ONE WEEK AT A TIME beginning May 12th 2020

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by wendleg

    Well we are not going to stop now !!! We are proud of our Weekly thread and the uplifting sense of community that pervades every post .
    We celebrate the successes, we give support when things get tough and we just look out for each other !

    So as another week begins, on we go ! We are constantly learning .Noone gets it right all the time and noone compares or judges.

    We know there are lots of lovely members who will stay with us but remember EVERYONE is welcome ! It is never too late to address your WHY ( read last week’ s thread 😉 , to be the healthiest version of yourself , however long it takes .

    We look forward to sharing and doing our very best to help you along the way

    Wendy and SunnyB

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hope for this week, we’ll be seeing all our usual travellers and some new ones too. We’re always please to have the company and support of regular contributors and love to welcome newcomers as well.
    No matter what your reason for treading the BSD path, you’ll find plenty of encouragement and advice here, so jump right in😀

  • posted by DebbieDarko

    Hi, I don’t know if I’m posting in the right place but I hope so. I’m one week in and feeling very disappointed that after being really good and following recipes in the book, I haven’t list any weight!. I just keep thinking how when I did Slimming World they used to say if you don’t eat enough you won’t lose weight and wondering if this isn’t going to work for me. Has anyone else experienced this lack of results i week 1? I need some encouragement because I’m struggling not to just go and eat something nice if all this is for nothing! Help!!

  • posted by weebleswobble

    Hi everyone, may I join please? I did the fast 800 2 years ago and it worked really well for me. I emotionally overeat and that derailed me and I never got back on plan. Coronavirus, homeschooling and lockdown have made me emotionally eat more than ever lately and combined with not getting out and about I’m heavier than ever. I’m also unhealthier than ever. Today I have exercised, eaten only lunch so far and began my new way to a healthier me.

    I’m glad to be here and definitely need the support to stay on plan when all my littlest wants to do is bake!

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi DebbieDarko and welcome ! You are definitely posting in the right place. I am sorry you are feelign disappointed but it really is early days for you.
    You say you are following the recipes in the book ? Can you give us an idea of your meal plans so we can help you ?

    I am copying here a message I posted recently ( the same queries come up frequently ) It was addressed to two new members

    I assume you have had time to read the Fast 800 book so you understand the basic principles ? It means a radical shift in thinking . It’ s important for the first 8 weeks to keep calories low ( 800) and that means planning meals to include protein , leafy green veg , healthy fats ( avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds, Greek yoghurt are Ok ) and avoiding high carb foods ( bread, pasta, rice, starchy veg ) You can keep things simple by avoiding all processed foods and anything low cal or low fat which is often full of sugar or chemical sugar substitutes.
    The Fast 800 book does offer some recipe ideas ( be wary of calories which can be way off) but if you eat breakfast think in terms of eggs and some protein. Do you need to take lunch to work with you ?
    What time do you eat your evening meal ? Again, protein and green salad or leafy veg is the way to go.
    When I first started out ( in September 2018) I recorded everything in a notebook from The Works and I liked having a sort of diary of my progress.I also included my measurements starting out, any recipes I gleaned and also videos and books which were recommended.
    Understanding the role of insulin and keeping blood sugars stable is vital and I found Jason Fung’s The Obesity Code explained this clearly . My reading led me to a serious aversion to processed junk and the demon sugar !
    I am a bit all or nothing so I never tried any low carb substitutes for bread etc although cauliflower rice is a big favourite ! Try to eat natural, whole foods. It’ s important to be aware that you will probably go through a form of carb withdrawal as you start out which can mean headaches, fatigue and brain fog in the early days but it wll pass . Make sure you drink lots of water, herbal tea, black coffee etc to stay hydrated.On the positive side you will feel energised and so much better and it is common to lose 10% of your body weight in the first 8 weeks.
    You can also track your progress on an app. Lots of people use My Fitness Pal or Carb Manager. Find something that works for you.
    We always recommend the Diet Doctor website which is a great resource for recipe, meal plans, videos and very useful articles.
    That’s just for starters but feel free to ask any questions you may have. Our experiences are all different but we are all converts to this low carb programme and relief from years of yo yo dieting !
    The prize is increased energy and health ! All the very best to you

    Is there anything there of help Debbie ?
    Stick with it . We have had lots of people who called themselves ‘serial dieters’ having tried all sorts of ‘diets’.This is a program for life and it does work …don’t give up !
    Let us know your thoughts and we will do our best to guide you

  • posted by SunnyB

    Weebles, I remember your name, welcome back ….. it’s unfortunate you have been struggling, but this is definitely the right place for you to be. We’ll be happy to offer whatever support we can. Sounds like today has been okay …. one down and more to come😊
    Debbie, sorry your first week was a disappointment. Did you take measurements before you started? It might be that there has been a little shrinkage, even if it isn’t showing on the scales yet. Please don’t allow this initial bump put you off. Stick with it, come and vent when you need to and we’ll do all we can to provide advice and encouragement.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi and welcome weebleswobble !
    As you probably know if you have been reading the thread that emotional eating is a massive challenge for many of us.
    This was discussed a lot on last week’s thread ( Week Beginning May 5th 2020) and you might find some inspiration in the posts there.
    You say you want to be healthy ….what could be more important ? Yes, it is tough right now when stress is high and the temptation to find comfort foods is irresistible. But more than ever in these unsettled times we must look after ourselves, and work towards establishing healthy habits we can sustain.
    Maybe start out by planning your foods and making sure you do not at any time feel deprived . You can prepare a beautiful low carb meal for yourself with wonderful veggies, greens , protein and healthy fats . Your little one wants to bake, that’s a lovely activity you can do together but you don’t have to eat those cakes 😉 Make pretty parcels and give them away !!
    We are here to help weebleswobble so stay with us and just ask any questions you want. There are lots of lovely people on here who will share their experience with you.

  • posted by DebbieDarko

    Thank you for your reply. I have been just having 2 meals a day so to combine it with fasting. I don’t have a problem with getting hungry as I ‘m not a big eater, I just eat lots of ‘ rubbish’, and the quiz put me in the badly addicted to carbs score. Basically I’m eating at 12 noon, usually something with eggs, and then dinner at 6pm ish using recipes from the book. I always drink a litre of water every day anyway, and have just been drinking either water or decaf coffee or tea, no sugar or sweetener. Deb

  • posted by DebbieDarko

    Thank you too SunnyB. I didn’t take measurements, so perhaps I should.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi again Deb
    Unless you are massively under estimating your calorie /carb counts you will lose weight. Are you tracking both ? You say you are badly addicted to carbs so that will mean a necessary ( and maybe uncomfortable) transition to a different way of eating. Please be patient and you will see results. Low carb eating will bring you all sorts of health benefits .
    It sounds to me that you have made a good start . As Sunny says, remember to take your measurements too
    I was alerted but your temptation to ‘”go and eat something nice ” because you are disappointed. What classes as ‘something nice’ for you ? Do you mean high carb ? You really can eat delicious lox carb food. It would be such a shame to undo your efforts so far.Keep going !!!

  • posted by Britta

    Phew, a new week at last! I made it through last week (2) by the skin on my teeth! Was hit half way through by the dreaded week before period. I have never, ever on any diet lost any significant weight in the week before and I know better than to be upset about that, but argh it is still so annoying.
    On a more positive note I have followed the bits of advice I have picked up and am now beginning to actually feel full after meals. My carbs are lower (buy buy black beans, butter beans, kidney beans, chickpeas…), protein is up (meat twice a day!) and once I am out of the hormonal forcefield…
    Hope you all have a good week!

  • posted by Russianroulade

    Hi all, glad to see you. I was doing really well and had lost a stone, but corona and lockdown took it’s toll. However I’ve kept most of the weight off. But I’m feeling inspired 4 weeks today is my 40th and whilst I won’t be celebrating in the way that I planned, I’m hoping to drink champagne in my garden, whilst squeezed into my dress. So 28 days to go. I’m back on it and aiming to get to my goal. I know this works and I know I can do it!

  • posted by Olive_1

    Hi all, I’m in for the week. Will be week 19 for me -started in Jan and have had 2 weeks pre-planned “off” during that time. Am down 11.5 kg so far, would like another 10 kg to go.
    I had to go and check my calendar to count the weeks, am not really into counting. Am also not counting calories, think I eat around 800-1000 per day, but I’m very focused on reducing my carbs as much as possible. This is working out well for me. I’m certainly not swoshing down in weight, but I’m preferring to see this as a training course for how I should eat and relate to food for the rest of my life, it’s not a short term diet for me.
    The weekdays are now not a problem for me, but the weekend is my nemesis. But I try to tell myself that I need to learn how to handle weekends, they tend to come back 😉.
    To the newcomers, please stick with it. It will be so worth it in the end – and along the way too.
    Have a great week!

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone. Just a quick hello to say I’m here. I have a renewed sense of determination this week and this morning made a plan to try and finally get to goal by July. I’m hoping for 2lb off this week which should be achievable if I actually stick to plan a little better than I have recently!

    Welcome to all newcomers and returners – you’re in good company and we look forward to sharing your journey X

  • posted by Bryla

    Happy new week, everyone! A very warm welcome to you DebbieDarko and weebleswobbles.

    Try not to be disheartened Debbie! I found that while it was inspiring and encouraging to read about other people’s progress I automatically paid more attention to accounts of things going well(and compared myself against those) which led to me being a bit disappointed and hard on myself at times. I did not see a phenomenal discard in the first couple of weeks like some people do, but the progress came over time. In fact, I put on 3lbs in the first few days (probably because I was drinking water like a thirsty camel) If you are following the basics and keeping Carbs under control it absolutely will come. I would back up the words of caution about not relying on the calorie counts in the books. Not only are the apps good for double-checking but they will also give you confidence to move away from the recipes if and when you want to. I tried out a few and Fat Secret was by far my favourite. It’s worth finding a format that appeals to you some people like a pen and paper! Do stick with it- and with us. It’s very early days and there are no absolutes about what individual progress looks like. Well done for cracking week I!

    The birthday is a great focus, RussianRoulade. You WILL be sipping champagne in that dress.

    I’ve been maintaining steadily for the last couple of weeks. I’m not sure what my calorie intake is now, but I am being more relaxed while keeping carbs right down still. I have really been tempted to snack in the evenings and have succumbed to some extras a few times. I know it’s about looking for comfort and I need to get my act together! I have a range of alternative coping behaviours to use I just need to make a deliberate choice. I’m aware I’m feeling at my lowest since the restrictions came in so I’m going to need to work harder to manage those feelings instead of eating them!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Britta- sounds like the last week was a bit rough, but you have a plan for this week, which I’m sure will help.
    RussianR – keep trying on that dress as motivation for achieving your goal for that special day in July. I’m confident you’ll do it!
    Olive- I’m loving your approach and attitude to this WOE. If we are expecting to maintain, it absolutely should be a lifestyle change, so learning how to live with it is essential and you are cracking that but already.
    Dreams- you’re sounding determined and focused, so there’s every possibility you’ll achieve goal as planned. Keep an eye on the prize, as they say!
    Bryla – well done on successfully maintaining. Perhaps reviewing your coping mechanisms would be beneficial, so that you’re not overwhelmed by current circumstance and knocked off course.

    Really heartened to see so many of you joining us again and all so focused and determined, regardless of how the last week has panned out for you. It looks like this thread is going to be buzzing again this week, with lots of knowledge, advice and caring being shared. Wishing everyone a really positive week.

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello Everyone- I am joining In with you all again this week on my journey back to goal. Lots of positivity and determination which is lovely to see as we take steps on the journey. Nice to see friends old and new on the famous weekly thread. It is week three for me and I’ve lost 2.6 lb. I am not weighing myself too often because I get grumpy when the scales don’t tell me what I want them too. I am very impatient even though I am experienced BSDer and am aware that I don’t lose weight quickly! However, I am feeling very focused and determined to get back to a healthy weight no matter how long it takes.. Never has being In optimal health been so important to me and that is how I am managing my mind set. I don’t want to roll out of lockdown. I want to skip out in my white jeans looking healthy and feeling proud that I took control despite being incredibly frightened and anxious of getting Covid 19.

    My plan for week 3 is to keep on chipping away. I will continue to walk daily, eat healthily and my hope is that I will lose a couple of pounds.

    Here’s to a great week everyone.


  • posted by PlumpGoose

    Just wanted to check in and say introduce myself. This is my 3rd attempt at the 8 week BSD and am pleased to report that 2 weeks in I’ve lost a stone.
    The first week was ok ish, about day ten had massive cravings for stodge and then that settled and now I dont feel so hungry. I’m also doing the 16 hour fast and having two meals a day. Bit concerning about the calorie details in the Blood sugar diet/fast800 book as I have been following them closely-but it hasn’t seemed to harm progress so far.
    I’m guessing that my weightloss will plateau at some point, but I have read other posters on here that have had good continued loss. I have a large amount to lose 7-8 stone so have a way to go but will continue on the 800 calories a day for the 8 weeks and then review. It’s tough and to be honest with lockdown and watching loads of TV, it is difficult to not pick on the carbs, but onwards and upwards !

  • posted by WindyJulz

    I’m in for what will be my fourth week. I had a tough day yesterday – I think i was just really tired after an over busy weekend and I just couldnt settle. I was a few calories over but didnt turn to anything too bad. And i did discover i could make a “pancake” out of one egg and cinnamon (just an overcooked cinnamon omelette in all honesty) but it provided a ‘vehicle for butter’ and a bit of a treat. I have realised i dont miss carbs but i do miss the butter vehicles – oatcakes, bread, scones etc so my wee pancake is banked as a future treat.
    Had a better sleep last night so hopefully today will be easier. I’m going to try a cheeky 22 or 23 hour fast as well – even got hubby to support this. Hoping just to get my energy up and have a good few days so when i stand on the scales on Saturday morning i’ll maybe achieve the big miles stone of under 12st for the first time i can remember – I was 12st and half a pound Sat just past!

    Welcome the newbies – so much good advice here. Re the recipes, I use them more for inspiration and then build my own meal putting all the ingredients into fatsecret. My worry is portion control and I’m afraid i just eat double portions if i use the recipes….so i use bits of them and fill my plate with lettuce or broccoli….. I’ve had to stick to routine and ‘known’ meals the most of the time, where i am confident its accurate calories wise and i know i am satisfied after – we have salad with lean protein 6 nights a week. hahaha
    Have a good week people

  • posted by SunnyB

    CC, as a slow loser myself, I feel for you, but glad you are persisting with plan to achieve your goals.
    Julz, keep that 12st in your sights and I’m confident we’ll all be celebrating with you on Saturday.
    PlumpGoose, welcome and congrats on that brilliant result! Feel free to ask questions, vent when/if things get iffy and let us know how you’re progressing.
    Onward and downwards!!

  • posted by DebbieDarko

    Thanks to everyone for answering me and all the other posts to read are a big help. Just knowing not everyone has a big loss in the first week has helped me feel much better about it all again now and more positive. I guess it’s like any addiction you feel deprived and that puts you in a bad mood! X

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone ! Love to see you all staying the course with commitment or starting out with hope and tentative enthusiasm ! BSD works, however many obstacles are put in our way to discourage us. We are strong, we can resist the relentless call of the carbage and we wll feel so much better for it !
    Right…I have added
    to our merry band .
    I sincerely hope I haven’t forgotten anybody.Feel free to shout at me if I have !
    Wishing you all a happy day and if it’s not going well, we are here !

  • posted by wendleg

    One day you will crave lettuce more than a cake, Deb !! It takes a bit of time but as you get used to a completely different way of eating you will not feel in the least deprived . Keep going and I bet you will be celebrating a loss very soon !

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Hi Wendy and SunnyB and all the team. Lovely to read so many positive posts.
    Just wanted to say that I have just read Roy Taylor’s new book “Life without Diabetes”. I am not diabetic or pre T2, but I found the book interesting and easy to get into, and would definitely recommend it for to anyone who is pre T2 or T2.
    The only thing is, he bases his 8 week first round of weight loss on using shakes. I found my experience of 8-12 weeks of Mosley’s Fast800/BSD which used real food instead of shakes to be much better suited for me. By using real food, weighing and measuring and recording in an App, made for an excellent learning curve where I really learnt portion sizes, carb values, kcal values, good fats etc that has stood me in good stead ever since.
    But everyone is different, and shakes may be the better way for others.
    BTW, It was great to get this book from my local public library, home delivered during library closures. I was dismayed to learn today that my local Council is planning to slash the library budget to zero money for books for next year ( our financial year starts July 1) No new books, no new kids books etc in a time where there will be very high rates of unemployment/ disadvantage post CV etc. so libraries will be more needed than ever! So now I am off to write to my local councillor ! 😃🤪📚📚📚📖📖

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Echo Wendleg – I positively look forward to fresh crispy lettuce at dinner time….. that happened for me pretty quickly. Seasoned salad is a delight!

  • posted by Puddy

    Hi everyone, wonderful to have so many people on the thread and so many positives.
    it really doesn’t seem like a week since we started the last thread! It’s been a bit of a strange week weight wise, with the joy of hitting the 2 st loss mark at the start of the week, then I’ve been see-sawing up and down by 1lb all week. I know it will be OK, I had a couple of weeks in my first 8 with no loss at all, while other weeks made up for that, but it’s frustrating at the time. I’ve decided that I’m going to stay on the 800/20 until I hit the top of the healthy weight range (6 more lbs) even if that takes me over the recommended 12 weeks for VLCD. Then I’ll do the reverse dieting that Alliecat mentions on the maintenance threads combined with the pre-maint suggestions in the New Atkins book which suggest what to add back each week so that you can tell what works for you.
    I’m looking forward to following everybody’s progress this week

  • posted by SunnyB

    Merry, I agree using real food is a great way of teaching ourselves about portion control and how to deal with proper food, without allowing it to overwhelm us. It was the route I took and has stood me in good stead.

    As you say, shakes might be a better option for some people and the approach we each take is a personal decision, but I would recommend those who can, to use the real food option, to learn good habits for the future.

  • posted by DoubleDutch

    Hi all,
    I’m in for this week, too. Today, I went to the hospital to discuss surgery on my hip( hip impingement) and the doctor asked about my height and weight. I told him I lost weight but am still too heavy. He looked at me and said, but you’re fine, not really overweight. I could cry at that moment, instead of being dismissed with my hip issues, (‘go and exercise more’ ) they finally found the problem and are willing to fix it. Are people that are obese treated differently or what…
    Anyway, welcome everyone, happy to see so many posts here!
    @windyjulz, I bet you’ve heard about chaffles? I tried them both sweet (with cinnamon and a bit of stevia) and savory. They are awesome! Not too often, since the calories can run up pretty fast, but still.. Lovely treat.
    For those who are struggling a bit, don’t me too hard on yourself. Today is a new day, any given day you can make a new start. We’re in this for the long run, one day off the wagon won’t kill you. Make sure to climb back on, and those on the wagon are ready to grab your hand and haul you back on it.

  • posted by Olive_1

    Hi DoubleDutch,
    I can relate to your hospital story about different treatment.
    I wanted to ask how you got the hip impingement diagnosed? Did you do x-rays?
    I’ve had problems with my hips for years, and always got diagnosed with trochanteric bursitis and have had several rounds of cortisone injections. With weight loss and rehab training my hips are much better, but I still have an ache inside one hip that I can’t get to by stretching. I did have x-rays and MRI done a few years ago showing some growth on the bone but was told it was not enough for surgery.
    Am now thinking I need to follow up again, but it is just such a struggle to fight your way through the healthcare system (even without Covid19) so I’m hesitant.

  • posted by weebleswobble

    Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome messages. Day 2 here and I’ve been properly hungry today for the first time in weeks. It’s good to know I’m eating for sustenance because I’m hungry rather than out of habit or boredom. I got my period today and have PMDD (a little known but much more extreme form of PMT) so I know I’ll start to feel emotionally better in a day or two.

    Hope it’s a good Tuesday for everyone.

  • posted by DoubleDutch

    It took me over two years, but finally had an mri and it showed the impingement plus a tear in the labrum. since I’m relatively young and quite active, surgery is the way to go, apperantly.
    I can totally recommend going back to the hospital, cortisol injections can have a major effect on your weight! Plus, if you can exercise without pain, loosing weight will be easier as well. Good luck!!

  • posted by Rosyapple

    Hi everyone, Day 16
    It’s been really good reading all of your posts, so much going on!
    I’m babysitting right now and thought I’d post instead of eating more. I managed to resist the macaroni cheese I made for the girls and had a low carb ploughmans instead,…. swiftly followed by a small packet of Grain Wave crisps!
    Step away from the cupboards!!! I just feel like eating more especially crispy salty things. Not sure what’s driving this ?? I do know that when I’ve bent the rules a little I often take it as permission (from myself!!) to carry on and have a pig out.
    It’s really quite a strong urge and a battle in my mind. I’m not at liberty to do as I please until I finish work at 9.30 and back home when it’ll be easier as no high carb foods there. What to do? Ride it out I suppose….
    Hope you’re all having a good day 🌹🍏

  • posted by wendleg

    Rosy ! Walk away from the crisps !!
    Here are my go to salty snackettes
    1) kale crisps …shredded kale leaves massaged with olive oil and sea salt and baked well spread out in a tray for 10 mins or so 180°
    2) nettle crisps ( these are my new SUPERFOODS !) I pick them with gloves (!) wash and shake them to dry a bit then mix them with olive oil, nutritional yeast and chili flakes . Bake in a low oven, 130 ° for about 10 mins
    Keep an eye on them , they shrivel up and go dark and crispy very quickly but you don’t want them burnt to a cinder !
    They are FAB !! I make them whenever I fancy something savoury and salty.
    You could make some and take them with you for when you are babysititng ?

    I have also tried making crisps with goose grass and garlic mustard leaves but they were a bit fiddly !
    Yes, I understand that if you bend the rules a bit you can easily allow yourself to pig out more.That’s called self sabotage Rosy .Stop it !!
    I am in nagging mode 😉 😉 😉

  • posted by Bryla

    Hi RosyA. Well done dodging the macaroni cheese! Stay strong. It’s so hard when you’re not at home and there are temptations lurking.

    Your body could be telling you that you need more salt (just without the carbs attached). I don’t know if it’s just me, but even after 4 mths I still sometimes feel a bit off and wobbly and sticking my finger in salt (or some celery), or adding it to whatever I’m eating makes me feel better pretty quickly. I used to really miss the crunchy or doughy carby textures, but have found that faded over time.

    Definitely ride it out. You can do it and every time you don’t give in, you will be making it a bit easier on yourself and the carb pull won’t be quite as strong. You are doing so, so well. Believe in yourself!!

  • posted by Britta

    Rosyapple – just a thought – I have managed to persuade myself that when I feel hunger or cravings what I am actually feeling is weightloss… so in a roundabout way I can almost enjoy feeling hungry because its like I can actually feel myself loosing weight!
    If you’re not quite that mad I’d recommend getting hold of some bouillon or miso powder (I use Marigold) and drink a cup of that. It’s something like 12 calories and it helps with the salt urge – which might actually be your body telling you that you are a bit low on salt.
    May the force be with you!

  • posted by nicoles212

    Hi everyone,

    I’m new here! I bought the blood sugar diet book 2 years ago and never gave it a go, but after struggling with my weight I thought I would try it.

    6 days in and I’ve lost 9lbs. So I’ve gone from 12st 5 to 11st 10. I’m actually finding it pretty easy to switch my eating habits so far.

    Anyway, just thought I’d say hello 🙂

    Look forward to speaking to you all whilst we’re on this journey together!


  • posted by Rosyapple

    Morning all, Day 17
    Thank you so much for your support, I only wish I’d read your replies before I went to the cupboard again. I must call it a binge as it was frantic searching and fast eating…..😦 Consequently I don’t feel that great today, mentally ok, I’m not beating myself up, but have a thick head and feel heavy.
    It’s a new day and I shall put this behind me!
    Wendleg, I love the crisp ideas. No more self sabotage!!
    Bryla, I will take on the idea that I may have needed more salt and be vigilant around that.
    Britta, I have some Marigold bouillon in the cupboard and shall make use of that and I love your “mad” thought about hunger vs feeling weight loss, its puts a more positive spin on it all.
    Going off to do a couple of hours digging again today, that’ll sort me out…and no more babysitting til Saturday, I shall take a super tasty chicken dinner with me next time.
    Have a lovely day all! 🌹🍏

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Ah Rosyapple – the thing i struggle with most is the lack of salty snacks…… but Wendleg’s suggestions are top. I also like salted roast broccoli or even cauliflower leaves (who knew!). Bit of oil, salt n pepper and roasted til crispy! If you find you are struggling and theres nothing to hand and you cant make something, then just try a little salt straight up, that might satisfy your body, or try a wee slice of cheese…. if your not ok after that then you know its all in your head and you can give yourself a good talking to!

    I did a 23 hour fast yesterday – first time – and it was actuially all fine. I was no more hungry by dinner that if I’d have had a light lunch, and i had some calories left after dinner for some greek yogurt and berries. Lovely. Might try again on Friday.
    Been feeling a little tired this week (my week 4, on day 23) but i think its possibly our full on lockdown routine – horses done for 40 mins between 6-7am, work 7:30 til 12:20, ride a horse or go for a walk at lunchtime, work til 5pm, take in horses, have dinner then work another horse or two, go for a walk and finish horses for the night….back in for an hour on the sofa sometime aft 9:30pm, sleep….. begin again! But we are so so lucky to be working, earning and live where we do with the opportunity for outdoor time and exercise so I cant complain, I’ll fire on with the busy times and try a bit harder to get some down time over the weekend. I dont ‘technically’ work a friday, though i seem to be doing a few hours each week anyway, but i can have some down time then so 2 more days graft, keeping the motivation up so im brave enough to stand on the scales on Saturday!!

    Welcome Nicole, well done on your first 6 days, great start. I’m sitting just above 12st and so looking forward to the day i see 11st something on the scales…be you were chuffed! Stay with us and share your journey, its a great bunch of people with loads of knowledge and support here!

  • posted by Bryla

    Morning all! Well, I am down another 1.4lbs today to my lowest weight yet. I think that says I must be doing okay in terms of upping calories but keeping carbs down. I haven’t had any snaxidents the last few evenings and haven’t been tempted after having a good reflect on my whys and reminding myself that if I am not genuinely hungry there is no excuse for a dive into the fridge.

    Welcome, nicoles212! What a great start to this WOE. Great to hear that you are not finding the transition too tough. Looking forward to hearing more about your progress.

    RosyA- really well done for seeing last night’s events as the wobble they were, not a catastrophe. It sounds like a real positive that you know how rubbish you feel physically afterwards and perhaps that will be helpful next time you are making a choice about temptation. Who wants to feel thick and heavy? You’ve got this!

    Really happy about taking the dog out more than once from today! It has definitely lifted my spirits and is an important part of ‘normal’ for me.

  • posted by Bryla

    Well done on the 23hr fast, Julz!

  • posted by Gattina

    Hi all
    Thanks for the new thread Wendy and Sunny – I’m in for another week – hope this one is better. I always start with lots of renewed motivation…keeping it going is the challenge.
    Welcome all newbies – best of luck on your journeys.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi guys,

    Regarding craving salt, you do need to increase your salt intake with this way of eating. –
    Our bodies store water as part of the process of running our bodies on carbs. When we reduce the carbs our bodies can release that stored water. Hence the large weight loss at the start. Each litre of water = 2.2 lbs. Our kidneys release electrolytes with the water, so we need to replace them. They don’t know why, but when insulin levels are low your kidneys will continue to release electrolytes with water more than when insulin is high.

    Salt is added to a lot of processed food so when you move over to a WoE which involves less processed food you will need to increase your salt intake. Electrolytes = salt but you don’t need to buy fancy packets or sports drinks, all you need is to dip a finger into a pot of salt and lick it off, or lick a pinch of salt off the palm of your hand. Alternatively add one of the magnesium salts to your bath.

    There are three signs you need extra salt. – At the start of eating low carb there is keto flu, so called because the electrolyte shortage if you discard a lot of water weight at the start feels like flu. Another sign you are short of salt is muscle cramps. That is what I get after physical activity, it tends to hit me at night after I have zoned out for a little while in front of the TV when I get up to go to bed, but a salt lick sorts it out quickly. – The lightheaded feeling could also be due to low electrolytes or dehydration. You can drink water with salt added.

  • posted by Steviep

    Morning all,

    I took the plunge on Monday, and have been pleasantly surprised at not feeling hungry!

    So on day 3 and feel like I have been eating this way for much longer..I have tried some foods I would have disliked previously and actually thought I could get used to them. eg some nuts, pomegranate seeds, maybe even olives.

    on day 1 mid morning I felt a touch light headed, not dizziness, but just a slight things going on around me, but not involved- any way it went, and perhaps the best feeling was after a cycle ride, when usually I have felt tired after an hour, I felt quite alert- long may it last.

    Shopping for some ingredients is proving to be something of a chellenage in lockdown, but things could be alot worse.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Stevie, good to see you here. Glad you’ve got off to a great start and that Day1 was not arduous …. long may it continue. Please keep us posted on how you progress and shout out if you need advice or encouragement.

  • posted by DebbieDarko

    Hi again everyone, I’ve downloaded the Fatsecret App as I saw a couple of people said it was good. I would like to enter my goal amounts of carbs and protein per day but I have no idea what they should be for the BSD. Can anyone tell me how you know?? Debx

  • posted by DebbieDarko

    Aha! , been doing some reading and read you need under 50g of carbs a day to go into Ketosis. Deb

  • posted by Bryla

    Hi Debbie. Definitely under 50g of carbs, though some of us need to go down to 20g to achieve/maintain ketosis. The advice I had from our experienced buddies was 0.6g of protein per kg of your target weight (not your current weight), but that it is the carbs that are the first thing to focus on. I think there may be some adjustments for protein depending on age, or if you are lifting weights/doing lots of strength work. Everything else will be healthy fats. That has been excellent advice for me.

    Tbh, the things I look at on FatSecret are how those little squares are filling up towards 800 calories and how many grams of carbs I am accumulating. I didn’t start to look more closely at protein for a while I completely ignore the percentages- they don’t add anything to the picture as far as I can see! Hope the app turns out to be as helpful to you as it has been for me.

  • posted by Rosyapple

    Morning lovely people 🌞 Day 18
    WindyJulz and Bryla, thanks for the salty tips and encouragement, MUCH appreciated.
    Second weigh in of the week and I’ve stayed the same, all good!
    Now I’m in to the swing of things I think it’s time to hone things down a bit . I’m going to have a closer look at the carbs I’m consuming in terms of numbers, maybe get an app. Also record my fasting hours, usually 13/14 on average as far as I can work out. My milk consumption needs addressing too and the limitation of it it during fasting hours. I have my menu planned for next week already so I’ll stick with that but make some refinements for the second half of my 8 weeks. Any tips very welcome.
    Off to do some more digging and weeding shortly, nearly finished the plot I’m working on. It’s a surprise gift from the woman who has employed me to do it for her husband who’s been living and working in our local hospital since the beginning of lockdown. I’m trying to finish it for tomorrow as that’s when he’s going down to his allotment to see what much needed work needs to be done!! What a gift.
    Have a great day y’all x 🌹🍏

  • posted by Olive_1

    Hi Rosy,
    What an absolutely wonderful gift! Must be very motivating to be part of preparing that. As a keen gardener myself I can really appreciate the thought behind it. Please do tell us his reaction.
    Sounds like you really have grasped the BSD way when you are getting into fine tuning.
    The weekly plan is really a good way to go to keep you on track. It takes away that standing in front of the fridge thinking “what to eat today?” which so often leads to the wrong decision. Keep it up!

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Good update Rosyapple! It does take time to work out what you need to tweak and where you have room for improvement. FatSecret is a good app, Ive found it easy to work, get everything in and the trending is good. It also makes it quite obvious which foods have pushed your calorie or carb levels right up so you can adjust it. Enjoy the gardening, what a lovely thing to be doing!

    I’ve struggled the past couple of days, yesterday i was thinking about food the whole day. Wasnt craving anything awful (other than raisins) but just could stop worrying about it. Realised Ive been a bit lax on the meditation the past few days and when I have done it ive done it at bedtime and I dont think its as effective. So I did a session before dinner last night and then again this morning before starting work and I’m hoping it relaxes my mind and takes the food stress away. So far so good (she says at 08:08).

    I need a good couple of days before scales on saturday – please feel free to kick by behind and help me keep focused and remember why I’m doing it and that i WILL feel good for keeping at it and i WILL feel BAD if i eat too much…. it IS worth it! Come on Julz!

    Have a good day y’all

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