One week at a time beginning 1st December 2020

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  • posted by wendleg

    Let’s make this last month of 2020 count , so we can say good riddance to this annus horribilis, feeling more positive ! The holiday season will soon be upon us with its festive excesses . It doesn’t have to be a total carb fest and if you feel in need of motivation to get you through, then please come and join us ! My plan is to be careful over the next few weeks to limit the damage so I can enjoy a few of my treats of choice. I have had many a dismal January though so no going there ever again !!
    I promise to do my best with a few motivational nuggets of wisdom I have gleaned over the years !

    Wendy x

  • posted by wendleg

    This is the latest list December 2020 ! We would love to hear from you . Don’t leave it until January !!

    Niamh and Dean ( Neegan)
    Clarinet cathy
    Olive 1
    Double Dutch
    JGwen (of course !!)
    Tulip1 (Clare)
    Jeremy Fisher
    Kevlondon and Mrs Kev
    sunshine-girl !!!
    Violinist ( Catherine)
    Sarah 1968
    Delabodge( Clive)
    Calliope Swan
    EclecticRajistani !!!
    Mumof4in France
    Squidge !!
    No more banquets
    The other me
    AMZ !!!!!!!
    Stephen J
    Nhatha 3432 (Nick)
    Reuby 19
    Rainydays 42

  • posted by Rainey

    OMG! After at least a week of cooking, feasting, carbs, desserts and a total lack of exercise and fasting because of Thanksgiving, I feel like I’m starting out all over again. And I guess, in a sense, I am.

    I feel like I’m starving as I write this even though I’ve missed a single puny meal. But I did get on the equipment this morning and do a full routine. I had to strain to remember what my Pilates program *was* after all this time but I did the best I could. Fingers crossed I can get through this day. Then I suppose I’ll be crossing them again on Wed when I weigh. Oh dear!!!!

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi Wendy-

    is there a way to give you Carlos’s number without putting it on the thread? Then I will tell him you might message him?

    Happy Tuesday everybody,

    Tulip xx

  • posted by WindyJulz

    I’m in for the week. I struggled a bit last week but got ot Saturday weigh in at the same weight as the previous week which is still back at my lowest ever so I’m pretty chuffed to be maintaining down here. This week the push is on…. I age a busy week or two with work and I’m actually thinking the many many meetings will help keep me distracted! I would love to say goodbye to the last 2lbs in this 11st bracket so I’m really trying hard this week, Committed to walking in the dark every evening and I’m taking a leaf out of Wendy’s book – no chocolate, 90% or otherwise, no nuts, no yogurt as these all lead me to over eat! 2 meals a day with a long fast on Friday! Today looks like soup for lunch, ride a horse at lunchtime too (making the most of working from home!) and chicken and veg for tea…..possibly in the style of a curry or a salad…… I’ll see how cold it is!
    I’ve got a plan for Christmas too so feeling less anxious about that. I trialled a chocolate cheesecake / torte on Saturday and so i have pudding sorted for christmas day, no carbs! Roast turkey will be fine, and my “treat” is a turkey sandwich…… I’d honestly rather have a turkey sandwich than the roast meal so i agreed with myself that that is my off plan meal! I’ve said to hubby that only very dark chocolate may be bought for me and i dont feel that anything else off plan is wanted or needed.

    I ‘ll try to be more active on here this week – i keep up reading posts, just been feeling a bit like I’ve nothing to really contribute….its all just whizzing round in my head still.

    Have a fab start to December everyone…….the 2020 finish line is in sight, lets get there in style!!


  • posted by wendleg

    I will be back to chat a bit more later but just wanted to respond quickly to Tulip
    I am just going to give you my email address … We used to have a bsd angels one but it hasn’t been used for a while. I accept the risk. Just remove the first 3 letters of this address please Tulip to confuse the bots !

    Back later !

  • posted by Gattina

    Good morning all and happy first of December
    I’m down another 4lbs this week bringing me to 15st 11lbs. That’s a total loss of 17.5lbs in 3 weeks. It does sound a lot in a short space of time but I’ve been here before so I am being very cautious about getting excited. It’s usually when I get to the 15st mark that I start to lose control and slowly pile the weight back on, so I’m focusing on the long term weight loss and maintenance.

    I have my second session with the healthy weight team this afternoon which will be interesting. Todays session will be about exercise – I’m hoping t here will be more to it than just telling us to exercise. What would be useful if they work with the group to try and unblock some of those barriers which stop us from actually exercising regularly. I was inspired by all the posts last week and I’ve dusted off my Rosemary Conley DVDs and have been giving them a go.

    Keep up the good work everyone, I love hearing how you’re all doing.
    All the best

  • posted by EC

    hello friends
    Sorry have been AWOL for some weeks….life got mad with son #4 moving to WA 🙁 and the relevant chaos (including caring for their cat (and keeping him away from our cat and dog!!) for 10 days!)
    I’ve had a couple of binge reads of the posts, but only now getting to write
    I went seriously off plan for about three weeks ….and… totally undeservedly, only gained about 1kg
    So last week, while my OH was away I decided to do a week of juicing (which I know is anathema to those with BS issues….which I don’t have) so have been doing a lot of veg juices and healthy dinners so feel I’m back on track and a couple of kgs down
    NSV is that I can now fit (though snugly) into a pair of trousers and some bathers (or togs/swimmers/cossies…-depending on where you’re from 😉 ) that I haven’t been able to fit for 20 years! (yes, I’ve kept them in hope!!)-I just need to trim down the belly and the (lessening, I hope) bulge at the bra back 😉

    We are booked to go see our three Vic kids and families in just over a week for Christmas….so grateful to all Victorians (including you, M Melba!) for being so resolute in lockdown and now Victoria is COVID free (at least for now-phew)
    We’ve also had no virus for app 3 months in Tas and we’re tentatively planning a couple of concert events (which is my work-(in normal times, festivals and events!)) in January, so things are busy which simultaneously feels good and also strange, after this year

    Wishing all of you in the northern hemisphere better times ahead

  • posted by RubyG

    Myself and hubby still here, week 6 for us.

    @windyjulz – trialled a chocolate cheesecake / torte on Saturday and so i have pudding sorted for christmas day, no carbs! Would you be able to share the recipe please – this could satisfy any pudding requests for Christmas.

    Keep going everyone, your stories on here keep me inspired every week and determined to follow this way of eating long-term.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    So my chocolate torte….. I wont give you quantities as i didnt measure and it would depend on the size you want to make, i just did a tiny mini one as a trial…..
    Base – ground almonds, desiccated coconut, bashed pecans, cocoa powder, vanilla, ginger (you could add any nuts and seeds you like really) mixed with enough melted butter or coconut oil to bind it. Pop it in the base your baking tin, flatten it out and chill while you make the top. If you wanted it a bit sweeter then you could soften dates and raisins then blitz into a paste and add them in. Or just add in chopped very finely.
    Top / filling – whip double cream til starting to stiffen, then beat in cream cheese and melted very dark chocolate. (think i over whipped which made it more torte and less cheesecake). stir in ginger, I’m going to add orange zest and a touch of juice for christmas, and maybe some cinnamon. Put it on top of the base, smooth out and chill for a few hours.

    Really that easy! And i am no domestic goddess!!

    Let me know if anyone tries it and likes it. 🙂

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, another week and, more importantly, the first of the month. We are all winners here simply because we are here whether we are up or down or somewhere inbetween.

    I seem to have had an overnight glitch with a small gain. BUT, yesterday I didnt feel like a salad so opened a packet soup. Saw some bits in it which looked like pasta so I belatedly checked the ingredients. It was a mixed vegetable soup and the main ingredient was 45% POTATO. Still ate it as I was at the point of falling down and didnt have anything else on had. We all look for a reason for a weight gain so that is mine. Surely it is adding a fluid grab to my weight.

    How are you all getting on with your other halves in lockdown, especially those of us who cannot get away from them for even a minute. Although known for our small spats and snappiness we have been particularly good and understanding of each other so when one decides to have a rant the other just takes it, listens and sympathises. However, yesterday I wanted to throttle my husband. For weeks we have been asking him what he wants for Christmas. Nothing, dont know, cant think of anything and so on. He has asked daughter for some ear buds he doesnt really want but it was just all he could think of and he will use them to drown me out. Yesterday he handed me a parcel and said I could wrap it up for him and say it was from me. Opens parcel. He has bought himself a new Paper White Kindle reader. Why didnt he just ask me to buy it for him. Yes it was very expensive (he loves to treat himself) but we could have shared the cost – me and daughter. He does this every year and every year I tell him he is banned from buying anything for himself and he still does it. Rant over. I have actually bought him a couple of things that he should like so he can stick his Kindle somewhere the elves wont get it. Rant over. Except, I said for him to get a chocolate Advent Calendar and left him looking at the Quality Street and Others at around €7 or 8 each. He bought a Ferraro Rocher for €26. Now can I kill him. Have to forgive him as it has been a rotten year for everyone and leave me an open door to really treat myself when the new world opens up.

  • posted by RubyG

    I sympathise with you S-G!

    We have both been working from home since March and have so far not needed a divorce or homicide lawyer 😉
    We have a routine – up together as if we were going to work, breakfast and first coffee together, then he goes upstairs to his office and I relocate to my dining-table office by 08h00. Our bathroom is upstairs, so when I need the loo I also take him up a cup of tea. In between this he has hit water bottle for drinks and I growl if he ventures downstairs to the kitchen while I’m working.
    We e-mail availability for lunch (how sad) and have a mug of soup together in the lounge and sometimes watch Bargain Hunt (again, sad) for anything from 30-45 minutes, then we go back to our desks until the end of the working day (from 5-6pm normally), when he is allowed downstairs again and we have supper together, which I generally cook. If we didn’t respect each other’s space during the day we would have killed each other by now.

    My hubby would have done similar with the advent calendar!

  • posted by wendleg

    Oh crikey I actually quite like my hubby but he is a placid soul and he hides a lot in the garden 😉 😉 I only get annoyed with him when he has a big plate of dinner and then scoffs a family bag of crisps or ……. garlic croutons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we were in the Uk he would be hoovering up the pork scratchings !!!

  • posted by Butterlover

    HI Everyone.Ive had a busy week my daughter had a birthday meal here with family and friends and I just decided to be off plan for 1 day.Big Mistake It will probably take me another week to get back to low carb routine .cravings for bread and cheese and crackers are a real problem.I had the idea to have a free eating day for Christmas but now I’m reconsidering.we will have turkey and ham and usually salads.deserts are usually pavlova or chocolate mouse which I’m not bothered. Summer fruits are my favourite so I may have some as a treat.I will definitely cut back on the charcuterie and cheese platters All left overs will be sent home with guests and I will use a side plate to control portion. I’m not feeling Christmas yet.the tree is not done,there are no gifts yet.Im not baking yet because I will probably eat it.Im going to wait until dec15th then get busy.Hopefully I will feel more positive.Some how it doesn’t seem right to be enjoying when half the world is in lockdown and the virus is rampant in the northern wishes to everyone .I pray it will be over soon.

  • posted by Rainey

    Oh, sunshine girl, I am rolling on the floor laughing. I’ve been buying my own Christmas present and giving it to my husband to wrap for *years*. Works for us! I get something I genuinely want and he gets an entirely anxiety-free gifting season. I buy all the gifts for his work colleagues too. And he wouldn’t be able to go out and buy himself a shirt without me if his life depended on it. I guess it’s just a case of whatever floats your boat. LOL. The other funny thing is sometimes he’ll put on a shirt he hasn’t worn in a donkey’s age and I’ll admire it and he’ll respond that of course, I do since I picked it out. I’m surprised every time. We’re a pair, I guess…

    I’m with you, wendleg. My husband has a very demanding 24/7 sort of job. Since he’s been working from home we see one another soooo much more and that’s been a compensating joy from this awful virus. And I never stop feeling blessed that, after 53 years, we’re still one another’s best company.

    Keep on, everyone! We’re all going to look smashing for Christmas!

  • posted by Rainey

    We’re not decorating outside. I mean I hung a lighted wreath on the door but that’s as far as outside and my neighborly spirit goes. Inside we put up the tree immediately after Thanksgiving. Here in the Northern Hemisphere where days are short and dark those colored lights are a real lift to the spirits so can’t dispense with that!

    I’ll do cookies, etc in another week or so. I don’t really have a problem baking so long as I don’t take the first taste. My husband is willing to do that for me! And if I wash my hands throughout and keep a bowl of water at hand for implements so I don’t lick my fingers or spoons and never get the first carb, I do OK.

    I suspect when Christmas actually *comes* I’ll have about the same stamina as I did for Thanksgiving — which is to say NONE — and I’ll be back here whining about having to start off fresh again. …but yesterday I did throw out 1/3 each of an apple pie and a pumpkin pie and some *very* delicious cheesecake bars so I’m relieved to say I’m not *entirely* hopeless. And I’m whining instead of caving in so that’s good too. ; > 😉

  • posted by RubyG

    I should add, although my hubby and I drive each other nuts some days, we have been married 31 years next week, so we’re doing OK.

    One really good thing about working from home is we can eat well and follow the plan, which would be that much harder with the commute, office and business trips. I realise this can’t go on forever, so am hoping we have some good coping mechanisms by the time the world opens up and we start moving about again for work.

    Wendleg – pork scratchings are no/low carb, you can eat them! I have been getting pig skin (sounds awful) from the butcher, slice it up, soak in vinegar for 20 minutes, salt it and cook over a rack at 200°C for 25 minutes and eat! I even track the calories on MFP.

    Rainey, you do make me laugh too, and like you if I can resist the first taste I am normally OK. When in the office and people brought stuff for birthdays, I would normally wait until there was only 1 of something left, so I could eat it knowing I couldn’t go back for more.

    We don’t really do Christmas gifts for each other, we sometimes buy something “big” which we want or need and use Christmas as justification. This year it’s a new (vintage, but new to us) leather armchair for him and 2 seater sofa for me, delivery next week, which will replace the 20+ year old chair and sofa we’re currently sitting on.

  • posted by wendleg

    Gattina … that is a brilliant result…. go for it girl and don’t even think of self sabotaging … you have got this !!!

    I remember reading that exercise alone is not enough for weight loss but it has massive benefits for health and well being. The only successful exercise for me is one that I enjoy. If it hurts too much and feels a chore then I won’t do it. I am missing aquagym right now but one day will get back in the pool .

    Wow you have been busy EC ! Great that travel is now permitted and you were able to sort your son’s move . That will be so wonderful to see your kids at Christmas . You probably read that my boys are planning a trip to Tas for New Year . They are spending Christmas on Magnetic Island which sounds quite exotic !!

    It doesn’t sound like you did too much damage with your off plan few weeks . Interesting about the juicing. One of my many weight loss ventures was with juicing . The problem was I was chucking in so much fruit with the veg that my juices were pure sugar bombs ! I made the same mistake with smoothies. I was convinced I was eating healthily but I certainly wasn’t losing weight. Veg juices are the way to go as you say EC and well done on getting back on track . It’s fantastic to be able to plan ahead with your events too . I doubt we will be back to normal here for several months.

    Hi RubyG. Great that you and your hubby are still with us . This is a challenging time to stay motivated .

    I was thinking of you Rainey as you mentioned you were cooking lots. Starting over is Ok. It’s not giving up …it’s fine. Will Christmas be another big family feast too ? I have only recently discovered Pilates and I love it . I would never know what routine to do though. I need guidance and very clear instruction !

    Julz , we are very similar with our trigger foods . I am pleased to have coped well staying off the choc and nuts but dairy is still omni present and I have to tackle that . I have said this so many times but portion control and being aware that you can easily over eat even healthy foods is something I constantly have to bear in mind. I do like the sound of your torte . I did something similar with cashew cream a long time ago but it was just too nice to make often . By the way you always have something to contribute Julz. Don’t fret about anything ! I wonder what Scots say instead of ‘fret’ ??

    I’ve kept busy the last couple of days tidying out my drawers . How many granny bloomers can a girl have ?? I really needed to do that and throw away the unloved ones with slack elastic ! I found a couple of nice bras which fit so have rescued them. I was sad to hear that Debenhams (in the UK) is closing . That was always my go to place for trying on big girls bras !

    I totally agree SG .. we are all still here and that is the best thing . I do wish lots more would return though ? Maybe after the festive season is over ??

    Oh dear sorry hubby annoyed you . I do think that a Kindle Paperwhite is a great gift though ! I bought myself one in preparation for my first long haul flight . They are also brilliant for reading in bed without having to turn off the light ! I understand that it annoyed you as you could have bought the Kindle yourself but maybe it’s just that hubby doesn’t attach that much importance to gifts ? I have a very chilled attitude. I absolutely refuse to be put under pressure and hubby understands that. If I see something I think he would like then he would get a gift ( I bought him a water bath for sous vide cooking and a set of chef knives once ) This year he doesn’t need anything and neither do I so we will use any spare cash to put towards one of our little breaks… one day ! I hope I don’t sound as if I am sadly lacking in Christmas spirit;-) . I just hate all the rush and will not be dashing round a supermarket with a glazed look on my face grabbing any old crappy foods,’ just in case’

    Please don’t kill your hubby SG. We thought he was a really nice man !!

    I haven’t quite finished this post but had better send it . Hubby needed my laptop for Zoom with hs mates on bar night . See how good I am to him !!

  • posted by wendleg

    OOOOH Rainey …. 53 years together ! Stupendous . I still call myself a newly wed as we have only been married for 11 years . I was a beginner … at age 51 🙂

  • posted by wendleg

    Ruby G ….31 years … wow ! Congratulations for next week ! Love your idea of vintage chairs by the way . I have a thing about pre loved/ vintage items . Most of our house is made up of preloved stuff !!!

    Yes, hubby got wind of pork scratchings being low carb , Ruby but not so for the other salty snacks he consumes in copious amounts !!!
    Butterlover I think we have all at some time learned the bitter lesson that carbs just create insiduous cravings for more, more ,more . It will pass if you can hold out . Celebrating with family is a good thing ! For sure it will be a different occasion here this year but knowing family are safe and well is a massive reassurance for me .

    You will get your mojo back Butterlover !

  • posted by Rainey

    How long doesn’t really matter at all. Just how you choose and how you preserve the love and respect and trust that attracted you. I’m sure with the lived wisdom you’ve gone into this with will do you splendidly!!! ; >

    PS When my husband and I met we were both rock n rollers. He regularly did 6 and 8 week tours and I remember telling him I had no wish to be proprietary about him. I fully expected him to have adventures on the road. But, I warned him, if he came back in love or with a disease, I’d have to kill him. It also took us 10 years and my first pregnancy to get married and *I* was the one dragging my heels. But it all turned out just fine. I’m sure it will for you too!

  • posted by EllieAllegra

    Hi all…I’m back again…again. Had a very difficult few weeks for lots of reasons, but trying to get back on track again. I will be starting F800 again properly this Sunday. Will be celebrating hubby’s birthday later this week and then will move to lower carbs and calories to help ease me back into things. The good news is, I’ve only gained 2 pounds since things fell apart….still very much in the wrong direction but glad it’s not worse! I’m planning a f800 break for 3 days over Christmas, but will still stay low carb as far as I can. I hope everyone is doing well…I plan to be posting regularly from Sunday onwards! 😉 Virtual hugs to all x

  • posted by WindyJulz

    The working from home with partners is interesting, husband and I have been sharing a home office since March. I know I’m an easily irritated person who gets ‘fed up’ of people easily….. I would never have thought this would work….but it does! Not had one disagreement during working hours the whole time. Thankfully our jobs are quite different and we just work away, sharing the radio when we can and all is well. We have more heated discussions outside the office room…. LOL! We saw our 10th wedding anniversary in October, and 21st December will be 19 years since we met! He is a tolerant man!
    Sunshine-girl, I really think long walks with the hubby throughout working from home has really helped us. IT gives us over an hour a day where we just talk, no phones, screens, work, horses, chores…… just us chatting, planning, venting, pontificating…. its been really healthy i think!

    Wendy – we Scots do fret! I agree, we are similar in the trigger foods, I learn a lot from your wisdom and prior learnings! Indeed the chocolate torte needs to be made with caution! I made a mini one as a trial and then it will be my christmas treat.

    I had a bit of a bad day yesterday – working from home is getting harder from a food point of view, I think novelty of this way of eating has certainly worn off and temptation is high! I do much better on days i need to go to work or if i’m not working! I dont go wildly off plan, just yesterday was a way too much of the good stuff sort of day!! So i shall tackle with a long fast today…. I love a long fast, good for the brain, resets my system and removes any food anxiety. Today is a working from home day but a full day of being audited so it will be busy and keep me occupied!

    Rainey, your Rock n Roller story made me smile!!

    Right oh, time to go turn horses out in the dark before audit time!

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi All,

    Wendy- I will email you Carlos’ number later, sorry for the delay- sounds ridiculous- if I could copy and paste it would b quicker but I am usually without a pen and paper and when I click on it my email won’t let me then take the 1st 3 letters off- I have a brain like a sieve (much worse since being on the mind altering bipolar meds lol) so no way I can remember it and write it out by memory 🙄🙄🤣….and then copy and paste Carlos’ number lol….

    Well, I am weighing heavier than the weekend AGAIN- I think maybe I went OTT on the wine plus calories in general so really need to have a very restrained day today and towards the weekend and just calm down a little this weekend! My pressie from hubby for Xmas was permission to join a wine club from our joint account and OMG the 1st bottle of red was beyond lush 😍😍😍 and very drinkable, oops…alse yesterday I hoovered up the spare yorkshire puddings etc etc so really need to take myself in hand….oh, and I snackcidentally bought myself a Lindt Advent calendar along with the kids and ate one yesterday….it’s to share with hubby tho….how bad is this on a 1-10 do we think for BSD?

    Love to all xxxxx

  • posted by Gattina

    Hello all, hope everyone is well this Tuesday morning. It’s a lovely crisp cold day, perfect weather for December.
    My meeting with the Healthy Weight team yesterday went better than expected. The session was all about exercise so they got us all up doing some exercise – a bit weird over zoom. They hadn’t warned us about the exercise beforehand so it was a bit weird trying to negotiate around the dining room chairs. If I’d known I would have put the computer in the living room where I have lots of space for exercising – oh well. It was funny because it was so unexpected and a bit ludicrous. The main message was the same as we’ve heard many times – exercise is good for you, so do it! There was a mention about barriers and motivation but nothing that really made a difference to me. Finding that motivation and overcoming the barriers is the crux of the matter and is different for everyone and I don’t think I’ve cracked it for me yet. Not just exercise but making these changes permanent so that I will have a healthier life – I’m trying and I keep trying and that’s the best I can do.

    In keeping with my new motivation for exercise this morning I put on one of my Rosemary Conley DVDs only to find that it was broken, it kept freezing at certain points – I just fast forwarded and tried to keep going. Then one of my cats who had been sleeping on the armchair decided to throw up and project it across the living room. So I had to clean that up, sponge down the armchair and wash the throws and cushion covers… so that was the end of my exercise for today 🙁 I’ll try again tomorrow – maybe a different DVD

    The advice for Christmas is that it will be down to each individual to decide how they do it. They did advise not to go more than two days off the meal replacements but other than that we should all decide what works best for each of us. Well I have a plan for Christmas and I will stick to it. I just hope that it won’t be difficult for me to go back on the meal replacements afterwards. Christmas week will be week 7 of the programme so only just over half way through the first 12-week phase…I’m already looking forward to eating real food again even if it is just for 2 days.

    Well upwards and onwards everyone – or should I say downwards 🙂
    Have a good day

  • posted by wendleg

    No worries Tulip ! I am not going anywhere 😉 Sounds like you are enjoying a few pre Christmas treats …and why not ? Just don’t go completely off the rails 🙂 🙂 I am quite glad we have to travel quite far to do our big shop so we don’t get easy access to advent calendars etc . French supermarkets tend to stock a lot of gourmet produce at this time of year but since shops were allowed to open from Saturday I have been told it is crazy out there so no way am I venturing out.

    Love your story, Rainey ! It’s like we have a rock n roll celebrity on the thread !!

    Hi Ellie Allegra . Sorry you have had a bad time . So pleased to see you with us. It’s the same message . Challenging times means it is tough to stay on plan all of the time but as long as you don’t give up then that it’s ok . It can be very hard mentally to get back on track after continued excesses but you have a plan. Stay with us and you can get through this Ellie xx

    Hope you have a good day Julz . I understand about a reset fasting strategy . I did a 42 hour stretch from Sunday evening to Tuesday afternoon and I do feel sort of energized and refreshed afterwards. I had found it really hard to fast in November but I’m glad I coped . You are so close to getting into that next stone bracket… keep pushing ! You know Julz I tried a square of my Lidl 95% choc yesterday after a good month of abstinence. You know what .. I didn’t really enjoy it so I feel I have made a break through . I haven’t raided the almond jar either so maybe it is true that just giving ourselves time to quit a habit does ultimately work . I’m still consuming plenty of dairy though so will tackle that next . I am learning all the time !

    HI Gattina ! Did you get any advice on types of exercise ? Is it a case of just finding somethign you enjoy ? Start slowly and you can build up as you feel more comfortable. I suppose you couldn’t be told what to do at Christmas because human nature being what it is , people would want to kick against that . I think just stick to your plan and don’t stray outside it would be a good strategy because if you don’t set yourselves limits it could be a miserable New Year . You can consume more protein and veg with butter, cream etc but just tell yourself the snacky processed foods and sweet treats are not your friends. Stock up on the pork scratchings Gattina !!! 😉

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, just done a long post and must have hit the wrong key as it has disappeared. Just as well as I was getting a few things off my chest about just how selfish my hubby can be at times. For example, the Paperwhite he has bought himself is the second one in 2 years, says the battery is wearing out!!! When I asked for one last year so I could read in bed without disturbing him he bought me a clip on lamp for my 8 years old Kindle. Anyway, my comments are mostly tongue in cheek until I start thinking about things too much. We have been together for 32 years and married for 27 in April so it cant be all bad.

    Gattina, so glad you have a plan, sounds like your team think you are doing so well. Just go with what they say and get back on the official diet straight after Christmas.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Sunshine-girl….. i feel your pain but can assure you it is a ‘man’ thing – they dont reflect the same way and wont correlate him sourcing himself a new toy with the clip on lap! Doesnt make him bad, or even really thoughtless…..wont have even noticed! Mine is the same….. he loves a gadget for himself. But he did just buy a funky new jacket for one of the horses who has outgrown all my existing horse jackets!! we woudnt be without them……oh and of course…beware the overthinking…. in the interest of not being sexist…or being exactly that….. over thinking is a girl thing – men probs hate us for it!! haha. 32 years is tremendous and not something many people achieve….. must be pretty good!!

  • posted by Rainey

    I completely agree about the importance of exercise but I’m having trouble making it a regular part of my day these days. I was doing 5-6 days a week religiously but I didn’t the week to 10 days I was busy preparing for Thanksgiving. Now, beginning this morning, I’m going to have a construction crew in the house and I won’t feel good about having Spandex on around them. Still, I’m going to *have* to find a way to get my exercise in so *not* doing it doesn’t replace the habit.

    I’m also going to try to do every-other-day eating between now and Christmas to kick start my weight loss again, to atone for T-day and to anticipate the damage I’ll do over Christmas. Fingers crossed that I can successfully push myself. I think I need to be more vigilant about the 10/30-35/55-60% ratios too so I don’t get cravings working against me.

    As for starting up an exercise program, here’s a tip from a World Class and life long sedentary person. I started by setting an alarm to get up and walk around the house every 90 minutes. From that, I began using the machines that had been gathering dust for *years*. I did 10 minutes on the bike then 10 on the treadmill. And if 10 minutes on one was too much (at first it *was*!), I split the sessions up and did one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Think of breathing hard and breaking a sweat as positives that prove you’re making a difference. Once I got that far it wasn’t hard to extend the times and appreciate the glow of a good 90 min workout.

  • posted by EllieAllegra

    Thanks Wendleg and a big hello to everyone else 🙂 I’ve been increasing my water slowly so that I’ll hopefully be fostering a good hydration habit by the time I restart on Sunday. Hard to keep drinking cold drinks in this wintery weather…so plan to have more herbal teas which should help. Anyway, wanted to check in and say hello. It’ll be a busy couple of days with hubby’s birthday but am looking forward to starting F800 again in earnest soon. Hope everyone is keeping well x

  • posted by Mifoz

    Hi everyone, sounds like it’s been an up and down week.

    SG, i hear you on the difficulty of buying gifts for some people. My husband has a habit of purchasing something for himself just as I’m starting to plan gifts, and I always think “well that could have been for Christmas/birthday etc”. He’s a good return gift giver though.I’ve done most of the shopping online this year, feeling very organised. Now the deliveries have started, and the cats are very impressed with all the cardboard boxes.

    We’ve gone ok with both being home so much this year, plus our 20 year old uni student son.. We have our little routines, a walk first thing, then he sits down to work, at midday we have lunch and a game of triominoes (like dominoes but with three sides). He’s back in the office 3 days now, could really go 5 but he likes the flexibility and I like the company on our walks. Plus he picks up the dog poo 😆

    I’m closing in on the end of my 12 weeks, so planning blood tests next week, hopefully to get good results in time for Christmas. This is starting to feel like a very normal way of eating now. I’ve gone from 105kg to 93, so I’m feeling good. Lots to go though, as I’m only 163cm. I will need to up the exercise more, as going from hardly moving to regular walks has done so much, but it’s already starting to be a bit too easy. Need to get myself huffing and puffing again.

  • posted by EC

    hello team
    How lovely to hear of so many long-term relationships (despite the inevitable irritations!) Ours is heading for 37 years next March and a lot of those years working together-so we must be doing something OK too!

    Wendy-re the juices-yes, mine are very much veg based-mostly celery, carrot, beetroot ginger-I’ve been adding whole limes as I have a glut of them at the moment (and they taste great) and sometimes a green apple-so feeling good-then a veg and some protein in the evening (this week with OH back I’ve been eating a little more often at lunch as well

    -I did see you mention your sons are coming down to Tas (hopefully yourself on day! 🙂 )-and Magnetic Island is supposed to be glorious!! – I have a friend there who runs singing camps and with others teaching related musical events, so hopefully will get up there one day (only in winter for me!!)

    Speaking of winter-we are in the first week of summer and had snow on the mountain the other morning! (and wild, wild winds)
    Still the roses are looking glorious and the veggies growing and the fruit trees setting so there will be a summer!!

    Rainey-well done on the exercise front-I’ve always enjoyed exercise but struggling to do much more than walking at present (my back and hips would definitely benefit from more, so note to self!)

    We’ll be on the boat to Melbourne in a week so I must be diligent in this run-down!!

    have a great weekend all

  • posted by Gattina

    Good morning lovely people, hope everyone is doing well.
    Mifoz that’s a brilliant result, well done. Good luck with the blood tests next week. I’m getting results for my blood tests today and I am expecting them to be pretty poor but they will be much better when I finish my 12 weeks in February.
    Rainey – thanks for the tip on the exercise front. I’m really impressed with how much you do – I’ve never been sporty and have always had to force myself to exercise even when I was younger. There are things I enjoy once I actually make the effort like the acqua aerobics and the pilates class at the leisure centre but it is always an effort to make myself go. I stopped going to the leisure centre at the beginning of the year because of covid and I haven’t been back, I don’t feel comfortable taking that risk right now, but that doesn’t stop me enjoying walks around the park and my exercise dvds. I’ve been hitting 10,000 steps every day for the past 3 weeks so I need to keep it up.
    Sunshinegirl – big hug – your hubby is just a man, he can’t help it 🙂
    Wendleg – The team didn’t advise on any type of exercise, just do some. But they did advise taking it slow and building up.
    A french supermarket full of gourmet foods sounds amazing…yum…I can dream…

    It’s wet and rainy here today so will probably stick to indoor activities.
    Have a lovely day everyone.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, thanks to all of you especially Wendy. Going to stop being a petulant child now and just get on with life. Another small loss this morning but not enough to sing and dance about, just keeping on…
    Our decorator lady brought back some of our shutters and has taken the last one away with her. We should have everying as new before Christmas. Then in the Spring she is going to paint our facia boards (those boards under the guttering and eaves) so the house will have a new spring coat on.
    Depending on when we get our doses of the vaccine we will be booking a trip to England and getting in touch with our sitters who have been hanging on and not coming at Christmas. Must email them today.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi Mifoz ! I hope you get good blood results so you can relieve any stress with the pre diabetes. You have been doing brilliantly well on the 12 weeks so that’s a great start .Keep going . I started at the same weight as you. It might seem a long haul but you will be surprised , once you get into the groove it becomes second nature .You will find exercise you enjoy to get you huffing and puffing !

    EC oooh you must be so excited about your trip to Melbourne. My boys will be booking their flights to Hobart this weekend . They just have to sort out a car for when they are in Tas. It seems that buying an old car would cost the same as hiring one so they may do that. You have made me think more about veg juices so I should dust off my juicer !

    Gattina , let us know about your results too. Sounds like you are doing pretty well with the exercise despite not being able to go to the leisure centre. Our big pool here is closed . I haven’t done any aqua gym since October . I did my weekly Zoom Pilates this morning and have been stretched in all directions so I reckon I am going to feel it tomorrow !

    SG …; lots to look forward to there. Glad you are feeling better xx

    I was thinking today about Bryla who used to check in regularly . I hope she is Ok . Still worried about Rosy too ….and lots of others who have gone quiet… Mr and Mrs Kev ? Jeremy Fisher ? Eclectic Rajistani ?? Nhatha3432 ? How are Shammy and Nixi doing ? Missing everyone we used to hear from xx

    I read on the Christmas thread that Jennie10 had had some sad news so sending a massive , massive hug to you Jennie xx

  • posted by Rainey

    Water aerobics and water Pilates were one of the things I really used to enjoy too! And I join you in thinking gyms are *not* the places to be just now. Glad to hear that walking outside and floor exercises can fill in.

    Yes, exercise is a foreign concept to some of us. I certainly was such a person almost *all* of my 73 years. But baby steps can turn any of us into members of the fitness club.

    As to how much I do, I am probably *far* more round than any of you and have been since I began kindergarten a lifetime ago so it’s well entrenched and I need to fight it on *every* front. And, as for the weight front, I gained 2.4 pounds in the last 2 weeks. About what I was expecting, I guess given the big food-based holiday. So I’m going to be trying a little more fasting between now and Christmas and hope to make that up. I suspect I’ll be doing it *after* Christmas as well but I don’t want to let myself go totally off the rails as I did several years ago at this time when I gained back almost *allI* of the 50 pounds I had lost on 5:2.

    Keep it up, ladies! You Weight Warriors, you! ; >

  • posted by Tulip1

    Julz, that dessert sounds so lush, I definitely want to give it a go!!


  • posted by Tulip1

    I may be unusual then, I love exercise- well, exercise that I like- but I could previously always eat plenty to compensate for any exercise and still get round-shaped, lol 🤣….so it’s been the food for me that has made the difference with this WOE….altho I have also made daily exercise now a must rather than a few times a week and could get put off if I was busy, and also tried to ensure I am doing a mix of low, moderate and high intensity exercise, and plenty involving feel-good outdoors fresh air….omg, I do sound a bit starry-eyed and obsessive, sorry! Also a teeny bit manic atm, I have elves in December and they do ramp up my madness a bit 🙄🙄😁

    Tulip xxx

  • posted by Tulip1

    Gattina- so glad you are going to family at Christmas 😊…so important!

    I can’t remember who was saying about decide what you will be happy with over Xmas- I think if I maintain I will be happy, at the most gain 2 lbs….I have been giving thought as to what really matters to me in terms of Christmas period food and drink, so am formulating a plan xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, still losing but so slowly – 1 tenth of a kilo per day but still losing so it is all good. The exerise subject is interesting. Quite a few of us are of a certain age (I am 67) and still doing regular exercise so we are all doing great. Doesnt matter what you do even if you sit in an armchair to do it. I have a big guilt complex when it comes to exercise. I always feel I should make the most of it while I am still able. Of course I swim daily in summer and when it get too cold I go indoors and do aerobics in front of the TV or go for walks. I plan my exercise and do it almost every day and feel really guilty if I have an unscheduled day off. I really feel great after a session so dont why I dither some days. Absolutely hate the gym especially those stupid machines like steppers or treadmills and especially hate cycles as they hurt my spine and my legs are never quite long enough to reach the pedals, even after adjustments. Find something you like and stick with it even if you need a sexy Columbian to get you on your feet.
    Have a great weekend everyone. I am going to do my best.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    The exercise thing is fascinating – i have been active all my life, keeping horses at home means outside 3 times a day, and I play badminton competitively and I have done years of going to the gym doing really good classes…….. and I have got myself fit, and stronger….but never any leaner!! This year, I have sorted what I eat and have lost the most significant weight of my life!! We tried adn failed to do ‘at home gym classes’….just couldnt get pumped enough for it, we have done a lot of walking and i have done some running…..and of course still doing horses…… but no exercise of the intensity ive done before. The walking is as much about distracting myself from snacks and for general wellbeing than weightloss. I have a colleague who goes to the gym most mornings and works her butt off but never really drops weight, and although it will be very good for her, I cant help but feel she will never drop weight without addressing her diet.
    So having always been a “exercise is everything” and “I’m ok cos i am fit” sort of person, I have completely changed tac. For sure exercise is SO SO good for us but doesnt have to be hard, it can and should be fun, but what we put into our bodies is more important. Dont be hard on yourselves if you cant or dont enjoy exercising, and never underestimate the power of a good walk for the body and mind.

  • posted by RubyG

    S-G – if you measure your weight loss in lbs you’ll feel twice as happy 🙂 At 0.1kg per day, that’s 1.5lbs in old money per week, which is nearly half a stone in a month!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    RubyG, I am 3 times happy. My wall chart shows kg, lbs and stlbs. I only use kgs because that is the recognised method here in France. If I told the lab doctor I was 12st 1lb he would look at me as if I am stupid but tell him I am 76.5 kg and he is happy too.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone ! Update on hot Latinos !! Tulip hooked me up with Carlos and I am going to attempt Zumba for the first time in my life tomorrow morning ( Zoom session) It sounds like great fun and if I can’t do all the moves, so what …. gorra start somewhere 😉
    Thank you Tulip ( she is lovely by the way and looks great 😉 )

    It very much is all about what works for us, what we enjoy. I have NEVER set foot in a gym . Rainey I have never heard of Water Pilates but that sounds like something I would enjoy very much !

    Love the positivity on the thread . There is no sense of panic with the upcoming festivities . We deserve some good times and planning ahead for things that are special to us is the way to go in my opinion but above all do it without guilt . I would love some oysters 😉

    My boys received their parcel of French goodies today . It took 10 days to arrive in Oz and made my boys very happy 😉

  • posted by James3891

    Back after a couple of weeks.
    Been struggling a bit with not feeling great, atrial fibrillation went nuts last week and got on a higher dose to sort it. Going to see what the cardiologist thinks in a couple of weeks. I had a very low food day before I was bad, maybe just 500 calories and I was told it could lower electrolytes and maybe my heart isn’t liking the quick weight drop. Found I was dehydrated too.
    I put the calories up and moved carbs back in a bit and weight has become static and overall feeling worse than just on the 800. So going to try to aim back towards the 800 and cut down the carbs again.
    I know my health will improve when the weight goes but staying healthy whilst doing that is the most frustrating part. I feel ready to sacrifice some of the side issues from such low calories to just stick it out for a few months and get it gone. I know I can do it, just have to keep my vitamins up, sleep well and exercise well.
    Dr said 2 more stone and I think 50% of your problems go overnight. Massive really.
    Are most of you doing keto or just low carb and if so do you have carbs for the evening meal? I’m having a breakfast porridge with a slow release carb real food supplement from the US of oats, sweet potato, yams and blueberries. Then maybe pasta/bread/jacket potato at lunch maybe and no carb afternoons onwards.

  • posted by LR800

    Hi everyone!

    Happy December and hope you’re all well in the run up to the festive season.

    I’m back on f800 after a fair old break away and falling off the wagon big time (I put on 16lbs :/ )
    First week back on and finding it much harder than the last time, very headachey and knackered. Has anyone else found this? Feeling very hard to stick to it motivation wise too.

    I just wanted to ask if anyone had any recommendations for any other recipe books? Hoping that will inspire a bit more motivation!

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi LR800. It sounds very much that you are suffering from carb flu and cab withdrawal after the break.

    Here is a link which explains it and how to ease the symptoms

    It’s really important that you don’t give up LR800 . I think you would find it tremendously difficult to get back on track after Christmas if you decide it is too hard to continue right now. It’s easy to say I will put it off because it will be too difficult to avoid temptation at this time of year but think how you will feel in January ?

    As far as recipe books are concerned, I like Jamie Oliver’s 5 Ingredients which is simple and can be adapted to low carb by swapping round a few of the higher carb veggies and beans. To be honest I keep things simple but I understand that varying the meals will keep things interesting

    The dietdoctor website also has lots of recipe ideas and meal plans . I am sure lots of others can make suggestions. i have also read that going carnivore can be a useful short term rebooting strategy. it’s not for me as I need greens .

    All the very best to you . Focus on your long term health LR800

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi James 3891
    I feel reluctant to give any advice as I feel you need to be monitored carefully by your medical team because of the cardiac issues . Maybe it would be best to see what your cardiologist advises about diet but I expect you will be told to cut the fats etc as that has been standard advice for so long.
    You have been told that a lot of your health issues will disappear with weight loss so it is definitely worth sticking with the plan.

    My initial reaction is that you are eating a LOT of carbs in the oats, sweet potatoes, yams, bread, pasta etc. They would definitely not feature in a low carb or very low carb keto style programme. Those foods will stimulate insulin levels resulting in wildly fluctuating blood sugars and preventing fat burning .
    The carbs I would eat come from certain veg but no white carbs at all .

    Have you read the Fast 88, Jason Fung’s The Diabetes Code and the Obesity Code ? They explain the effects of insulin .
    I can’t tell you what to do, James but I honestly think that cutting out your high carb foods would be beneficial
    All the very best to you

  • posted by wendleg

    Update on the Zumba class this morning. After a few tech issues trying and failing to get a consistent connection between my laptop and the TV I did follow the class as best I could ! I did struggle keeping up with the moves but it was enjoyable and took me back to my uni days when I went to lots of Latin American events .
    I think if I was just allowed to jig about unseen by others it would be fine 😉
    Tulip on the other hand is brilliant and has amazing rythm !!!!

    Have a great weekend everyone ! xx

  • posted by Tulip1

    aww thanks Wendy, fab to have u in the class!

    It takes time to learn- I’ve been doing Zumba for a good 10 years, salsa and aerobics before that in my 20s and various forms of dance throughout my childhood (not latin tho) (I’m 42 now)….I just love to dance xxx

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