We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Esnecca

    Jackie, whoever invented the reverse sit-up should be poisoned, shot and drowned like Rasputin. The other ones were hard and I was sweating profusely within minutes, but I could do them. Those reverse sit-ups were something else entirely. I doubt I even accomplished a single one properly. I will master them one day, this I swear.

  • posted by JackieM

    Esnecca πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Yes, the air can get quite blue! The good news is I can now do all of these with fairly decent form, but it takes a while of doing them badly to get there. Also, I can stop doing them for a while and then go back to them without it being a complete nightmare. But they all hurt, even now they’ve been ‘mastered’, I’ve never asked to do more!

    Have you heard of a TRX? It’s basically a set of ropes you hang on a hook on the wall. Not expensive. We use that a lot, as you use your own body weight and increase or lesson it depending on where you stand. I love the TRX, it’s great for core stuff. I have one at home but my husband is resistant to have it inside so I’m gonna have to put it up outside. There are stacks of exercise on YouTube I believe. Pete the personal trainer swears by it, especially if you suck up inside a la Pilates.

  • posted by alliecat

    Theodora – Happy to have given you a good laugh! A certain degree of self-deprecating humor has always prevented
    me from taking myself too seriously. I’d much rather laugh than cry πŸ™‚

    Thank you, JackieM. Your exercise regimen seems very dedicated. Congratulations on that. Mine is fairly lackluster
    in comparison. I use free weights (5lbs), do an assortment of leg lifts, squats and modified pushups, and of course
    walking. You will inspire me to be more disciplined!

    Esnecca – My intuition is alive and well. I suspected “New Englander” because you express yourself in a style
    that is very familiar to me.
    I’ve ordered both the garlic sauerkraut and kimchi. Sorry about the PCOS!

    Californiagirl – Maybe you and Esnecca will appreciate this cat story….When I was in college, my then to be future husband
    presented me with a Siamese cat as a birthday gift. He somehow believed that my eyes resembled this breed.
    I tried to keep him (“Charles”) in my dorm room, but the dean of women got wind of it (probably due to the baby
    like cries emanating from inside). I was threatened with expulsion if I didn’t remove him, and of course I called
    my parents in tears, and they agreed to take care of him until my semester was over. My father enjoyed his presence
    in our home, and trained him to retrieve all manner of things. My Mother, on the other hand, didn’t find this too
    amusing, since he would take a 30′ running start from the living room, land on the diningroom table, skid across
    its surface, land halfway up the curtains, and claw his way up to rod, and finally, look beneficently from this great
    perch. I received a package from home one day, and I tore into it thinking it contained edible treats of some kind.
    What my Mother had sent was 2 shredded sheer curtains, along with this cryptic note. “Allison, this is the
    work of your cat!”

  • posted by JackieM

    Hey AllieCat, I’m not that dedicated. I have friends who walk and a luxury of a PT who makes me keep on when I think the warm up was surely adequate. Also, I don’t work and live in Surrey where exercise is the norm. My husband is an Ultra runner, so shame keeps me honest, though it didn’t stop me becoming obese this year after years of overweight. Just goes to show it’s food not exercise keeps you at a decent BMI. Although I had a foot problem this year and couldn’t walk, that probably didn’t help.

    Last time I lost weight (hypnosis) I wasn’t exercising much at all as I had a shoulder spur and it hurt too much, then an operation. Which is how I got the PT, just 12 sessions rehab for my shoulder … about 4 years ago …. oops!

    I’m quite ambivalent about being ‘small’ I will probably stop at the high end of ‘normal’, though small and strong is more appealing. Still, way to go before I need to consider that particular issue!

  • posted by Esnecca

    The scale said 125.6 this morning. Waist measurement remains steady at 30 inches, no surprise there. I will say that when I buy clothes, I easily fit into sizes described as having 28-inch waistbands. US size 6 petite is my usual pant size these days, and even the ones with the lower rises fit with room to spare. I think I can let go of the tape measure figure because the skin vs. fat issue makes it a deceptive number.

  • posted by alliecat

    Great numbers on the scale today, Esnecca! I’ve finally accepted
    the fact that I’m a US size 6 also. I dropped 2.5 lbs this week,
    weighing in at 138.5lbs and a new BMI of 21.69. My waist is
    now 30″ also, for the very same reason. Seeing 24″ again seems
    out of the question however, so I’ll just enjoy what has been achieved.
    Best of luck to you!


  • posted by alliecat

    Forgot to mention, at 5’7″, a lot of me is legs!

  • posted by Esnecca

    I see we continue to be twinsies, Allie, only you’re almost half a foot taller than I! Lucky duck. One of my fondest dreams is to be able to reach the third shelves in my kitchen cabinets. Because of that height differential my BMI is 23, still just barely below the healthy threshhold. Yet, when I tried on my uniform blazer from high school this weekend, not only did it fit, it was actually loose on me. I bought that when I was 15 years old. Goes to show what a rough tool the standard BMI measurement is.

  • posted by alliecat

    I agree, Esnecca, BMI can be very misleading. I’m married to a
    man built like a defensive football player. XL! According to
    the charts alone, he should weigh what he did in middle school.

  • posted by Verano

    I have much admiration for both of you, Esnecca and allliecat, not only have you have both done exceptionally well with weight loss but you also continue to be an inspiration in maintenance.

    Thanks for reviving this thread it made me look back to the beginning of this year. I can see that my pattern of weight loss/control is very much one of ‘good’ days ‘bad’ days but nonetheless I’m getting there. Despite myself I’ve actually lost 32lbs plus since I started this thread way back when….

    I am delighted that I’m still here being counted and still moving in the right direction but it really is good to have you both as such good role models. Onwards towards the end of the year and more weight loss for me and continued good maintenance for you both.

  • posted by Theodora

    Lucky you, Allie – I really wish a lot of me was legs! Sadly not 😒

    I agree about the BMI inconsistencies, my husband weighs 12.5st and is super-fit (for a 72 year old anyway – he cycles hundreds of miles a week, in really fast times) but according to his BMI he is overweight!!! He carries not an ounce of excess weight, so go figureπŸ˜‰

    Esnecca and Allie, I’m the missing link between you, height wise, at 5’5″ on a good day but o/h insists that I’ve shrunk an inch with age, but I’m not going to measure in case he is proved rightπŸ˜‰ but my BMI is under 20, how much under depends on whether I use my height measurement or his (18.6 or 19.2 respectively ) which makes me sound thin😨 In reality I am slim, yes, but no one would ever look at me and call me thin!! So I think BMI is one size which doesn’t fit all and needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, or at least alongside other considerations.

    I have lost a total of 49lbs since starting in January and whilst that is far more than I ever anticipated and I don’t need to lose more, I’m tempted to go for 1lb more just to make it a nice round 50πŸ˜‰

  • posted by Theodora

    Further to my post above about making it a nice round 50lbs gone, somehow or other I seem to have achieved that this morning without even trying!! I just weighed myself and found another pound gone.😨 Only difference yesterday was I didn’t have my usual couple of glasses of wine with dinner!

    It’ll be back soon though because I’m out to lunch today, then big dinner out with all the family at the weekend, followed by a few days away next week with o/h to celebrate our anniversary. But at least I’ll be able to say I lost 50lbs on BSDπŸ˜ƒ

  • posted by alliecat

    Haha, Esnecca and Theodora, you make me feel like the jolly
    green giant! I’m quite useful to have around in the aisles of
    the grocery store, however. πŸ™‚

    Theodora, congratulations on your 48th anniversary! We just
    passed that one in August. Hope you enjoy your weekend
    away. Re the nice round figure of 50lbs, I like that notion
    of symmetry, also. When I reached the figure of 50% body
    weight lost, I felt exactly the same way. You might be
    interested in this figure regarding loss of height as we (ahem)
    “age”. I recently asked my doctor about this because my 70
    year old husband is definitely shrinking! Two inches, to be
    precise. The estimate is suppose to be 1″ for every decade
    after 50. I don’t know why this hasn’t happened to me,though.
    Your husband may be right! Maybe you don’t want to tell
    him, however….. πŸ™‚

    A happy day to all!


  • posted by alliecat

    Hi, Verano! It is indeed nice to see your thread having a bit of a
    revival, because it gives me an opportunity to meet you. I’ve
    only been on the forums for about 2 months, and I’m slowly
    making my way thru back posts to get to know everyone. I
    always enjoy reading your thoughts, you’ve made such a
    contribution here. I particularly appreciate the conversations
    between you and esnecca about food. Now that the heat and
    humidity of summer in the east coast of U.S. is abating, I’m
    ready to try some new recipes.
    Thank you for your kind words. I’m doing this confounding
    maintenance very imperfectly. While I have been successful
    at not putting any weight back on, I didn’t plan on being 12lbs
    under target or 21lbs. within a healthy BMI. Therefore, a mini
    goal for the remainder of 2017 would have to be not to lose
    anymore, and continue to get fitter. Ill be keeping up with your
    progress as you reach your end of year goals.
    So nice to hear from you!

    Best wishes,


  • posted by marie123

    If you don’t mind me jumping in for a minute, I’d also like to say hello to Verano, and offer an apology to her.

    Hi Verano,
    In my first post on this forum in August I asked for people’s views on whether I should take my prescribed Metformin or try the diet first. You very kindly responded. I decided not to respond straightaway but wait and reply when I had decided. Of course, by the time I did decide (didn’t start Metformin) the moment to reply had well-passed – I’m a newbie forumite as well as BSDer!.
    I’ve been feeling the old stab of guilt ever since. Please accept my apologies.

    There, feeling better already!
    nb blood sugars readings are in the 4s and 5s

  • posted by Verano

    Alliecat what a lovely post …. pleased to get to know you too! There are so many threads here that it’s not possible to keep up with all of them and everybody so I tend to just dip in and out of some. It really doesn’t matter how perfect or otherwise your maintenance is you are succeeding and that’s all that matters! I’m just about to ‘revive’ the last thread about food with a revelation, to me, about replacements for rice!

    Yes I need to get back fully into BSD to lose more weight particularly as I’ve been very lax over the summer. There are just 10 weeks until the first anniversary of this thread so I need to make them count with fewer nuts and more soup lunches. Soup always helps me to lose weight so I think that’s my mornings work planned out!

    Anyway, Allie, it’s nice to ‘get to know you’ too.

  • posted by Verano

    Marie no need for apologies here. Hope my post was of some use. Good to hear you managed to stay away from Metformin. If you can manage your blood sugar by diet alone then that’s definitely the best way to go. Nice to ‘hear’ from you anyway and keep posting!!!

  • posted by Esnecca

    After I noticed the size 6P skirt I bought for my OH’s office party was a bit loose on me now, I measured my waist, not really expecting to see change because as I said above, my wobbly bits shift in a way fat doesn’t to make way for smaller waists in clothes than the tape measure says I have. It was 29 1/2 inches. And that’s at end of a long day. I am dazed with delight over this tiny little change. It’s the last goal I had. The last in a long line of dreams I dreamed in times gone by but never truly thought would come true. Not only did I finally achieve my dream goal weight of 120lb, I ended up reaching equilibium at ~117lb (went down to 115.9 a couple of times, up to 119 the day after Thanksgiving; everything else has been in the 116s or 117s for weeks). And now this. A waist measurement that begins with 2.

    When I recover from feeling I’m in a Twin Peaks-like hallucinatory dreamland, my next mini-goal will be to redouble my efforts with JackieM’s awesome ab exercises (and by awesome I mean effective, because of course they are all monstrous) and see if I can’t squeeze just another wee half-inch off of my waist. It took me months to lose this half-inch, so it might not be so mini a goal in reality. Don’t care. Everything else I’ve done was impossible too. Until it wasn’t.

  • posted by Verano

    WOW! Esnecca what a great way to end the year. Again, thank you for reviving this thread especially as I have now looked back at my first goal for the year again, lose 3.5lbs, which of course I did meet. The rest of the year hasn’t been as great as it might have been weight wise but I think maybe now is a good time to count my blessings for the year anyway. It has been a good one for me with my T2 ‘officially’ being in remission, being drug free at 70, a huge goal met, a new hip and, for the moment at least, a pain free life. This WOL has certainly improved my health this year beyond my wildest dreams. What more can one ask for!!!

  • posted by Esnecca

    That is so true, Verano. You can check your mini-goal off the list and a whole bunch of gigantic ones off the maxi-goal list. The hip replacement alone would have made this a momentous year for you, but it wouldn’t have happened, as least not anywhere near as efficiently as it did, if it hadn’t been for all your other accomplishments. This journey has had so many steps for you, so many dominoes to line up and knock down, all of them challenging and requiring dedication and endurance that I know you didn’t always think you had. I hope rereading this thread can always remind you of how incredibly dogged, tenacious and determined you really are. You pulled 3 rabbits out of a hat this year, and they weren’t tiny little magician bunnies either. More like those crazy pony-sized Flemish ones.


  • posted by Verano

    LOL! Esnecca you always make me smile, so thank you for that. So often we only see our faults or failings but forget so easily about our achievements. Yes this has been a good year for me but what about you!!!! I know you had a lot of weight to lose and that in itself is a huge achievement but you are ‘maintaining’ in great style and that I think is the real test.

    I have just written a post on another thread and it has made me realise that yes, I have actually ‘arrived’. I may have further to travel with a few more dominoes left to fall but I think I have finally ‘made it’, in reality. Until your taste buds change there may always be the temptation to eat cake. BUT, once your taste buds have altered you no longer desire simple carbs like bread, cake and biscuits (cookies), so it’s so much easier to maintain this WOL. Maybe the real secret is to stop all simple carbs until that day arrives then you won’t want them anyway!!!

  • posted by Verano

    BTW there is no way I would still be here and posting , and maintaining in my own way, if it hadn’t been for this forum, all the boards and above all, all the ‘friends’ I have here, pushing and pulling each other along in times of need and praising when earned. So a huge thanks to everyone who is still travelling along this path.

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