Am I doing this correctly?

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  • posted by ProofReaderAtLarge

    I’m on day 15 of the BSD and have lost 13lbs with which I am really pleased. My BMI is now 21 so that’s good too.

    My problem is this: I have been trying to get to 800 cals a day using only natural foods as outlined in the book. For example, for lunch today I had homemade hummus, steamed broccoli and asparagus, and a couple of tablespoons of puy lentils with a little salt and lemon juice. For dinner I’ll be having tuna and butterbean hash (my alternative to mashed potato, it’s really good and I recommend it!) and a green salad with no dressing. I haven’t yet reached 800 cals on any of the days I’ve been doing this; it’s almost like I’m scared of a lot of foods now, especially carbs. I track everything on MFP so I don’t go over 50g of carbs a day and I have bought some Ketostix to ensure I am in ketosis every day. I see others doing this diet but allowing themselves things like mustard and whilst I’d love to have some, I think it goes against the guidelines because of the added sugar. My calorie intake has ranged from between 400-700 cals a day since starting this.

    Am I being too strict with this? I’m very much an ‘all or nothing’ person and I waited a month and a half to start doing this so I was ready. Now I’m a bit worried that I’m being too ‘good’ with it! I have a past diagnosis of anorexia nervosa which I completely dispute, I have something called emetophobia which led to me being frightened of eating about 15 years ago but I existed on mainly dry biscuits and toast, it wasn’t in order to lose weight, it was to stop myself from vomiting.

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Hi PRAL, welcome on board. You’ve done well with weightloss but if your BMI is already at 21 why are you trying to lose so much weight? Your calorie intake is too low, even for the 8 week version of the BSD. You should be around 800 cals not as low as 400. A spoonful of mustard is not going to make much difference for you! Maybe just following the principles and food types of the BSD is enough for you? You will feel better but won’t need to get hung up on calories so much. Good luck 🙂

  • posted by ProofReaderAtLarge

    Thanks Janey, I started doing this because I realised I was eating way too much sugar and relying on carbs, I took the tests in the book and, going on their results, I think I am a TOFI. I was having 3 tsp of sugar in my coffee twice a day!
    My son is now 5 and I want to show him how to eat healthily and he is now eating a better diet (not cutting carbs necessarily but definitely reduced sugar!) as a Super Healthy Challenge. He’s interested in what I’m eating too so I think it’s a good thing but I agree about needing to up my calorie intake. I’ve bought some whole earth peanut butter (no added sugar) and try to have a teaspoon with my evening coffee but the truth is, I’m not hungry and I’m now scared of eating too much!
    Please say this has happened to others and that they have overcome it!

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    The good thing is that you don’t feel hungry on this WOE (way of eating- don’t call it a diet as that’s missing the point of it). The sugar spikes are what caused the munchies before so if you’re stable on carb intake you don’t feel the need to snack. Take it from one who has been a lifelong cake and choccie eater! I started very rigidly on the cals but as time went on (now in week 7) I’ve trusted my body and appetite more. Now I am pretty strict on week days but more relaxed at weekends, certainly as far as portions go. Still not eating all those carbtastic foods but not beating myself up for a glass of red wine or a bigger dinner! I don’t weigh myself but my clothes are proof that I’m doing the right things! And I’m in this for the long haul, not a quick fix!

    You are educating your boy into good eating habits.. Congrats! But don’t get hung up on it; kids burn energy and need some carbs to keep them going!

    Get some lovely Longley Farm cottage cheese or halloumi and enjoy eating it. I promise you, you’ll be full and fine!

  • posted by Timmy

    Hi PRAL, I must say I agree with Janey. If you’re not overweight and not diabetic then I’m not entirely sure why you’re on the 800 cal diet? I’m not diabetic and I’m marginally overweight (BMI of 24.9) and I’m following the 5:2.

    I would suggest that you shouldn’t count calories or carbs at all (unless it was to make sure that you are definitely having enough), but just make sure that you are eating the correct sort of carbs (i.e. non starchy) and following the BSD way of life by eating lots of vegetables, pulses, lean protien and good fats. Given your past diagnosis (correct or not), I think you should probably speak to a health professional regarding whether this is a good option for you, as none of us are experts by any stretch!

  • posted by ProofReaderAtLarge

    I do want to lose more weight, I feel more comfortable when I’m about 8st 10 but I’ll settle for 9st. I really do think I’m a TOFI and have gained a lot of weight in the past two years. The BDS has highlighted my dependency on sugar and carbs and I want to keep that in check.
    I’m a veggie with lactose intolerance so most cheeses don’t agree with me (I can just handle cheddar).
    I need to rethink this I think, thank you. I’ll carry on but try harder to up my calorie intake to 800.

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