Binge desire

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  • posted by Ncannak


    So I’ve started and failed more times than I care to admit and the reason? It’s cause I get this horrible craving to binge eat. Im in no way ginger but I feel empty and I need to eat to fill it.

    I realise as I write this that clearly it’s an emotional issue. It happens without fail ever 3/4 days. It’s uncontrollable and just plain awful!

    Anyone have advice to overcome this?

  • posted by Michael5

    I’ve really struggled with binge eating over the years. The thing I found most helpful is having regular, planned meals. Before breakfast I know what I’m going to eat throughout the day and I have it recorded in myfitnesspal. I too have fallen off the not binging wagon many times, but I have found this to be the most effective solution.

    I’d also recommend Overcoming Binge Eating by Christopher G. Fairburn.

    Hope that helps!

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi Ncannack — my suggestion for you is slow and boring but it worked on my terrible binge eating and I think it will work for you also — eventually…. But you need patience.
    Stay with the BSD as much as you can, as many hours as you can, as many days as you can. Try to fast as long as you can (you’ll get better with practice). Fasting teaches you REAL hunger (which is not what you feel when you binge).
    If you fall off the wagon, just calmly start again. Just keep on returning to the principles of the BSD. Just start again and again.
    Write down everything you eat even if it is horrifying and review the list at the end of the day. When you do your end of the day review, think of a new way that you could address a bad choice in the future — I planned how to eat in restaurants, for example — I even pictured myself ordering specific things. This is a moment to think of new ideas, not berate yourself for what went wrong.
    After you go through your review, write down ONE GOOD THING that happened in your day. That is what you take to bed as you fall asleep.
    Repeat over and over and over and over until you slowly get control of the binge eating.
    You must replace your “default” setting here so your default is no longer bingeing.
    Stay calm. You will get control of this. Bingeing is panic eating and its driven by something deep and not logical — we need time to reset our patterns to gain control.

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