Hi Toddy,
Its a common mistake to measure progress by movements on the scales.
Lets consider some variables. – We are encouraged to drink 2 litres of water a day, each litre weighs 1 kilo. – So depending on where you are at in your water in /out cycle that day that’s a fluctuation of upto 4.4 lbs. –
Your weight includes the contents of your digestive system. – 800 calories worth of celery weighs a lot more than 800 calories of cheese.
Our hormone systems are inter connected. – Raised insulin levels do not just switch off the bodies ability to burn fat for fuel, it also blocks the action of growth hormone. The growth hormone is responsible for how strong our bones are and the development of muscle in response to exercise. – So sometimes when weight doesn’t change your body is just responding to the low insulin and growth hormone to become stronger.
That’s why taking lots of measurements can be better than judging progress by weight. But do not just focus on waist/hips measurements. Its really surprising where the changes happen, faces change, collar bones become visible, sometimes a shoe size is lost before a dress size.