100 day Journey to Easter

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  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone. How is the week going so far for you?

    Just dropping by to say a quick hello. I’m off on holiday for 10 days tomorrow, within the UK, so probably won’t be posting. I’m looking forward to a nice break – even though I’m still supposed to check work emails from time to time 😞. But we have 2 days in a nice hotel then a week in a cottage so it will be fab.

    I’m feeling much better, although now my daughter (who also just got engaged) has got Covid too. Her fiancé had it last week. We’re really caring and sharing!!

    I hope to maintain whilst on holiday then do another 12 day mini challenge when I get back. Still hoping to have lost at least half a stone during this challenge by the time Easter comes. I realise I’ve been in a bit of a slump, both physically and mentally, so hope that the break will revitalise me and I’ll come bouncing back again.

    Goof luck to everyone, and hope to see some good news from lots of you over the next few days X

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi DCT.Hope you have a lovely holiday! Dawn X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello DCT- have a wonderful holiday. Hope you manage to recharge your batteries and come back with renewed enthusiasm for the rest of the journey to Easter.
    Things are not going too well at present, one of my poorly friends sadly died at the weekend and the other poorly friends is struggling with high dose chemo so I am all over the place. I know I will get there at some point as I am constantly thinking about how I am not eating properly and beating myself up about letting myself down. My husband goes away for a three month long retreat in May so I am hoping that while he is away I will sort myself out. I am hoping that being on my own might help me to focus. I will get there I know it! I have to look and feel better than this by September for my holiday to Turkey 👙!!!!

    Have a good week everyone.

  • posted by SueBlue

    Cathy – so sorry to read about your friends death, and that you are struggling. Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself and regroup when you feel up to it – your husband being away for 3 months sounds like an ideal opportunity 🙂 I’ve often thought if I lived alone I’d find it easier as I’d have full control over what food and drink is in the house!

    DCT – have a great holiday, I’m sure the break will do you the world of good after being ill.

    I’m having a mixed week, will weigh myself tomorrow. I’ve been very active as have been helping my husband fix up
    MILs overgrown garden, I was pleasantly surprised to see how many calories gardening burns (according to MFP anyway). I made some of the Cheese and chive muffins from MM’s Keto book – they are quite tasty and filling for 194 cals, 1.5g carbs and I think it was 10g protein.
    We’ve finally had a break in the weather with some sunshine, welcome after 15 days of flooding rains 🙂 I’m aiming to walk 7,500 steps each day as I read that this number has health benefits – and it’s more achievable than 10,000 for me right now.

  • posted by SueBlue

    A weight loss update – my weigh in this week showed a 1/2kg (1 lb) loss which considering that I wasn’t monitoring calories, carbs etc for much of the week, isn’t too bad!
    Even better though were the NSVs. I’ve been avoiding buying new clothes as I want to get to my goal weight first, but with all the wet weather we’ve been having i was starting to run out of underwear (of all things!). Anyway I grabbed a pack of size 14-16 thinking if they were too tight my daughters could have them – but they fitted 🙂 I’m now going to get rid of my size 20-22 ones!
    Yesterday I was out for a walk with my daughter and we popped into our local Salvos (op shop) and I found 2 pairs of new size 16 jeans for $2.50 each on the sale rack. Did a happy dance at home when I tried them on and they fit! I had almost ordered a pair in size 18 for $40 a few days ago so glad that I found these and that I’m actually a size smaller than I thought I was in jeans , I was more excited about this than saving $$ to be honest 🙂
    All this is making me think I may even be able to get down to a size 14 this year – at 5ft 9 this was always a size I felt good at, although it’s decades since I was last that size.
    Anyway these NSVs have given me a bit of a boost so am going to get back on track and make the most of the next few weeks between now and Easter.
    Hope everyone has a good weekend 🙂

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    I love your post! So positive! So inspiring! So wonderful!!!! It has inspired me to get over myself and get on with getting my weight down! Your victories have really inspired me and no doubt many others here on the forum, Thank you for posting your inspiring news.

    All week I have been feeling down about myself and your post made me realise that only I can do something about how I feel about my weight. I tried a suit on this morning to wear to my friends funeral on Friday and it was too tight. It was a dress suit I wore when I went to St James Palace a few years ago when my son received an award from Prince Charles and the suit was skin tight and looked terrible. I won’t be wearing that suit on Friday but I will be wearing it again soon! I hadn’t realised how much being out of control was affecting my mood. I do have things in the diary that will hinder my weight loss but life has to go on and I will be good around the planned events and not give up. It has been quite liberating listening to my body and seeing how down I’ve become due to being out of control. Onwards and upwards and onwards and downwards for me going forward! I have my holiday to inspire me in September and I do think whilst my husband is away in the summer I’ll be able to focus on me and get down to a happier and healthier weight.
    Keep going everyone. SueBlue is such an inspiration with her continued weight loss journey. We can ALL do this with her.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi everyone,I’ve been snoozing at the back of the bus for several days! Still singing tho..todays song..
    🎶🎶On top of old Smokey! All covered in snow..🎶🎶🎶
    sing up everyone!loud as you can…🥳
    NATALIE how did the week go for you? ( I confess I’ve been a bit of a duffer this week 🙄 )X
    SUEBLUE Well done on losing those cms,girl! I’m liking yr mindset and nodding in agreement. Let’s Pat ourselves on the back for all the times we treat our bodies right by feeding them the right things,but let’s not get too hung up on when we have a slip ! Life happens. Look at the big picture. X
    Hi LINDA ,I echo yr words,no war,no famine,peace for all. Peace out !💕💕💕
    OLIVES,DAWN,DCT!CATHYetc etc…to all our dear bus dwellers,hang on tight and keep going!XX
    ****I came across a post from wayyyyyyy back,that I copied down ,I think it was from our good chum CALIFORNIA GIRL and it really is words of wisdom ( talking about sweet stuff and carbiness in general)so I thought I wd share it here.***….
    “They aren’t a treat, they are stealth agents and they create and perpetuate a cascade of inflammation and high blood sugar leading to metabolic dysfunction and permanent high-insulin states in the body.
    If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic or “just” fat, eating carbohydrate turns on, and keeps on, your insulin pump. When your insulin is high, you literally cannot break down fat for fuel. It “locks away” your fat and you are actually starving on a cellular level.
    In addition, fats are critical for hundreds of biological activities in your body and brain and when you are eating carbohydrates, you are not allowing fats to fuel all those important processes.
    So we would benefit from a different mind-set: why do we need to have carbohydrate to enjoy our holidays?
    It’s an odd thing we do in our society, glorifying sweet stuff that actually just creates long term damage to our bodies.
    If you decide to eat some sweet stuff, limit the amount and jump back on the BSD wagon as soon as you can”

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Thanks Yowser for sharing California Girls wise words for us all. Very timely indeed for me because tomorrow is DAY 1 of what is going to be a very strict regime! My mind is made up and I’m going to grit my teeth, gird my loins and go for it! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I am going to pretend that tomorrow is Day 1 for me like it was in January 2017. No looking backwards- only forwards and I am drawing a line under the last few months.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    CCATHY you go girl!👏👏👏👏👏👏 Xx we know you can do it.
    Me too. I’ve been a loser in the wrong sense this last week,and I know I feel much better when I’m losing in the right sense. So my Carb Monster and my Inner Chimp have got no chance now..I’m on it like a bonnet! X😀x

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,unfortunately I haven’t had the best of weekends food wise,completely lost motivation I think but I have still been reading all of your posts.Cathy, I was so sorry to hear about your friends.I found your words about starting today as if it’s DAY 1 inspiring.I too am going to start as though this is the first time I have tried this woe (but armed with all of the extra knowledge I have gained from you all! ) I think there are 34 days until Easter Sunday so I’m going to split that in half and weigh myself after 17 days (don’t think I could go 34 days) on 31st March,then again on 17th April.I’m not giving myself a specific weight loss goal for then, I just want to feel a lot healthier than I do at the minute and not have my clothes feel so tight.Hope everyone has a good day/evening.Dawn X

  • posted by SueBlue

    Thanks Cathy for your kind words, and am glad you found my post inspiring 🙂 I guess the whole point I was trying to make was that we need to look at the big picture and be grateful for all of the NSVs – I could easily have been disappointed at only losing 1/2 kg last week, or for still being the same weight I was 2 months ago (due to all the ups and downs), but I didn’t.
    I’m really trying to be kinder to myself – practising self-care. So I have a lovey bath with a scented bath bomb once a week, and make time to listen to relaxation music or a meditation track before bed, it’s really helping.
    Today I had errands to run and also had to go with MIL to some medical appointments so I ended up walking 11,000 steps. I really felt like porridge for breakfast so had my favourite Pear and cinammon oats. Lunch was just a cup of coffee as I’d had breakfast late, then a flat white while out with MIL and for tea I’m having some broccoli and blue cheese soup that I made last night.

    Yowzer – thanks for your helpful post 🙂 totally agree with the treats – when I ‘treat’ myself to cakes then I pay for it with increased inflammation which in turn leads to painful joints! Many years ago I gave up drinking lemonade, coke, milkshakes etc as I have IBS and the sugar sets that off – I’m able to look at a bottle of lemonade and read the label as Poison and imagine a skull and cross bones on it (that’s how ill l get after drinking it!) – now I just need to be able to do this with wine, gin, chocolate, crisps etc!!

    Dawn & Cathy – love the idea of starting from Day 1 again – good luck!

    Happy Monday to everyone else, and hope you have a good week 🙂

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    Had another strict day today. I usually find after day 3 things are a little easier. Have increased my water consumption and eaten low carb on plan today. I had to keep going to the toilet at work today so I’m definitely losing fluid! I’ve decided to try not weighing myself until Easter Sunday!! I think it will be quite exciting not to know how I am doing until weigh day. That way I am not disappointed every time I weigh but reckon that I should lose a few pounds if I am strict and it will be quite exciting to see exactly how much weight I’ve lost after 35 days. I would like to hope for between 7lb and 10 lbs. I am going to challenge myself to do it! Dawn, your idea is very similar to mine and I think we should do it. It’s something new to try too which I think is what we need- so let’s mix things up a bit. I was chatting to a colleague today and telling her how much success I had in 2017 losing three stone on the blood sugar diet and She ordered the book today. It was nice to inspire her and it feels good to be starting again with a positive mindset.
    SueBlue- I love your idea of being kinder to yourself. So important and so well deserved.
    Have a good week everyone. We had a busy day in the vaccination centre today. Lots of people suddenly deciding they need a vaccine because they’re going on holiday!! Not long now until the over 75s are back in for their fourth vaccination. My three month job last June is still going strong!

  • posted by Natalie

    You would all be shaking your fingers disapprovingly at me if you knew how low my diet had fallen (like 2 min noodles for dinner yesterday) and I’m under a bit of stress at the moment so I can’t face going through carb flu right now even though I know healthy and anti-inflammatory food is exactly what I need. (BTW I’d been really puzzled about why I have plantar fasciitis since it’s usually an overuse injury and I certainly wasn’t overusing my feet during lockdown, well it flared up during my recent carb binge so now I think it’s food-related inflammation.) Anyway I did much better today, not perfect but a huge improvement so hopefully I can get back into it without having to go through carb flu.
    Nothing terrible is happening in my life I’m just trying to juggle full time work with study and my husband’s car has broken down and my daughter has sport four days a week plus it’s competition season and my son’s school bus has failed to pick him up twice so I’m doing a lot of extra driving as well and just have NO TIME! Everything should settle down mid-next week with going back to part time and (hopefully) the car getting fixed, and I am so looking forward to that!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hi Natalie
    Keep dusting yourself down and getting back on the bus! I have fallen off the bus so many times recently and it doesn’t take much to derail me at the moment. We all have ups and downs and I seem to have had my fair share of downs over the last year which have tested my resolve. I used to be so strong and focused. Thankfully, the support and advice on the thread has kept me going. Life in general is stressful for everyone these days and it’s not always easy to be 100% good. Hopefully when things settle down for you next week you will get some time to plan your meals and be able to think straight and get back to healthier choices. This way of eating is very forgiving and as soon as you are back to it, the fat will start to disappear. The time has to be right to get into the right mindset.

    I am firmly in the zone – today being day 3. I am pretending that this is the first time I’ve followed this way of eating and psychologically I am feeling positive and excited to see what I can lose by Easter Sunday. No weighing until then for me. That in itself is a huge challenge- I will only be guessing how I am doing by my clothes until I weigh myself. Takes the pressure off too for me who loses weight so slowly. One less thing to worry about. Just keep eating the right things and fingers crossed the scales will have moved down a few notches when I weigh in. Because I have been following this way of eating for so long I am bored with the same old same old so by mixing things up a bit, it feels fresh.

    You might be surprised when you weigh yourself that with all the running around you have been doing you haven’t put on as much weight as you think. SueBlue’s recent post about her non scale victories really is something for us all to be mindful of. Also, one thing I remember from when I lost my weight in 2017 is that it doesn’t really matter how long it takes, once you achieve your goal weight you’re a WINNER! Keep going everyone to your own finishing line! 🏆

  • posted by Jennie10

    Hi everyone
    Sorry I’ve been absent for so long (feels like ages). A family emergency resulted in us spending the last 3 weeks looking after my sister-in-law after her discharge from a hospital stay. She’s on her own now (my brother died in 2020) and frail. Anyway, we persuaded her to come back with us for a while. My son is home from London soon, and even with an almost 60 year age gap they always have a gentle flirt with each other (it always brings a quiet smile to my face, some people just have it, don’t they) so that will be good.
    Anyway, I was wi-fi/internet-less while at SIL’s so will spend some time catching-up tonight and tomorrow and see you all after that.
    Take care everyone
    Jennie xx

  • posted by Natalie

    ClarinetCathy I weighed myself this morning and I’d LOST half a kilogram! So you’re right, all the running around is burning calories.

  • posted by Mariet

    Hi everyone, it’s been good to see how everyone is going. CCathy I applaud your attitude! Go you and I am sure you will get results.
    Well done SueBlue, isn’t it lovely to get those surprises?
    Glad your SIL is on the mend Jennie. I go a bit bug-eyed when I’m without Internet, don’t know how you managed it. It would probably do me good to be without it for a while.
    Natalie, you’re far from alone. Many of us have struggled lately. I haven’t had a problem sticking to the food side of it but every evening I think ‘I’ll just have one glass of wine.’ Every morning I think, I won’t have a glass of wine this evening.
    How is your reboot going Dawn? I am going to pinch your Idea and weigh after 17 days SMS again at. 34 days.
    Yowser, I love to see your posts, you are always so upbeat and cheerful and I’m glad you’ve had The success you’ve had this year.
    I have a new grandbaby, a little boy born last Friday and in a welcome change from all the bad news, he came quickly (5 minutes After getting to the hospital) and he and mum are going great guns. My puppy is making sure I get out for exercise twice a day though it’s still a penance to go for a walk with her, she just belly flops and refuses to move at frequent intervals. Still, it’s keeping my steps up. Keep going everyone, just being here is a Victory for us!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi everyone,I just,posted something,but it seems it didn’t stick!gahhh!!!!
    DD and I have caught some kinda bug,so I’m in the bus’s sick bay,keeping myself to myself! Tested negative for covid,so that’s a relief.
    Just wanted to say a quick hello,won’t leave hugs,too germy.
    Affirmation for today…
    💕🌸I am moving closer to the future I desire.💕🌸
    Just keep putting one foot in front of the other,one step at a time,and we’ll get to where we want to be! 💜xx

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    Yowser I hope you feel better soon. So many people I know have Covid or BSD colds at the moment. I’ve been working all day with a colleague who has been coughing and insists she hasn’t got Covid. I’ve got a funeral and my mother in laws 90th birthday party this weekend so I’ll be very unhappy if I’ve caught anything from her today!! She really should not have been in work.
    Mariet- many congratulations on your new grandson.
    Natalie – well done on losing your unexpected kg!
    Dawn- how is your restart going? Hope you’re as inspired as me!
    Jennie- nice to see you back on the bus- sorry you’ve had a recent family emergency. Welcome back.
    My new start is going well. I’m being very strict! I did something really good this morning before I went to work and I read my first few posts on the forum from when I started back in 2017. It reminded me about how exciting I found this way of eating back in 2017. I did really well with my initial weight loss – I lost 4lb in week 1, 4lb in week 2 and by four weeks I had lost 11.5 lbs or there about. I had never had weight loss like it before! It was so new and it worked! I hope my reboot this time is as exciting. I weighed 175 lb back then and now I weigh about 150 lb. I haven’t weighed for a few weeks and I am not weighing until Easter Sunday so I don’t know if I am losing but I am hoping I am.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hello fellow bus mates,sorry I haven’t posted for a few days,Cathy and Mariet,my restart could have gone a little better but I’m still feeling enthusiastic despite a trying couple of days,I am pleased I have another 13 days before my first weigh in though! Yowzer I’m sorry to hear you and your DD are feeling poorly and I hope you feel better soon.I thought I had a stomach bug starting on Wednesday night which continued to yesterday morning but I had some dental work done on Wednesday morning and I’m wondering if the anaesthetic had a detrimental effect on my IBS as I felt fine from yesterday afternoon. My sister and I visited my Dad on Wednesday afternoon, he’s still not in a good way at all, very frail and mainly sleeping but he did know we were there.
    I’m going to plan next week’s menu on MFP today, I also fill out manual versions which I stick on the fridge so I’m going to go through my pile of those for ideas. i don’t have a sparkly chart on the fridge this time but may do a little one to last until the end of our Easter journey to chivvy myself along a bit! Hope everyone has a good day/evening.Dawn X

  • posted by Natalie

    Dawn you just made me remember I used to feel unwell and shaky after having anaesthetic at the dentist and I told her so and showed her my shaky hand. “That’s just fear,” she said “I haven’t injected you with anything yet!”
    Yowser sorry you’re feeling unwell and thanks for quarantining yourself in the luggage compartment. Be aware tho that it can take a few days for your viral load to build up enough to get a positive so it could still be COVID and worth checking again a few days in.
    Mariet congrats on the grand baby and your puppy sounds cute if a bit frustrating!
    My mindset is much better, my busy time is over for the moment and I feel more able to focus on my health.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Your dentist story is making me chuckle Natalie😀 My sister has a real fear of going to the dentist so I can imagine her shaking in the chair bless her! Dawn X

  • posted by Jennie10

    Cathy – I’m really sorry to hear about your friend’s death, and how poorly your other friend is. Take care of yourself this weekend and I hope you enjoy your MIL’s 90th birthday xx
    Natalie – your dentist story made me laugh too. Also, can I apologise. I started to reply to one of your replies to me (if that makes sense!?!) and then dashed off without sending it. It was about your experience of diabetes education classes – yes, my experience was exactly the same as yours. Isn’t it strange, you can live in different parts of the world (I’m in the UK) but have the same experience – and the same response to it! Oh, and it did make me smile you thinking your son’s choice of textiles class may be because it’s an easy option. I remember the teacher interviewing me asking me why I wanted to do British Constitution (kind of politics) as one of my A Level options. I gave him the spiel. My best friend saw him straight after. When he asked her why she wanted to do it she said she was doing it because I was doing it, and I was doing it because my sister did it and she said it was easy. Woops.
    Dawn – Good to hear your enthusiasm has returned and hope you go well this weekend. I generally love a target but the last few weeks I’ve caught myself thinking ‘Aren’t targets rubbish!’. Anyway, I’m pulling out my sticky sparkly stars this weekend – any motivational port in an unmotivated storm.
    SueBlue – practicing self-care – you’re completely right and yet I find it so hard to do. It’s the first thing out of the window, particularly when I’m stressed or over-busy. I’m going to treat myself to some bath bombs. I do love the smell, and the fizzing up! Ooh, and I do love broccoli and blue cheese soup – going to make sure I put ingredients in my online shopping basket. Soup is one of those things that keep me going all year round!
    Mariet – what fantastic news – a new grandbaby – congratulations to everyone. Wow, that does sound quick. Yes, it’s my husband that goes ‘bug-eyed’ when internet-less. Anyway, he’s home and everything is/will be on – radio, computer, telly (cricket, rugby, football) so he’s happy again. I like your puppy – I might adopt her approach when out walking with my husband when he tells me going up another steep hill is ‘doing me good” – a couple of bellyflops and refuse to move.
    Yowser – sorry to hear you and DD have been unwell. I hope you’re both feeling a little better today. I agree with you, bed is definitely best when you’re feeling like you are. Btw, the bus has got a sick bay, who knew? Y’know, anyone else but us might think you’re making it up!
    I’ve got to go but will catch up with more later.
    Jennie10 xx

  • posted by Stevoka

    Oh dear well I completely fell off the bus there for a while. Trying to motivate myself to get back on … I’m curious to hear from the few of you who are doing low carb/keto and not calorie counting and still losing weight. I know many people have success this way but it just doesn’t seem to happen for me. Do you have other controls you put in place rather than the calories? Eg measuring amount of protein/fat. Or have you just played around and found the amount that works for you? I’m so not a fan of the calorie count but think it might be my only way to make this work.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi all,hope everyone is having a nice weekend.I’ve had a few days sticking to my food plan so hoping that continues!Jennie I’m pleased you’re going to use your sparkly stars😀 Dawn X

  • posted by Mariet

    I’ve been on Nana duty this afternoon and I am just exhausted! Between the 10 month old who is remarkably fast on all fours and the puppy who cries if she isn’t in on all the action it was a fairly frantic afternoon. I think I’m too old to be a nana, it’s too wearying.

    I’ve been strict with my diet, using recipes from the BSD recipe book from 4 years ago, everything I’ve tried has been as yummy as it was then. Don’t know why I stopped preparing them really.

    I am not going to weigh for a while and to be honest my clothes feel pretty much the same. But I feel like I am doing all I can do at the moment so it will be what it is. I’m back to work in the hospital tomorrow, two days in the office a week and three days at home. Best I could have hoped for, hoping it lasts for a while!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi everyone..xx! Happy Equinox! New seasons for us all,whether it be spring or autumn,enjoy all they have to offer!
    MARIET,your little GS is 10 months old now?Where did that time go!X
    STEVOKA good to have you back on the bus! I try not to focus too much on cals..more on keeping carbs under 50g per day..(well under that if I can) plus making sure protein is over 50 g.
    I think theyre more important than cals,plus not worrying about eating fat( in its healthiest forms like nuts,Greek yog,olive oil.) Having said that I do still keep an eye on the cals too. It’s tricky isnt it so don’t beat yrself up.
    Coz of course there’ll be times/ life events etc when cals,carbs and everything else gets flung out of the window and we just want to eat the horse and run after the jockey…🙄 just try to make those times “damage limitation” i.e., don’t go too mad.xx
    DAWN well done sticking to plan!xx
    JENNIE sparkly stars sound so lovely! X
    NATALIE your funny dentist story reminded me of a particular dentist who always made me on edge,he just had a weird manner that turned me into a nervous wreck,every time.
    One day he was doing a filling. He had been fiddling round in my mouth then stopped. I immediately leapt from the chair shouting Thank you ! and trying to get into my coat as fast as I could.
    He stared at me and said,”I haven’t done it yet!”😀 x
    I’ve been a bit naughty food wise whilst I’ve had this bug,have had treats coz felt sorry for myself..
    but tomorrow is Reset Day. I’ll start the week by giving myself a good all over whacking with the wet lettuce and then – right Back To “Bus Basics…”
    Giving our Carb Monsters a good hard shove off the bus,kicking our Inner Chimps to the kerb…and ding ding,all aboard for a new week,bright eyed and bushy tailed,getting ever closer to our Easter destination!xx
    Love to CCATHY DCT LINDA SUEBLUE and all our busboarders 💜💜💜

  • posted by SueBlue

    Yowzer your posts are always good for my soul, you always have a cheery word for everyone x I’m glad you are feeling better and hope your restart is going well 🙂
    Stevoka – I do have weeks where I don’t bother to count calories (like the last one for instance!) and I don’t always lose weight. I definitely agree with what Yowzer has said – I’ve found that not all calories are created equal, I have more success with counting carbs to be honest (keeping them under 50g and protein above 50g). And the days I eat more protein and less carbs I definitely eat less but feel more satisfied.

    Mariet – I would dearly love to be a grandmother, your little grandson sounds delightful but I agree they can be a handful! About 15 years ago now I used to work in a child care centre as an assistant and the work was so physical and quite draining at times. I used to look forward to meal breaks to be able to have 10 minutes peace and quiet to myself! My mum was a grandma at 42 but I’ll be 57/58 at the earliest before I have grandchildren and maybe not until my early 60s – it would definitely have been easier in my 40’s!
    I was inspired by your comment about BSD/Fast 800 recipe books Mariet, I forgot I had so many favourites from those so have been making some of them again. I had a cheese and chive muffin (from the new book) with a mug of roasted capsicum and pumpkin soup (Fast 800 red book) for lunch today. I have a few hours to myself this afternoon to planning to make some Leek and Barley risotto for lunches for the rest of the week and also some Pecan chia Bircher (BSD recipe book) for breakfasts. It’s not very low carb from memory but I had some berries in the fridge I wanted to use up before my Online grocery order comes tomorrow.

    After Cathy & Dawn’s posts about weighing less often I’ve decided not to weigh myself until the end of the month, and then again at Easter. The last couple of weeks have seen very little movement on the scales – this may mean I have a “whoosh” coming, as this has happened yo me before. It could also be that I’ve just been maintaining as I haven’t been tracking all my calories, but have reduced my alcohol intake, increased exercise and ate pretty much to plan.
    I was out on the weekend and started to have a look at Mother of the bride outfits. I saw 2 dresses I liked but they were both too big – admittedly they were in the curvy ladies section! I couldn’t see anything I liked in a size 16 in the shop I was in, and am also mindful of the high Covid case numbers at the moment so didn’t look any further. I still have 7 months so plenty of time, I just thought if I tried some dresses on it may inspire me to stay on track!
    But one step at a time – we have over 3 weeks until Easter so still time to make a difference before then.
    Hope everyone is having a good week so far 🙂

  • posted by Natalie

    Oh my goodness SueBlue ‘over three weeks until Easter’ seems like nothing? Where have 75 of the 100 days gone?!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    Not much to report from me. Had a busy few days. Two people at the funeral tested positive for covid the following day so I’ve been concerned. Am testing daily! Haven’t felt 100% to be honest. Have been super busy at work as we have started boosting the over 75s! Haven’t been as strict with my food choices, a combination of feeling shattered, and feeling under the weather. Not weighed myself! Don’t feel any lighter! Still trying!
    Dreamscometrue- are you ok? Hope you enjoyed your holiday.
    I’ve enjoyed catching up on your posts everyone.
    Here in the North West of England we had a beautiful sunny day today. Lovely to hear the birds singing and feel the warmth of the sunshine.
    Am trying my best but some days are better than others. Having recently lost my friend of the same age (60) it puts things into perspective so won’t be beating myself up. I’ll keep trying! Some days it’s just so hard to stay in control.

    Keep trying everyone!

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hello everyone!

    Cathy thanks for asking after me, I’m fine. I actually got back from holiday at the weekend but have been so busy since then I just haven’t got round to posting. So sorry about your friend. Please look after yourself and be kind to yourself. Sending hugs X

    I had a lovely holiday. Two days at a really nice hotel in Devon then a week in Cornwall at the cottage we always stay at. I was full of good intentions for a major reboot once we got back, but my body still seems to think it’s on holiday! Especially with the good weather we’re having in the UK I’m still eating and drinking as if we are. Weight-wise I’m back to where I was at the beginning of the journey, but like many of you I’m now more concerned about measurements and clothes fitting. Particularly now we have good weather I’m hating finding that summer clothes are tighter than I’d like.

    But, also like many others are saying, I’m in a good place in terms of feeling ok about things. I do want to lose weight – and bulges! – and achieve my goal. And more importantly feel well. But also keep it all in perspective. I think I need this week to kind of calm down again then sneak back on the bus. And – sigh! – I know I will need another journey after this one. Though I do really enjoy all your lovely company so it’s no hardship – just feel annoyed with myself for not getting very far 🙀

    I need to catch up properly with all your news. I did check emails whilst away but didn’t read everything in detail so will have a good old proper read later. For now, just sending good vibes to you all, whatever stage you’re at. Hope the rest of the week goes well for you X

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,having a bit of a hitty/missy week still food wise but hanging onto my seat.I though I had some sort of bug earlier in the week as I was sick through the night on Monday and felt really washed out on Tuesday but have been ok since.I didn’t visit my Dad on Wednesday though just in case it was a bug and it’s just as well as DH tested positive for covid yesterday (Cathy I hope you continue to test negative) DD and myself are both negative at the minute.DCT I’m pleased you had a lovely holiday.Sue I hope you have a WHOOSH coming!Yowzer I loved your dentist story😄 Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi girls ( and boys if any,all genders welcome on our bus!)
    DAWN sorry you’ve been buggy,me too,and sorry about DH! Get well soon xx I know or have heard of soooo many folk lately with covid or a nasty bug.
    DCT glad you had a good Hol,Devon and Cornwall are so lovely. It can be hard to get back into gear when you still feel in holiday mood,but you can do it..like you said,give yrself time to settle down again. The Carb Police won’t be thumping on your front door,and we’re all (healthily) mentally keeping things in proportion. Things like CCATHY losing her friend (RIP) and the bad things going on in the world .xx
    SUEBLUE I feel for you looking for MOB outfits…I felt like I wd never find what I wanted.
    I ended up looking a bit further afield,went to Chester which is about 30 miles away,and found the ideal outfit.
    Wore it to the wedding,friend borrowed it going on a cruise,then I sold it on eBay.
    . Google “ mother of bride shops near… ( where you live) “ and you might be pleasantly surprised like I was how much selection there was out there.xx
    Hope everyone’s enjoying this balmy weather. We’re all crammed on the top deck,the roof rolled back,enjoying those rays and a nice gentle breeze playing with our shiny locks as we take a relaxed drive through lovely countryside! We can stop soon for a little picnic of luscious peaches and nectarines and a few glasses ( vats!) of Prosecco 🥂🥂🥂🥂 xxx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi folks just a quicky with a mantra for the bus journey this week..
    I heard a good mantra today
    “ My decisions today will define my tomorrow “ 🥳 xx
    Love to all 💕💕💕💕xxx

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi all,hope everyone had a good weekend,I was feeling quite poorly with a headache and sore throat both days and have tested positive for Covid today.I feel a lot better today than over the weekend so am planning to stick to the menu I’ve put on MFP for the coming week and,because I won’t be going out anywhere,I’m going to try 16:8 TRE as shouldn’t have a problem fitting around that.I usually do 14:10 (when I’m sticking to plan! ) so 16:8 isn’t much more of a stretch.DH is still testing positive,DD negative so far.Love the mantra Yowzer. Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    I’m so sorry DAWN! You and DH get well soon. So many people have got covid or bugs!hope yr DD remains negative X

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Dawn I’m sorry to hear you have Covid and hope you feel better soon. It really seems to be doing the rounds in the UK at the moment. Cathy I hope you are still negative?

    I had a wake up call at the weekend when I put on some summery jeans. I last wore them in August and they fitted fine. Now they won’t even zip up 🙀 So I need to get back on track and am fired up to do so. I’m not getting on the scales at the moment because the last time I did I was really discouraged to see the highest number for a very long time. But, like several others, I want to focus on losing inches. I have a very busy time coming up between now and Easter but am creating a spreadsheet (yup, another one!) that will help me to be completely strict on the days when nothing is happening, and have planned damage limitation for specific events.

    I’m also upping the exercise; been doing longer walks for the past few days – though am well behind on my million steps challenge! Jennie, how are you getting on with that? I’m also planning to restart running this week. There is a virtual charity run in May that I’m thinking of signing up for. It is way too much for me right now (10k) but I do find that unless I have ambitious challenges to make me do things, I just don’t get round to it. Even if I have to part run/part walk the run itself, just entering for it will be a motivation to hopefully keep me moving.

    On the one hand I’m very disappointed not to have done better on this challenge. I’m currently heavier and flabbier than when I started back in January 🤨. And I know we still have almost 3 weeks left but I’d hoped to be much further towards my various targets by now. But on the other hand, as we’ve all said, life happens and – as for most of us – there have been things going on personally, as well as the world situation in general, that have made it all seem less important somehow.

    But as I said, the jeans were a wake up call that I need to shake myself out of this kind of lassitude, and start shedding some pounds and inches asap. And even though the key reason is for improved health and well-being, if it takes summer clothes not fitting as a catalyst to make me take it seriously then so be it!

    Go well everyone, and keep in touch X

  • posted by SueBlue

    Dawn sorry to hear that you are unwell, I hope you feel better soon. COVID is still running rampant here too, I have cousins and work colleagues who have tested positive in the last few weeks and now my daughters fiancés family have tested positive too. I feel it will be only a matter of time before I test positive, I get the feeling that I won’t be able to outrun the virus forever! I’ve spent the last 2 years basically in lock down, only going out for essential reasons, but I’ve had enough! My husband and I have decided to go away for a few days break in regional NSW. We’ll be staying in a serviced apartment so I’ll be able to make our own meals. We’re planning lots of walking and spending as much time outdoors as possible. I just feel it’s time to start living life again, rather than just existing, if that makes sense!
    Weight wise well hmmm… it looks like I’m ending the month at the same weight I started it at. My plan is to be fairly sensible while away, then restart next Tuesday. That will give me about 10 days till Easter, when I’ll have a few off plan days again, and then back on plan.
    Happy Scales is telling me I’ll reach goal at the beginning of August at 1/2kg week, so I still have time to get to goal before my daughters wedding in October.

    I have no real reason for going off track this month, I have been busy with work and caring for MIL and so meal planning went out the window… the saying that ‘Fail to prepare and prepare to fail‘ is so true.

    Cathy, Yowzer, Mariet, Jennie and everyone else – hope you are all keeping well x

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi Sue. I’m so glad you are going on a little break. It sounds lovely and I’m sure will do you the world of good. Have a wonderful time. And how fantastic you are on course to reach your target by August. That’s such great news!

    I love your mantra “Fail to prepare and prepare to fail” – and also Yowzer’s “ My decisions today will define my tomorrow “. They are both so relevant to our food choices. I know that when I plan ahead and decide to be strict, the weight starts coming off. It’s when I either don’t have a specific plan, or I decide not to bother, that the problems start!

    Good luck with the MotB outfit. I’m sure you’ll find something lovely, and what an incentive to get to your target weight. My daughter has recently got engaged and the wedding is probably going to be late. 2023 or early 2024. Who knows . . . even I may be at target by then 🙀

    Hope the rest of the week goes well for everyone X

  • posted by ADD6605

    Thanks Yowzer,DCT and Sue,DH had his first negative test today🎉 That’s ten days after his first symptoms started(dry throat) so🤞he has one tomorrow too.I will test from Saturday though if my infection follows the same route as his I won’t test negative until Monday(I know some people who took 15 days after their first symptoms to have a negative test so I hope mine isn’t that long).He hasn’t been too bad at all with it and I’ve just got a streaming cold (irritating but goodness knows what state we may have been in if we hadn’t been vaccinated) Sue I’m sorry to hear some of your family have Covid,I hope you don’t catch it,DD has managed to avoid it so far, even though her friends have all had it.If she doesn’t end up catching it from DH and myself I will be amazed and relieved.I think I read yesterday that in England 1 in 16 of us have it presently.I don’t know whether I will have done very well weight wise but still intend to weight myself tomorrow as planned.DCT I also had hoped to be a lot nearer my goals by now but,as you say, I think events around us have taken over a bit.I’m pleased to hear you are doing a spreadsheet.I have put a chart on the fridge again but it’s tiny as I have only two weigh dates on it,tomorrow and Easter Sunday! I hope everyone is ok.This Countdown hasn’t gone at all as I intended(again! ) but with eighteen days still to go I’m feeling optimistic that I can still do positive things and hopefully end our bus trip on a healthier note than when we started it.Dawn X

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi all.I’ve weighed myself this morning and have lost 8lbs since the start of our Easter journey so far.I couldn’t remember what I weighed at the start so I had to look back and find my first post which stated how much I would like to lose (34lb) I’m obviously nowhere near that and won’t be by Easter Sunday but I could definitely lose another 6lb by then which would be a stone and, with all of the messing about I’ve done since January, I would be really pleased with that.DH’s Covid test is positive this morning,it was negative yesterday,so we don’t know what the heck is going on!I assume yesterday’s was a false negative🙁 Hope everyone is ok.Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    DAWN that’s brilliant! keep going! You’re proving the mantra “My decisions today will define my tomorrow “ is true!
    Sorry to hear about Mr Dawn testing positive,hope his symptoms are mild and he recovers fast.
    Like SUEBLUE said,covid is rampant,I know of so many people who’ve got it / had it this year. In my own circle of family and friends,there’s only two who haven’t had it.
    Have a great day everyone,hold on tight to your seats! XX

  • posted by ADD6605

    Thanks Yowzer😀 Dawn X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone

    I’ve been busy doing the spring boosters and not felt well so haven’t been reading the forum for a few days. I have a chest infection and despite yet another track and trace I’ve once again avoided Covid! I am a medical mystery.

    Dawn- I was thrilled to see you surprised yourself with an 8lb loss, what a wonderful surprise. Well done to you. You must be so inspired. Hope you’re not feeling too poorly despite contracting Covid and I hope your booster is doing its magic.

    I am not doing great- maintaining is what is happening for me- a few ups and too many downs in my life at the moment to focus on weight loss. My husband goes away at the beginning of May for three months and I am going to use that time to focus on getting the stone I want to lose off. I am disappointed to have made no progress and there were times when I was so focused and determined but life events got in the way again. All is not lost and I’ll be one stone lighter for my holiday in September. I’ve had a few false starts but I will get there and I am not beating myself up. All to play for but the time has not been right.

    I will weigh myself on EasterSunday and then I am away for a few days to Lytham with my husband before he goes away and then I will start at the beginning of May to knuckle down once AGAIN! The weight I am now seems to be a weight I can maintain which is about 150 lbs. I started at 175- got as low as 130 but at least I am not where I started. I am aiming for 138 by September.

    Keep positive everyone. Congratulations to those finding this easier than others and keep trying those of us who are struggling.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hiii bus folks!
    CCATHY well done on still doing your good work on the jabs 👍 …
    so sorry about yr chest infection,hope it clears up fast.
    It will be easier to focus on weight loss when hubby’s away..I really admire all you guys who don’t live alone. If you have sbody else at home,it’s so much harder,specially if they don’t need to lose weight,so there has to be bread etc in the kitchen! I’ve got no excuse,just me here,so if I can get around the supermarket without succumbing to temptation,there’s no carbs/ treats at home to call out to me from the fridge and cupboards.
    Unfortunately I’m still in Mums Day mode nearly a week later!🙄 This is my problem when ever I go off piste for a special occasion,I continue having treats for days on end….while my Carb Monster rubs her hands with delight.
    Need to pull myself together,and give myself a talking to,slap myself with a wet lettuce. This won’t do,need to get back on track,pronto.
    🌸💕🌸💕🌸💕🌸 💕 love to all 🌸💕🌸💕🌸💕🌸💕🌸

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi all. Just a quick check in. I’ve been away up north visiting my mother for the last few days so been busy.

    Dawn I’m so pleased about your loss!! Well done. Such good progress despite all the ups and downs. Thrilled for you 👏

    Cathy sorry to hear you’re not well, and do hope you feel better soon. I think we’re pretty much in the same zone at the mo. I really want to get weight and inches off, and am beginning to feel fired up to do so, it’s just been a strange, busy and stressful time during this journey and I’ve just not been at my best in various ways. So I’m definitely up for yet another journey – hopefullly with better results next time 🙀

    Yowzer I’m the same as you in terms of once off piste I just keep on sliding! Please fling some of that wet lettuce 🥬 in my direction!

    Go well lovely travellers. I’ll be home Monday evening so back on board as from Tuesday X

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi all,thanks Cathy and DCT,Cathy sorry to hear you have a chest infection,I hope it clears up soon.I’m still testing positive for Covid,it’s my 6th day since first testing positive,I just have a tickly cough now.DH tested negative today,his 11th day after first testing positive,just hoping he is negative tomorrow too as he had what must have been a false negative a few days ago as he tested positive again the day after.He’s more or less feeling fine now.DD still negative. Cathy my goal weight for September is also 138lb, in time for a little break away in this country with friends then a trip to Florida with them the following month. I started at 172.It’s many years since I was anywhere near 138lb so I have no idea really whether that will be my final goal weight.The other day I realised my BMI has moved down from obese to overweight which is a plus😀I think to get down to a healthy BMI I will need to lose a fair bit yet.Still aiming for 6 more pounds before Easter!Hope everyone has a nice evening/day. Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    DAWN how exciting about your upcoming trips!
    False negatives..they’re calling it stealth covid now when people have it but test negative. DD and I have had symptoms for over 2 weeks now but keep testing negative. Now that it costs to take tests,it’s going to work out expensive,specially if getting false results 🙄
    Getting yr BMI down from obese to overweight is excellent! 👏👏xx

  • posted by ADD6605

    Thanks Yowzer,it was a nice surprise to realise my BMI had dropped to the next level🎉 yes DH false negative was weird last week.He had tested positive for Covid 9 days earlier so had started retesting from day 5 and kept still testing positive until day 9 when he got a negative so we expected day 10 to be negative too so were surprised when it was a positive!It does make you wonder how many people don’t realise they have Covid.I hope yours and your DDs symptoms go soon.Dawn X

  • posted by SueBlue

    Dawn – well done on your 8lb loss and for going down a level with your BMI. I was so excited when I went from obese to overweight too, my daughters thought it was funny that I was excited about being overweight!
    Cathy – I hope you are feeling better, chest infections can drag on and make you feel low that’s for sure.

    My March weight loss ended up being, drum roll… 100g!!! At least it wasn’t a gain I guess!
    I had a good few days break away – we ended up walking 56km over 4 days! I wasn’t eating to plan but still tracked in MFP. Calories most days were 1500-2000, but I guess they were offset by the exercise calories as when I weighed myself this morning I hadn’t gained. We had a mix of self-catered meals and eating out, and I made healthy choices for the most part. What I found interesting was meal sizes – after not eating out for 2 years, I realised how much less I eat nowadays – I gave my husband the excess! And with things like the hash brown that came with my cafe breakfast, that went straight onto his plate!
    On the Saturday night we had dinner at a club and then stayed for the music entertainment. I even got up on the dance floor and busted some moves! Yes a few wines were involved too…it felt good up be out and about and living again to be honest. The area we visited has a lower rate of Covid than where we live, and so i get much safer. But back to reality now….
    I’m planning to weigh in again on Good Friday, which being mid-April will help me track how the month is going. Ideally I’d like to get down to 88kg by Easter as that was my 2021 goal and I never quite got there, so we’ll see.
    Today I’m busy unpacking, washing clothes, and checking in on MIL but then I’m going to do some meal planning before I put my online grocery order in.
    Hope everyone else on the bus is keeping well and your week is off to a good start, it’s not long now until our bus reaches its destination!

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