Thunderous applause DAWN! Weight down 2 1/2 AND 1 1/2 inches off waist! 👏👏well done!xx
Im just sitting having a cuppa and a slice of toasted low carb bread. The slices are very small but satisfyingly nutty and seedy. I think off top of my head a slice is 132 cals,3 carbs. Its very cosy eating tea and toast and listening to the wind howling outside.
Good luck to all Friday weighers ! 👍 X have a groovy weekend and keep shipshape 🙂
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Thanks Yowzer😀
It sounds like you’re having a lovely cosy morning. I am too, I can see the trees outside bending in the wind. Good job DH laid our wooden bird table down flat before he went out to work this morning as I’m sure it would have blown over🌬️🌬️
Dawn XX -
Great news Dawn!
As sunshine-girl says just ‘keep on keeping on…….’ -
Thanks Verano!
Dawn XX -
Well done Dawn, fabulous results!
I’ve been weighing and recording religiously for 21 days now and there’s little movement for me. Since the start of the year I am 1kg down, way better than gaining of course but doesn’t feel like much progress after a lot of effort.
But it feels good to be in a settled way of eating. I find it easier to hold back from snacks etc (even though they would be low carb) knowing that I will be recording it!
I’m averaging 9000 steps a day and 30 minutes of moderate exercise which really helps to keep my mental outlook good.
So far retirement is a dream! I can’t imagine going back to work and always have so much to do.
Hoping things continue going for everyone, looking forward to hearing how everyone is going. -
Mariet – when I read your post I thought my goodness, I could have written this! Am in exactly the same position, this is my 3rd week of heathier eating and recording and I’ve only lost 1kg too. My step count is a bit lower – I average around 7,000 a day, but some days it’s only 1500 say and another it could be 15,000.
Today and yesterday I started the day with a 45 minute walk, which is around 5,000 steps. I’m at the stage now where I really look forward to my morning walk, it’s starting to become a habit which is good.
I’m happy that you are enjoying retirement so far 🙂 I’m really looking forward to retiring later this year. While I like my job, I’m no longer passionate about it, and feel like I’m just filling in time… and it’s like having to go to work (just 2 days now), it interferes with what I’d like to do! I guess that’s true for most of us though 🙂
DAWN – congratulations! What a good start you’ve got off to!
CATHY – glad your eye specialist appointment went so well! And it’s good your jeans fit – I love those sort of NSV’s.
I’m going to measure myself again at the end of the week, I feel I may have lost a little around my waist/hips as with one pair of my jeans I now need to wear a belt – admittedly they are the size 18 ones I kept from a few years ago, I donated
Most of my bigger clothes when I last lost weight a few years ago, and now so many of my smaller ones don’t fit.
There’s no way I’m going to fork out for bigger clothes again so I have to lose more weight if I don’t want to be wearing the same few clothes! -
Hello everyone
I love reading your posts every morning when I wake up. I’m afraid to admit that I haven’t come alive in 2025 yet. I’ve been trying with my fasts and with time restricted eating but last weeks Chippy Tea hasn’t helped at all! The 36 hour fasts have made absolutely no difference to my weight and I remember this happening last year too. I then went to a local eat healthy group and did manage to lose some weight. So I’ve bought a nice little spiral bound note book from Aldi that says ‘productivity’ on the cover and it’s a priorities planner to stay on track of multiple weekly tasks – it says ‘ensure nothing gets missed and achieve better balance’ so I am going to try writing things down. For £3.99 it might help motivate me. I have been out walking and I’ve been eating smaller portions this week but the scales were up again on Friday and I’m blaming the infamous chippy tea I ate on Wednesday and no doubt a surge in cortisol after my hospital appointment!! . Anyway, it’s only week three so back to basics again for me. I’m going to take things day by day for a few weeks. I feel that I’m in a bit of a turmoil . Having my second cataract op on 10th Feb and I feel that may be a turning point. I have been wearing one lens in my specs for months now so it will be good to get new glasses in March and be able to read properly. My niece’s wedding is in June and I’ve got a lovely long slim dress and short sleeved jacket I want to wear. It won’t look good with bulges! I can feel a tyre growing around my middle that feels horrible so the notebook is being launched today- just seen on the first page thet it says small steps each day lead to significant achievement over time. So 2025 can become an achievement if I take things slow and steady every day.
Well done to everyone who is off to a good start. 1lb a week is a step in the right direction. I would be delighted with 1lb this week – so far I am up since the start but that will change next week. -
Morning everyone, just catching up with recent posts.
DAWN well done! I’m really pleased you’re off to such a great start. NOKIE how are you? I hope the shingles are beginning to calm down a bit? What bad timing!
ARCTIC FOX how are you? Any news on your test results?
CATHY so much is happening for you and I’m sorry for your disappointments (and also your treatment by the junior doctor btw). But as you say we are still relatively early in the year so there’s still plenty of time to come alive. I’m talking to myself as much as anyone else as I’ve been a really slow starter. But this week I’ve reverted to two meals a day as I just don’t have time to fit in breakfast and lunch – as I was trying to do – before leaving for work. So it’s a late morning brunch for me – in fact, need to dash and sort that out now!!
MARIET and SUEBLUE keep on keeping on. You’re both getting into great routines and the weight loss will follow. MARIET I’m glad you’re enjoying retirement. I retire in April and now just can’t wait. Like you said SUE, I’m at the “filling time” stage now!
HEIDI how are you doing? Baby steps are good! Every little helps on this journey – we’re in it for the long term not a quick fix. So getting into good habits is one of the keys to success.
Hello to YOWZER, VERANO, MIXnMATCH and anyone I’ve managed to miss (I know – from bitter experience- if I scroll back I lose what I’ve typed!) Hope all is well X
Hello all
Great to read your posts I am so sorry but I can’t write much at the moment I am in so much pain with my shingles !!😢 I don’t know what to do with myself I haven’t forgotten everyone just feel really bad at moment I will post soon keep going everyone
Lv to all nokie x💞 -
So sorry to hear your shingles are soooo bad! Really hope you can get some relief soon.Hello everyone,
Sorry I don’t post much anymore, but I do like to see how everyone is doing.
I am keeping weight where I want it… and diabetes still in remission… so I don’t have much to share…except to say, it CAN be done and I am so grateful to Dr Michael Mosley (😢 that he is no longer with us) and everyone in the forums on this site!
As S-G says… keeping on, keeping on!
Xx -
Hi everyone,
Nokie- sorry to hear about your shingles. What an awful thing to have. I’m eligible for a vaccine on my birthday this year, and I think I will schedule it for that day, and hope I don’t get shingles before then. I had a really severe case of chicken pox as a kid, so shingles scares me. I have noted an increase in shingles among younger people following Covid infections, so I wonder if the Covid virus has reactivated the chicken pox virus in some people. There was some speculation that some long Covid was a result of reactivated Epstein-Barr virus, and they are both herpes viruses, so perhaps? Just some speculation.
Cathy – I hear you about the fasting. On one hand, I would like to start it again as it was the only thing helping me to lose weight, but I don’t know if my stomach will allow me anymore. Also, my metabolism seems to have really changed as I now may be in full menopause, and not just peri-menopause. I feel like I have been making some progress this week by just eating lots of veggies and fibre (especially hemp seeds, chia and flax), and going for walks and doing some workouts from my online gym. Probably no weight or inches lost at this point, but definitely feeling more energy.
Dawn – congrats on your discard. That’s a brilliant start!
Mariet – I have been averaging around 7000 steps per day, so you are beating me! I get out for a walk on one of my coffee breaks each day and that helps, but otherwise, I don’t think I have time to do more right now. At least not on work days (I can’t wait to be retired too, but still a ways to go for me!). I console myself that at least some of my steps are very difficult. It is sitting at -6 to-12 C right now. My outdoor hydrant is frozen, even though it is supposed to be frost free, so I am running buckets of water for the horses from the basement bathroom in the house. I am carrying the buckets up the stairs and then about 200m out to the shelter area. That’s about 18kg in each hand while walking, and I am out of breath by the time I get to the gate, so it must be doing something!
DCT and everyone who has wished me well and asked about results – the follow up phone call with the surgeon was a bit disappointing as he didn’t have any new info, just that he was sending the scan to the cancer agency, which he had already told me. I had a call from the agency yesterday to confirm my personal info though, so presumably they are now working on it. The report from the radiologist landed in my inbox this morning though. One good piece of news – the previous ultrasound had identified it as being intramuscular, but the MRI has confirmed that it is intermuscular and does not appear to infiltrate the muscle. It is just sitting in between the muscles in my thigh. So hopefully that means it will be easier to remove, whatever it is. -
Nokie, I hope the shingles are improving, so painful. I haven’t had my vaccination yet though I am eligible and it’s a reminder to me to organise it.
CC, good luck for your next eye op, I hope you have another brilliant result 😁
Arctic Fox, great news from your MRI. I love reading your posts, your way of life (Canada? Alaska?) is so very different to anything I’ve ever experienced growing up in Australia and living in heat all my life.
Sueblue, I hope you’re enjoying this cooler weather! It makes exercise so much easier.
I woke this morning to an unexpected 800g loss! No change to anything so I guess it just takes a while for it to show up. It made me happy ❤️
Onward and downward for us all! -
Edit double post
Hi everyone,
Just a quick post to thank everyone for their congrats on my weight loss so far. I’m due another weigh in today but have had a few days a bit off plan so am going weigh myself next Friday instead when I really hope I may have made it down to the 11’s as that was my first BIG goal so🤞 I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Dawn XX -
Morning all!
NOKIE how are you doing? Your shingles sounds awful, and I hope it starts clearing up soon so that you can begin to enjoy your new home.
POOTLE great to see you, and to hear how well you are maintaining. As you say, we all have so much to thank Michael for.
ARCTICFOX good news about the positioning of your lump. I hope you get the full scan results soon and that they can get your sorted. And I agree with Mariet about reading about your way of life – it’s so different to mine (I’m UK based) and I’m always full of admiration at your energy and resourcefulness, even when you’re not feeling brilliant in yourself.
MARIET I love it when that happens! Weight disappears for no apparent reason. There was a chat earlier on this thread about weigh days. I like to weight every day, just to observe the fluctuations and try and pinpoint causes. Sometimes it’s obvious, but other days not at all. I also have a weekly weight target for Friday each week, and this week have managed to meet mine for the first time this year so far, so I’m happy with that. A long way to go, but then that’s the point of a longer thread, to take things at our own pace and understand that life happens along the way.
DAWN good luck with your Elevens goal. I hope that you make it by next Friday!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend xx
Well here we are,gang,we’ve made it through the post crimbo slump of January! Go,us!🥳
Congrats to those who lost weight this month,and congrats even more to those who are sticking with it even when the scales are showing slow progress. As for me,in January I quickly lost the Christmas weight,and then managed to maintain my pre xmas weight,even though my Carb Monster and my Inner Chimp are already pestering me about hot cross buns and easter eggs.
I’m embracing again the quotation that got me back into reasonable shape since taking it on board last June,and now applying it to my home,to get all those things done there that Ive neglected,either through laziness or not being able to make decisions about what I want/ dont want.
This saying made a deep impression on me –
” In six months time you will have six months of excuses or six months of progress. The choice is yours”
So by June this year,my home should be as shipshape as our ship!
Love to all xx Hopefully those of us attending the ship’s sick bay with various ailments and illnesses will soon be improving as spring starts to edge closer. 🥳⭐️🥰xx -
YOWZER – our posts crossed! But thank you so much for that fabulous quote. It really resonated with me and, like you, I want to apply it to various other aspects of my life as well as the weight loss. Very inspiring so thank you X
And yes, how wonderful to see the back of January, certainly for us in the UK. It’s been such a long, grey, cold, wet, miserable month (I could go on . . . . . !! ) – so here’s to brighter sunnier times for us all 🌞
Hello all
Firstly well done to the loss this week your posts keep me going ! I am sorry i cannot write much every time I write ✍️ it shoots pain ☹️
I had to go to doctors again yesterday as I can’t cope with the pain unfortunately I now have post herpetic Neuralgia caused by the shingles it’s when all the nerves 😢 hurt
I have been given a tablet to take each night apparently they are anti depressants!! And it could go on for several months
Not sure 🤔 about my diet but will keep going sorry if i don’t reply often but just so you all know i am still with you all
Have a good week everyone and weekend
Lv nokie x💞 -
Nokie, sorry to hear about your shingles. It’s an awful illness, I’ve had it more than 20 times now – I wish I was exaggerating 🙁 however since having the shingles vaccine about 6/7 years ago, now when I have episodes it’s usually very mild. And I’m also able to tell when I’m getting it so start on antivirals straight away – I get nerve pain in my back before the spots appear. Touch wood but I haven’t had it for a few years now. I hope the tablets help. Not sure which ones you have been prescribed, but I take a Lyrica tablet each day for nerve pain in my feet and it helps.
Mariet – yes I’m. LOVING this cooler weather. It was 42 degrees on Tuesday and I felt so miserable and far too hot to want to do anything. Whereas today being in the mid 20s I was able to walk 15,000 steps and get all my errands done!
Thankyou sueblue
I really hope I don’t get it 20 times !once is enough 😥I am taking Amitriptyline 10 mg just one at night I have just rang pharmacy to see if I can take paracetamol for the pain but still waiting to find out
I might ask if I can have the jab as well
Thanks again for your good wishes
Lv nokie x💞 -
*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨* ✶*¨
NOKIE Im so sorry youre suffering so much xxx we wont forget you,so dont worry about writing,just get better asap and your cabin is waiting,all ready for you,when youre better xx
SUE you too have suffered so much with shingles,so many times over the years! You and Nokie have made me resolve to go into my surgery and get the jab.
DCT my plan is treating January – June in 5:2 fashion. Five days a week where I do the basics and 2 days where I get stuck in and make a difference. Started off quite small in Jan but even small changes add up and I can see the improvement already,including two absolutely bulging bags for the local cat rescue charity shop. The bags include clothes,some of which to my shame still have labels on,never worn and now too big,and some I didnt even know i had,no memories of buying them,they have hung unnoticed in my wardrobe for a long time! The book “5:2 your life” really gave me the kick up the bum I needed to get started. Ever since lockdown ( nearly five years ago now!) Ive been procrastinating and getting lazy, no wonder I put on weight!
Anyhoo TGIF! Have a good weekend on the boat,folks! X
“ 🎸🎶🎵🎸 We joined the Navy,to see the world,but what did we see- we saw the sea.. 🎸🎶🎵🎸 !” Sing up everyone! -
Thankyou yowzer
You always cheer me up!!
You mentioned the 5.2 your life who is that by? I was thinking maybe I could do that while I am trying to get better I looked on line but not sure which book it is
Would be nice to read a different one I think I can manage 2 days !!
Lv nokie x💞 -
Hi NOKIE! Its called “ 5:2 your life.Get happy,healthy and slim” by Kate Harrison
£7.99 but I got my copy ( new) for about a fiver on ebay and there are pre owned copies for sale on there for less.
It has 2 sections,one on 5:2 fasting and one on 5:2 living as well. Lots of tips and guidelines,great book to dip into,and 359 pages long.
I think its an excellent idea for you to get into while youre getting better! 🩷💜xx -
Hi yowzer
Thankyou so much I will order it now
❤️lv nokie -
PS NOKIE ive been on Amitriptyline for many years,30g now,used to be 75g. I find it does help with pain,and my doctor told me that paracetamol doesnt interact negatively with it. It’s opoids like morphine that you shdnt combine with Amitriptyline.
Yowzer you are a star 🌟
Thanks so much for info I have just ordered book as well
Take care Lv nokie x💞 -
Yayyyyyyy! XX enjoy the book when it comes !
But double check with yr pharmacist when they ring, just to be sure bout the meds x -
Hi Everyone
Hope the new medication helps with your nerve pain Nokie. Your shingles sound a lot worse than mine was. Nerve pain is the WORST!
I’ve ordered the book Yowser and I’ve taken note of your quote from this morning about six months.
I’ve been out for a 5000 step walk which is all I could manage today with my painful toes . I’ve had cottage cheese and walnuts for lunch and I’m having eggs mushrooms and quorn sausages for my meal tonight’ .
I’ve written three tasks in my new notebook for this week. Feeling optimistic for February.
ArcticFox- hope you get some answers about your lump.
SueBlue- 15,000 steps this morning!!!! Wow!
I am loving this thread and it’s really motivating me. I hope to be able to contribute to the weight loss tally next week. -
Hello to all.
Nokie really hope your shingles disappears very soon. Very nasty.
Yowzer wonderful saying and I think I will get the 5:2 my life book too. I got it the wrong way around! Thought it was 5 days cleaning like a lunatic and 2 off! Anyway I will take a look.
Following on from Yowzer’s ‘6 month’ philosophy I have one to suggest to start …..’Day 1 or One Day. The choice is yours?’ . So choose your Day1 and follow the six month philosophy. I’d rather have 6 months of progress, doesn’t have to be ‘humungous’ but even a small and steady progress is better than ‘excuses’! Thank you Yowzer for reminding us all. It’s great to see that you are maintaining so well.
I’ve moved my weigh-in day back to Tuesday and so far so good. January has been a month of small progress. I was away until the 10th and had a ‘mad week’ when we got home but I’ve still lost 5.4lbs this month so ‘progress’ not excuses.
Wishing everybody a good weekend and an especially good February. We are over the worst month of the year. Spring is around the corner. Days are lengthening. Green shoots are appearing. Clocks will go forward soooon! All good.
Let’s go forward into February with ‘positivity’.
Verano your comment about the worst month of the year being over is true for me too, even though I’m on the other side of the world! For me it’s
Autumn is around the corner. Days are shortening… Clocks will go back (in a few months anyway) After our recent heatwaves here (on Tuesday it was 42 degrees C), this is very welcome! I much prefer autumn and winter in Australia to the heat and humidity of late spring and summer 🙂And Cathy, well done on your walk this morning, despite having painful toes! My 15,000 was done over a period of about 7 hours with coffee and meal breaks, not all at once 🙂 it takes us about 40-45 minutes to walk 5,000 steps on our morning walks. I’m now also implementing ‘interval training’ of sorts where I’ll walk faster or jog slowly for about a minute and then slow down to normal pace again. This increases my heart rate so I’m hoping that will burn more fat!
Yowzer – thanks for all of your wise words and quotes, and also for the book suggestion, I’m going to look online for it now too.
Nokie – I’ve been unlucky with shingles because I have an auto immune illness and have reduced immunity, I used to get Shingles more often when I was stressed or after other illness, also a few times around Christmas… so take care of yourself 🙂 most people I talk to that have had it have only had it the once. And the first time I had it was definitely the worst, subsequent bouts, especially after the vaccine, have been lessening in intensity and duration each time.
Nokie, I looked up amitriptyline as a pain killer, I remembered taking it for a while some years ago after major abdominal surgery, and have copied out some information from the NHS website. It reinforces what you already know but adds a bit of clarity on its use for depression. Hope you feel, and are better, very soon.
“About amitriptyline for pain and migraine
Amitriptyline is a medicine used for treating pain. You can take it:
to treat nerve pain (neuralgia) and pain that lasts a long time
to help prevent migraines
Amitriptyline is only available on prescription. It comes as tablets and as a liquid that you swallow.Amitriptyline is also used to treat depression. The doses used to treat pain are lower than the doses for depression. Taking amitriptyline for pain will not have the same effect as taking it for depression.
Key facts
It’s best to take amitriptyline in the evening or before you go to bed. This is because it can make you feel sleepy.
You may start to feel better after 1 or 2 weeks, but it can take 6 weeks for amitriptyline to work as a painkiller.
Amitriptyline can cause extra side effects if you stop taking it suddenly. Talk to your doctor if you want to stop taking it.
Do not drive, cycle or operate heavy machinery if amitriptyline makes you feel sleepy.
You can drink alcohol while taking amitriptyline but it may make you feel sleepy. It’s usually best to stop drinking alcohol until you see how the medicine affects you.” -
Thanks for that saying Yowzer, I’m making that my mantra and putting it in my diary. It’s sooo onbvious, and sensible, unlike me🤪.
Thankyou Annie that’s so kind of you to look it up and send it to me really means a lot you are all so kind wish I could send everyone a big 🤗 hug I am feeling very emotional silly I know
Have a good weekend all
Lv nokie 💞x -
Well easing into during January has come to an end for me and it’s now time to focus in February. 5:2 your life is ordered. My little book of productivity is by my side and today for the first time in a long time I am recording everything that I eat. I measured out 100 ml of milk this morning which will be used for a couple of morning coffees. Weighed myself this morning and the scales said 160lb. Had to dig deep to write that down! So, I’ve got 20lb to lose. Am hoping to lose 4lb in February. . I am determined to be posting a loss when I weigh myself next Friday. Last month I was detoxing and preparing . The fasting was harder than I expected and I didn’t lose any weight after doing 36 hour fasts and time restricted eating. I’ll be weighing and measuring my food during February and walking as much as my feet will allow. My recent foot x rays showed “bone on bone arthritis “ in both my big toes I was hoping to get my first toe fusion surgery done asap but it’s all in hold for the time being until I see the result of.the next MRI abdomen scan in May. I can manage 5000 steps so that is what I will be doing every day:
Have a lovely weekend everyone. 🎶 Oh it’s fun on the ocean waves 🎶 -
Thanks for the call out DCT. It really helps. I am sticking at it most of the time. I am about two months from my birthday, so it’s a good target to have made more progress. It helps that February has kicked off here with clear blue skies and a lovely refreshing dry coolth. Very best wishes Clarinet Cathy with your weighing and refocus. And wishing success to us all.
Just popping in to wish best of luck to all Friday Weighers! 🙏👍
Have a good weekend all,and stay wrapped up warm,brrrr..dont go out on deck,you will get blown overboard! 😄xx -
Hello everyone,
Still no news from the cancer agency. I’m hoping that no news is good news at this point. The surgeon said if I hadn’t heard anything by next week to give him a call.
We’ve had a sudden cold spell with temperatures down to -17 C and around 20cm of snow. That’s not too cold for a normal winter for us, or much snow, but it has been so warm and dry that we are not used to it this year! My only real issue with it though is that I’m getting low on firewood as my house is so drafty that I really go through it in these temperatures. Hopefully getting another delivery on Saturday afternoon though, and that should see me through until the warmer weather.
I have been eating more carbs, but trying to keep them on the healthier side with lots of fibre. My favourite at the moment are some Norwegian seed crackers that are gluten free. Ten grams of carbs per cracker, but 6 of them are fibre, so only 4 net grams. I had sweet potato oven chips last night with a piece of salmon for dinner and noticed that I wasn’t refluxing as much as I normally do when consuming a fatty protein. Maybe as a result of all the fibre? I am feeling quite well in myself these days, so I’m just going with it. After all these years, I’m starting to think that a high fat diet just doesn’t work too well for me. It does stop my blood sugar from spiking, but think it might also be responsible for some separate systemic inflammation. I know Tim Spector says that his body reacts badly to both carbs and fat, and perhaps I am the same. Filling up with fibre instead of fat seems to be working better. -
Hello Yowser and ArcticFox
I’m staying in my cabin.
Had a mixed week but couldn’t face the scales this morning. They were up in the week and I didn’t want to upset myself today. I am struggling! I am having my right cataract op on Monday and once I get over that I am hoping I will feel more motivated. I am usually very positive and motivated but I am not feeling positive or motivated at the moment. I feel like giving up the fight to be honest. It does feel like a battle.
ArcticFox- your winters sound so cold -17! I hope that no news is good news for you. I would definitely chase up the results next week. I hope your firewood arrives on Sunday!
My 5:2 book hasn’t arrived yet and I hope when it does it will motivate me to try a different method.
Hope you’re all having a good week and I hope that I can pull myself together soon!
Nokie- how are you doing with your shingles- I hope you’re feeling better. -
Sending special warm and positive vibes to FOXY,hope you get good news very soon,and I hope that delivery comes to keep you cosy XX 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
CCATHY sending good vibes and good luck wishes for Monday, I will be thinking of you.
This time next week you’ll be feeling a lot better. Hope your book comes very soon,you will read it more easily with your “post- cataract ops” eyes!
My Carb Monster AND my Inner Chimp conspired to tempt me into poor food choices today and I have to say,it wasnt worth it, I feel quite queasy now ( unless Im seasick)
Did i tell you that when I worked in a hospital,an old lady told me she was having the catamarans removed from her eyes! XX
NOKIE how are you doing? I really hope youre making progress and feeling a lot better XX -
Hello cruisers
Had my cataract op done this morning and I was very lucky because there was a technical problem and the theatre was freezing cold! I couldn’t believe how cold it was when I went in for my procedure and I said it’s freezing in here- is that by design and the staff said no, the heating isn’t working. During my procedure the surgeon decided to call it a day and said he wasn’t operating on any more patients today as it was too cold. The staff in scrubs must have been freezing. He said he has to operate a machine with his feet so doesn’t wear shoes and he said his feet were cold. I said as long as your hands are not too cold to operate!! The procedure itself was different to the previous eye – different surgeon and possibly a different technique. Todays felt a little more uncomfortable and my eye is feeling more painful than after the left procedure but I am glad it’s done and I’ll dose myself up, my 5:2 your life book arrived and in flicking through it I can see that this is going to be very helpful for me. I like that it’s a six week course. Thank you Yowser for recommending it.
Hope to find the courage to weigh on Friday and face the music! I made a tofu and mushroom lasagne yesterday for tonight’s tea so my husband wouldn’t have to cook tonight. . Had yoghurt and hot raspberries for breakfast so I am gently easing my way back to healthy choices. Have a good week everyone. -
CCATHY I’m so glad you got yr procedure done and it wasnt cancelled because of the cold!!!!
I was just thinking about you and hoping it went well today,as I carried washing into the kitchen..and almost threw it in the bin instead of the washing machine because my mind was elsewhere!
Im hoping the pain and discomfort will pass quickly X🙏
So glad yor book has arrived!
Have a good week sailor friends! XX 🎶🎵We are sailing,we are sailing! …..🎶🎵 -
Hi everyone,
Cathy I’m pleased you’ve had your cataract operation and hope any pain has gone now. I still haven’t weighed myself since 2 Fridays ago as had a couple of days off plan last week. May not weigh until Friday next week as I was poorly on Saturday with vomiting and I’ve had kidney stone pain this week so have been feeling a bit fed up and keep going off plan☹️I’m feeling better tonight so am hoping to get firmly back on track from tomorrow🤞I hope everyone else is having a good week! Dawn X -
Dawn, I hope the kidney stone pain has gone now, such awful pain. It’s hard to concentrate on anything else.
CC, how is the second eye going?
I’m in the middle of a whole lot of dental work 😩 two separate teeth need root canal therapy as well as a separate extensive filling. I wish teeth could just stay healthy. I’ve been on fluids only for the past week because my toothache has been bad, it’s so good to be pain free today.
Weigh day today and I am 400g down. I had hoped for more considering I’ve been existing on coffee and a protein drink but better than gaining 😁 -
Thanks Mariet, the pain has gone now. It wasn’t half as bad as it sometimes has been in the past, years ago I ended up in the A & E dept a couple of times with it. In the end my GP prescribed morphine so that I always had it at hand but I haven’t needed that for a very long time. I know I need to drink more water to prevent stones from forming in the first place but I find water gives me heartburn at the minute, it’s a vicious circle as if I was a couple of stone lighter I wouldn’t get heartburn so the answer is in my own hands!
Your dental work sounds really painful 😬I hope it’s finished soon🤞
I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Dawn X -
Hi all, and here we go for another week!
I need to get fully back on board! January just felt like hibernation season for me : all I wanted to do was cosy up and keep warm. But the last few days have started to seem a little bit lighter and brighter, and coincided with lots of outings and events at which I indulged the carb monster far too much. So as a result have put back on the two pounds I’d lost, and am also feeling bloated and sluggish.
But this week is another new start. And I’m in a much more positive frame of mind. I also want to redo the Couch25K running programme that I did during the pandemic, to start getting a bit fitter again. So hopefully can do that this week too.
Hello to everyone one here. This was going to be a longer post, responding to everyone’s recent news, but I\m having some tree surgery done today and they’ve just turned up very early so I need to go and sort things out. So will catch up properly later!
Have a good week everyone X