip into Bordeaux where there are some trendy shops and a day out. On verra -we will see.

  • posted by Verano

    🎈🎁🎉🎂🥂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sunshine-girl🥂🎂🎉🎁🎈
    Have a lovely day!

  • posted by Pootle

    Happy Birthday Sunshine Girl! Have a brilliant day! 💐💐💐🍾🍾🍾🎁🎁🎁🎈🎈🎈🎉

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Happy Birthday S-G 🍾🥂🎁💐
    I hope you enjoy reading the Bruno books & you got a bargain because I am paying £3-50 for each secondhand paperback👍😀. It’s a wonderful feeling being able to have clothes taken in 👏👏⭐️
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon.

    So today I sat down and studied my progress, or lack of, these first three weeks of my plan to lose 2lbs a week and I have done exactly half of that. So OK, but this fourth week and I’m really struggling and have even had a minute gain, maybe one glass of water too much!

    I realise that I don’t have that ‘raw desire’ that we all have in the first flush of BSD and I also realise that that won’t return. So, I’m making a new plan. I had planned for 6lbs in February but we are one week in and I have gained half a pound so far! Bad news really. Anyway, I can’t make up my mind whether to downgrade my 6lbs to 4lbs or not. I do think that 4 might be better to aim for as I really don’t want to end up saying “to heck with it, this isn’t working”. So just a slight tweak for me.

    Hope everyone is ‘forging’ ahead!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, happy Sunday.

    I had a wonderful meal on Friday – not a bad carb in site – medium rare steak with wedges of celariac a stip of aubergine, pak choi with wasabi. I didn’t touch the bread on the table but I did have the dessert which was kiwi fruit tartlet – very little pastry. I had to order dessert as a massive firework candle comes on it and the whole restaurant sang bon anniversaire. Our friends took a lovely video of my reaction and I look not too bad – smiling and happy.

    Margaret, I wont get round to reading Bruno for a while as I am in the middle of a Angela Marsons book and have just bought another by Carla Kovach. Think his series will be nice on the cruise, just some light reading.

    Verano, when we have been on the diet as long as we have it is not easy to either get motivated or do fantastic like at the beginning. Dont expect too much of yourself. I went for 3.3lbs a month because it took me to a round number when we get to the cruise but with the ups and downs of Christmas and birthdays etc I am happy to stick to the 3lbs and maybe not be quite as light as I hoped. Then blow me down, did 5lbs in January. Even though we had a night out I am still aiming for 3lbs for February. I gained 0.7kgs or just over 1lb after Friday but made a pledge not to let my birthday last alllllllll weekend, so no treats last night and I have already lost 3/4lb from my gain. By Tuesday I hope to be back to 71.7kgs – still a bit up on January weigh in. Then every effort to get to less than 71kgs by end of Feb. Just do what you can.

    Just been watching (and still watching) Ben Bikman talking to the CEO called The Insulin and Glucose Doctor – This Will Strip Your Fat Faster than Anything. It is 2:45 mins, so very long. Get to about 1:45 when he starts talking about Keto and how it acts like Ozempic (he doesn’t use that word). It is all interesting like we all have the same number of fat cells we had when we passed puberty and (with some exceptions) that never changes, they just get bigger or smaller. As usual he is very interesting and with the CEO making him talk to him so he can understand.

    Enjoy what for us is a wet and windy Sunday. It will get nicer.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g can’t believe your post! I’ve come on here to recommend the exact same podcast! I’m half way through as we speak. I came across it purely by accident but he makes everything so much clearer in this podcast than in his other ‘talks’. Very impressed.

    Yes you’re right about not expecting too much.i think I should maybe stop setting ‘targets’ as I just seem to be setting myself up to fail. I’ll just go for a loss each week. Even if the loss is only half a pound it’s still a loss.

    Glad you had a lovely birthday without spreading it out over the whole weekend which could have been so easy.

    California girl, if you’re out there hope you’re well. I always think of you when I see/hear Ben Bikman.

    Anyway back to my podcast. Monday tomorrow, new week new start.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    A disappointing weigh in for me yesterday gaining 0.25lbs. I know it’s not much but I had hoped to have lost something & obviously need to review where I am going wrong. I know I am too sedentary & my legs certainly feel worse not having shed my festive gain & I am wondering if my poor sleep is also affecting my lack of weight loss. I’m spending lots of pennies through the night thinking it’s carb fluid loss but apparently not. Oh well I will keep plodding on & have an April goal to aim for losing more weight before hopefully being given a surgery date.
    I hope everyone has a good next week 🤞🤞
    Margaret xx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Strange but true …. I too stumbled on the very same Bikman podcast over the weekend and earmarked it to listen to tomorrow!!!

    SG, really pleased you had a lovely birthday meal …. the food sounds delicious 😋 and well done on keeping such strong control the rest of the weekend.

    V, I think I might join you in aiming to ditch at least something each week, rather than aiming for a definite weekly or monthly target. Like yourself, SG, Wendy and a few others here, I have been on the ‘programme’ for many years (I started Feb 2016) and it does indeed feel really tough finding that all out drive again. However, I am determined to continue to do my best to get back (or very close to) target again, but more importantly, to be more comfortable in my clothes and healthier too. Have to confess, have been a bit off-piste this weekend whilst visiting eldest DD, so not expecting good news on the scales tomorrow, but am prepared to own that and get on with things in the week ahead.

    Margaret, I’m definitely too sedentary and am trying to motivate myself to try some chair yoga, as a way to start getting myself moving a bit more, before tackling anything more intense. Anyway, there is plenty of time for you to see positive results before April, so brush off this week’s disappointment and make tomorrow a fresh start. There’ll be at least myself and Verano joining you and quite possibly a few others too.

  • posted by wendleg

    Sunny is absolutely right ! I too have been on the program for a long time ( 2018 for me , where has the time gone ?? !!! )
    It is true that finding the same motivation as in the early days can be difficult but I tell myself that I have learned so much and I am sure my health has improved as a result and we have established some good habits .OK there may be times when we drift off track but beating ourselves up doesn’t really help . Accepting that we struggle at times , that we ‘allow’ a few celebrations … it’s no big deal …until we veer completly off track and then it’s a very slippery slope for sure !
    Setting manageable targets, checking how we FEEL , how our clothes fit, going out for a gentle walk, gentle yoga or pilates, it doesn’t have to be intensely strenuous .But it helps .

    Wishing you all a good week , especially if you are struggling . I too found Steven Barlett’s diary of a CEO interview with Benjamin Bickman ! I love podcasts . The Food Junkies one is interesting , also The Wellness Scoop with Ella Mills and Rhiannon Lambert and Dr Mindy Pelz The Resetter podcast .I am a fan of fasting and I always learn something from The Fasting Method Podcast

    So .a fresh week, fresh start tomorrow.Wishing you all the best

    Wendy x

  • posted by AnnieW

    Sounds like a lovely birthday meal SH.

    I am a slow loser now, I’ve lost 2kg since the beginning of the year and have 2 to go to get back to my ideal weight. It’s slow going but hoping to get there by the end of next month, in time to put some back on during an anniversary meal! So 2 down in 6 weeks and 7 to lose the next 2.

    I too have been listening to the Ben Bikman/CEO Diary podcast whilst doing my jigsaw puzzle this afternoon. Have to confess I listened to it at 1.75 x speed but still have the last 20mins to listen to. A lot of interesting information in it. On the dementia front, my father-in-law has quite advanced dementia and lives in a home but we have noticed he is brighter in a morning, after a long gap between his early evening meal and late breakfast, possibly coincidence as not sure if he will get into ketosis but it is a possibility. My husband has been told he is pre-diabetic and is trying to improve his diet (he loves his carbs) but I can’t get him away from cereal for breakfast or having a pizza and at least one cake every week. I am praising when he’s doing well and cautiously ‘criticising’ bad choices. Left to his own devices he would think cutting out bread and potatoes would be enough. He has a follow up blood test tomorrow so we’ll see if he’s right.

    I had a pretty bad fall the week before Christmas which I broke with my face 🤪. Pity it wasn’t before Hallowe’en though, I could have gone out with needing any ghoulish make up😀. All ok although my ribs keep reminding me not to do it again. All this to say my exercise routine has been reduced since then but I’m building back up now. I do love quite a few different You Tube channels for my exercise and some favourites are Improved Health which has all kinds of exercise, dancing, walking, seated, weights and no talking, well worth subscribing to; I’ve gone back to Yes 2 Next a mother and daughter channel where the 80+yr old mother does many of the exercises seated. Lucy Wyndham-Read for variety and The Girl with the Pilates Mat for Pilates exercises. I’ll be starting back with Fitness with PJ as soon as my ribs allow (she’s a bit more hardcore). Just to say both Improved Health and Lucy W-R have videos for walking to reduce glucose levels after meals so I’ve been doing these twice a day – it can’t hurt.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Another week is here and motivation is doubled after watching Ben Bikman and then another with Jason Fung. Seems like a few of us were on the same page. I am attempting to be more keto by at least not letting some carbs creep in. For example, I normally have 2 boiled eggs but I also have one Ryvita – that has gone. Today I have had 2 boiled eggs, lunch was miso soup with spinach and chicken and tonight I am having red pepper stuffed with left over chilli and cheese. I was really impressed that it not how many calories you have but what is in those calories. He uses the example of 100 calories of broccolli against 100 calories of bread. Both the same calories but one will turn your body into a fat burner and the bread will mess with your hormones. The other thing I took from it was we have to buy pin oats, we buy real oats but the rolled oats. I never buy what is called instant oats which I think is mixed with sugar and sometimes a touch of cinnammon so thought we were doing the right thing. Hubby has porridge most days, me more rarely.

    It just shows you that even after nearly 9 years on BSD I am still learning, the science is changing and there is always something different to learn.

    I was a bit naughty last night and had a couple of vodkas and it has really shown on the scales – although could be partly bounce back from the booze I had on Friday. Anyway, that is it at least until end of Feb.

    Margaret you are correct that lack of sleep can upset weight loss – again it is to do with hormones and insulin resistance. I have always been a poor sleeper and no amount of medications or home remedys can change that. Although I am now taking Magnesium +3 (malate and citrate are the 2) and besides not having cramps or restless legs for a while I also seem to be sleeping better.

    As with others I am too sedentary and my plan to exercise every other day soon went out when one of the days we had the electrician coming, another (Friday) was my birthday and I was getting my hair done. Going to get back on it later today. Not sure who said about chair yoga a few posts ago. After my surgery it was 6 months before I could do much of anything ie housework, exercise etc. Then over the months I discovered I had asthma as well and I was physically unable to do more than 5 mins of my usual hard core Shaun T HipHopAbs – absolutely no way. I started doing a one month chair yoga course and even little things I found difficult like lifting my bottom off the chair using my arms, turning, reaching – I was totally breathless. Then after the month it was like I was a new woman. I am now back to Shaun T also standing yoga with Adrienne. Yesterday I was dancing around the house like a nutcase and feeling absolutely great – such a change from a week or so ago when I was really down. If you are feeling down please know it will pass.

    Well after all that gabbing I had better go a do my 30 day French course of French cuisine with Geraldine Lepere. See you all soon.

  • posted by Verano

    Looks like a few of us our reconsidering our ‘roots’! I never did a Keto diet just ‘low carb’. I don’t know how low Ben Bikman considers is low enough to get into ketosis …. anybody have the figures? The most striking thing from the podcast that I came away with is stop carbs from “bags and boxes with bar codes”. So simple! No crackers, crisp breads, and crisps! etc. etc. etc.

    February is such a difficult month I think maybe we should all try to just keep ‘forging’ ahead one way or another. Any small gain (not in weight!) is a real bonus this month. March brings with it the promise of spring with some flowers blooming early in the month. By the end of March the clocks have ‘sprung’ forward and spring is in full bloom. We are all optimistic and looking forward to the end of March and longer days.

    We just need to ‘hang on in there’ for the moment and before we know it the winter will be over, our moods will brighten and we’ll be feeling positive again. Just get through today. Tomorrow will take care of itself!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    V, I think it is 20g per day with no obvious carbs. I had nothing carby today and still did 27g – most coming from red pepper, mushrooms and miso paste.

    My daffs have been poking out for a couple of weeks now but no sign of the flower heads.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    After one day of being on the lowest carbs I can manage (27g) I spent the night getting up 3 times – guess it is working. I also had an upset tummy most of the day and usually look for a food, allergy etc to blame. But watching Dr Boz (Annette Bosworth) she explained that it is another way for the body to eliminate fluids and also possible I have more fat in my diet with no carbs to absorb it. A bit like Numan diet pills that go right through you (not recommending them :).

    Anyway, for a slow loser who has been on this plan in some form or another I managed to lose nearly 2lbs in one day. Cant wait to see what tomorrow brings. I roasted a chicken on Sunday and stuffed it with the usual sage and onion which is, of course, nearly all bread. Asked hubby to put it in his sandwiches as I don’t want to touch it.

    Have a good week.

  • posted by Verano

    Thanks s-g, I always thought 20g but when I look up ‘how many carbs to get into ketosis’ virtually every response is 50g or less! BTW well done on a great first day. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings you! I’m sure you know that you have to be extra careful about very low carb when you’re taking insulin. I’m sure you’re clued up.

    As for me I’m still reading and digesting and ‘making a plan’ although I have become more mindful of my carbs. I’ve taken another look at the HAVA app and that has been improved quite a lot. Now after you enter your food items you can switch between calorie count and carb count. Quite handy. Anyway I’m still planning so not much more to say at the moment apart from having an unexplained half pound gain overall this week! Such is life! Just have to keep on keeping on ……..

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Another day of keto with 29g carbs but all made up of salad etc. Lost a total of 2lbs in 2 days. Could have lost more but after my rather upset tummy on Monday I had no movement yesterday.

    Today I am well up on calories but also carbs at 37g but no white carbs as these are from Greek yoghurt and avocado, salad and a clementine. I don’t think they will do any damage. Will know tomorrow.

    V, I was always around 50g but apparently just dropping another 10 or 15 makes a big difference. I also used to say if I was under 50g I was not getting enough calories, but it is the type of calories I can have like avocado, cheese, meat etc which can keep the calories up. It is still a balancing act but I have got around to it by cutting out those bits of carbs that dont add up to many calories but are the wrong kind of carbs, example with my 2 boiled eggs I usually have a Ryvita with butter, cutting that out saves me 7 g carbs and nearly 100 cals (the butter). Had a small cheat by having a tablespoon of that sage and onion stuffing which came to 20g carbs, so I could have been down to 17g for the day. Must not pick at or add small white carbs that really add up (ie stealing 4 chips or the Ryvita). I don’t think it is sustainable to stay at 20g every day but it is what I am aiming for and as long as they are not white carbs it makes a difference.

    Should also say that my BG has dropped so much, hubby is worried about me. I am having to get up at around 5am to check as I know when I am feeling ‘weird’. So, you are right that I will have to keep adjusting, was on 18 units and tonight going to 14 units.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g yes your really do have to keep a closer eye than usual on your BS.
    What you’re saying makes a lot of sense. At the moment I think I should just be reporting on the ‘2025- come alive’ thread because I really am ‘all at sea’! This last week I seem to have gained a bit almost each day. Really demoralising!
    Anyway, it is what it is and I’m not stressing really.
    Good luck with your 14 units, an amazing achievement!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Verano, I sympathise – I’m definitely not making any progress either. From being just a smidge over a pound away from the right stone bracket, I’ve bounced back to being 3.5lb away from that milestone and to be honest, I’ve no idea why. Consequently I’ve been struggling not to get completely demoralised by the situation.

    To give myself a bit of breathing space, I decided this week I would just stick to OMAD and then next week add in fasting again and include full on tracking of everything consumed.

    SG, you are doing brilliantly, I know you will keenly monitor your BG, hope the insulin adjustment works well for you. Keep on keeping on!

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny maybe it’s just a February ‘thing’. I always find this month the most difficult to navigate and I really don’t think this cold, dank miserable weather helps. Anyway, as s+s says we’ll just have to keep on keeping on……
    Roll on spring!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I really dont mind February, possibily because it is my birthday but also it is a short month – tomorrow we are half way through it.

    Another half pound of which is good as I still didn’t go – if you know what I mean. Nearly made a massive mistake today. I often now buy a large mousakka with only 5g carbs as it is just aubergine, tomatoes, peppers, etc with a sprinkle of cheese. Bought a different one and when I logged it I would have been having 20g carbs so I am only having half my portion which makes 10g, plus I had half an apple at lunch – total carbs today are 33, it is amazing how quickly they add up even when not eating obvious carbs. At least I logged it before I ate it so I have the chance to avoid it.

    BG up a little (108) which is not too bad, will stick with 14 units as it is likely to settle down. (perfect tolerance is between 85 and 125). Now I cant wait for each morning to see how much more I can lose this week. Still no flowers on our daffs but should be soon.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Yes!! This is exactly what works for me. It is why I go on and on and on about Dr Bikman and his research.

    Super low carbs so my main meals are a protein (animal source) (meat, cheese, eggs) and some vegetable (green) — soups and salads in the same vein and fats, heavy cream, olive oil and butter (no seed oils!!)
    I only add in more carbs when I have done some serious exercise — then I can add in fruit and potato and more nuts and whole milk and now and then (rare but fun) a piece of cake. My weakness is beer — I will hike for an hour just to justify a beer ha ha. I recommend finding the food that justifies YOUR serious exercise!
    I hope you are all well — I gave up posting after reading one-too-many Christmas posts about stuffing down the wrong stuff then coming on the forum to “report” the “failure” and then pledge to “atone” for it all. I am not anyone’s food police — I have enough trouble policing myself around food.
    I don’t like reading about all the failures. It makes me desperately sad.
    I love February — sun is coming back, daffodils are blooming (or soon) and Valentines Day is a personal favorite — and I share a Feb birthday with Sunshine girl (mine is the 10th). Spring is already half way here!
    Find something that makes you happy, then keep on doing it! Happiness is good for your health!!

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Yes!! This is exactly what works for me. It is why I go on and on and on about Dr Bikman and his research.

    Super low carbs so my main meals are a protein (animal source) (meat, cheese, eggs) and some vegetable (green) — soups and salads in the same vein and fats, heavy cream, olive oil and butter (no seed oils!!)
    I only add in more carbs when I have done some serious exercise — then I can add in fruit and potato and more nuts and whole milk and now and then (rare but fun) a piece of cake. My weakness is beer — I will hike for an hour just to justify a beer ha ha. I recommend finding the food that justifies YOUR serious exercise!
    I hope you are all well — I gave up posting after reading one-too-many Christmas posts about stuffing down the wrong stuff then coming on the forum to “report” the “failure” and then pledge to “atone” for it all. I am not anyone’s food police — I have enough trouble policing myself around food.
    I don’t like reading about all the failures. It makes me desperately sad.
    I love February — sun is coming back, daffodils are blooming (or soon) and Valentines Day is a personal favorite — and I share a Feb birthday with Sunshine girl (mine is the 10th). Spring is already half way here!
    Find something that makes you happy, then keep on doing it! Happiness is good for your health!!

  • posted by Verano

    Julia lovely to hear from you! I think about you often and I think you got bad ‘press’ on another thread. Just glad to see you back and yes for me now Ben Bikman is my new ‘hero’.
    Take care of yourself. Good to see you back.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Glad you have found what works for you, CaliforiaGirl, it’s what we all need to do.

    Sorry you found the festive posts of regretting off-piste indulgence depressing, however we have always been a safe space for people to make themselves accountable and to seek support when things get away from them. No one is expected to take on being anyone’s food police, just to offer a little empathy and encouragement if possible.

    I’m afraid as someone for whom SAD is an issue, Jan (despite it bring my birthday month) and Feb are the very worst months for me and here in the UK it feels like it has been grey since early Dec, with no sign it might change anytime soon. That said, little signs of spring are offering hope, there are primroses and snowdrops on the grass verges and new shoots appearing on trees and shrubs.

    SG, really pleased you’re still making good progress, you must be thrilled. Unfortunately, I’ve nothing to report of interest on the weigh front right now. The struggle goes on to get things moving in the right direction, so I will just keep on keeping on.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hey Verano, thank you! Love to see your posts.
    Hey SunnyB, sorry that February is a bad month — I certainly know the weather there in February as I was living in Bristol last February and in 2024 it was a very cold and wet month. I had a lot of short wet walks, always ending where I could get a flat white — I figured the freezing walk burned off the flat white. I did a lot of pilates and a local weights class so at least it was a warm happy place to go. I read a stoic book that was a day by day stoic training and that was super helpful. I bird watched in the Avon Gorge every afternoon at 3ish so it filled that last bit of daylight with outdoor activity. I took a lot of naps. Also I found an on-line voice lesson from a voice coach (live time). I get it!
    Do you use a SAD light in the mornings? My sister who lived in Portland Oregon for thirty years swore by hers.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thanks for the advice CaliforiaGirl. Yes, I’ve had a daylight lamp for many years and for this winter, started using it in September, before being lucky enough to have 3mths in Turkiye. It does help, but it’s not a complete fix as I’m something of a hothouse flower …. definitely should have been born somewhere warm and sunny and not the middle of January in Scotland!!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi, no more weight loss today but trying to stick with between 20 and 30g carbs. Today I made my own pea and ham soup and when I worked out the cost per portion it would have been cheaper to buy a tin or packet so I did a comparison between the lowest calorie tinned which was Baxters at 130 cals and 22g carbs. Mine came in at 170 cals and 6g carbs but loads of ham. So that’s the difference of making your own.

    Total carbs today 27g which was mainly the peas and I felt the need for a Ryvita or the soup would have been a nothing sort of meal. Calories are 640 for the day but will make that up with some more ham and maybe a cube of cheese later.

    Had another covid jab today. Wasn’t sure if it was necessary until we found out a friend of our hairdressers’ husband died last week from covid. Plus we are going on the cruise and that is always a big risk for health. Confined and breathing the same circulating air, bit like being on a plane but at least we can get outside.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g I don’t think you can ever compare canned soup to homemade but if you do use a can I’m sure Baxter’s is the best. Apart from anything else, you control what you put in the pan and it always tastes fresher and better!

    Strangely enough I only ever had two covid jabs and that was because we were going on a cruise and it was ‘compulsory’. I’m not a great fan of vaccinations as I have an autoimmune disease. As it so happens when I saw my consultant last December and we spoke about flu jabs etc and I said I was dubious, he said the fewer jabs I had the better. But that just for me as I don’t need to rev up my immune system anymore than it’s revved up now. I do agree s-g cruising brings its own hazards. I think one of the worst hazards comes in the form of ‘excursions on coaches. Anyway, fingers crossed we can all avoid any such issues.

    I’ve had a really ‘lazy’ day today. Caught up with some TV I missed last night and have generally been pottering around. Sometimes it’s good o have a day with ‘no purpose’. Hope the weekend brings calmness and happiness to all.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Yes V, agree about the soups, it was just the time taken and the cost (around €4) but one of the ready soups we buy in france is Knorr packet and they are usually very good with the ingredients.

    No weight movement today but BG is still down in the 70’s at 14 units. I am still very proud of myself as we had some very bad news yesterday and I was so tempted for a drink. Our sitter has been diagnosed with cancer and they have cancelled the whole trip. I really feel for them as it was a special trip to Maldives, Dhubi, Europe for 3 months total, a retirement present from her husband. I can only wish them the very best. Re-opened site for applications and we already have 3 possibles.

    Today I am going to have a bit of retail therapy. I don’t really like shopping for clothes but I am looking for some snazzy trainers and some jewellery for the cruise and all the walking about. Just want to get out of the house and spend some money.

    Enjoy your weekend.

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