Does anyone else have dreams about eating? Twice now I’ve dreamt of suddenly realising I’ve eaten something (chocolate bar/doughnut holes) without thinking about it, realising what I’d done with absolute horror. In the case of the chocolate bar (Chunky KitKat) I had to fish the wrapper out of the garbage to look at the calorie count!
Is it because I’ve started to relax ever so slightly and tested myself having sugar in my tea (yuck, won’t do that again); allowing myself to have toast and marmalade (scrape of it) once a week; and today a chocolate baton just to see if I enjoyed it. I did.
I do admire those who post on the forum that they will never go back to that old way of eating; that they have no desire for the carbs or sweet things any more. I can’t see that will ever be me. Not only do I enjoy eating that stuff, but I also enjoy cooking it as well, and that means tasting. I just hope that I can manage not to overdo things. In fact, I would like to be able to have the occasional taste and leave it at that. Of course, if I can’t, then I guess it is the wagon for me.
So, if I do eat a chocolate, or have toast and marmalade, I will do it mindfully and enjoy/savour every bite.
Yours in dreams of food