what exercises are people doing?

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by orchid

    Hi there – back from holiday – drove down from Orkney Saturday and Sunday – so lower days activity for the legs although not for the concentration!
    I have completed the marathon between 1 May and 8 May :-).
    Steps – 1/5 – 6582, 2/5 – 6917, 3/5 – 7298, 4/5 – 13203, 5/5 – 9402, 6/5 – 9586, 7/5 – 4525, 8/5 – 5028. Total 62541. According to my Gamin Vivofit, says that 5028 steps are 3.5km, so that converts to 27 miles – yeh.
    However – I have never calibrated my walking – it is relative activity and that will include small steps down hilly slopes and strides along streets as equal steps.
    What I will now do is look at how long it should take me to walk a marathon at the local park and use a GPS monitor and measure the marathon as a special walk each day starting Wednesday – tomorrow it is poring with rain, so not a good day to start! Hopefully I can manage at least 4 miles a day on top of the normal days walking and get to my marathon in a week.
    I will post progress.

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi ay caramba
    Impressive. Well done. All this should really help your general health.🏅
    I’m hanging in there, 9,500 today ✅. Being specific about marathon steps ( don’t want to cheat the BHF). It’s been an erratic week! Think I need to eat the worm!!
    Yes , BBQ tasty ta. Had it with home made lamb kebab Mushroom, tomato, lamb. Marinade was, olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic & chopped fresh mint, salt & black pepper. And a chicken thigh in home made BBQ sauce. Olive oil, malt vinegar, tomato paste, few shakes of Worcestershire sauce more garlic, salt & pepper.
    Keep going, me too 👣👣

  • posted by LD

    I’m impressed with how much exercise is happening for everyone. I hope to increase and improve on this front. In my younger years I did all kinds of activity, even skateboarding. But the weight and some other issues defeated my energy. I’m just new to BSD and kicked off by walking up 9 flights of stairs in my building at least once a day. Today I aim to do it three times. I also walk everywhere. I’m going to try and do situps/crunches and maybe add in weights.

    Is it easier to do the exercise once you take off some weight? I think that will provide me with a bit more encouragement. Right now, it is very hard to get moving more.

  • posted by orchid

    Hi LD,
    if you can walk up 9 flights of stairs even once a day – you are doing well!
    Yes the exercise gets easier – especially the stretching ones – I do pilates once a week and it is only since I lost 15kg that I can do some of the exercises as I now do not have my fat stomach getting in the way! Likewise with yoga, I got through a full session a couple of weeks ago getting into most positions – I had not been to the yoga class for a couple of months and I never managed to get into half the positions, let alone go through the whole class before.
    Walking up hills is now possible – given you are doing stairs, I suspect you are already ok at that – also your knees suddenly respond to being asked to crouch down, my back is so grateful for that 🙂 !

  • posted by LD

    Super thanks for the reply! Glad to know BSD will help lose weight and the exercise won’t be as difficult.

  • posted by ay caramba

    Eureka….stay away from the Tequila (and the worm!)………think of all those carbs!!!!!
    Your Marathon counting sounds rather complicated but you seem to have it pretty sorted so best of luck with your Marathon.
    Well done on your 9,500 steps.
    BTW the barbie recipe sounds delicious.
    Orchid, you are doing great to have achieved your Marathon in Garmin miles already. Not sure about all this ‘calibrating’ going on with you two…….it makes my brain hurt just thinking about this!!!!
    Did it rain on Wednesday and did you manage to get your walk in? Pity you weren’t still in Scotland because the weather seems pretty good there atm.

    LD…..9 flights of stairs …..sounds exhausting to me!!!! Like Orchid I used to find Yoga a bit of a trauma with my pregnant-looking tummy but feel much more svelte these days and find some yoga positions uncomfortable, not because of extra blubber, but because there are bits of my body that are bonier than before. Keep going and look forward to feeling much more energetic in the future.

    Best of luck everyone.

  • posted by Cicipops

    I am loving this thread, and reading what everyone is doing! Have to say, I’ve never been a very active person. Done a few hillwalks in the past (which nearly finished me, I was so out of breath!), but apart from that my only exercise was housework. Anyway, 2nd week on my diet, I decided I’d join the gym. (That was last week). I booked an inductiion and 2 classes. Never having exercised before, I was kinda scared of going along, but I pushed myself. The guy doing my induction was really nice – not at all judgemental about my ‘unfitness’, and showed me some gym equipment I could try which would not be too testing as a beginner. I’ve been 4 days out of 7 this week so far and quickly discovered my favourite exercise machine is the rower. Cos I’m not that fit, I can’t manage much timewise 10- 15 mins only, and even that with breaks to get my breath back! ( I cancelled an abs class cos I thought perhaps I was gettig ahead of myself, and went to a stretching class with my daughter who said it was easy? (Was she
    Joking, or what???). But……..and this is quite astonishing really……I’ve lost 2.5 inches from my waist in just this week!!! The weight loss aint been so good this week, but so what. I’m sticking with the plan! Absolutely buzzing!!!! Keep at it guys, just doing what your doing, and in no time we’ll aĺl be where we want to be and will have changed our bad habits for LIFE x

  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Cicipops
    Completely relate to your post. Well done on doing your induction at the Gym. I also felt terrible when I first went.
    Go to a few classes now and have been going for several years……suppose I am a bit of a veteran.
    I completely agree that the so called ‘easy’ classes are far from it…sometimes Yoga/Body Balance or Pilates feel positively evil…..though they are obviously not supposed to. However what would be the point of going if you didn’t push your body a little. After all our goal is to be healthier.

    Certainly remember being positively purple at the end of the classes. Think I still am but people no longer come up to me
    to ask if I’m alright…… more likely to be telling me, in the last couple of weeks certainly…… that I look well… aka lost loads of weight.

    Moving more is a great goal and moving easier has worked for me.
    Good luck to all the movers and shakers 🙂

  • posted by Collie

    Hi All I went for my first bike ride in ages all good and felt the love with my bike. On a different note mu UP band has stopped working what fit bit step counters etc would people recommend . Loving the posts thanks for the motivation.

  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Collie
    Of course you don’t need a gizmo to get moving and there are loads of these things around.
    I decided to get something as extra motivation after I had been on the BSD diet for around 12 weeks and the weight loss was slowing.
    My sort of reward for losing weight was a Fitbit and it has done that motivational job for me.
    I was exercising but surprised that I was slobbing around at other times and certainly not achieving 10,000 steps a day.
    Am challenging myself to do a May Marathon and up my step count. Love the buzz when you get 10,000 steps (you can set it lower)…..and I am a sucker for the badges too.
    Surprised that when I mention that I need to up my step-count the person I’m speaking often seems to roll up their sleeves to reveal a gizmo and with a gleam in their eye and a big grin tells me their amazing step count. Must be working for loads of other people too.

    Started with a Fitbit Charge but have since changed to Fitbit Charge HR so I can monitor my heart rate.
    Only had the HR for a week but my resting pulse rate has dropped from 60 bpm to 54 bpm. So that seems like good news.

    Haven’t been on my bike for ages so I need to get it out and get those rusty cogs working!!!!
    Collie…. thanks for that reminder.
    Keep on rolling.

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi ay caramba
    Back from christening ( was great).
    Clocking in : 9th May = 9,500 steps. ✅. As at 14th May = another 20,000 steps ✅. Total so far for the mymarathon = 61,500 steps. Fits & starts but getting there!

    Worked out my stride = steps per MY mile. This is how :
    Take 10 steps & measure distance = MY stride is 19 feet in 10 steps. Divide 19 by 10 to get your average stride length = 1.9 feet in MY stride.
    There are 5,280 feet in a mile. Divide 5,280 by 1.9 = 2,778 steps in MY mile.
    There are 26.2 miles in a Marathon.
    Therefore MY marathon is 26.2 x 2,778 steps = 72,783.6 steps.
    72,783 – 61,500 = 11,283 steps still to do to complete MY Marathon!

    Phew! Will do better 👣👣👣👣

    You are putting on a great show 👌

    Best of luck to everyone else with their exercise. 👏🏻

  • posted by ay caramba

    Oh Eureka didn’t realize how blond I was becoming……must stay away from those hair dye bottles for a while.!?!?!

    Your calculations are astounding but I think I understand that you are over half way to your May Marathon, so that is brilliant.

    It is halfway through May and I have done 60 fitbit miles so that is over 2 marathons but that is just the machine counting all my steps.
    Nearly made the 70 mile Emperor Penguin Migration again…..yay;-0 Perhaps I can get to the South Pole and back again in May????

    However if I separate the actual walks I’ve done I calculate I’ve done about 14 miles so far.

    Anyway all good. Keep up going everyone.

    BTW hope no blonds were hurt in the writing of this post……???? 😉

  • posted by Eureka

    Oh! Ay Caramba! 😱
    I’m blonde!! Well, with a lot of grey too. 😉 And, my maths is rubbish so YOU’VE pushed me to my foot & head limits❗️Can’t work out if you’re good or bad for me 😂

    Great walking you are doing. I want to hear the March of the Penguins too ( sticks bottom lip out). ☹️ 🐧👣🐧👣🐧👣
    Will finish mymarathon tonight, so post officially tomorrow. 👣👣👣
    Keep on keeping on

  • posted by ay caramba

    Eureka …….fabulous moves for a blonde ( NB …….I can spell really……Oops!!!)
    Finished your May Marathon already…..before you know it you’ll be throwing some shapes on the Dance floor…….no I don’t know
    what that means either?!?!?!?

    Wonder how many mute movers there are out there???? Closet readers of Forum posts who don’t write……yet!!!

    Come on…. there is still time to join a May Marathon challenge. 26.2 miles walking, waddling, jogging or staggering.
    Anyway you like….. for yourself….. or donate to The British Heart Foundation.

    Here is the Official Website if you would prefer to do this more formally with sponsors etc.

  • posted by ay caramba

    Just logged on to The BHF May Marathon challenge and spotted this quote on there.

    “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” – Edmund Burke

    Sorry ….I’m starting to sound too evangelical ……but it did feel rather apt in the light of my last post.
    Look after yourselves everyone.

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi ay caramba
    Finally did it 😃 👍 👣🐧👣(well, no penguins yet)!
    12,000 steps 16.5.16 ✅. Total MYMARATHON steps = 73,500 ✅ (just a few steps over 26.2 miles for me).
    For a previously sedentary person ( with knackered knees) I’m proud to say the BSD ( & YOU) have got me moving again. And I like it! Will be sending a donation to the BHF soonest.
    We’ve got son’s dog for a week tonight so she will be taking us on a daily yomp.🐾🐾🐾 Who knows we might be doing another marathon yet!!
    PS. You can spell blonde/blond either way. No offence taken lol 😀 ( flicks non existing long hair)❗️
    Thanks caramba. 🎤 I’m in the mood for dancin….Ooh from head to my toes…..👣👣👣

    If I can do it, everyone can. Good luck 🍀

  • posted by ay caramba

    Love your replies. Fab…..u….lous.

    On the BHF MyMarathon site there are posts showing people …..wait for it……jogging….arghh!!!!
    Plus a wonderful one with photos of a dad/mum ??? walks with their baby in a pushchair.
    Cheered my day.

  • posted by Isabel

    I did 3kms at Ikea!

  • posted by ay caramba

    Ha ha Isabel
    Know what you mean.:-)
    Did you jog around barging people out of the way with your trolley?????

  • posted by ay caramba

    Did my 3rd Fitbit marathon this May so far…….and ‘A Penguin March’ (which is 70 miles).
    Wonder how much more I can do in May towards ‘ My Personal Challenge’?
    Looks as though I will need to send a bigger donation to BHF at this rate.
    The lbs are falling away rapidly and the clothes are getting baggier by the day.
    Several people have said that they hardly recognize me.
    Perhaps I can break into a jog now……..no one will know who I am!????!!!!

  • posted by ay caramba

    Went to the ball last night……and danced…….and danced 🙂

  • posted by orchid

    Hi ay caramba,
    Sorry for not replying to you post 13/5, been very busy and had my cousin visit for a week so not been on line much. Yes, t is a step marathon, but I look at the steps as an activity indicator – if I he been reading and writing al day I am lucky if I get to 1000 steps and need to get out the house!
    I decide to try a ‘GPS’ marathon in the last 6 days of May – 42.19km whilst out for a walk – ie not part of a ‘normal’ days activities.
    Thursday – 5.9km
    Friday – 8.8km
    Saturday – 11.4km
    Sunday 6.9km
    Still got 9.1km to do.
    I had intended to do that today as tomorrow the weather is rainy. However on Saturday the walk I did was around on of the National Trust properties – through woods, muddy fields, hills (as far as SE England has hills) and when I got home, I discovered I had pulled a muscle in my lower left back. Spent the rest of Saturday with heat at my back and on Ibuprofene. I also had managed to acquire two blisters just under the big toe of each foot
    Yesterday I decided to try a walk closer to home, still through parkland and woods, but flatter with better tracks or paved areas. I managed that- bit slower than I had been the days before. Today my back is still sore but improving – however the blisters have burst and are awful.
    Going out now to see how it feels once I start waking ……….. If tomorrow had not been predicting a lot of rain, I would have just had today off and finished it all off tomorrow. Worst case – I did the step marathon and will donate based on that – best case….I finish in May – but I may end up finishing this into June 🙁

  • posted by ay caramba

    Wow Orchid. You have done some impressive walking during the last week. Take care of your back though.
    Know that Eureka has done her Marathon as well. So that is great.

    Well done everyone who tried a MyMarathon challenge, especially if they sent a donation to BHF. Thanks for trying a new challenge.

    Managed to do 4 and a half Fitbit Marathons in May….failed to do the 5 I’d hoped for.
    Wanted to complete the return migration of the Emperor Penguins but I’m about 20 miles short so it looks as though I will be stuck in the Antarctic for the Winter now. Donation flying to BHF anyway of course.
    Been really pleased with what I have achieved this month…..even caught myself running up the stairs…..phew!!!!
    Been too busy to be able to do much walking in the last few days. I’m away for the next couple of weeks.

    Anyone got any ideas for jolly exercises in June????

  • posted by Frog

    I had an excellent day with a cliff top walk that included part of the SW Coast Path – spectacular scenery.
    I was walking reasonably briskly for three hours, and a lot of it was quite steep for me – I forgot to bring my pedometer away with me, but I must start wearing it more regularly when I get home, and building exercise in to my daily routine – so much easier on holiday!

  • posted by orchid

    Hi ay caramba,
    completed it yesterday – back improving, feet terrible, but good sense of achievement.
    Walked 9.87km yesterday – slowest pace of all days, but I knew if I did not finish yesterday I would not finish it – it is awful weather today.
    I am thinking about doing the marathon in 4 consecutive days for June, 3 days for July, 2 days for August and then one day in September – the Shine Night Marathon….. Starting planning my training for September this week and will see how that will fit or it if even makes sense later in the week.
    Donation going in to BHF later today – congratulations to everyone who took part!

  • posted by ay caramba

    Wow Orchid and Frog
    Awesome walking going on with you two.
    Great stuff. Pleased that you are managing your personal challenges so well.
    Need to set myself a new challenge for June.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi ay caramba,

    I’m still walking for my exercise – I mix it up a little bit and it works for me.

  • posted by Frog

    I’m still keeping up with walking – I walked 8 miles along the canal at the weekend, about six yesterday.
    Not so far today – about four miles so far, but I had a go in a pedallo on the canal this morning, and went to the gym this afternoon. I did some cardio stuff the other day, but had an induction on all the resistance machines today, so hopefully I’ll get in to a routine of doing that regularly.
    Scary how light the weights I could manage, compared to what I used to do when I was younger – its probably about fifteen years since I went to the gym regularly.
    Myfitnesspal doesnt have a pedallo option!

  • posted by mantishugo

    My exercise merely consists of Yoga and Pranayam (Breathing exercise). I wake up at 7am and start exercising from 7:30 to 7:55. It is not sufficient I know. I will increase my time duration. I also take health fruits which are very rare – such as Noni fruit, Mangosteen and Goji Berry. I’m sure people may have not heard about these.

  • posted by Sandie

    I am up and ready to go to my Pilates Class. It lasts for one hour. I do this at different times thrice a week. Each day I dog walk of varying lengths. Usually between a mile and up to 5 miles. Once or twice a week I do a Body Pump class. This class has really helped with body toning and shape; especially around my tummy area.
    What ever excersie you do enjoy it and every now and again change your routine so your body gets a surprise.

  • posted by Doddi

    Today is my 4th day on BSD and I was wondering about the 10000 steps, as I have been doing this for years walking my dog twice a day.
    So do I have to try for 15000 steps? Wonder were to find the time. as I also do Pilate.


  • posted by Tracy2267

    Hi there,

    I’ve been swimming 2-3 times a week now. Monday, Wed. and Friday. Tuesday and Thursdays do all the housework and general life stuff – sometimes that’s a workout in itself.

    Well done everyone on their efforts – we all know how hard it can be.

  • posted by Frog

    If anyone is planning to increase the amounts that they are walking to up their exercise quota – get comfortable walking shoes!

    I’ve been wearing flat plimsoll things, and making an effort to wear those rather than ordinary shoes. After a week of 10-12 thousand steps a day, my knees really feel it, and my feet hurt.
    My proper trainers look really clumpy, but do support my feet and are well cushioned – I hate that the laces are hard to tie just right, but I’m going back to those for a while – until my new Skechers ‘Go Walk’ shoes arrive.
    I noticed a couple of people in an exercise class that I go to have them – I tried a few pairs on in a store, but I didn’t like the styles that they had in my size.They have lots of slip on styles that are incredibly light, don’t look too clumpy – and are designed to walk in.
    Can’t wait – hope they arrive before I go away!

  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Switzerland/ Frog/mantishugo/Sandie/Doddie/Tracy2267/Orchid…… and everyone else moving more!!!
    Eureka are you still away?

    Glad everyone seems to be moving and shaking 😉

    Back after a couple of weeks away and off to Body Pump class soon.
    Have so much more energy these days and I almost find myself skipping up stairs.
    (Haven’t tried the hopscotch yet Lucia……but there is still time!!!!!)

  • posted by ay caramba

    I have Fitbit friends.
    I don’t want friends.
    I became friends with three people last week……obviously I knew them before that!
    How do you politely refuse a Fitbit friend request?
    The worse thing I have discovered over the last couple of days is that I am top of the step count. How does that work???

    Even more worrying is the fact that two of them are 21 (with occasional tennis and hockey-playing tendencies), whilst the other
    one does a running Bootcamp.
    These are not the sort of fitness buddies an overweight 63 year old with high blood pressure needs!
    Ho hum…..life!!!!

  • posted by Sandie

    Just did a Pilates Class and will be at Body Pump this evening as my art class isn’t on. Now going for a dog walk. I am enjoying having the energy.

  • posted by Imogen

    Ay Caramba…what a problem to have…another unexpected consequence of the BSD!!!😉

  • posted by Switzerland

    ay caramba….kind of wants you to go back to the old days of simple pedometers, doesn’t it?

  • posted by clover_nev

    I am new here as well, what I do is walking atleast 2000 – 5000 but i cant do it everyday due to my night work.
    I love when i do shopping because I walk around and not knowing I already achieve almost 10,000 steps 🙂

  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Imogen and Switzerland
    I am no longer top of the step count with my so-called fitness ‘friends’…. so the pressure is off!!!

    Discovered I had a cold at Yoga last night when I felt light-headed going upside down…..yes i know it’s unnatural ;-0
    Had to rush out for a glass of water after a bout of coughing during a particularly quiet period of meditation…..bad karma I’m sure. 🙂

    Well done Sandie and clover_new on your fitness regimes…..now shopping is the sort of exercise regime I approve of!!!!

  • posted by Sandie

    Caramba hi there, I hate shopping. I am so thankful for eBay. I buy clothes from ranges that I know are my fit/shape and therefore reliable on the sizing. When I am ready for a change I take clothes to the local hospice shop. This week I have bought a Monsoon summer evening dress, a James Lakeland skirt and a pair of skecker shoes. The disappointment this week is that the summer ball has been cancelled. Doh.

  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Sandie
    Clothes shopping has become an exercise all of its own. I am currently in search of my correct bra size!
    My clothes don’t fit anymore and because I now need new things this involves trouping backwards and forwards to the changing rooms with a variety of sizes.
    It was simple when, if the UK 18 was too tight I bought a size 20.
    A few weeks ago I tried on a Size 14 top in Next which was too baggy. No Size 12 so tried on the Size 10 …..it fitted!!! Must have been a poor sizing on this top as I bought another in Size 14…….but wow!!!!
    Charity shops are getting regular donations too.
    Shame about the summer ball. All that calorie-burning dancing you are missing!!!!!
    Loud music and housework sometimes works for me…..in extremis 😉

  • posted by Sandie

    Hi Caramba. Wow sizes 10 and 12. I will need to go out and do some bra shopping soon. I am putting if off at the moment as I have found 2 in the ‘they are too small drawer’. regards Sandie.

  • posted by ay caramba

    Slipped off the exercise wagon on Sunday.
    Sad to report my step count for that day was 629 steps and I was well on the bottom of the step-count buddies-chart.
    Had a cold and went out for a Turkish meal for Father’s Day. Hit the cold starter Meze with too much enthusiasm and ate biscuits and chocolate for tea!!!!
    Needless to say the scales reported a 3lb gain in weight the following morning!
    Monday’s step count was about 1600 steps …so not good either….. but yesterday I did 13,000 steps.
    Back on the BSD diet and my weight is back to its previous level.
    Only 4 more pounds before I reach my healthy weight……yipee!

    Sandie…. woopee… I bought 3 new bras yesterday that actually fit…..it was no easy task!!!

  • posted by Switzerland

    I continue to walk daily and have ditched inside exercise (for now). Even on wet days I’m trying to get out. I find it’s easier to reach
    10 000steps when I’m outside and I feel more positive.

  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Switzerland
    Really pleased you are still with me on the old exercise bandwagon. Great that you are still aiming for the !0,000 steps daily.
    Two of my so-called exercise buddies seem to have turned off their Fitbits so I can now assume I only have 1 friend!

    Bit of a pity as yesterday I had bragging rights to doing a 14 mile charity walk through rain and mud.
    Found it very hard going for the last 5 miles and used my umbrella as a walking stick.
    Feel fine this morning and didn’t flinch when OH mentioned that we would find it easier next year!!

    Please don’t give up on the exercise everyone.
    Honestly it makes you feel better. All those endomorphins flying about 🙂

  • posted by ay caramba

    I’ve lost my friend.
    Very careless I know!!!
    Three Fitbit buddies asked me to join them and come out to play but they seem to have dumped me and headed for the exit.
    This is a puzzle.
    Must be something to do with the week!!!???

    But I need to carry on.
    The machine told me I had earned a ‘Hiking Boot’ and that there was no mountain I couldn’t climb and no goal I couldn’t get!
    I must keep the faith.

  • posted by ay caramba

    My friends are back!!!
    Well 2 of them anyway…. the third has gone awol somewhere in the USA.
    Apparently they’ve not been syncing their Fitbits regularly…..whatever that may mean???

    Today I am off to Beginner Ballet and Tap classes….. I’m hopeless at both.
    The teacher makes the tap routines ridiculously difficult. I can’t keep up at all.
    Still I can chill at Yoga tonight…..that’s if the teacher turns up. She was half an hour late last week….now that is stressful before we start!!!

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi ay caramba,
    I’m so pleased you found your friends! Your post made me laugh (Don’t know if I was supposed to).
    Congratulations on your hiking boot! I’ll race you up the nearest mountain. I wonder if your fitbit knows you only have 2 lbs to go?????
    It sounds like your yoga teacher is so chilled she forgets to turn up. LOL.

  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Switzerland
    Of course you are meant to laugh …..and as often as possible. After all it is a good exercise….laughing that is!!!

    Don’t know about hiking boots and mountains???!! …..don’t think I can manage those quite yet;-)
    The charity walk needed umbrellas and probably wellies as we were wading ankle-deep in mud and puddles for a good part of the way.
    My proper really good physio friend, who could and probably does ‘ Munro bagging’ (if you are from across-the-pond or down-under you may need to google this…..it is as bad as it sounds!!!!!) told me that given my level of walking fitness and the state of my knee it was no wonder I was limping and I shouldn’t sensibly have challenged myself to a walk of that length…err thanks!….but she knows I’m not sensible!!
    On another note the Yoga teacher turned up….no traffic problems this week!
    Bad news…. rain stopped play…..not at Wimbledon ….but at my ladies tennis morning…..grrr!!!

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