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  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    My Peterbald is actually oriental coated rather than bald (like her sister). Moggy is a handsome tabby.

    Lucky, I need to log ‘other activities’ again I think. Ahem!

    Till tomorrow!

  • posted by Jess J

    Evening Ladies I know you are all probably in bed-but I just wanted to pop in and say how much i enjoy reading this thread it always makes me laugh so much and really inspires me to keep going ๐Ÿ™‚ also wanted to let you know that if anyone does online shopping with Ocado they have Oppo on offer at the moment (25% off) I have my freezer stocked thanks to you all ๐Ÿ™‚ its lovely

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Jesus Christ, get a bloody room! Hahaha. Night all, phone going on silent for real now. Had a sneaky weigh put on 1.7 kilo since this morning ๐Ÿ˜… next couple of days with me should be F U N!

    Brace yourselves…

  • posted by Epspecially

    Gorgeous cats Janey! ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป

  • posted by Epspecially

    Hee hee Lucky omg never weigh at night..why would you do it ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    Half it will be gone by the morning, follow Janeys example ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  • posted by Frog

    I’ve been weighing myself this evening – first time ever, I usually only do it when I wake up.
    BUT – I have my new scales!
    The consistency for weighing is great – about 20 tries, and the only fluctuation is by 0.05 kilos – I can live with that!
    I might even have lost the 0.05 kilo (approaching 2oz) with the activity of stepping on the scales so frequently.
    My old scales produces a variation of 0.7 kilo this evening, and well over 1 kilo this morning, so pleased with the new ones.

    The fancy stuff – fat and water analysis, BMI worked once – and then has given me error messages ever since.
    It’s irritating – but they cost ยฃ20, not the megaยฃยฃยฃ that most of the ‘body analysis’ type scales cost, and I am super impressed with the straightforward weight consistency, so I’m in a quandary whether to keep them or not.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Keep them FROG,long as youre not gonna drive yrself crackers ( mmmmm buttered crackers..) jumping on and off a zillion times a day,like i would
    They sound a bargain and you’ll have saved at least ยฃ20 not buying carby goodies x
    Nighty night if youre still around,sleep well..this is my fave painting..
    Night and her Train of Stars and her Gift of Sleep x

  • posted by Frog

    I think I will Yowzer – the multiple tests tonight were just to establish that the readings were consistent!
    With the old ones, I often weighed myself more than once because of the probability there’d be a different weight if I tried again! (disappointing when it goes up though)
    no excuses now!

  • posted by Frog

    I re read the instructions, and the new scales do work for the body stat stuff after all.

    Yes, I know my body fat and BMI are too high still (interestingly I guessed my body fat % the other day from a pictorial guide, and I was close, to within a couple of % points).
    BUT – my bone mass measurement is in the normal range for a person in their twenties. Good News? I think so!
    – or, as I was suggesting the other day, given the size of my feet, I should really be lots taller. At least 5’10” – I’d like that.
    I will have to adjust my height on the scales, to test this theory.
    The other thing I found on google is that gymnasts tend to have a high bone mass compared to non-gymnasts – that’d be it then!

    Being 5’10” would also make my BMI 29, rather than 35.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Good morning ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hello Jess J, lovely to meet you ๐Ÿ™‚ Don’t just read, join in the lunacy, the more the merrier! Thanks for the Oppo info, I’m sure that will help a few people here, not me sadly *sob* they don’t deliver to my postcode. STILL! Time they got their fingers out, I think. Although, I am in North Wales, we’ve just had the wheel, electricity is still years off, and I laughed in my sister in law’s face when she was expecting 4G on her phone to work while staying with us.

    Eps ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t every night, like religiously, but I can roughly tell how well I’m doing, and if I’m on course by what I weigh at night. Somewhere between 0.6 – 1 kg is standard. But 1.7???? I only had one meal! What the hell did I eat, a pumpkin, skin and seeds and all? It felt like it, I tell you! I’m sure those 4 turnip wedges mated over the course of the evening, felt like I had a cannonball in my belly. I’ve never felt so uncomfortably full since starting BSD and I didn’t like it, I tell you! However, saying that… very surprisingly by this morning, I weigh the same as I did yesterday, so panic over, crisis averted, Lucky has a ๐Ÿ˜€ on her face today!

    Glad you got your scales to work Frog, eventually! I had a pair that worked out all manner, they weren’t expensive mind, but they were a make you associate with scales specifically – Salter – and they were shockingly awful. I never used them for all the analysis of different things because tbh other than BMI I don’t really understand it, but I was getting different readings, sometimes ridiculously raised readings, depending where you put the scale too. I found a 5 kg weight and pulled my old cheapo B&M scales out, dragged them around the bathroom, weighed the weight in different places, and it read 5 kg constantly so I went back to them.

    What is the feet thing? Because I am small (5 foot 1 and a half) but I have massive feet. My husband calls me Pingu ๐Ÿ™ I don’t think they are actually as big as the shoes I have to wear, some of it may be to get the width/comfort. I was in a size 9 at one point and I looked ridiculous, this short body with massive feet. As I’ve lost weight they have gone down to a size 8, so far.

    That’s a beautiful pic Yowzer ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by runforfun

    First weigh in! Haven’t stuck to the plan perfectly, been a couple of points where I’ve probably eaten more than I should have and not helped by working for Oppo but the first time the scales have gone down instead of up in the last 3 months.
    Down by 3.2kg ๐Ÿ˜Œ
    Have a good Sunday everyone!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Hey Runforfun, huge well done on your brilliant weight loss! That’s half a stone in old terms, which is amazing, especially if you didn’t stick to it 100%. Are you continuing with BSD?

    Have a fab day and big well done again ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by greenjanet

    Well hmmmmp about time but I have now started daily exercises, have done 10 mins running on the wiifit, with 3 lots of power running don’t have a bike, to do the hit regime, and also started properly the strength training, I’m day 32 I know I’m behind schedule.
    But had to get over the shock of all my SLE symptoms going and fearing they may return, well they haven’t so I’m going for it now. It’s much easier being 28lbs lighter mind you. But I am considering getting a jawbone or something, as I use the pedometer on my phone, but if I forget to open it in the morning it doesn’t register anything, and you have to have a pocket to put it in, could get one of those arm strap things, but they are a bit serious exerciser looking, not for me.
    I also like the idea of being inspired by all of you who are using one, needing encouragement to move every day not just once a week.
    Suns out, day of so I am going buying a few specimen plants, and do some gardening, and a nice salmon stack for brunch. Much more fun than working.
    Happy Sunday everyone wherever you are.
    Love Jan ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  • posted by runforfun

    Thank you Lucky! Yes definitely sticking to it as much as possible for the 7 weeks at least. Still got some more lose!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Well done Jan, you’re doing better than me, all I’m doing is the walking! And if you see me running, you’d better run in the same direction too because it means that something is chasing me!!! Hahaha ๐Ÿ˜‰

    What is SLE, if you don’t mind me asking? I have problems with my back, diagnosed as sciatica, but I also have two lumps that come up when I’ve been really active or standing too long, either side of my lower back, almost like how glands come up at the side of your neck when you have an infection? And they’re painful too, like knots. GP vaguely muttered something about ligaments… why do GP’s do that? We haven’t spent years studying a degree, laymans terms please and speak clearly! My Mum has suffered with arthritis since about my age, and she has had a hip replacement two years ago at 61 and she is a regular voice of doom ‘This is how I started off at your age…’ lol. Sometimes I feel that if you could cut me off at the waist I’d be ok. Back, hips, knees, legs, all in some element of pain daily. So this makes exercise a bit of a challenge at times, but I try to keep moving and I try to increase my steps at the very least. But overdoing it does make it worse. Like last night, I had to relent and take something strong. My philosophy is similar to my Mum’s, if I’m in pain sitting or lying down, then I may as well be in pain upright getting something done, right?

    I do credit moving more to getting my Jawbone. I don’t think I’d have been anywhere near as active without it. You could take part in challenges if you wanted to, but you could just as easily check in at night with your step count. I’m getting a bit vicious in my need to beat Janey this week. But I think that’s good for both of us lol. Making us both walk more than we would have ordinarily! Just checked too, I’m actually 40lbs down from New Year’s Day, so that’s an extra 8lb on top of what I’ve lost on BSD. Nearly 3 stone lighter since I’ve owned it. Can’t be bad!

    Enjoy your gardening, I am going to go and pick some ripe tomatoes later, my tumbling toms are laden, they’ve been really tasty this year too. Save me a fortune on cherry tomatoes, because everyone in the house eats those! The bigger ones still need to ripen, varieties I’ve never grown before, Red pear and black truffle I think two of them are. Only thing I will miss this year, is a homegrown tomato butty, wholemeal bread, sprinkle of sea salt ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Good good! We’ll be here to gee you on, pass you the crocheted blanket of mardiness (if required, not always) and to pour you a cup from the pot of hurrah to celebrate your victories! Have you got Jeans Of The Future hanging good to go in your wardrobe? Most of us have. Mixnmatch even fit into hers yesterday, which I think gave her a bit of a shock, but a good one!

    Right, best fill my water bottle and get my backside into gear! Got uber, uber houseproud sister in law coming for the day next Sunday. She’s only been once before as we tend to see her when we go to Lancashire. She folded my dirty washing pile. She. Folded. My. Worn. Knickers. I walked in the kitchen and I was like ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Folding your ironing…’ I was cringing slightly. If you have a coffee, you cling onto it for dear life, because if you put it down on the coaster, the cup is whipped away, washed, dried and kept before you’ve finished it. Exhausting.

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Happy Sunday everyone and well done to our Oppo insider Runforfun for the great achievement for your first week! Even not being 100% ‘good’ still reaps the benefits as you’ll see. Be warned about week 2 though as sometime the weight loss slows down and your body may get carb flu, where you’ll crave those sugary carbs and feel the cold. It’ll pass in a few days so hang in there! We’ve all got through it and you can too.

    Off to London today, on the train. Just talked my OH out of a Havester brekkie before we go so that’s cals and money saved for later. Oh and after he was so interested, I got him a 2nd hand ‘Wishbone’ on eBay. ยฃ15!!! He’s pretty active in his job so no point duelling with him but it’s nice to have another ‘Up friend’ for support ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Your sis in law sounds like my stepmother Cruella. If you stand still too long she wipes you down and bleaches you ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Yes, I know I said next Sunday, it’s going to take me that long to whip the house and garden into any sort of shape that she won’t spend the day cleaning for me… ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Yes that sounds accurate Janey lol. She was quite a late mother too, we were pregnant at the same time with my last, 18 days between them so she would have been… 38. Not ancient, but just nobody expected her to have one so late on. We used to joke that she’d have my nephew trained to put his bottle down on a coaster. She’s lovely though, no malice in her at all, just she moves things and keeps things, so when she’s been round to anyone’s house you don’t know where anything is. Which to me, you don’t do in anyone’s home but your own. She’s set up her own cleaning business and is really successful, so she’s getting paid for doing something she likes, anyway! Bless her.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Have a fab day in London! I’ve just heard hubby banging the scales on the bathroom floor so he’s up. Gauge by the look on his face when he walks in whether he’s going to spend the day moping on the sofa in pain, or whether I’m working him like a proverbial biatch. You don’t have to clean quite so hard for a visit from my family members…

  • posted by Nursebean

    Have you seen a chiropractor Lucky? I’m seeing one at the moment and he really seems to know his stuff!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I haven’t Nursebean, I’ll look into that, thank you. I’m almost certain we have one in our small town (no bakery any more but we have all manner of beauty therapy and healing going on!). Losing weight is helping though, the worst attacks are few and far between now thankfully. I only really started suffering with my back when I put on lots and lots of weight. I’ve got so many things I need to look into and start doing, and my head is all over the place trying to assimilate all this information and actually doing something with it. In one sense, I’m very organised. Just not so when it comes to taking care of me! Sometimes I’m so far down the list that I don’t even think I’m on the list any more!

  • posted by Nursebean

    I know what you mean about trying to take in all this information. You feel as though your head will explode sometimes don’t you! I just think seeing a chiropractor would be good for you because they don’t just look at your current back problem they analyse your whole skeletal system which affects so many other parts of you. They even notice your problems by the way you position your legs when you sit! I’m hoping that with his help I won’t have to had knee replacements when I’m older – something I’ve just assumed I’ll have to have due to family history!
    Where are you on the BSD now? I’m losing track on here. Its not easy for my little brain to find its way around very easily!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Definitely! The diet alone is taking up so much of my headspace, I have to be so organised or I’ll end up having to bang in a frozen pizza! Now I’m finally biting the bullet and counting the carbs as well as the calories… Adding things that I want to do like yoga, I got as far as finding a local class… lol. But I think I’ll have to do something, don’t want to rely on medication because it makes me fluffier headed than I already am! Will just finish up in the kitchen and then google to see if I was right about one being in town. I like to support local business if I can, it’s already like a ghost town here.

    I started week 8 yesterday, 32 lbs down. Husband is 26 lbs down. Would really love to get my 2 and a half stone by next Saturday, hence the attempted concentration on the carbs! Then I’m going to do at least another one cycle of BSD800 and then assess from there as to whether to do it again or do 5:2 but still avoiding the carbs and sugar. I think it’s going to be this way of eating for life now, in one way or another. How are you doing?? I know what you mean about losing track, so many people dip in and out, some came and never left (Janey… ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol). But it’s nice to see the same faces popping up, it means they’re still chipping away at it.

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    I hope Up has just taken note of the fact I had to LEG IT to catch the train… Got on just in time!!

  • posted by tokyo14

    lucky and janey i have sent you both a twitter message xxx

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    <3 Tokyo xxxxx

  • posted by Frog

    I had to google SLE as I was reading -“Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) a chronic inflammatory disease” – doesn’t sound good, so great news that no symptoms Jan.
    Lucky – wow someone shorter than me with larger feet – disproves my theory!
    The theory is that everyone I know who is my height takes delicate size 4 or 5 shoes. People who take size 8 are (usually) lots taller – thus if I was in proportion to my feet, I would be lots taller. Admittedly 5’10” is a tad optimistic. I did lose a lot of weight a few years ago (was v depressed and didn’t want to eat, so not good!), and I may have gone down to 7.5 in some brands, and occasionally a wide fitting brand will be OK in a 7.5, but generally a firm size 8.
    At least you can but size 8 shoes easily now – when my feet first got that big, most stores only stocked women’s’ shoes up to size 7!
    Interestingly, I went out with a friend that I think of as being the same height as me the other night, we went to a concert where we’d be standing all evening, so she had flat shoes on, and she’s actually quite a lot shorter than me.
    I guess when I’m at her home she doesn’t have shoes on, but I’d never really noticed before.

    Hope you had a great day in London Janeycoughdrop, and didn’t get too tied up in all the road closures for Ride London. I’m going to a proms concert this evening I think I’ll walk there and by the time I come home things should be back to normal so I can get the bus.

  • posted by greenjanet

    Hi Lucky
    My best friend in Wales is like your si in law, but mine is lovely and kind, she just wants to look after everyone, does wall washing if you are going to visit etc, lovely when she visits us she cleans and loves it bless her. She moved to Wales in early 80 s and I have never got over her going.

    SLE is a very nasty condition, can be life threatening as affects all major organs, heart kidneys lungs etc, no treatment, only steroids if you are having a flare up. But there is evidence to suggest this way of eating can sort it, also major conditions like MS. Epilepsy asthma allergies it’s the miracle of this decade in my humble opinion. Once the Newcastle team and our kind dr Moseley get the alert response from medical professionals instead of being dismissed as ridiculous as is happening at the moment, by those whose capability to have their ongoing awareness of new approaches to the health of the nation, totally switched of, then it will transform health, information gives the power to control.

    I had almost given up on my health nothing was working everything getting worse. But now knowing about BSD nothings stopping me. I feel well and alive. I want everyone to have the informed choice to feel like this. Some run with it some don’t. But it’s criminal for the information to be blocked by the archaic views of egocentric controlling health professionals.

    Sorry rant over, I feel strongly about this. I used to be a midwife and was trained in a time when we were encouraged to question the establishment, also used to be a union steward. So I am always on my soapbox. When we look around there are so many that need this. ๐Ÿ˜‡

    Glad you are counting your carbs, it will speed things up for you I’m sure, it also makes me feel more on it.


  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Tell me about it Frog, and the size 7 shoes available weren’t always great either! There is a much better choice now. I must just have monster calves or something re the boots. I used to have nice pins too, even when I was a size 16, I used to be confident in a nice short skirt and shiny tights (acceptable in the 90’s…)

    I think you either love it or you don’t, eh Jan, there’s no happy medium! Which part of Wales is your friend, North or South? Do you get to see her often? Probably not often enough, right?

    That sounds shockingly nasty Jan, it’s great that this seems to be helping ๐Ÿ™‚

    No, I don’t blame you. In a time where there’s so much illness, obesity, mystery diseases, diseases we’re no closer to curing, you’re right, the way that the medical profession are sticking so rigidly so their archaic points of view is astounding. Something is obviously very wrong. Something is obviously not working. In the interim all we can do is try and educate people as best we can. Lead by example. Try and create a ripple effect, even if it is a very small ripple. My friend inspired me, and in turn I have ‘converted’ my husband. So, one became three there. I’ll be happy if I can inspire one more person that I know in real life, my husband counts but he also doesn’t because I do the cooking ๐Ÿ˜‰ I do the meal plans, the cooking, most of the washing up, all he has to do is eat and lose weight, so it’s a no brainer for him. But to inspire one more to do it, and then let them do the same with their inner circles, I think that’s the way to go, unfortunately.

    Then you have one of my best friends. She is morbidly obese too. Always claiming to want to lose weight. I emailed her and told her what I’d been doing and that I’d lost 32lb in 7 weeks, didn’t try and convert her, just told her in a few sentences. And her response was, in so many words, that it sounded too much like hard work and she couldn’t be bothered with that. 32 pounds in 49 days – and not eating carbs sounds too much like hard work?? The easiest weight loss I’ve had in my life, I feel fantastic. I’m sleeping well (when idiot neighbours aren’t at it). I’ve refrained from emailing her back so far, because part of me wants to be snippy about it and tell her that the definition of madness is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. But I won’t, because I’m not like that, so I’ll just wait until I can phrase that in a more diplomatic way lol. I’m not prepared to waste any more of my life unable to cut my toenails (I forgot that one, I cut my own toenails last week!! Another bonkers ‘Cinderella’ moment!), or getting wedged in the bath. I want to enjoy my 40’s in a way I wasn’t able to enjoy my 20’s and 30’s. And then my 50’s and 60’s and 70’s, God willing.

    Well, I’m having a bit of a mad one today, coffee for breakfast (I’m not a brekkie eater). I’ve decided to make some chorizo and king prawn thing for tea, one of my new recipes, so I’ve created a recipe on MFP for future ease. Having smoked paprika spiced turnip wedges with it again (half a turnip in wedges, 31 calories and I think 6 carbs! They were filling too!). As we’re eating earlyish today, about 3.30, I didn’t want lunch so I’ve just had a small bowl of salted popcorn. So my carbs are currently in at 28 for the day (including not yet eaten tea), and my calories are at 525. Enough for a couple of scoops of Oppo later, I reckon ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • posted by Frog

    32lb in 7 weeks – that’s brilliant Lucky
    After my experience the other day of struggling to carry home 24 cans of cat food 200m, and giving up part way because my car was parked there, then smugly thinking that it wasn’t too different to the weight I’ve lost, so had previously been lugging around, your friend is doing way more hard work lugging around the 32lb.
    That’s interesting – faffing around calculating the gross weight of a can of cat food in grams, multiplying it for the number of cans, working out the ratio of 32lb to 24 cans – it’s just dawned on me that 1 can of cat food is almost exactly 1lb. (1.02lb to be exact). Duuur – and I’m an accountant!

    I have a particularly wide bath, so haven’t had that problem often, although I had previously noticed hotel baths a bit too narrow for comfort. On reflection, it wasn’t a problem on recent hotel stays.

    After doing the freezer last night, I have just cleaned out my fridge. I’m not too fussy about ‘best before’ and ‘use by’ dates if food looks and smells OK, and I hate throwing food away. BUT even I decided that I would probably find something else or go to Waitrose before I opened the pack of cheese with “best before May 2011” stamped on it.
    White cabbage has amazing longevity – there’s one in there that I bought at the start of this diet (about half of it gone) that still looks fine – it’s even started growing new leaves at the bottom. Furry green and slimy veg has gone though.
    I must get more structured about shopping!

  • posted by greenjanet

    Woo hoo lucky
    On it today you are go girl.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

    My darling friend lives in tonteg mid glam, But I have another who is currently looking for somewhere in snowdonia region, she wants wild and woolly she has little kids, and wants a simple life for them and her.

    My priority is now I need to live somewhere where I can get my fresh BSD supplies hehe got me plants now so some planting to do now.

  • posted by greenjanet

    Oh yeah and cutting the toe nails well, I also was able to do up my sandels properly ooh simple things huh

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Hahaha! Frog you just made me chuckle about the cat food. An accountant, that’s why you like your numbers and stats then? You were joking about the cheese, right??? I hate waste too, I am wasting less on this WOE, but it is costing me a bit more probably on proper food, making sure I buy fresh every other day. But weighed up against what I used to spend on junk food, it probably evens out. Cabbage is fantastic, the hard one, is it drumhead? I love sweetheart cabbage myself, could just eat a load of that on a plate with salt and pepper on it. Swedes can be quite resilient too. My freezers are slowly emptying, so I’m going to need to be on the ball this week. Don’t want to go buying too much as we’ll be away from next Monday and will need to do a shop for there too.

    Yep Jan, trying to get into the habit of inputting now. It’s just laziness on my part I suppose but that is no use at all! Can’t let this good start slip away, think how much more it could have been if I’d been counting the carbs too! I’m not far from Snowdonia, it’s actually what you can see out of my window, and my streetname loosely translates to that in English. I know I might moan sometimes but it’s a very beautiful place to live, and it’s safer for children, although nowhere is really safe any more, safer will do me. Put it this way, I was in stitches the other night, after I’d watched Fixing Dad on catch up, I caught the end of some Welsh Police programme, and this particular segment was based on the island. A tractor had been stolen, and they got CSI down. Just the word CSI made me think of that US franchise, CSI: NY, CSI: Miami. All the exciting cases… CSI: Wales? Stolen tractor. Love it.

    Ooooh hadn’t thought about my sandals, I leave them strapped up for that reason and just slip my feet in… ๐Ÿ™‚ Will have to try!

  • posted by Frog

    No Lucky, the best by 2011 cheese was really there (probably still would be if it wasn’t low fat!) – there were also 2013 and 2014 packs of cheese – mostly feta and halloumi, I eat those out, buy them in a supermarket, but rarely get around to using them. I did do a big fridge clear out at the end of last year too, so they must have survived that. There’s a couple of packets on paneer in there too.
    My biggest downfall is eating out unplanned, and also seeing things in the supermarket on special offer, or reduced because of the ‘use by’ date – so I’ll get those and not cook whatever I’d intended.
    I don’t often do big supermarket shops, maybe once a month or less, because I have so many local supermarkets within a five minute walk.

    I just had a chicken stir fry for lunch, which was nice. I put the remaining chicken fillet in the freezer because I was tempted by the M&S dine in for ยฃ10 deal, so I have a whole chicken to cook tomorrow. Plus a chilled bottle of sauvignon in the fridge, which I really fancy a glass of……

    Where are you off to on holiday?

  • posted by Yowzer49

    JAN i am feeling fairly confident that this WOE will work for those of us with chronic health conditions. I have ME/CFS,had it twenty yrs and like with you no treatment available,have tried various things with varying success/ failure. Then recently i read a book by someone who has conquered ME/ CFS and he advises a many pronged approach to healing. In the past i did one thing at a time in an effort to find something that was a cure,now i’m just doing all i can afford to pay for all at once,with this diet thrown in too.
    Thank goodness for MM! If it wasnt for him, I wdnt have a clue about BSD or 5:2 and its variations! Fingers crossed for a great result for us all!
    LUCKY i feel for you as i have sciatica too! Its sooo painful and the days i can barely lift my left foot drive me mad.
    I have long periods where i am symptom free than i’ ll do something such as carry a heavy bag of shopping or ( oh foolish me!) walk up some stairs and oh yeh here it is again! On totally different track..plate of cabbage with salt n pepper? Gorgeous!
    And Snowdonia is gorgeous too! Stayed there in a log cabin some years ago on a retreat-y type weekend..about six or seven women..we had such a lovely time..it was january and not many people staying..couldnt bear to go to bed coz the stars felt like you could just put up yr hand and take them out of the sky! X
    Welcome JESS J and thanks for the info on oppo!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Wow, I have no words… but then I’m not a cheese eater so I wouldn’t know if things were ok or not in that department!

    I have to shop once, sometimes twice a week, with top up shops! My children are like locusts. We’ve got pretty much every supermarket within a 3 mile radius, except for Sainsbury’s which is a little further afield. Those M&S deals are fab, I bought one for my cousin and husband for their anniversary as their little ones had been ill so knew they would probably forfeit their meal out. I’ve actually had my first alcohol today in about 10 weeks, the sherry in my tea! I’m absolutely terrified of drinking after hearing that we become lightweights and the hangovers are bad. The older I’m getting the less I can handle a hangover. Even a couple of glasses of wine and I’m shocking the next day, takes me a full day to recover. How I used to do it in my youth, I’ll never know. My son, he can be out until 3 or 4 in the morning and then he’s up the same day like it’s nothing.

    We’re going to Llangollen. We love it there and try and go twice a year. Really beautiful part of Wales, and relaxed. Still trying to find activities for the other two days. Devon again next year though, we’re regretting not going now, my parents are there now and my husband has been near tears in jealousy since Thursday.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I find coming DOWN the stairs a particular spectacle Yowzer, because guaranteed, whatever side my back is spasming on at that time, either my hip, or my knee will be pulsing on the other side. I don’t know which leg to lead with and I’m just stood static at the top, looking down. When I finally decide, each step is punctuated with an ‘OW!!!!!!!’. It’s bloody horrible. But I bet it would make an amusing Youtube video. I haven’t helped myself because my husband has been quite poorly for the past eight years? One thing after another, but more recently he’s had four operations in under 2 years. And it’s been a ‘no lifting for x months afterward’ jobs too, one after another. No sooner was he fit enough to, they operated again. So, either I did it… or it didn’t get done.

    Log cabin sounds lovely, it is a beautiful part of the country. Not quite as rural where I am slap bang in suburbia, but it’s rural enough, and there’s always peace and quiet a small drive away ๐Ÿ™‚

    Do you think this diet is helping your ME any?

  • posted by Yowzer49

    LUCKY I didnt realise yr hubby has health problems too..so you have a lot on yr plate ( not literally of course…grrrr..we wd like that wdnt we!)
    you have a lot to contend with between yr own probs,hubbys and the kids to see to,so i take my imaginary hat off to you,specially coz you are very upbeat,kind and thoughtful as well xxxxxxxx
    thinks..hmm i quite fancy wearing a hat!
    Well done anyway Lucky you are doing a fab job..and i’ m glad youre looking after yrself now losing all this weight and giving yrself a neww lease of life ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
    I know what you mean about the stairs..i find it quite discombobulating being at the top of any stairs or steps! Never quite sure how to set off. And if there isnt a handrail/ bannister..forget it!
    My Beau is very caring and walks just in front of me.. It helps coz i get dizzy if i look to the bottom!
    He’s constantly looking back to check i am ok,while i am thinking..God help you if i fall on you,you’ll be flattened!
    ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ fortunately hasnt happened – yet!.
    I DO believe this diet will help with ME,along with other stuff i’ m trying to do..i am hoping my new many pronged attack will work miracles! Pity the many prongs don’t involve a big fork full of forbidden goodies but fingas X’d we all get there in the end..slim,healthy,bursting with vitality..hey lets throw wealthy into the mix..we can dream cant we! ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’

  • posted by Nursebean

    Like YOWZER I also have ME/CFS and am trying a whole range of things in the hope of recovery. This diet must surely help us. I mean, low carbs? Its helped many people to recover from this wretched illness. Supplements are also a good idea. I take iodine (you should look it up. It is amazing how we are all iodine deficient!) as well as Magnesium and Ubiquinol. I haven’t seen amazing results from these yet. If anything I’ve bean worse lately – but that may be due to my bad back and starting treatment with a chiropractor. Who knows! One thing’s for sure, though. I LOVE this way of eating! I thought fasting was great – but this beats it hands down!!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Awwwwwwww thank you Yowzer! The poor sod, it’s nothing life or death or anything just been left with chronic pain. Started off needing a lump removed from, you know, down below. Then he was having chest pains, so was in having investigations on that, angio clear, but still in pain. Then he fell, did his ankle, had a ligament repair, which didn’t work, then a ligament reconstruction, that was months of recovery and physio. Then he needed a bone shaving in his shoulder, then carpal tunnel done. But the most recent spate of the last 8 years, over the last 2 years, he was in excruciating pain, and it turned out after many A&E visits to be gallbladder, so that was whipped out. Still in pain, took him in again, adhesions had grown from his bowel to his liver. A couple of months later he was taken in with pancreaitis (spelling?), then in again as because they’d gone in twice in almost the same place in his stomach, a massive hernia had developed. Repaired it. Didn’t work, hernia back, bigger and better, so they took him back in for a second repair and it turns out the mesh had moved, the hernia had pushed back through, taking part of his bowel with it! Add to this he’s very prone to infection, so every one of those operations (except the two ankle ones at a hospital in our local healthcare board but 70 miles away), he had an infection after. Our local hospital is RIFE. The worst one was, after he had an angiogram, he got an infection in the incision in his wrist. They took him in, put him on IV antibiotics. Left the cannula in too long, he kept asking nurses if it should be changed… ended up with an infection in his hand where that had been! Cannula in other hand to treat that infection, that got infected too! He was in such a mess at the end of it, that they had to get special dispensation to put him on this antibiotic, that was, and I quote them ‘The antibiotic equivalent of bleach’ and was so expensive apparently, that it was rarely used! The best part of it was the Doctor came in and said to him ‘When did you have MRSA, Mr G?’ Hubby was like ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ‘I haven’t?’ Apparently he had contracted it at some point and nobody had said anything! Minute they realised he didn’t know about it they clammed up and were vague every time he mentioned it after! It’s been a proper comedy of errors.

    We thought this might have been it, but no, he’s still in pain with the phantom gallbladder pain and stomach pain. No pain relief works on it from paracetamol to morphine so he doesn’t bother taking anything. They’ve even tried him on pethidine, and I used to rib him that I pushed three children out on entonox alone and he was being a tart LOL. Oh, and now he needs the same shoulder op again on the other shoulder, and the ankle reconstruction has only half worked, the metal anchor working his ankle up and down is, but side to side isn’t, so a do-over of that may be on the cards. I know myself how exhausting chronic pain is so I really feel for him. It is hard work for me at times, but I’d rather be in my shoes than in his. I am absolutely smitten with him still after 17 years, and he me (thankfully!) We are one of those sickening couples that everyone loves to hate. I said for better or for worse, and lord knows, I can be bloody hard work myself at times! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Give and take, isn’t it? He’s been my rock more than once, it’s only right I return the favour in whatever way I’m needed to. And this is how I’m needed to at the moment. Could be a lot worse.

    Ah, you know, I am at the point now where I’m (reasonably!) happy to forego goodies in return for better health, vitality and a nicer figure. I’ve had years and years of junk food and this is where it’s got me. No friend of mine! ๐Ÿ™‚ I really hope it does the trick for you both with the ME and goes some way to alleviate the symptoms at the very least. We never know unless we try, do we? xxx

  • posted by greenjanet

    Hi all
    Well slap my back and call me Shirley , izz just finished twelve I repeat twelve hours of gardening had to stop as its almost dark, I could never have done that before the 29.6.16 can’t believe in such a short time my bod has changed so much. The garden is looking beautiful it’s been sunny, so I am now full to popping with vit d, I also did my first 10 min run with hit sections of 10 sec and my strength exercises, but cannot do the plank, I’ve to big a bag of meat to lift at the mo, and the dog came on my lap for a cuddle and I’ve got more lap for her to sit properly on, instead of precariously balancing.
    Steps today are7,400 wee hee may have been more as phone lost its charge at some point.
    So of for a lovely shower, back to work tomorrow for a rest LOL

    Hope you’ve all had a fab Sunday, and are looking forward to another exciting week, of lush food, and some weight loss.

    Love jan๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿƒ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ€๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒฒโ˜˜๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    17,000 steps Lucky. I’m going to sleep well tonight. And probably have sciatica tomorrow! Just have to think smart about how I keep the numbers up during work days as I spend most of the time sat on my A***!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Wow you’ve really been at it today Jan! GreenfingeredJanet! Putting us all to shame! The exercise will come in baby steps ๐Ÿ™‚ You’re doing fab!! My Sunday was better before Janey ran me ragged all over London. I wasn’t even with her. I’m doing my garden tomorrow, there’s some ivy that has gone crackers in this weird weather, it’s sprawled all over my (usually tidy) patio and wooden furniture. That’s getting tackled. My flowers are looking lovely though, especially my antirrhinum, my absolute favourites, remind me of my Gran, she had a garden full of them. Palm tree needs a few leaves taking off the bottom too. I’m not a gardening fan, I love gardens, I love reaping the benefits, but actually tending to them, not so good. Oh and the hedges need doing too… I’ll stop before I end up thoroughly depressed!

    Janey, the soles of my feet are burning. Burning! Saying that, I managed 11,786 today, and that is your fault! Thank you! I think this is what I needed to get me moving. A little bit of obsessively non-healthy competition. I probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow. But I’ll find a way. This is going to go to the bloody wire, isn’t it? Hope you had a fab day in the big city!

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    232 steps behind you. I’m going to have to walk round the playing field before bed ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Sod off. Have you found Tokyo on Up yet? She needs to charge it though.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    And get to bloody sleep, you utter lunatic! You won’t be able to open your eyes tomorrow!

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Can you stop walking about please or I’ll never get to bed!! I’m shattered! Yes, Tokyo has tracked me down. Game on!!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Bring it…

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