Dawn I’m sorry to hear you have Covid and hope you feel better soon. It really seems to be doing the rounds in the UK at the moment. Cathy I hope you are still negative?
I had a wake up call at the weekend when I put on some summery jeans. I last wore them in August and they fitted fine. Now they won’t even zip up 🙀 So I need to get back on track and am fired up to do so. I’m not getting on the scales at the moment because the last time I did I was really discouraged to see the highest number for a very long time. But, like several others, I want to focus on losing inches. I have a very busy time coming up between now and Easter but am creating a spreadsheet (yup, another one!) that will help me to be completely strict on the days when nothing is happening, and have planned damage limitation for specific events.
I’m also upping the exercise; been doing longer walks for the past few days – though am well behind on my million steps challenge! Jennie, how are you getting on with that? I’m also planning to restart running this week. There is a virtual charity run in May that I’m thinking of signing up for. It is way too much for me right now (10k) but I do find that unless I have ambitious challenges to make me do things, I just don’t get round to it. Even if I have to part run/part walk the run itself, just entering for it will be a motivation to hopefully keep me moving.
On the one hand I’m very disappointed not to have done better on this challenge. I’m currently heavier and flabbier than when I started back in January 🤨. And I know we still have almost 3 weeks left but I’d hoped to be much further towards my various targets by now. But on the other hand, as we’ve all said, life happens and – as for most of us – there have been things going on personally, as well as the world situation in general, that have made it all seem less important somehow.
But as I said, the jeans were a wake up call that I need to shake myself out of this kind of lassitude, and start shedding some pounds and inches asap. And even though the key reason is for improved health and well-being, if it takes summer clothes not fitting as a catalyst to make me take it seriously then so be it!
Go well everyone, and keep in touch X