Hi everyone! I am returning to 5:2 after being gone for far too long. This time it’s 800 calories, which I feel is more sustainable, and also doing a Med style eating plan, which I know is better for my health.
My question is this. I’m really committing to 5:2. I have the good doctor’s books on the 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet as well as the books/cookbooks on clever gut eating. They are wonderful, but will Dr. M ever be revising his Fast Diet book? I do have his last revised version from a few years back, but so much has changed for 5:2 since then. If Dr. M would update The Fast Diet, I feel there would be a huge audience for it. A lot of people are hungry for 5:2 along with the good nutrition Med style eating brings.
If anyone knows about any updates, please chime in!