Hi CC, I start my fast most weeks on Sunday evening and continue until Thursday, Then Friday, Saturday and Sunday are my “eating” days. – The Covid virus is able to hide from our immune system within the cells of the body, and does this by reducing the rate of autophagy. It also causes inflammation within the blood vessels. There is a growing body of research that indicates that long covid issues can be cleared by fasting. – A number of people are reporting a dramatic improvement after a fast of 15 to 25 days, but they tend to undertake these either in a clinic, or as part of a program where they have a fasting mentor.
The cells of our hearts do not multiply as other cells do, but reply on autophagy for their maintenance and autophagy is also important in keeping blood vessels healthy and removing cholesterol plaques from them. Which will fit with the number of people reporting heart problems post Covid.
As a result of visiting my GP for assistance with a constant cough from Covid that I couldn’t clear after months I was connected up to an ECG, that reported that there was an issue with the nerves within my heart not firing as they should. – While blood tests for heart disease and x rays have not shown any sign of heart disease the NHS system is apparently that GP’s will not prescribe medication for a cough until further tests have given a clean bill of heart health. That was in November, and I have only just got appointments for the next step from the cardio team at the hospital. So I turned to the internet and discovered a virologist who had suffered from long covid himself and was sharing papers as research into long covid was published. He is now within the university he works carrying out a research project on long covid and the health benefits of 1×60 hour fast a week.
I have chosen a longer fast because for the same number of hours fasting as ADF you get more time in autophagy, you body only reaches the lowest baseline level of insulin at 50 hours so this length of fasting has benefits for reversing IR faster than ADF’s and also after 70 hours the body moves on to improvement to the immune system and stem cells.
This is the 4th week of following this program, I start the fast after a late meal on the Sunday because the hard time of a fast is the period between 22 to 26 hours when the body is moving to fully being fuelled from fat, so I time the start of the fast so I sleep through that period. I do occasionally have a poor nights sleep when fasting, when it happens I don’t try to fight it, I get on with a bit of work, or read something and when I feel sleepy again I go back to sleep.
There does seem to be an advantage I wasn’t aware of before. – I am much better at standing up for myself when dealing with a difficult person during a fast. – Try to bully me when I am fasting and you will find its a mistake. 🙂
The talks by Dr Mason are very useful, I have put together a list of 3 of his talks, one of which is on the scandal of statin’s. and emailed them to my GP. – After the ECG he looked at my blood tests and saw that LDL was 5.3 so started to talk about prescribing statins. – So I thought it would be helpful if I provided him with more up to date knowledge before my next appointment. – See the advantage of fasting as above……. :-)))))) I expect there will be a few difficult meetings with doctors about fasting and keto now that I am caught up in the cardio departments sights. – But as weight control and reduction in blood pressure are both benefits of fasting everything they will want me to achieve is best achieved this way, and I am going to be so helpful, sending them links to research papers and articles if needed.