I Received My Book Yesterday!

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  • posted by happysheryl

    I received my book yesterday, straight from amazon u.k. to California. I paid the extra for 2 day shipping, and let me tell you, it is worth every penny.

    I can’t put this book down. You know how some medical information/diet books are so dry and boring you can pull your hair out of your head? Not this one. This is written in such a user-friendly manner with such great inspiring stories, I can’t say enough about it. For anyone interested, the “diet” guidelines are what I was hoping for. No math (aside from the 800 calories), no counting carbs, just guidelines about what to eat for the best low glycemic value. I am personally doing 5:2 to start with, with low carb on the remaining days. If need be, I’ll stick in a third fasting day as time goes on. I salute everyone who went straight to the 8 week thing, but 8 weeks of 800 calories just scares me right now. I am pre-diabetic. Perhaps if I was thrown into full-blown type 2, I’d feel differently.

    Anyway, just a heads up for anyone on the fence about this book. It is definitely worth it. Have a great day everyone!

  • posted by Swifty

    I got the book for my Kindle but have found I cannot read the table of menus. Does anyone know how I can make the menu tables look right so I can follow them?

  • posted by Laska

    You just need to change the orientation of your screen to landscape view for those pages and go back to portrait view for the rest of the book (or not as you wish). Its in the ‘change font size’ function on my (older) Kindle.

    Having said that Dr M has done well out of me because I ended up buying a paperback copy of the book as well as the kindle version ! (as I found the recipes easier to use that way .. and it meanst I could also lend it to a friend, who I’m sure will benefit from reading it ).

    its half price in WHSmith right now ,

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