apple watch

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  • posted by josie53

    Does anyone know how feasible or helpful an apple watch would be to track steps and other health things heart rate etc

    Not a lover of exercise but have started walking this is the first week of the BSD so just finding my way

  • posted by Frog

    no idea Josie
    I think it was Izzy that wrote she had a fitbit and loved it.
    I’m making do with my pedometer – it’s quite a good one that I’ve had a while – doesn’t upload anything or do heart rate, but it gives a fair indication of how much exercise I’ve clocked up during the day – and distinguishes between pacey walking and ambling.

  • posted by CaravanSue

    Hi Josie, I j u st use my iphone with the Nike running app – not that I’m a runner mind you lol. It maps your walks and keeps progressive totals – all for free. Hope this helps

  • posted by Marsie

    Hi Josie
    I have a Samsung phone and use the S Health app and have done for a few months as I bumbled along without direction until I found BSD. It didn’t help me stay on the wagon during my first few restarts, but that was me, not it. I think all theae things are tools and if used wisely can be helpful. I now keep the phone on me all day so it can record my steps, I can record everything that passes over my lips, i can measure my heartrate thru the camera lens, manually record my blood glucose levels. And more. I like it.

    Good luck with it all……

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