Hi all. So I’ve had a lot of success doing fast 800 in the past losing 2 stones in aproximately 5 months last year. I’ve now regained some of this weight back unfortunately after a stressful few months and so decided to restart the fast 800 this week. I have a big event in October to motivate me but with it being the summer holidays I’m finding the weekends tricky to stick rigidly to 800 calories (friends barbecues, days out with the kids, camping, weekends away, visiting family etc). My question is do you think it’s ok to do Fast800 Monday to Friday then make sensible choices on a weekend? Surely this is better than doing 5:2 (800 cals twice a week and 5 days eating normally) as I would be doing more a 2:5 (800 cals 5 times a week and 2 days eating normally)? I’m just worried it’s going to slow down my progress, as I know that if you just stick to 800 cals x 7 days a week the weight falls off so quickly. Just wondering what your thoughts are.