Healthy New Me Part 5 : September-October

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hello and welcome!

    This is the next phase of the ongoing Healthy New Me thread that has been running on a two-monthly basis throughout 2023. Newcomers are very welcome even if you have not been on previous threads. So if you’re looking for a new start do come and join us.

    We are a friendly, honest and fun bunch and for reasons that I don’t now remember refer to the thread as a bus journey 🚌 heading towards its ultimate destination – the achievement of our health and weight loss goals.

    Welcome aboard!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello DCT and thank you for setting us up for our September/October bus journey. Once again I am sitting in my seat with anticipation. I am keen to lose the excess weight and get back into the 140s and that is my goal for this journey. If I can get to 148 lb by the end of this ride that will get me to where I can hopefully achieve my goal of 142 lb on the next journey. We all know that things don’t always go to plan as happened to me during the last bus ride but I’m feeling positive and optimistic that no matter what life throws at me I can weather the storm and keep a focus on getting to a healthy weight.
    I hope that we can inspire each other as we set off into the wilderness together: Let’s see what we can achieve despite the knocks we will no doubt encounter along our journey. I’m ready to face any hurdles full on.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi Cathy and welcome aboard. Let’s do this! I put on a couple of pounds over the last journey but really need to get serious now, for all kinds of reasons – including my plan to get my MoTB dress during October half term. So I’d really like to shed quite a few pounds this time round, but know I do need to focus much more.

    I’m also seeing this journey as a time for establishing good new habits in other areas too. I’m now back at school, which I really enjoy, but with my freelance work, family responsibilities and still trying to get my house in order I can get frazzled very quickly, feeling as if I spend all my time rushing from one thing to the other. But I realise I can also waste an awful lot of time too, such as scrolling on my phone, watching rubbish TV, and making plans and lists that I then don’t stick to! So I want to do a bit of a life reboot and sort out my time and priorities as well as diet, trying to achieve a better balance and less stressful pace. Watch this space . . . . !!

    Have a great weekend everyone X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Thank you so much DCT❤️Welcome aboard everyone who’s back on the magic bus again,or setting foot on it for the first time! Woo hoo! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
    I resonate with what you said above,DCT ..I’m thinking …Day One or One Day? Im choosing Day One! XX💕👍XX no more procrastination! XX

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi guys, I am strolling down the bus to my seat with more of a swagger for this stage of the journey than I have for a couple of years.

    My fat discard process is being very different this time by focusing on autophagy and therefore also reversing IR than it was the first time around when I focused on just controlling carbs. – While pre Covid I discarded a lot of weight by controlling carbs when I took part in the research program on the benefits of weight training run at the local university my results were diluted because the body scan kit they used indicated that I had a stubborn layer of subcutaneous fat over my whole body even though I was being very strict on my eating program trying to remain in ketosis.

    During long covid the reduction in activity and years of a sore throat from constant coughing meant that my IR made it easy for my body to pile on weight again.

    The need for autophagy to clear the covid virus out of my body has turned out to be a positive in disguise. I am discarding weight but the pattern is different. Last time I did have bat wings on my upper arms that resolved, and by this weight I needed a belt to hold my jeans up. – This morning I realised that the bat wings is the whole length of my arm, including elbow. and I can see that there is loose skin forming around my knees as well as thighs. It reassures me that my body is working on all the fat stores and my target weight is possible where I struggled to get close to my target before.

    I am going to continue to focus on autophagy for a few months as reversing the damage to my heart from covid is so important. But
    the swagger comes for a different reason. – I have been struggling with fatigue and the loss of my get up and go since Covid. Every single job, even reading the newspaper online needed a rest afterwards (and a coffee for a bit of energy) before moving on to the next job. – I have started taking a supplement that helps your body with the chemical processes for creating energy which has been drained by the virus taking over some stages of your cells ability to generate energy for its own uses, and that suppliment is making a huge difference to my energy levels and joy of life. (and coffee intake).

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    JGwen- how wonderful that your hard work is paying off and I’m so happy to see you swaggering onto the bus and to know that your energy levels are good and it was wonderful to read about how you are enjoying joy in your life.
    You’ve been so determined and your hard work is paying you back. You’ll be wearing your new leather jacket very soon!
    Yowser- I’m glad you chose Day 1. It will be great to share this leg of the journey with so many of us feeling ready to make a difference and take responsibility for what we eat.
    I’m still going with OMAD this week: I am determined to get into the 140s during this journey.
    DCT- not long now til October half term when I am sure you’ll be ready to source your wedding attire. You could be about 7lb down by then.
    Let’s have a good week- we are all approaching things slightly differently but we all have one goal in mind and we are determined to get where we want to be.

  • posted by happysnap

    Hi all and thanks for being so welcoming to fellow bus passengers!
    I am closing my seat belt and determined to stay there until I get some weight off!!
    JGwen, well done on your visible difference, you are my fasting hero (and I really want to pair up with you for fasting and IR reversal) Perhaps we can start an IF thread?

    Wishing everyone the best of luck on their journey- here’s to hoping we all stick to our commitments and reach our goals!!

  • posted by JackieM

    Hi all. Am very sleepy but also aboard the bus ready for hopefully the last leg of my journey.

    I’m definitely thinner! People have noticed! I have clavicles again. But the fancy scales at home need charging and the are definitely Not My Responsibility/my toy so I haven’t been able to weigh yet. It’s those last few pounds that stop my legs looking stubby.

    I reckon another 4 weeks should do it. I wasn’t hungry at all on holiday – so hot, which meant I drank a lot of water – but today I am ravenous. No food in house, luckily, so nipped to shop and had spinach salad for lunch.

    New resolutions: exercise. At least stretching if not anything more vigorous. Looking for an evening Pilates class. I love Pilates.

    Anywho, keep on keeping on! Excited to hear your plans.

    Jackie x

  • posted by Mariet

    Hi everyone,
    Here I am again, turning up like a bad penny.
    I am at the same stage was a few months ago when I went MIA but I am happy about that because I have been on two holidays and had a new baby (grandbaby but stil) but have maintained the same weight. Yay!
    After an interruption of a few months I’m ready to pick up again and keep on with my old friend, the BSD, for yet another go around.
    Can I have a seat on the bus even though I keep coming and going?
    My big goal is to eliminate all snacking. I don’t eat breakfast so lunch and dinner only, no refined carbs, and see how we go. I am walking 5-7km each day with my dog and enjoying it, hopefully that will help. I am due for my yearly bloods this month and hopeful that they will be ok.
    It is lovely to see so many regulars here too! Strength and good luck to us all.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    A big hello to everyone
    MARIET of course there is a seat for you! Welcome back. I’m so glad you are enjoying life with your grandchildren and dog, and well done for keeping your weight stable. Good luck with your no-snacking mission. I’m sure you’ll ace it!

    JACKIE, welcome home! and it sounds like you are doing really well. Do let us know when you manage to get on some scales. I hope you find a pilates class too. I’m about to restart yoga after the summer break. I’m pretty hopeless (can’t balance on one leg) but I enjoy it and think it relaxes me.

    HAPPYSNAP lovely to see you back again and buckled up for the journey! I think it’s a great idea to team up with JGWEN for fasting motivation. And JGWEN I’m so pleased your energy is returning. You deserve that swagger 😀

    YOWZER I’m with you on the Day One rather than One Day thing. I really do need to start moving forward : feels like I’ve been stuck in a rut for far too long and the weight is beginning to pile on. I’m determined to make a difference on this leg of the journey so I may need your wet lettuces if I fall off the bus at any stage!

    CATHY how is your OMAD going? I’m keeping everything crossed that you see progress and get into the 140s this time round. I have a good feeling about this journey, as we are all so motivated. Good luck!! And I hope you get some good news on your test results X

    SUE hope you are doing ok and managing to get back on top of meal planning again. That’s something I’m going to do later today as I find it makes such a huge difference. If I plan meals from one of the books, write out a weekly eating plan and ensure I have all the ingredients it always works well. So here I go . . .

    Good luck everyone!!

  • posted by JackieM

    69.9kg! Feel a lot lighter. Trick Will be to drink enough water I think. I’m not a huge fan but I think it does make a difference.

    Breakfast – yoghurt, chia seeds, almonds, flax and a whole strawberry!
    Took lunch to work – dressed spinach leaves with grated cheese, pistachios, seeds.
    Dinner – cauliflower cheese with ham

    Just realised I’ve been misremembering my kg-llb conversion. Thought I was nearly done but 10stone (my max weight) is 63kg. Oh man. Just another 6kg to go then 🤯😬

    Hope everyone had a good day.

    Jackie x

  • posted by Nokie

    Dear all

    Great to be back on bus 🚌 lovely to read all your comments
    I am back in my seat 💺 going to try hard on this journey
    Please forgive if I don’t reply very much I am not sleeping as very worried about my dad he collapsed and rushed to hospital yesterday I collected him at 5 pm took him home the he collapsed again and we waited 4 hours for an ambulance so it’s a rough time at the moment
    I am not giving up with my eating as it gives me something to focus on
    One thing I am doing is having 1 tablespoon of 🍎 apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before my breakfast 🍳 I read it helps suppress my sugar weakness!!!
    Good luck to you all on this journey
    Be in touch soon
    Nokie x❤️

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi NOKIE and welcome on board. Great to have you with us and let’s make this happen! I’m sorry to hear about your dad and hope that he is getting some treatment that works for him. A very worrying time I’m sure. Please look after yourself too X

    JACKIE you are doing so well and I’m sure you will get to your 10 stone before you know it. And isn’t it annoying when you are playing the numbers game and realise there’s been a miscalculation along the way 🙀 Interestingly, my current weight and goal for this journey are pretty much the same as yours so let’s do this together? In my case, time to stop procrastinating and just get on with it!!!

  • posted by JackieM

    Hey Dreamscometrue – I’ll share my never ending water bottle with you. In old days it would have been my sweeties but – well we all know how that ends.
    67.8kg apparently. I weigh v early in morning so get the most optimistic reading but hey! Great!
    I mention water because I think that’s the key. I know we all know this so I don’t know why I’m a) so reluctant b) so surprised. But I think it really helped on holiday so I’m making myself drink it here too. It’s not my favourite, not sure why. I can drink tea forever (but the milk!)

    Yesterday ate:
    3 large spoons Greek yoghurt/chia/flaked almonds/linseed and another whole strawberry (!)
    Tub of red pepper hummus and a red pepper
    Nuts, assorted (two handfuls not a packet, well done me)
    Spinach salad, dressed, with grated Parmesan cheese.
    Tea with milk
    I square 90% chocolate.

    I imagine there’s more of the same in the future – though only if I remembered to order spinach in the online delivery.

    Have a great day all, we can do this thing!


  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    We chose a hot week to continue our journey!
    Jackie- your menu sounds lovely – right up my street! Are you vegetarian like me? I like how you restricted yourself to one strawberry!!! I always pile my plate up with berries! Oops!
    Great to see lots of friends aboard. We all seem very motivated which is great!
    Nokie- so sorry to hear how poorly your dad is and I am thinking of you. Be kind to yourself.
    My OMAD has turned into 20:4 because I am hungry at 20 hours so I have a small snack about 4 pm prior to having my main meal at 6pm. Sometimes it’s just a coffee with milk and some nuts and olives. I haven’t seen the weight loss I hoped for after the first week!’ Might be because it’s hot!
    No scan results still! I called them and they said there is a backlog waiting to be reported due to the doctors strike!I am taking that as possibly good news!!
    Hoping for 2lb down next week!

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Guys,
    I have set up a new thread for those of us who want to share support if we are using fasting either for fat loss or health issues. I think it would be good to either support each other as we fast, maybe buddying up, or even to share interesting pieces of information on research into fasting.

  • posted by JackieM

    Hi Cathy – not a vegetarian no, but with strong preferences in that direction!

    67.8! Got up in night and was 68.3 so the magic happens somewhere between 4.30 – 8am. That and I took my pjs off for second reading.

    Inspired by your clothes stories – found myself cleaning a couple of drawers out and in them my lovely size 8 and 10 clothes. Oh how I love them. Glad I didn’t Chuck them all. So more motivation (which I do need bc it’s a slog, right? Every moment a choice to not do something – which is hard. I’ve been trying to see if as an active choice not to eat/eat the good thing. That helps. I am having occasional dreams about carb eating now).

    Hip bones are flirting with me, hope to see them as well as feel them soon 😂

    Food yesterday.

    Yoghurt as per
    Salad as per
    2 x chicken thighs and hummus (dog got skin)
    Water water water
    Tea with milk
    2 bit of 90% choc – it was Friday after all.

    Hope the weekend treats everyone well. So hot here – I foresee a lot more water water water ….

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    We had a lovely day out to Llandudno yesterday. I didn’t have a refreshing pint of beer on the pier with my husband and I didn’t eat a donut! I did have an ice cream as part of my 20:4 regime and enjoyed it guilt free because all my other choices were good. I have been noticing how unhealthily overweight a lot of people are without seemingly, a care in the world. It seems to be a lifestyle choice and I don’t want to be that person. It made me realise how hard we all are working to make sensible choices and how disciplined we are for the good of our health.
    I’ve made egg muffins for my meal today and I’ll have salad and Greek yoghurt with raspberries. I usually treat myself mid afternoon to a cup of coffee with milk and that keeps me on the straight and narrow until teatime. I’ll be drinking sparkling water all day .
    My plan is to try and get 2lb off this week: I’m off to Brighton for a couple of nights with my friends on 20th September and I am being extra sensible before I go . I’ve also got a week in Ragdale hall to look forward to in October and I would love to be in the 140 lbs when I go.
    Let’s keep plodding everyone.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Morning all! Hope you’re having a lovely weekend. I’m just back from a nice long dog walk before it gets too hot, then made myself a lovely brunch : scrambled 2 eggs in butter with a bit of grated cheese and a couple of blobs of frozen spinach. Seasoned with chilli flakes, salt and pepper. Delicious and very filling, and according to my FitBit works out at around 345 cals, 3g carbs. Am about to head outside now to do some much-needed gardening.

    I’m feeling very positive today. It’s been an interesting few days with various opportunities to interact with people in different ways, and reflect a bit on who I am, how people see me, and who I want to become. If that makes sense. There was an insightful quote at yoga the other night too, along the lines of tension is when you are trying to be someone you’re not; relaxation is when you decide to be who you are. Anyway, a bit waffly I know, but something has really triggered in me a new wave of motivation and determination to start making positive strides to being the person I want to be rather than just sitting on the sidelines feeling defeated and/or regretful. This relates to lots of things in my life – particularly on the creative side – but is equally relevant to my weight, fitness and health. I feel I’ve been treading water for some time, vaguely wanting to make improvements but then sliding too easily into a range of bad habits that prevent those improvements from happening.

    And today I’ve decided enough is enough. I’m setting myself an ambitious – but hopefully do-able – weight loss target for this journey, and am about to relaunch a couple of creative projects too. I’ve shared before my “superpower” of wasting time, and that is going to change as of now.

    Wish me luck, as those of you who know me will realise I’m much better at planning and hoping than actually doing!

    CATHY I’m glad you had a good day out yesterday and have some nice things to look forward to, including Ragdale Hall. It sounds like you are in a very positive place too, and I wish you every success.

    JACKIE how exciting that you are within reach of fitting into all your lovely clothes again.Well done for keeping going and making those good choices. And for drinking so much water 😂

    Wishing everyone a great week ahead! X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Lovely to see such a positive post DCT- “dieting” is such a mental game and when our heads are in the right place it makes losing weight a little easier. You really have been inspired this week to be the you you want to be. It resonates with me too.
    I have decided to get weighed once a week on a Wednesday!!! I’ve never weighed myself on Wednesdays! Hoping to be 2lb down when I weigh myself. I am ashamed to say I weighed 157lb this week so if I can be 155 lb then I will consider my week of 20:4 to have been a success. I am aiming to be around 145 lb at the end of October and ideally I would like to get down to 138 lb as a goal but that is a long way off.

  • posted by 1960smp

    Good morning fellow bus riders!
    I am so bad at being consistent and have decided that today, I am not going to let that deter me from making an effort at least! So, if there’s a little seat for me at the back, I will endeavour to make this journey alongside others with likeminded goals…
    I have just weighed myself and horrified that in ‘old money’ I am 176 pounds or 80.1kg! Not as heavy as some time ago but non the less…
    My doc has asked me to try these tablets that help lower cholesterol. I have refused statins for so long, (these are not statins but work the same ). but decided that I will give these a go as am not old but if I don’t make some changes I won’t get old either!!
    I compiled a basic menu a few weeks back so shall re visit that today and adjust accordingly now I know my weight…
    I don’t mind water so that is drink of choice with the odd cuppa in morning and evening.
    It’s good to see others and their stories on board, so encouraging to have support. I don’t recall who said it, but think I will try the apple cider before a meal seeing as I am self diagnosing a seriously sugar addict here!
    Off to do some research….have a fruitful day everyone

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi 1960smp and welcome aboard. I’m glad I’m not the only one who still works in old money!

    Your tablets sound interesting. I’ve been on statins for the last 4 years, reluctantly I admit, but my high cholesterol was picked up during routine blood tests for other drugs I’m on, and I had previously been monitored on and off due to a family history of it. So far they seem to have been effective but it’s interesting to know there are potentially other options.

    Good luck with your journey, and let us know how you’re getting on x

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I’m late climbing into my seat for this bus journey, I really didn’t feel in the right frame of mind last week and didn’t want my to self sabotage my first week.Lovely to see everyone already onboard.Will weigh on Wednesdays like you Cathy.I think when I weigh myself tomorrow I will find I’m the same weight I was at the start of our last journey, putting that negative thought behind me though and looking ahead.

    Dawn X

  • posted by Mariet

    Hi so, I am reporting in even though I have no progress to report. I am just maintaining here so clearly I need to cut down a little all over to get things started.

    It’s good to see so much positivity, best wishes for a good result for those who are weighing on Wednesday 😁

  • posted by JackieM

    Hi all 67.8kg – no move. I know why (stress meant I could only maintain and not really dig in to willpower and I ate out which is always tricky)- I hope it isn’t a plateau. Anyhow. Onwards onwards.


    Yoghurt, chia, almonds, linseed
    Dressed Salad, cheese, sunflowers
    Tea with milk
    Roasted nuts assorted x 2 handfuls
    85% chocolate x 2 bits
    Cheese (100g? Maybe a bit more)
    Prawn in some kind of pre packed garlic/chilli sauce
    Drank less water (aha!)

    Today will endeavour to just eat the meals and avoid the chocolate.

    Good luck and fair wind to you all

    Jackie x

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    Wednesday weigh in 157.2 =2 lb loss this week.
    My Fitbit tells me I’ve walked 55.183 steps this week.
    I’m still doing 20:4 and I’m going to try for a couple of longer fasts this next week. Maybe throw in a couple of 36 hour fasts to try and burn fat for longer. It’s a slow process to lose my stubborn weight but one I am determined to complete this mission
    There is room for manoeuvre with what I eat too. So here’s to another 2lb discard before my next weekly weigh in.
    Still no scan results!! Four weeks since my MRI scans. I’ve spoken to the ankle specialist Secretary who tells me he reviewed my scan on 1st September and has requested a soon appointment to see me. I’ve contacted the appts office and they have no slots for me. The pelvic and abdominal scan was done at a different hospital and it’s not yet been reported. They are blaming the doctors strike for the delay. Anyway, no news is good news so onward and downwards.
    This weeks mantra is going to be:-
    More walking, more fasting, more weight loss. .
    Have a good week everyone and let’s keep this bus moving towards our goals

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,
    first weigh in this morning and I was 2lbs lighter than I expected so that was a bonus.Have written a food plan for the week so will stick to that with as much will power as I can muster! Hope you all have a good day. Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi gang! Nice to see the bus so busy! Will be back to have a proper catch up on the comments,for now,just sending hugs tomall and specially to NOKIE XXXXXX I hope yr Dad will be ok and well,done you for not turning to food for comfort.
    Ive done very well as I always do the first week.9 lb down and mostly water of course,but greatly encouraging to see. Ive learnt my lesson I think ( at last) and I know what usually happens next…I continue to do well for a week or two,then resolve fades and I start to eat the wrong things,lose heart,give up,start again at some time. Its tedious and I want to stop the pattern,fingers crossed i will this time!
    Take care everyone,tatty bye for now, xxxx

  • posted by Nokie

    Hello all
    Thanks yowzer for you kind wishes just on way to hospital again as dad is still there he keeps crying 😢 he wants to come home !!
    It’s very hard for us all especially mum
    I have read all the posts please forgive me if I don’t answer my time is taken up at the moment but I am still on bus 🚌 just trying to stay on my seat I have put a pound on this week I know what it was chocolate 🍫 😢
    Keep going everyone I will be in touch when I can
    Lv nokie xx❤️

  • posted by Yowzer49

    NOKIE your poor Dad.😢 Im sure seeing you will cheer him up xx
    CCATHY,I feel for you re results. I had some tests in Aug,havent been yet told the results,my follow up appt is in October. NHS seems to be falling apart right now. Xx well done 2 lb off,walking,and fasting 👍👍👍
    DAWN well done on your loss and your determination! Are you going to do a sparkly chart ? Xx
    Catch up on more posts later! Wdnt it be lovely if we really were on a bus,all chatting away!

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi Yowzer and very well done on your fantastic loss, I know u can keep going!I had forgotten about my sparkly charts so will get one done today, thank you for reminding me😀
    Nokie I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad and hope he is ok. Dawn X

  • posted by Nokie

    Thankyou Dawn

    Just heard my little grandson been rushed to hospital appendicitis 😢
    Not sure but I think diet might go out window this week x❤️love nokie

  • posted by Mariet

    oh Nokie you are having a rough time. Best wishes for your dad and your little grandson.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi Nokie,

    Hope your grandson is ok bless him.If your diet goes out of the window this week don’t worry about it, you can soon get back on track again. Dawn❤️ X

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi guys,

    My progress report is as usual slightly different. I saw a colleague for the first time in a few weeks yesterday. She remarked on how well I am looking, that I am starting to have some colour to my skin after looking grey and ill while I have been struggling with the health issues caused by long covid.

    I think I may have discarded a little more again, my knickers were definitely feeling a bit baggy yesterday, but no need to use a belt with my jeans yet.

    I was reminded today that every problem / task is not resolved by a single step, but by many steps each of which makes a small improvement.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    NOKIE sending best wishes to your little grandson! And to you, like MARIET said,youre having a rough time at the moment ❤️💜 thinking of you,keep us posted.xx
    MARIET,theres a lot to be said for maintenance!👍 good to see you on the bus xx
    DAWN thanks for your encouragement! xx
    JACKIE thanks for posting your food choices gives me ideas for meals. Good luck with yr choices for today!xx
    HI DCT! Your pozz vibe is inspiring ne to be the same!xx and welcome aboard 1960MSP xx
    CCATHY very well done resisting seaside treats! I find them so hard to resist,soon as i see a beach i immediately want fish n chips,ice cream,donuts,and rock! How lively to have Brighton to look forward to,ive only been once,wd love a return visit,
    enjoy it and Ragdale too xx
    JGWEN I admire you so much for yr knowledge and experience with long long fasting..i have only attained at best 20:4 fasts so far xx
    I read this and found it really motivating..
    💕💕 ~ Today is a new day you have been given,to use as you wish,for good or bad.
    What you do today is important,because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.
    When tomorrow comes,this day will be gone forever,
    In its place is something you have left behind
    Let it be something good! ~ 💕💕

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Morning all, just catching up with the flurry of posts!

    NOKIE how is your grandson? How awful. I hope he’s making a good recovery and I’m sure he’s being very brave. And what about your dad? Is there any news on when he might be able to come home? Poor you. We’re all thinking of you and sending everything positive your way xx

    YOWZER 91b?! Wowzer! That’s amazing and I hope that this Is the journey you manage to keep it off. Well done! And thanks for the lovely quote too.

    DAWN and MARIET welcome back – lovely to see you! And DAWN well done for your 2lb loss, CATHY too. Maybe Wednesday is the best weigh in day 😄. I’m delighted for you both and hope the trend continues. CATHY I also hope you get your results soon : you are being incredibly patient.

    JGWEN thank you for your wise words about small steps. It’s funny how sometimes something seems to work, until it doesn’t . . . but then something else does! I’m so glad your colour is coming back, and I’m sure you’ll need that belt soon. And some new knickers 😂

    JACKIE don’t worry about a plateau. As you well know, these do happen. And I know with your determination (and that water!) you’ll be seeing a whoosh very soon.

    1960SMP and HAPPYSNAP how are you getting on? Hope all is going well and that you are seeing some progress?

    I’ve kind of lost 2lb this week. I say “kind of” as the scales are very up and down at the moment, so I’m not really counting is as a proper loss as yet until it becomes more consistent. But at least I seem to be reversing the alarming gain that was starting to happen.

    Hi to everyone else reading this! Do post even if you haven’t before – it would be lovely to hear about your journey too.

    Bye for now, and hope we all have a good rest of the week X

  • posted by Nokie

    Hello Dct and all you other lovely bus members

    I at lady have some better news my dad came home last night very confused but happier now still long way to go but love ly to see him and mum smile
    Also my grandson although had to wait all day was finally operated on at 7 pm and had his appendix removed so hopefully 🤞 not in pain now Thanku for all your good wishes
    I am going to try and get back on track as usually if things go wrong I eat and eat 🤣
    I have my sons wedding on Monday :Tuesday next week hope I can get in my dress
    Well done all those that have lost this week will be in touch soon I am just climbing back slowly onto my 💺!!
    Bye for now nokie x❤️

  • posted by Yowzer49

    NOKIE thats such lovely news to wake up to! xx
    DCT and everyone,have a fab day / night for our Oz pals xx weekend is nearly here! Xx Whoo!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Lovely news that your dad is home and your grandson has had his surgery. What a terrible day you had yesterday. Have a day to yourself today and get yourself together for your sons wedding. I am sure you will have a fantastic time and next week after the celebrations you can jump back on board with us all for the rest of this journey. We have already hit some rocky roads but onwards and downwards as we travel together.

  • posted by Nokie

    Thankyou Cathy 💕

    Really kind of you I am so glad I am on this bus 🚎 every one is great and we keep each other going friends for life although we have never met
    🙏 xx nokie

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    NOKIE Great news that your dad is home. As you say, a long way still to go but a very positive step in the right direction, and I’m sure he will be much happier and calmer at home. Glad also that your grandson’s surgery seems to have gone well. I’m sure he’ll bounce back in no time. And your son’s wedding too!!!! I hope you have a wonderful time.

    Have a great day everyone X

  • posted by 1960smp

    Thanks Dreamscometrue for your warm welcome aboard! The alternative statin tablets are called far I am tolerating them.
    Love your quote Yowzer : 💕💕 ~ Today is a new day you have been given,to use as you wish,for good or bad.
    What you do today is important,because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.
    When tomorrow comes,this day will be gone forever,
    In its place is something you have left behind
    Let it be something good! ~ 💕💕 so tue. and a reminder of how we do not get back the day so live it the best we can!

    I have got to confess, I have not as well starting the bsd as I thought I would. I have had too much going on and I have been utterly distracted. I have gotten up at silly o clock this morning because insomnia plagues me recently, and so i decided to jump in here and crack on to make a start! No time like the present as they say.
    It is good to read evrybodys stories and efforts, it does spur me on..thank you everyone for sharing!

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi 1960smp I’m awake too. Woke up just after 4:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep so got up, had a shower and now sitting on the bed with a coffee. Stupidly, I have a shopping delivery between 6 and 7! So I’m ready and waiting. (Not my preferred time slot btw, it’s just a very busy few days and I did a last minute order to help ease things, and this was the only one I could get!)

    Not a bad week for me, but need to stay focused and be consistent to start seeing better results. Hope you can do this to 1960smp. As per Yowzer quote, today is a new day and another chance to make something positive happen. Why not use these early hours to set just one specific goal for today then stick to it like glue?whether a certain amount of calories or carbs, or some temptation to avoid, or a number of steps to reach. I find that just focusing on one main thing can ease the pressure and help bring a sense of achievement. Then gives you something to build on next day etc

    Onwards and downwards!!

  • posted by JackieM

    That’s a really good idea. Dreamscometrue. I will do that.

    Have a non-standard day today – off on a Uni visit with my son. Lots of driving and walking. Challenge of what to eat. Work stress at moment and I’ve been low carb but not watching calories so much. Still 68.7. Part of Prob is this doesn’t feel too bad in myself. But that’s not really a problem is it?

    Ho hum.

  • posted by CatDee

    Hi, I am a newbie to this and am feeling very optimistic. I have a gastric band and wonder if anyone else here does too. The band restricts the amount you can eat but not what you can eat so I have been indulging my sweet tooth and managed to cheat the band to my detriment. I want to get healthy now and only started this on Tuesday so early days but really loving the food so far, struggling a bit with the amount of actual food though, particularly in the evenings. Maybe if I can keep this up I could have the band removed, I think it causes me more problems in the long run, really bad acid reflux. I would love to be free to eat more healthily. I am 59 and now looking at getting in shape and being fit and healthy for the rest of my life as I get older.
    Feeling very positive and determined to continue

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi CatDee, welcome aboard!

    I have no experience of gastric bands. Does annyone else out there? But I’m sure this way of eating will help you irrespective of the gastric band. I have no idea whether or not they can be removed so you’d need medical advice on that. But healthy eating will definitely be good for you with or without it!

    When you say “ loving the food so far”, and “struggling with the amount of food”, where are you getting your recipes from? There may be people on here who could help you with planning meals that are delicious but also on plan, so you don’t feel so hungry.

    Good luck with everything, and keep posting so we know how you’re getting on! Great to have you on the bus, and look forward to sharing this journey with you xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hippy happy new week everyone! And a big hello and Welcome CATDEE!
    I feel for you re acid reflux. I suffer with it occasionally and its really unpleasant.
    Good on you at 59 and looking at getting in shape and being fit and healthy as you get older! Make the most of those senior years! My sixties were fantastic,one of my best decades ever.
    I HAVE heard of people having gastric bands removed,so i think it IS possible..good luck! Let us know what happens xx
    1960SMP I too re insomnia …been plagued with it on and off for years. I find it really messes with healthy eating,as sometimes Im so tired i feel like eating something will give me energy ( it doesnt work though,its zeds i need ,not food )xx
    DCT thats a great idea …just focusing on one main thing deffo can ease the pressure and bring a sense of achievement. Then gives you something to build on next day etc. I think those sort of small ongoing steps really do add up,rather than exhausting ourselves trying to do everything perfectly,all in one day. That never works for me,i just get discouraged.
    JACKIEM How did Uni visit go with Son? xx
    NOKIE how are things this week? Xx
    🌻 love n hugs to all 🌻..lets make this week really count? Im not getting back on the scales for ages as i get too easily disheartened by them..every tues I go to the hairdressers,so im wearimg the same thing each week..2 werks ago it was tighter than it was last werk,hoping to see a little more ‘ give’ tomorrow! 😀XX

  • posted by Mariet

    Hi everyone. Catdee, I also feel for you with reflux, it’s just awful.
    Yowser, it’s always lovely to see one of your posts. You are so inclusive and so upbeat.
    I am on yet another week of maintaining. This is seriously disappointing when I am really trying but I know if I keep going sooner or later it’s got to work.
    We have had such hot weather here for the last 5 days, well over 30deg and it makes exercise so unpleasant. I’m trying to up my water intake because that’s something that has really fallen by the wayside over the last year or two.
    Best of luck to everyone, looking forward to seeing others’ results.

  • posted by CatDee

    Hi everone, thanks for the welcome, I am so happy to be a part of this.
    I had a good first week, lost 4.5 pounds which I am very happy with but even better than that I am feeling great, much more energetic and my head is not half as fuzzy as it has been for a long time. I feel really positive about this as a long term solution. I am using the BSD 800 cal diet cookbook and have been enjoying the meals so far, I am also doing intermittent fasting 16-8 which is fine for me.
    Still having acid reflux but some days are better than others. The change in the weather means soup for me which is easy to eat and I love a homemade soup.
    I heard something in a podcast this week that really resonated for me, it was to visualise yourself in 10 years time if you continued to eat as you have been eating with all the problems that would bring, then do the same but this time with the change to a healthy diet and lifestyle. This has made me even more determined to make this a lifestyle change and not a short term diet as I have previously done all my life. If I get tempted to stray I will try this visualisation techinique to keep me on track.
    Have a great week everyone xx

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