Eating once or twice per day – what do others do?

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  • posted by Timetochange

    Hi everyone. I returned to the BSD after Christmas and all of the extra calories that the season entailed. I was very hungry starting off and decided to play around with the numbers of time I would eat. Having been a 5:2 faster I was comfortable with going for quite long periods without food. I have basically been fasting from 8pm until I eat my first food around 1pm on the following day. Mostly this has been a smoothie that I make with veg and coconut water and some berries. I don’t eat again until dinner around 6-7pm. I have been a eating a normal meal and not counting calories as such just eating until I’m satisfied. What I want to do is use this approach but make the evening meal around 700 calories as I use some calories in the drying and some cups of tea with a splash of milk in the day. My question is whether anyone else eats this way? I do find that ‘waking up’ my stomach just makes me hungry and I don’t like not feeling satisfied at the end of a meal. This way I eat then it’s done for the day and I’m back to fasting for 17 hours. Thanks .

  • posted by LinD49

    Timetochange, I too have cut out breakfast as it woke my appetite, whereby I could eat all day right up to bedtime! I find evenings are my worst time for wanting to pick. Now I manage to go the 16 hours by not wanting to break my fast and let my gut rumble away and heal itself.

  • posted by Angela06

    I’ve transformed into a breakfast-skipper too and I have lunch around 1pm. Like you after lunch my appetite is raring to go once I’ve eaten and it’s hard not to graze. I have dinner round 7.30.

    Because I make lunch for both of us I think I’d find it hard to not eat then but I would be very interested to hear how you get on, Timetochange, if you do cut down to one meal. I wonder what impact it would have on the next day’s hunger. Interesting.

  • posted by Timetochange

    Thanks. I have found that when I have eaten only one meal I don’t feel any different the next day. No particular hunger and I think this is because I feel properly full after a bigger/higher calorie meal. I just need to see how this feels paying more attention to the meal content.

  • posted by Cara54

    I’ve done 2 x 20 hour fasts and 1 x 17 hour fast this week. To avoid hunger I have coffee with coconut oil, butter and cream. It really works. I’ve lost 2lbs since Tuesday morning. I try to just eat once a day and gradually working up to 48 hours fasting once or twice a week. I seem to have lost interest in tea with milk which is very surprising!!

    I’ve read a lot about the benefits of fasting in the book The Complete Guide To Fasting by Dr Jason Fung. It’s a great book full of useful information.

  • posted by topcac

    Hi all

    I have been reading the Jason Fung book too and I’m amazed at what seems to be achievable. How much of our eating is habit? Today, for lots of reason, I didn’t get to eat anything until 1:30pm – which meant an 18+ hour fast – i felt perfect. My tummy grumbled a bit in my four hour meeting (tee hee) but otherwise I could probably have done another couple of hours. It’s fascinating.

    My partner and I are going to try a 48 hour fast next weekend – from Friday 8pm to Sunday 8pm – with maybe a small meal on the Saturday night if we think we need it. Quite excited by the prospect. Only thing that concerns me is that I really enjoy eating and I think I will miss it!

  • posted by Theodora

    Topcac, good luck on your 48 hour fast, I will be interested to hear how it goes. I was at a party the other week and I met a local chiropractor and his wife who were about to start a FIVE DAY fast, which seems a bit extreme, but he assured me that they did it 2 or 3 times a year purely as a health exercise (they were both very slim) – he seemed much keener than she did though 😉 They apparently have nothing but water the entire time!!

    I only eat twice a day – on or off BSD. I have breakfast around 11am and supper around 7pm so as well as doing BSD, I am also doing 16/8. It just fits in with my lifestyle now I have retired and I rarely get the munchies between 7pm and 11am the next morning. Before BSD however, I used to snack/graze in the afternoon, but I have cut that out completely unless I feel really hungry, in which case I will have a few nuts (love nuts, always been a weakness, but used to have loads) or, if I am approaching my calorie limit, my snack of choice is a couple of sticks of cold cooked asparagus wrapped in a thin slice of smoked salmon or a couple of spring onions wrapped in a thin slice of proscuttio and grilled. Both are delicious and very low calorie and low carb so I am trying to keep one or the other in the fridge at all times.

    I think it is largely what you are used to – eating tends to be a habit, as we all know to our cost. 🙁

  • posted by Cara54

    Topcac I would also be interested to hear how your 48 hour fast goes. It’s totally doable if you have the motivation. I know how you feel about missing food though. I love eating especially if there’s chocolate involved!

  • posted by MrsPink

    Topac I’d be interested to know how you get on too. Please do report back!
    I would be slightly worried that I might feel dizzy or faint if I went that long?
    As to the eating once or twice a day – I have never eaten breakfast in my adult life ie since leaving school. According to received wisdom and current advice from a dietician I know, that is one of the reasons why I am fat! It’s all so terribly confusing. Perhaps I will buy the Fung book and see what he has to say about it ….

  • posted by Cara54

    Hi MrsPink. If you are interested in fasting it’s definitely worth a go. You can increase the time gradually. Dr Fung’s advice if you feel dizzy or at all unwell just eat something. You can always try again later. I hope this helps.

  • posted by Snoop

    I don’t eat breakfast. I’m never hungry when I wake up, though I do have a milky coffee about 9.30 am and that keeps me going till lunchtime. If I get peckish late morning, I have a miso soup (teaspoon of miso paste in hot water – not the expensive packaged soups). Because it’s so savoury, it makes me feel like I’ve eaten a meal. Very low cal and carb for the satisfaction it gives.

    Mrs. Pink, Dr MM says in his book that the old advice about having to eat breakfast is bunkum. If you’re not hungry, why consume the calories?

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