Although not considered a stimulant, sugar and refined carbohydrates can interfere with sleep. Eating a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrate and eating irregularly can cause a reaction in the body that triggers the “fight or flight” part of the nervous system, causing wakefulness. Eliminate alcohol.
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Yes, I noticed that I became disposed to insomnia and sleep disorder now…
I didn’t know this until I found your post ragavi. I have suffered dreadful sleeping patterns for years, two weeks into the 800 plan and I have been sleeping like a baby. 🙂
Ok. I am going to chronicle my anti-insomnia measures and how they go on this thread.
1. Find a battery for my alarm clock and take my iPad and phone out of the bedroom.
2. Avoid alcohol most of the time
3. 10,000 steps a day including some outside in daylight
4. Use the headspace app. But not in bed.
5. Sleep from 10pm to 6am even in weekends🙄.maybe.Last night was rubbish. I woke in the middle of the night and stayed awake listening to podcasts on my iPad for the rest of the night.
Hi, I also suffer from insomnia. It has started to improve since I was prescribed melatonin which is natural and non addictive. I have also started taking magnesium citrate which is supposed to help with both insomnia and constipation. I still have broken sleep but note that it is improving. Hope it continues to do so, lack of sleep interferes with weight loss which interferes with my health plans! Hope yours improves also.
Thanks bigeater (little eater?). I’ve had melatonin for jet lag before -fantastic stuff. I forgot to add
6. No coffee after 2pm
One thing that I have tried that helps is listening to a talking book (preferably one that I have listened to previously). It stops me doing the “monkey mind” thing and helps me drift off.
Thanks Michele62. I was doing that every night but then I was finding I needed to do the same again when I woke at 3am and then It didn’t work so well. I’m finding I fall asleep when I go to bed fairly ok but generally wake about 3am. So that’s what I’m trying to train myself out of.
Last night worked pretty well. I was probably awake in the night for about an hour but managed to bore myself back to sleep. I slept in by an hour though and was nearly late for work.
I have just accidentally had coffee after dinner and only 5000 steps so far, so off for a walk in the dark. I never did go outside today. It was pouring with rain but I could have gone with a bit more forward planning.
2nd night went well too😇
Hmm slept in Saturday and Sunday mornings and still waking in the middle of the night but I am being disciplined, not reading or retrieving my iPad or phone, just boring myself back to sleep. My theory is that I only need a certain amount of sleep, so if I go to bed too early or sleep in, my body will keep on waking for an hour or two in the middle of the night.
Waking up at 6am hasn’t had an immediate effect. I still managed ?an hour or so awake in the middle of the night. But I need to give it a couple of weeks. NO exercise today and Super stressful day. I need to make sure I schedule the exercise every day.
I read an interesting thing about sleep — in the Middle Ages, there was a common folk-lore idea that you had “two sleeps” — a little sleep and a big sleep. The first one was the first three or four hours after you went to bed (I’m just assuming an early bedtime because they didn’t stay up late in the Middle Ages) — that was the little sleep. Supposedly they believed that the little sleep refreshed your, hmmm, batteries, and when you awoke around midnight or 1:00 am, that was the time to have sex because you were charged and fertile and your semen was at peak rested state (look I’m just reporting what I read).
Then you fell asleep for your big sleep which continued through to morning.
Often when I wake up in the middle of the night, I think of this and don’t fret about waking up because apparently it was super normal. I think we worry that we are awake and that makes it even harder to go back to sleep.
Of course, I could wake up the OH…😜😜 but we don’t need any more children! -
But lucky you, having sex in the middle of the might!!!
Hope I havent upset you California Girl, but you started it….. You are probably fast asleep in the US of A and not seen my comment. Sweet dreams.
Good Lord no, sunshine-girl — I laughed when I saw your post. I am always a bit afraid that I am too outspoken (it’s my personality and my family training) so as I posted my comment, I worried about it ever since — was afraid I might offend as I am not from UK and I don’t always “get” what’s funny!! Cultural differences and all that! But you UK folk rock — so incredibly educated and smart.
Yep, that’s me 🙂
It’s an excellent idea. I bet I would fall asleep again really easily after waking my OH for sex every night. Last night I was back to reading my book. Couldn’t resist as it’s really good. The 12 lives of Samual Hawley. Highly recommended. Anyway I am still trying to keep away from ipad and phone during sleeping hours. But I will report if I ever sleep through a whole night😌
Maybe we would prefer if you report on whether you woke up the OH….haha!
I could probably charge good money for that kind of blog 😂
Yay! Slept through. So that took 11 days. Pretty good quality sleep the other nights too though. It still takes a conscious effort not to bring my iPad to bed. I do think I should try and have one day a week without the internet but so hard. There’s always something I want to look up.
It is still going well. Sleeping is the best thing ever⭐️
I agree, sleeping well is the best thing ever, and I am glad you are experiencing it. 😀
Insomnia is a common problem for many people. Solving the problem of insomnia is easy by adopting certain steps. A person should not use electronics during his sleep hours. You need to sleep on a comfortable mattress like that provides a good quality sleep. It is also important to maintain a proper sleep routine to have a good sleep.
The problem is, when I go to sleep earlier I don’t get that full eight or nine hours; I usually wake up at 5 or 6 AM so I’m still getting the same amount of sleep I would if I was closing my eyes at 1 or 2 AM.I am aware that sleeping regimens need time to kick in with the cycle, but it’s been months now and I have no reprieve. Should I see a doctor? Take medication? Should i try taking medicinal cannabis like this one ??
Sucks, man. By like 3 or 4 PM I start dozing off again, and I come home and I just want to take a nap. Lack of energy, which impacts my gym regimen and general welfare. I don’t want to do chores, or work, or even play video games in my down time because staring at the screen tires me out. -
Reported as perhaps this is not on topic?
Have reported the attempt to market a legal firm.
Yes me too Gwen but have you noticed he is 2 years out of date on this thread so I dont think I would want a lawyer who cant even tell the date.
Reported Cannabeme000’s post
In the general scheme of things ADMIN, I’d like to see posts being logged as most recent at the top to save reading through stuff that is now years old.
I have enjoyed seeing what others are doing to combat insomnia, though. I no longer have a regular bed time (retired) and know that I should put this intro practice. I’m one of those for whom reading a book is the best way to induce sleep. -
Margaret, Admin do not interfere with the site unless there is a breach of the rules like that person on here trying to sell something. Technically an old post will slip down to the bottom of the listings and new posts are listed first also there is the middle button where you can ask to see All Recent Posts as opposed to All Posts. However, the scammer can sometimes see a subject that has something to do with their product (in this case Insomnia) and just tag onto it. This brings the post back up to the top of the listings. Sometimes it is just a normal member has seen something in the past that they are interested in and not realised the dates. If someone posts on an old post it will be revitalised and show in the new listings. How would the admin know it is not something someone has decided to bring up again. There are some posts that drop off and people want to keep them ‘alive’ like the 100 Things to do with Cauliflower. We are the once who make the posts reappear. Try to look at the date of first posting in the subject box or, if you click on it to reply, look at the date the last person posted. As I said, if you click on Forums, All Recent Posts, you should only get the current threads.
Margaret, by answering this I have now put it to the top of the recent postings. Warning – this is a very old post.
reported Red W
Iffiarahman I suspect you have been asleep for a very long time as this post is well out of date. At least you admit you are a blogger. Post has been reported.