Morning all! Hope you’re having a lovely weekend. I’m just back from a nice long dog walk before it gets too hot, then made myself a lovely brunch : scrambled 2 eggs in butter with a bit of grated cheese and a couple of blobs of frozen spinach. Seasoned with chilli flakes, salt and pepper. Delicious and very filling, and according to my FitBit works out at around 345 cals, 3g carbs. Am about to head outside now to do some much-needed gardening.
I’m feeling very positive today. It’s been an interesting few days with various opportunities to interact with people in different ways, and reflect a bit on who I am, how people see me, and who I want to become. If that makes sense. There was an insightful quote at yoga the other night too, along the lines of tension is when you are trying to be someone you’re not; relaxation is when you decide to be who you are. Anyway, a bit waffly I know, but something has really triggered in me a new wave of motivation and determination to start making positive strides to being the person I want to be rather than just sitting on the sidelines feeling defeated and/or regretful. This relates to lots of things in my life – particularly on the creative side – but is equally relevant to my weight, fitness and health. I feel I’ve been treading water for some time, vaguely wanting to make improvements but then sliding too easily into a range of bad habits that prevent those improvements from happening.
And today I’ve decided enough is enough. I’m setting myself an ambitious – but hopefully do-able – weight loss target for this journey, and am about to relaunch a couple of creative projects too. I’ve shared before my “superpower” of wasting time, and that is going to change as of now.
Wish me luck, as those of you who know me will realise I’m much better at planning and hoping than actually doing!
CATHY I’m glad you had a good day out yesterday and have some nice things to look forward to, including Ragdale Hall. It sounds like you are in a very positive place too, and I wish you every success.
JACKIE how exciting that you are within reach of fitting into all your lovely clothes again.Well done for keeping going and making those good choices. And for drinking so much water 😂
Wishing everyone a great week ahead! X