10 weeks in

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  • posted by AGRF

    Weight loss has slowed down BUT!!!!
    I have lost a total of 2 and a half stones!!!!
    I have always found it difficult loosing weight even though often had strong will power and determination.
    None of that needed on this regime. Lovely food and NO HUNGER!
    Just need to keep motivation going when scales are slow to show what the mirror is telling me. Have a long way to go. Any word of advise?

  • posted by Snoop

    You could try measuring using a tape measure as well as the scales. That would give you an objective assessment of your progress. Quite a few people on here have commented that they seemed to have hit a plateau, weightwise, but their waist was still shrinking.

    Also, lots of people experience what they call the ‘whoosh’ effect. Look this up on the Web. You’ll find lots of info. If I’ve understood it rightly, the fat in cells is replaced by water, and when that is lost, ‘whoosh’, your weight goes down by a significant amount, almost as if overnight.

    Others will be along to give you more advice. I see you haven’t joined any threads of people encouraging each other along. If you do, you might find that a source of inspiration and motivation.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Have you got clothes in the wardrobe that you haven’t been able to get into. Try them on, you might have a whole new wardrobe to wear.

  • posted by shalimar

    Keep your eyes on your goal or goals. Imagine yourself looking great in your clothes …. if you are anything like me you already had clothes in your wardrobe that fit really nice now. I even had to buy a couple of new bras.

    Use the Search button on the top right ….. search the word “plateau” …. it is very very common to have a slow down or 2 … or 10 while your lovely new body takes a breather and adjusts itself. If you didn’t hit a plateau you would be a lucky person …. and a highly highly unusual one.

    Good luck. HUGS

  • posted by AGRF

    Thanks Shalimar. It will all be worth it in the end!!!! Good to share exoeriences with others in the same boat!!!

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