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  • posted by mallymac

    75 years old, fat, type2 for 15 years. Start 90 kg. BMI 29 waist 42.5 inches. Start 6 June2016, bit of a struggle but the thought of reversing type 2 was some spur. Finished 6 august 2016 72.5Kg BMI 24.5 Waist 36 inches. Transition to 6 and 1 ( as I struggled with 5 and 2). managed to keep weight fairly stable despite odd pub meal ,pint of beer and wicked desserts. Skip lunch or increase exercise sorts it out.
    I can run now for first time in decades and run 3 miles every other day, on other days I do 5K on exercise bike with 3 HIT sessions then about 30 minutes of stretching and strength exercises.
    Haven’t felt so good as far back as I can remember.
    Thank you Michael and team. If I can do it anybody can.
    Annual diabetic screening review today, my figures say that I am no longer in the diabetic range, my medication has been cut significantly, I have a review in 3 months to see if I can maintain this level ( I will).


    Cost me a bomb in new clothes, worth every penny.

  • posted by Snoop

    Mallymac, what an amazing achievement! Congratulations. You must be really pleased. Hope the review goes well. Sounds like you’ve got the determination to make sure it does.

  • posted by Natalie

    Wow that is incredible. So good to hear your success.

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