FEBRUARY 2024 : Twelve week Reset one week one month at a time to end March 2024

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Great to see you here Californiagirl and also in the UK. I personally am a Yorkshire lass and like York very much.

    Just watching a talk programme where they were discussing government putting sugar and salt taxes on foods. Well the uproar of people saying we don’t want to be controlled by the government. Why not. As Californiagirl says a massive percentage of supermarket shelves are technically off limits to us and we don’t have freedom of choice in what we eat. We have to eat what is there and it is controlled by conglomerate manufacturers. They purposely fill our food with salt and sugar because it is addictive and makes us go back to buy more. So who would you rather be controlled by – big business or a government that is trying to stop a juggernaut in its tracks. The view is that prices will go up. Look at the sugar tax on drinks, did the price go up. No, big business saw people would buy less so they reduced the amount of sugar so avoiding the tax. Maybe the same would happen with sugar and salt. Someone needs to be protecting us because big business has so much control over our lives.

    On the subject of big pharma keeping us ill. When I pick up my monthly prescription it costs the state around €110. Sometimes I don’t need certain things like needles, bandalettes or insulin injection pens. When I dont get these the bill goes down to €37. Just think how much money the government would save if all diabetics were on this diet and no longer needed so much medication or apparatus. Very short-sighted of them in my view unless as V say, doctors get paid more to keep us labelled as diabetics and keep us taking the drugs.

    That’s my rant for today.

    After a weekend of not being very good I have had a small gain but fully back on track today and looking forward to a month of heavenly healthy food.

    Have a good week.

  • posted by Verano

    Well yesterday was a ‘damage limitation’ day preparing for today’s weigh-in!
    Not the best of news still had a gain but less than it might have been. Anyway, back on track after a wayward 5 days.
    Hope everyone is doing well and reaching goals.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, I guess mine was damage limitation too after my birthday. Even when you eat healthy but have just a small treat and a couple of glasses it is disheartening that it can do so much damage. Luckily for us we have a chance to correct that very quickly. Just one day back on track – and I exceeded 800 cals by around 100 – and I have lost half of my gain. Back to being determined.

    Had to go back to the hospital today as the machine that checks your breathing whilst asleep didn’t work. Hubby said it was my fault as I kept fiddling with the neck connection. When we went in she said it was totally her fault. She hadn’t set it up properly. She programmes the computer to start recording at the time I say I go down to sleep and for it to stop at the time I get up. She forgot to press the set button. So much for it being my fault.

    Just a small enquiry. My daughter has just has a series of annual bloods, pooh checks, BP etc and it came back that she should see her doctor. She also has a skin condition that means she breaks out into rashes whenever anything touches her, or if she eats certain foods. She has tried everything. She saw a dermatologist this morning and was told to stop the antihistamines she has been on for 8 years and to get checked out for metabolic syndrome. Any advice. I think I was probably the same as her at her age (45) but they didn’t call it that just high BP and high cholesterol and a bit plump around the middle. I hope she can sort herself out. She has changed her diet to plant based although not totally vegan but still needs to cut out booze (although she did dry January). Hopefully, if she gets it right now she can avoid the next stage which is diabetes.

    She is very knowledgeable about food as a chemical scientist working in the food industry and knows what not to eat but tends to have fads so she has done 5:2, Fast 800, TRE, fasting and now plant based. She does really well and takes it very seriously but puts too much pressure on and eventually gives up and beats herself up. We talk almost daily and I try to encourage her but she needs her mum there to keep her on track.

    Here’s to another week. Yes, almost forgot it is my weigh in today. So I have gained 1lb. Not too bad.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g sorry to hear about your daughter. Knowing and doing are two so totally separate things. We all know what to do but do we do it?

    Too much pressure …. haven’t most of us been there and done that! I guess until your daughter works out that this isn’t a ‘quick fix ’ but rather a way of life, that can include the odd ‘treat’ , she will continue to expect to reach the moon when in fact she can only reach the stars!

    I’m guessing this isn’t a weight related issue? But if it is, I know everyone is different, but I find small goals far easier to achieve (well not this week,) than huge ones in a short timescale.

    Is she eating enough protein on plant based diet?

  • posted by LittleDrummerGirl


    Didn’t get the chance to drop in and report weigh in – life seems to be mad at the moment!

    0.4lb loss for me this week – frankly, I was expecting a gain, so I’m happy with that! Had an afternoon of much booze and carbs, while watching rugby at a friend’s house on Saturday so expected to pay a bigger price!

    Managed a 3.6k swim last week, which was encouraging, and have started some swimming lessons last night to improve technique. Also started back to bass guitar lessons on Monday, so that was fun 😁

    I’m comfortable with how things are going – very happy with no longer eating after lunchtime (except on special occasions!) and feel it’s made a massive difference to me both health wise and from an ability to stay on track perspective. I’m enjoying the swimming and feel my health is improving; resting heart rate is down from 79/80 at the start of the year to around 62/63 now. HRV is up from mid-teens to high 40s and my blood pressure is well withing normal range. The weight will do as it will, but as long as these three measures are going in the right direction, I’m comfortable things are improving. It helps to focus on non scale things – I love numbers and targets, but with so much weight to lose, the scales aren’t the most satisfying thing to track obsessively 😆

    Have a good week everyone 😊

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone,

    You are doing great LDG, you are keeping active, discovering how new habits have crept in and health markers are improving. Keep going.

    V, my daughter does have weight issues but she weighs exactly the same as me but is 3 inches taller so she is not obese on the BMI scale but is in the overweight range. The only thing is she wants results today and has very little patience so easily gives in. Also, she has the problem of having 5 kids aged between 18 and 9, all with different tastes and fads and veggie dodgers. 3 of the children are hubbys and he does his share but sometimes it is just too much. An example is, she got out all the ingredients for a healthy meal. He came home and cooked it. 2 youngest girls said, but daddy you promised us a take-away, so take-away it was. The food went into the freezer for another day but when it comes out at a later date the older boys say they don’t want left-overs (even though they are not technically left over). Daughter could have had the already prepped meal and let them have the take-away but you know how hard it is when they are all sat there sharing great looking, but crap food. So she gave in and was so angry with herself she had a few glasses of wine to console. This is such a familiar scenario.

    If I was to read that out to her she would see just how ridiculous it was to have the take-away. I must say, when I stay with them it is so hard to stick to my plan and have a salad when they are all tearing apart a large tiger bread. I manage to a certain level but find it so hard, especially when the stuff I can eat (good meats etc) get snaffled by kids grazing the fridge. We had a long chat and she is getting back on plan. She has managed to get an doctors appointment to discuss the metabolic syndrome and by then she will have all her blood results the NHS doctor recommended – they wouldn’t accept the tests she had done by the private hospital on her annual well woman check up. Appt is for 23rd Feb so not too long to wait. I think she is also feeling a bit put on by having to look out for everyone else and no-one looking out for her. Even hubby is a bit guilty. He made up for it with flowers and a card for Valentines but added in a bottle of Prosecco – hope that stays in the fridge – so he know she it trying to be good but……

    How am I doing. Back down to pre-birthday weight, so I am pleased with that but it was a waste of 2 weeks worth of better results. Still, what is past is gone and back to being super motivated.

    Have a good week and keep on keeping on…

  • posted by happysnap

    S-G, I can fully relate to your daughter!
    I am also the mum of 4 kids and it is excruciating to try and diet when they are having their carby stuff! I try very much to serve healthy foods, and veggie sides rather than carby ones for them. But honestly, it is really challenging! My kids are extremely fussy, one will only eat pizza and fruit. Second is a great eater and likes exotic stuff like liver! 3rd and 4th fussy but will try a variety of things they’re used to. Introducing new stuff is a nightmare, nobody wants to try it!
    So on most days I prepare 2 separate dinners, one for the kids and one for hubby and me- but honestly its not easy and its expensive too. And there are days when its so hectic and I just don’t manage 2 different meals and then guess what? I eat the rubbish food…
    Just saying how much I appreciate the struggle your daughter has. It just ain’t easy…

    As an update, I have lost 1/2lb last week- a small loss, but a victory nevertheless.
    I have seen 2 specialists in the last weeks for papilledema and haemorrhoids and from the research I’ve done I suspect that autophagy might just be the tool in sorting out these 2 problems (as opposed to surgery which obviously I am reluctant to do!) so another reason to really dive into my longer fasts. I need JGwen to encourage me! Has anyone heard from her lately??

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Snapchat,

    Reporting for duty, how can I help?

  • posted by Verano

    Hi s-g. I sympathise with your daughter and with you too Happysnap.
    It just isn’t easy when you have so many people to please. Also, she’s probably still of an age when she still feels ‘invincible’!
    We all know that there are no quick fixes so I guess until she ‘really wants it’, in her head, she won’t be successful. Who knows maybe her appointment with the Dr. might just give her the impetus to stick to a plan.

    S-g glad you’re back to your pre-birthday weight. I’m almost back to my ‘pre-madness’ week weight. As you say wasted two weeks but it’s gone, still keeping on keeping on ………

  • posted by happysnap

    Hi JGwen!

    How are you doing? I need your encouragement to keep fasting! I need autophagy now more than ever- how about getting back onto the fasting thread?
    Hope everything has been OK with you, we’ve missed you here!
    BTW I like my new nickname 🙂 🙂

  • posted by JGwen

    Sorry, I am sure I didn’t type snapchat in, but you never know. my message was before I had my first coffee.
    i want to knuckle down on fasts as well so will join you on the fasting thread.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there, thank you happysnap (snapchat 🙂 ). I think a little bit of help and appreciation would go a long way with my daughter, especially from the hubby. She is doing all she can to get and keep healthy but is battling fussy eaters, takeaways etc. I should also have mentioned she has an underactive thyroid which doesn’t help with weight loss and I don’t think her meds have been looked at for several years. Latest blood tests showed her levels hitting the floor so she needs it looked at. Yes, hopefully the doctor will now sort it out.

    We send our daily weigh ins via WhatsApp each morning – it is a way of keeping in touch without saying much. At the moment we are mirroring each other gram for gram so I might suggest a small competition, first to reach a certain number. Nothing too stressful, just 1kg which takes us down to a specific number. I will mention it to her.

    Just one minor problem for me, cant seem to get back into the exercise. Must try harder but have had to go somewhere most days over the past 2 weeks. Tuesday I had to go back to hospital to have apnea machine re-fitted as it didnt work, then that means I have to go back the next day to return all the apparatus – so that’s 2 days out of a week and I had the same last week. Today is my supermarket shop. So tomorrow is a new day with nothing to get in the way.

    I have been looking in my diary and besides the chiropodist on 22nd Feb I have no other medical appts (except my regular 3 months check in with GP) until end of June. Hurray!!!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Just briefly, slight gain but I will say this over and over – I always gain weight around the 15th 16th of the month as this would have been my menstrual time (even though not had a period of 25 years). I can feel my body bloating up. Also I had a very healthy dinner last night of cauliflower and chickpea curry. Too carby for me and that showed in my bg this morning. Normally around 80, this morning 148. Highest it has been for a long time. Need to still keep carbs low even if they are ‘healthy’ carbs.

    Weekend is nearly upon us, although I thought it was Saturday when I woke up so I will have a longer weekend….

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone.
    I tried to log in yesterday to wish Tulip/ Clare a happy birthday but I somehow got blocked from the forum…go figure ? So I am sending this from my phone. Hope you has a good day Tulip 🌷!
    Talking of tulips…our daffodils are already in bloom here. I hope they don’t get zapped by any frost.
    Still on track here…well into our 7th week, feeling comfortable in my clothes which is one of my markers.
    I understand about légumes and beans SG which are off bounds for me at the moment. My blood sugars/ ketones are still stable. I thought of you as hubby has made a chickpea and spinach curry for when our friends come to lunch tomorrow. I eat my food and nobody cares !
    Have a good weekend everyone xx

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Just checking in with a 1.75 lb weight gain due to eating & drinking more carbs this week with our son staying with us because he is going through a difficult time at the moment. I’m sure I will be able to lose that weight gain but this last week have felt that supporting my son was more important than minutely watching what I ate!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, weight back on track after a 600 calorie day (from the 5:2 plan) and BG back down to normal (my normal is under 100).

    Margaret, forget about it. Back on track and no looking back.

    Wendy, it seems us long term users are quickly blocked yet the scammers manage to get through even though they are so obvious. Looks like we are both the same with beans and pulses. I am okay if I have small amounts like some hummus dip with carrots or even chickpeas in my favourite Spanish Chickpea and Spinach soup. Just the curry we had called for a large tin and I had half so probably around 200g. Too much.

    We don’t have any daffs or tulips as the moles ate all our bulbs as soon as they went in. Although we did have a few in a pot I don’t know where it has disappeared to. Just had a look outside and seen we have a clump of daffs but still in leaf.

    I said earlier in the week my only downfall right now is lack of exercise. Well I gave myself a talking to – get your backside out of that chair – and did aerobics twice during the week and will again today. I look at it as 30 mins out of 1440 mins in my day, so not too much to ask.

  • posted by LittleDrummerGirl

    Dropping by to report week seven weigh in: -6.4lb this week. Suspect a good half of that is the delayed loss from last week, so I’m more than happy to see it show up. Now at my lightest since March 2022, so that’s good progress.
    Having a week off swimming and music lessons this week as I have a rotten cold – started with a shocking sore throat on Sunday (which has fortunately mostly retreated) and now my sinuses are bunged up and I have a raging headache – no chance am I being able to breathe if I swim 😂 Unfortunately, I do have to travel for a work meeting, which means a night away tomorrow, with associated food and drink. And I’m really not in the mood for it! Still, if I keep on track the rest of the time I will hopefully limit damage – then I have younger son’s birthday on Saturday, so if I get through the week without a gain I’ll be amazed 😂
    Onward to week eight. Good luck everyone, hope your week’s going well and your heads are less stuffy than mine!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    reported and obviously encouraging cheating. Don’t know what happened there, I reported a thread about someone doing your online exam for you. If I have accidently reported anyone here I apologise.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Well done LDG, that is a great loss. Just be a carb dodger at your meeting. Enjoy your sons birthday.

    Still sticking to the plan with 9 weeks to go lose 4 lbs but I am aiming to do that by the end of February. Basically wasted 2 weeks but now moving down again. Although, this is a 12 week challenge so running to end of March. I know I will do it, and more.

    Back on with exercise but have had an upset tummy for the last 2 days so not been much good at jumping up and down but doing some weights on arms and chest.

    Nothing much else to report. Chiropodist on Thursday but I don’t count that as medical, just a relaxing half hour being pampered and chatting away in French.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    maggie-messer, I am not sure what you are doing on this site and thread. You can see we are already doing a 12 week reset so not in need of your services. I have reported your post to Admin.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, feeling good as my weight is on the downward move and I am hoping to reach my next kilo point by next Tuesday. I should be going to a quiz in a couple of weeks but I am more determined not to interrupt my regime as the 12 weeks is not too long to make a sacrifice of a night out with rubbish food and alcohol that I wouldn’t be able to resist. I have my 3 monthly appt with Dr on 12th March and I really want to be down another 1.5kgs by then. Besides that, this is all for my cruise in late April when I want to look gorgeous is some lovely new clothes or even old ones that fit better than the last time I wore them.

    Just had my sleep apnea test results back from the pneumonologist. No sign of apnea, no sign of hypoxia and only light snoring. Yeah, tell my husband that last one, I am sure he will disagree :):)

    Hoping to do 30 mins aerobics this afternoon but we have to go out to get some computer components which will be interesting. I don’t understand computer speak in any language never mind French.

    Have a good week.

  • posted by Verano

    Hello. Just popping in to say “I’m still here” !

    Just spent two soggy days in East Yorkshire. So lovely to be waited on and not have to wonder … ‘what should we have for dinner tonight’!

    But back to reality and late weigh-in tomorrow..

    As sunny says just keep on keeping on …….

  • posted by Wendy1947

    I am keeping an eye on how you are all doing but to be frank I have lost all my motivation to try to continue losing any weight. But well done those of you managing to do so.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, Margaret, why don’t you have a short break where you don’t go completely off the rails but eat mindfully and think about what you want to attain. Then come back with renewed motivation.

    I was considering having a drink last night. Just a bit fed up. Weight blipped up by 0.3kgs which I know is nothing but fed up of it going up and down. Anyway, I held firm and this morning I have lost half a kilo. My goal for February was to get to a certain number and I am now just 0.2kg from that, so no way am I going to mess this up.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • posted by Verano

    Sorry s-g I attributed your ‘keep on keeping on’ to Sunny.

    Sunny hope you’re having a good trip.

    Ups and downs well that’s the norm with weighting every day. We all want the graph to keep going down but there are so many variables. The downs are great but the ups are disheartening..

    I always weigh every day so am stuck on the merry-go-round. I really wish I could just keep eating well and weighing once a week. All helpful suggestions to achieve that accepted with open arms!

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone. I am still having difficulties logging on to the forum on my laptop so I am back on my phone.
    I’m still motivated…I have my goal for the May wedding in Greece and the carb cravings are still in check. My clothes feel much looser and that is one of my tracking strategies. I know I have lost inches.
    But….I also know that may not show up immediately on the scales..so I don’t look!
    I am the other extreme. I weigh at most once every 2 weeks but mostly once a month. Plateaus happen and stalls or slight increases can be demoralising and demotivating.

    I can’t say DON’T weigh every day if that is a long established habit but maybe put the scales away for a week. Nothing terrible will happen! Weight tends to even out in time . That’s my strategy anyway
    Margaret the main thing is to ease the pressure a bit. If you need a break that’s ok. Check your motivation. Read a few things, look at a few videos when
    you are ready. That often kick starts motivation but focus on your health above all. Weight loss can take time as you know with highs and lows. It’s different for everyone. Don’t let this spoil your joy xx

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you S-G & Wendy for your supportive & wise messages & when I weighed today I had gained 0.25 lbs so not bad at all.
    I have had some brilliant news that my son is waiting to sign a new work contract so I can stop worrying so much about him now & perhaps focus more on myself. The competitive bowls match I was in today my team won so I am feeling good about that & the sun actually shone for a short time this morning.
    I will try to refocus in March & lose the rest of my Christmas weight gain which is now 4.5 lbs to get back to having lost two stone then 1.5 stones more to lose this year. I hope I can lose at least seven pounds by the end of May before my Seine cruise.
    I hope everyone has a good week.
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all. Glad you are feeling better Margaret and now have a plan. We are thinking about, planning and worrying about food for such a great deal of out time it is good to just give yourself a break. If, like me, this is a lifelong thing, I can only ‘cheat’ to a small extent so no cake for me but I might allow myself a square of chocolate or a small bread roll with a meal. But just one and that’s it. So don’t go too mad and be mindful.

    I weigh myself daily. Mainly to be able to calculate my medication. Although a pound here or there would make little difference. If I only weighed once a week and there was a change of a couple of pounds, then I should be reducing my insulin. It has just become a habit like checking my BG daily. I do, however, use the ups and downs more as motivation. That is, I don’t get upset with a small blip up but just feel glad I have stuck to it. If I lose I don’t go on a binge but motivated to do better. So, either way is a win win for me. The emotional attachment is all positive. It also gives me something to think about, what did I have or do or was it just fluid or whatever. Like today a slight (0.03kg) up but I hadn’t had a good toilet movement since Wednesday so it was a yoghurt and chia seed breakfast. That did the trick and I am hopeful for a loss tomorrow. I guess it depends on how it affects your mood and motivation. Just do what is best for you but if you feel you are getting upset by the scales then give them a rest. Put them in a cupboard for a week. Whatever helps you.

    Have a good weekend. Looking forward to the 1% Club on TV tonight. Love testing my brain.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I have just taken a leaf out of my own advice to Margaret and decided to have a weekend off. Up 2lbs as it is so easy to do but back now with renewed enthusiasm and hoping for a biggish loss this week. Just seemed as though I was waiting for future things and not living in the now. Okay, so I want to be slim on my cruise but not by making myself miserable. Must say my break does not include eating carbs and my blood glucose is still good. No events now until 18th March when we are going for a lunch with our hairdresser and it falls the same week as hubby’s birthday.

    This 12 week reset plan takes us to the end of March and I said I would lose 10lbs. That is still my goal.

    Have a good week everyone and be kind to yourselves.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g maybe we should all adopt ‘be kind to ourselves’ as our motto as we move into March. Live for the moment but be vigilant and most of all be kind to ourselves!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Very true Verano it’s so easy for negative thinking to take over & to berate ourselves for what we don’t achieve rather than what we have achieved ! I will certainly try to be kinder to myself as I try to be to others. Well said👍
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Russianroulade

    Evening all
    Some of you will remember me. Great to see some familiar faces SG, Wendy, verano, ruby and hubby. Hope you are all well.
    I seem to do well each year until about June and then the temptation of bbqs and rose price too much….
    Am back. Started last Weds and have pleasingly lost 5.25 pounds already which is a good start. I’ve purchased myself a second hand spin bike which is fantastic as I used to love spin and now can do it in the comfort of my own home.
    I have two goals. A birthday party in June and then a girls holiday in July . Beyond that I’d just like to sustain any weight loss.
    Am off on holiday next Friday, but didn’t want to put off starting, so am here checking in and holding myself to account.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi russianroulade, yes I remember you, welcome back. Glad to hear to are starting before your holiday. Most people would use that as a reason to delay the start date. You have already made great progress and will see a difference on the holiday.

    Lost 1lb of my 2lb gain so very confident I can get rid of a further 4lbs before the end of this challenge. I am watching yet another study on reversing diabetes but not sure it is telling me anything new. Except that lowering my BG on a daily basis doesn’t necessarily mean I have reduced insulin resistance. Which I guess why we are not actually cured until we can get our insulin production back to ‘normal’ behaviour and still get high BG levels as soon as we have any carbs. It is so complicated. I would watch the video again but the woman has such an annoying voice 🙂 For those who want to watch the video it is called Tackling Type 2 Masterclass with Brenda Davis on the Food Revolution site.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi All …. I’ve occasionally viewed posts whilst away the last couple of weeks, but confess to not having kept abreast of all that’s been going on. However, I hope everyone is doing okay and managing to stick with it and “keep on keeping on”, as SG says.

    I climbed back on the wagon properly yesterday with a fast, broken today midafternoon. At weigh-in this morning (my usual weekly weigh-in day), my gain for the time I’ve been away is 5lb, but I think a big contributing factor is that the last few days were a bit carb heavy. Fingers crossed I can get things properly heading in the right direction again, now I’m getting back to a more normal routine.

    Will be paying more attention to the thread again and look forward to catching up on everyone’s progress.

  • posted by Verano

    Hi Russianroulade and welcome back.

    Well, what a week! Despite being away for a few days I’ve actually had a miniscule loss.

    After two months I’ve decided that note books aren’t working for me because I end up spending my whole day thinking about ‘food’. So, it’s back to the drawing board.

    Delighted for all of you who are still on track just keep on keeping on……. as s-g says.

    For any ‘waverers’ like me, tomorrow can either be ‘DAY 1’ or One day………

  • posted by LittleDrummerGirl

    Evening all!
    Well, this week has been quite the struggle! Cold carried on from last week through most of the week and my breathing still isn’t back to normal, plus I have a head full of mucus – lovely!
    Trip away with work resulted in two days of utter alcohol and carb abomination and two days of my son’s birthday celebrations also wasn’t pretty (although they were at least alcohol free!) – so the week was two really dreadful days, three days of lowish carb but over calories and two days on track.
    Result this morning is 0.4lb gain, which I am more than happy with! The interesting point for me was that I didn’t just throw my hands in the air and land face first in a plate of toast with the usual ‘might as well, since the week is lost’ attitude. Even when I couldn’t stick to 800 cals due to feeling rough with a cold and lack of sleep, or being out with family, I still tried to choose low carb food and keep things as sensible as possible. It felt the natural choice, which is unusual for me, despite the number of years I’ve been trying to eat healthily. Something to ponder and see if it happens next time! Maybe if I don’t think about it too much and sneak up on the habit, it’ll stick!
    Just been for my first swim in two weeks and my instructor said he’d go easy on me – he didn’t have much choice as I appear to have lost all my fitness and stamina with this cold! I am absolutely shattered after just half an hour – 5k in eight weeks time looks bonkers right now! Still, I’m sure the fitness will come back – hopefully! I’ll do an hour or two on Thursday and assess from there.
    So, onward to week nine – and my husband’s birthday weekend; after this weekend I get a four week run until we visit family at Easter, so hoping to do as well as possible this week given probable meal out and booze, and then have a solid month!
    Good luck to everyone for this week; I always think that the time will pass regardless, so I might as well make the best use of it I can to head towards my goal – sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but I hope all goes well for everyone else 😊

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Well done everyone managing to keep on track. Well it’s a good day today for me because my son is starting his new job & I’ve finally jumped through the hoops of contacting my GP surgery, taking in a sample & having my UTI confirmed & starting my course of antibiotics. Don’t do what I did & hope spending loads of pennies & feeling slightly uncomfortable is nothing & will go away!
    I’m going to put February behind me & start afresh trying to lose some weight in March 🤞🤞
    Margaret xx

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone ! I have been allowed back on the forum !!

    Welcome back Russianroulade !
    Great news about your son Margaret .We never stop worrying about our kids whatever age they are .Let’s hope this eases some stress on you too . Hopefully the antibiotocs will do the trick too . Never ignore our bodies and the messages they are trying to tell us !

    Yes, we are almost into March and Week 9 of the reset is beginning .I will set up a new monthly thread tomorrow . So if you need a new month to reboot this is the moment .However if you need a break that’s ok too .I wonder sometimes if the key is to just feel at peace with our food choices and way of eating so we don’t ‘ obsess’ all the time ? I understand what you are saying V … thinking about food all the time is not a healthy approach .Maybe just excluding any ultra/processed foods from the shopping trolley, eating whole foods and keeping as low carb as possible can be acceptable ? I do sometimes question when to include healthy grains and pulses which are a major ingredient in a plant based diet but I am avoiding them right now . Same with fruit but I am being disciplined there too … for now anyway ;

    I think it gets difficult to maintain motivation , especially if weight stalls, if the weather is gloomy , if we are not feeling well , if a life event throws us and I do agree it’s ok to have a break when times are tough . Our experiences are all different.We don’t all discard weight at the same rate. We have different amounts we want to lose, different stresses and struggles etc etc .

    The bottom line is don’t beat yourself up . Any small step is a victory xx

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you Wendy & I look forward to joining your March thread & starting afresh!
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, one of the things I love about this diet is it pays you back when you get back onto it. I had a break over the weekend, back on Monday, gained 2lbs, now Wednesday lost 1.5lbs so well back on track. Only thing is, after a break you have to come back determined and not half-hearted.

    Yes, V, I too have given up on the journal. We had to move the office desk for a ceiling repair and because it is no longer right next to the bookshelf where I keep the journal, I totally forgot about it for a few days. All I log is weight, fasting hours and blood glucose. So no writing about my feelings – I have a daughter for that and we share everything with honesty.

    Looking forward to the March challenge. Hoping to complete to goal of 10lbs although I do keep dithering between 6 and 7 lbs loss it should still be do-able. After watching the podcast yesterday on T2 I am going to re-do the InsulinIQ course on tackling insulin resistance and try to get my head back around it.

    Half way through the week and the sun is shining although it is quite cold at 7 degrees. Back into exercise so will do 30 mins later.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Will do a final weigh in tomorrow for February (still one day to go). Managed to lose most of the 2lb I gained. Had a decision made for me. I decided not to go to the quiz on Monday but now it has been cancelled anyway as the restaurant are taking their annual holiday for 3 weeks. Looking forward to the new thread for March.

    Not much else to say. Hope you are all keeping on….

  • posted by Wendy1947

    A good idea S-G to weigh rounding off February & I have lost 2.25lbs no doubt due also to my UTI & all the pennies I’ve been spending despite now having a glass of milk to take antibiotics in the morning instead of fasting until midday. It’s an encouraging start for me now to go on into March & get back on track hopefully losing more weight until my cruise at the end of May 🤞🤞

  • posted by wendleg

    Hello everyone !
    I am about to set up the March thread !

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