Watching what you eat will make a difference

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  • posted by Michael (BSD Admin)

    Simply changing to a Mediterranean style low carb diet and by watching your portion sizes, you will make an impressive difference to your sugars and weight. Essentially this means cutting out the sugar, starchy carbs and the white stuff (white bread, pasta, processed cereals and rice), and boosting consumption of fats like olive oil. See how others are getting on and share what works for you. Good luck!

  • posted by Niffer

    I’m not diabetic or pre, but doing 800cal BSD as there are three diabetics in family. You say keep off the white stuff (bread, pasta, cereals or rice), does that mean there are some breads, rice I can eat? I have only been on diet four days and kept off all these foods, lost 5lb so far. Also is sweet potatoe ok, In the book I think it says can be eaten but Not sure I should.

  • posted by Zobo74

    I have been on the diet for 10 days and already feeling the benefits, lost 8lbs in weight, 1.5 inches from my waist, sleeping better, much less moody, more energy… – until I made a mistake today! I was at a conference and forgot to ask for a salad for lunch (they only offered saandwiches) and had to rush to M&S for something. Quickly picked up a harissa chicken with cous cous (harissa chicken is in the book right)? I glanced at the ingredients, saw 5.2g sugars and thought ‘not too bad’ rushed back, wolfed it down and carried on with my day. Tonight I feel super bloated, irritable, shattered and generally yuk so thought I’d better take a closer look at the ingredients of my lunch on my fitness pal – there’s over 32g carbs (5g sugars)! Is this why I feel so rubbish, does this mean I can never eat carbs again!? Scary!

  • posted by cabbagesoup

    Are you able to post links/names of researchers/papers who have looked at the effect of blood sugar in non-diabetic children? I’m very keen to get info about how to regulate my kids’ blood sugar via their diet. Also keen to hear more about the effects too much sugar in-utero can have (not at the gestational diabetes level). I have a GP husband so I’m going to need research to get this to the table!

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