Welcome to the forums Mrsjaffa13
Stick with this diet, it will work for you.
If you need any help or advice just ask, there are loads of people at different stages of the journey that you are embarking on. Their experiences will give you a lift if you feel down as some do. Although none of us are experts, we are all going through the same thing and there is a real community spirit growing here.
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Welcome Mrsjaffa13! No one minds anything here – it’s very supportive and open. We look forward to joining your journey and have you help with ours 🙂
Welcome Mrsjaffa13. 😃
thanks Bill…interested that you are feeling happier and less stressed….me too. I’m convinced it’s to do with the good fat, protein and no refined carbs but particularly the fat. When I was a kid in the 60s we ate average size portions of home cooked food, full fat everything, no snacks, mum would bake once a week and we would eat a couple of her cakes and occasionally we would have a small portion of sweets. None of us were fat. I’m back to eating like that albeit with fewer calories and bit of dark chocolate at weekends and like you no cake!
A crispy crime (sic…predictive text!) donut has 450 calories…..why would anyone bother!
Onward and upward!
Welcome Mrs Jaffa 💐……you’ll meet lots of positive people on here who have all been where you are….I’ve never joined a forum before but this one is very supportive, great ideas and everyone rooting for each other to succeed…….enjoy the journey! -
Welcome Mrsjaffa, you will find lots of support here. It’s such a friendly forum and everyone seems really keen to help each other through the rough patches with advice and support. I think CaptainLynne is the only one who has finished the first eight weeks. The rest of us are mostly just a few weeks in but learning fast.
Nearly everyone has found it makes a radical difference to our health and enjoyment of life, within a really short time.
Well done Aliba ( or should I just call you slobs?), the drop in dress sizes must be a great feeling, so good for self esteem and the blood pressure improvement is a bonus.
How sad though Bill that one of your work colleagues would try and sabotage you. My sister has a few mean spirited ones like that at her workplace. Probably someone who should be looking after their own health and is jealous of your success. Some people are just not very evolved are they? Great you had the willpower to spoil their pathetic game! -
Thank you for all your messages of support , I weighed myself last night so on day one have maned to drink lots of water which I struggle with as I like hot drinks rather than cold. My main vice is latte so giving them up is going to be difficult but am hoping my will power will overcome.
Bill your story is a real inspiration and I think you have been amazing so far.
I managed 760 calories today and taking a multi vitamin and on iron supplements (yuck☹️) anyway but hoping to come off them soon after a minor op.
Looking forward to sharing my journey with you all and if I can help someone and encourage them as you all have me, I will be happy. -
Mrsjaffa13, as Cherrianne mentioned I seem to be the only one so far to have finished the 8 weeks. It might help you to know that I n that time I lost 27 pounds, 10 inches from my waist and nearly 2 dress sizes. My fasting blood sugars and blood pressure also reduced. I’m continuing on the 800 calories for another few weeks before going away on holiday, then moving on to 5:2 (or 2:5). So far this week I gave lost another 3 pounds.
Mrsjaffa…..I’m a latte fiend myself so found a way round it…..half full fat milk and half water or even coffee with a dash of cream. I bought some cardboard cups and plastic lids from Amazon and then feel as if I’ve bought one from a coffee shop but saved myself the money. For me it’s been about adapting and finding a way to manage on the plan so I don’t feel deprived…it’s as much a mental journey as a physical one. If you don’t like cold water have it hot or try peppermint tea….it’s as good as water. Hopefully like many of us on here you will find that your tastes change…..all my life I’ve despised broccoli but have discovered purple sprouting and tender stem stir fried with a few chilli flakes and now have it nearly every day and love it.
Thanks Cherrianne – I’m much less,of a slobs than I used to be 😃 I’m as delighted with the BP as I am with the the dress size….well nearly! The dress cost a lot of money…more than I’d usually spend but it looks fab and for the first time in a long, long time….I think I’m worth it 😏 -
Captainlynne – you’re an inspiration….10 inches off your waist…that’s incredible…Congratulations!
Hi Aliba, I think we are all finding we are worth it! Worth the effort and organising/ planning that goes into eating a healthy diet. We deserve to have bodies that function properly, minds that are not foggy from carb overload and if we happen to look pretty good in smaller size clothes then that’s a bonus too.
I don’t have to lose weight, I’m one of the “thin on the outside, fat on the inside” people that Dr Moseley talks about, but I love to hear about everyone’s success.
It inspired me to encourage my sister to start and she’s lost over 3kg in her first week. She’s not diabetic, but quite overweight and she’s enjoying the food and not feeling deprived at all. -
Great to see the way new members are welcomed and encouraged on here. That in itself is worth as much as the book.
Lynne can I suggest that you create an “over the line” thread in the fast 800 forum. Then, as people finish the 8 weeks, they can post their results and future plans.
Done correctly it will become the most inspiring thread on the forums.
So, week 3 weigh day and after my worries about lack of exercise, I,ve shed another 4 lbs for 15 lbs in total.
Sugar reading this morning was 6.4 which I’m really happy about as I cut out the fatty snack last night and instead had dinner an hour and a half later. I’ll try it again next week and see what happens. -
Thanks for that suggestion Bill. You’re doing really well, congratulations.
*off to start new thread*
Hiya aliba thank you for the fantastic coffee suggestions, have just ordered myself some coffee cups from Amazon, and will try your ideas, if I don’t feel deprived am much more likely to stick to it!
Captainlynne your loss is amazing, and two dress sizes sounds a fantastic achievement, you must feel amazing, keep those positive thoughts as you journey into your next few weeks.
Bill 15lbs in three weeks is fab. I struggle to exercise, usually manage my 1000 steps a day running after my 7 year old and taking the dog out, but will never be a gym person, and feel need to lose weight before attempting some of the exercises in the book. I do also have an exercise bike and go on twice a week but nothing more than that! I love my Fitbit as if haven’t done enough steps will do a night walk with the dog, or up and down the stairs a few times!!
Day 2 for me, and so far not hungry or tempted! 😇
Hi Bill, I am starting on Monday this week. Got to do something. Have been a diabetic for 10 years, no retinopathy but had a cardiac scare at Christmas resulting in a stent insertion. Good luck to you.
Way to go Mrsjaffa! You are so going to do this….there may be a few tough moments, lots of us have had them but it gets better….can’t wait to hear your successes.
Bill…you’re a shrinking man…..great news!
Welcome Blackfriar….you’ve come together right place…best of luck to you.
Have just posted my first recipe! -
Welcome Blackfriar. You’ll get lots of support on here.
Thanks Mrsjaffa13. I do feel so much better. Less joint pain, more energy, thinking more clearly & better concentration. Only problem is trying to find something to wear LOL. Wardrobe rapidly shrinking and can’t find anything I like in the shops! On the plus side, the charity shop is doing well – have to look there when I take my old clothes in 😃
Hi Bill thanks for your reply and I’ve now just read your story, pretty Inspiring and love everyone’s comments so hopefully can belong to this ever growing group. I ve started talking to my pancreas ….sounds nuts but want it to be my pal not my enemy……..
Think I might try eating something at bed time and see if that makes a difference with blood glucose level…… I was convinced they d be lower in the morning after not eating for so long but now reading all the threads I see why they are not ……. Thanks everyone for the good tips and advice …… -
Jahooly, that’s what we’re here for 🙂
Blackfriar, welcome to the forums, all the support you need can be found here. -
Day three achieved and feeling good. Last night could have done anything for something sweet but managed to work thro it and have green tea instead. I think I am but hopefully soon won’t be addicted to chocolate. Couldn’t resist jumping on the scales which were 4lbs lighter, very very early days but gives me the boost to keep going which other diets couldn’t do!
Well done, Mrsjaffa, at working through your sweet craving. I keep very dark chocolate in the cupboard and have a single piece after my evening meal. I’m not advocating this, as it means I haven’t completely got over my craving. I’m working up to giving it up completely, but can’t quite seem to get there. So well done you!
Stressful weekend
my partner went down with Tonsilitis after telling the kids that we were doing a family Sunday lunch so I ended up making lunch for 12 all by myself (brownie points well earned)
It was a lot harder resisting the mash and yorkies after I had made them but I managed.
So, roast pork and veggies with gravy for lunch (if I have to have fat in my diet it is DEFINITELY going to come from something delicious). Fot dinner I had a home made wholemeal flour flatbread with 1 oz of extra mature cheddar sprinkled on it while still in the pan – very tasty.
Blood sugar yesterday and today was 5.8 🙂
Upwards and onwards. -
Good chef-ing Bill!
Roast pork! Yummy.
I applaud your dark chocolate. I keep having to remind myself this isn’t a diet of puritanical self denial, it’s an 8 week kick up the bum while eating real, good, food, just not much of it.
After the 8 weeks I think I’ll still have some weight to lose, but will be going onto one of the other versions Michael has put out there.I’ll still be eating real good food, just more of it sometimes!
Goodbye white crap. Goodbye processed gubbins.
Hello the food we were born to eat.
More strength to all our arms. -
Hi all
Lovely to read about how well people are doing. This is my first day and I’m so surprised by how satisfied I am having only eaten 800 calories. Beetroot hummus is lovely. See how I go tomorrow.Did try to get started on Saturday but I kept obsessing about the calories! It’s a lot easier being at work!
Fantastic bill at resisting temptation and taking the helm for your family meal, as you say onwards and upwards
Welcome samurai , I’m on day 4, but today woke up with awful headache and shaky so think I might not have been eating quite enough. Luckily was working at home so split my 800 over the day with little and often and plenty of water and feel better tonight. I had to take some paracetamol for the headache but hoping tomorrow will feel better and work thro it. 😢🤕
Sorry to hear about your headache Mrs Jaffa. Hope it’s gone tomorrow. I’ve had to log in 3 times to reply to your post – hope this appears in the right place 😮
Hi Mrsjaffa
Welcome to the forum.
I hope the diet is working for you.
Penny -
Hi Mrs Jaffa
You could try hot water. I like it! Or herb tea.
Penny -
Hi MrsJaffa
Might be worth looking at Jenny Ruhls book ‘low carb problems solved’ ( £3 on kindle) She covers headaches and lots of other side effects. Very informative.
Penny -
Hi penny, thank you for all your tips I will have a look at Jenny ruhls book. I do feel a bit better today just a slight headache . I have also tried hot water and it’s really good!
Hi Mrs Jaffa
Yes you’d never expect that would you! But it is.
Penny -
Well, after a chat with a nurse last week I decided as an experiment to drop my Exanatide (Byetta) injections this week.
Pleased to report that the blood sugar readings are still (Fasting) between 5.6 and 6.2 and in the 4’s before dinner.
Feeling a little more hungry at night but nothing I can’t cope with.
So it looks like that’s 1 of my meds gone, just need to work on the Metformin.
Wow wouldn’t it be good to have a life that didn’t include those horrible Metformin “moments” -
Hi Bill, thankyou for the info on the chickpea flour (gram flour) I have the confidence to make some onion bhajis again after reading your post. I’m impressed with your blood sugar results! Your GP must be delighted with you
Hi Bill, I too wish this info had been out there years ago as this is the first diet that is having an impact on my weight ( I have hypothyroidism) and have been worried about developing diabetes. I love your posts, they are so inspiring. Good luck with your retinopathy. I have a diabetic friend who has recently developed retinopathy but won’t change to this diet as he has always been told to eat lots of carbs. grrrrrr
Wow Bill, huge achievements since you started this thread just three weeks ago. Blood sugars in a range you could only have dreamed about back then. Weight and inches lost. One medication gone. Congratulations. You have become so knowledgeable about the diet and lifestyle to keep you healthy. Looks like you’re in charge of the diabetes now, not the other way round.
Great news on Monday, as my jeans were starting to slip down I decided to find my old walking trousers that I haven’t been able to wear for a couple of years. Went on easily. I was so happy. Then the unexpected happened – they started slipping down too! I can’t believe the impact this diet is having on my belly fat. Big thanks to Bill and everyone on these forums for the help and encouragement – and to Michael M, of course!
Guys thanks so much for all the kind comments.
Hashimoto that’s brilliant news, there’s a sylph like figure in there and now it’s trying to burst out.
My big joke was that I had a six pack, I just chose to hide it under a couple inches of fat to stop people being jealous. Well, now I’m not going to worry about their feelings 😉
Cherrianne, looking forward to seeing you get similar results. -
Amazing and inspiring bill .I fell off the wagon tonight and had fish without the batter on but then had about five fatty chips! We got our beloved campervan back after a month off the road with a fuel pump gone which had to be sent away so went on family outing to mudeford and had fish and chips! Hope won’t be that bad an effect on my first week weigh in tomorrow morning!
I feel a lot better after the seven days, sleeping better and seem to have more energy which you wouldn’t have thought on 800 calories! I love doing spinach with homemade dressings from the book and salmon, anchovies which I love and sometimes feta cheese! Also managed my 1000 steps easily this week with extra energy for dog walking!
Will post my first weigh in tomorrow! -
Five chips !!!! go and stand in the corner and wear the carbo hat !!
Ok you had a slight fall, today climb back aboard and continue the journey … Simples 😉 -
Hi Bill
That’s great news!
Penny -
Hi Hadimoto
That’s great. Time for a belt! I just bought some trousers and have to send them back. Too big!
Penny -
Absolutely Bill. I think there are a lot of here feel ‘this has to work’.
I know I do and at 60 I am so fed up battling with my weight. I’ve been doing on and off all my life and I’ve had enough.
All the more upsetting because I’m not a junk food eater and really believed I was eating the right things to take care of myself but now I know better.
As an extra boost I’m doing the sponsored Giving up Chocolate for March in aid of The British Heart Foundation.
A few sponsors behind me might give me an extra incentive 😊 -
Hi All
Well done on your weight loss…I’m in week four and no weight loss this week but still 12lbs down since I started this. Have slipped a bit this week so must get back on the horse rather than keep eating it!
Have just had a call from my Doc with blood results down to 50 from 79 last time so pretty pleased with that…I think. Anyway a big improvement and had been on the diet less than 3 weeks when bloods were taken so still room for improvement.
Vitamin D was normal and I really feel much better after that was sorted out.
Good luck to you all. -
It is fabulous reading all your fantastic and some of your posts Bill1954 have been particularly helpful. With such a different diet it great to get support. Can anyone tell me how many grams of carbs we should have each day please? Are carbs in vegetables excluded from this total. I use fitness pal to record all mine which i find really good.
My weight was down again this morning and hopfully my blood sugars will show a bit of a drop in the morning. In common with everyobe else I gave to succeed with this eating plan.
Bill1954 hope your eye is improving. -
Hi everyone, just to say first week down and lost 5lbs which for me is amazing! Was on weight watchers for 8 weeks before this and had only lost 5 so really impressed. No more chips this week and have broken the latte habits, no if need coffee have with skinny milk and water half and half as was kindly advised . Looking forward to next week.
Hi, pmshrink, it’s wonderful to be happy about clothes being too big, isn’t it? I’m going to delve deeper into my stored too small clothes and see if I can find some smaller sized trousers! When I reach my goal weight I am going to treat myself to some new clothes as a little reward! Hope you get replacement smaller trousers back soon!
Hi Shadow,
Welcome to the forum, there have been quite a few people asking for more guidance on carb counts. All carbs count, including fruit, veg and any juice included in the recipes. As you are measuring your blood sugars and monitoring your intake, you will soon get a feel for how many carbs your body can handle. My advice would be to use the eight weeks to learn how your body responds and then use this information as a guide when you start eating the low carb Mediterranean diet that follows on from this. That should help you to maintain the good results you’ll achieve on the fast 800.
There are a couple of helpful threads too.
One thread is in the fast 800 forum called something like “how many carbs in the fast 800”. There are also a couple more in this forum but I don’t remember the name of the threads. Someone has quoted from a website giving advice on carb counts for people with different levels of activity. Another one has calculated the carb counts for the various recipes in the book and has said they come out spot on for the carb levels used in the Newcastle Zuni research. You might have to scroll through a few threads to find them. -
You know, it just brightens up my day to see all these posts from people who are doing so well on the diet.
By the way, I’m going to stop calling it a diet. I can’t see me ever going back to eating the foods that I used to, I watch friends and family eating them and it just doesn’t bother me, my sweet tooth has completely gone, I’ve even stopped my half spoon of swetener in my coffee.
So from now on I’ll be calling this my lifestyle, not diet, I hope others feel the same.Essentiallyjane, let me know how to donate and I’ll throw something in to the pot 🙂
Hi Mrsjaffa13, glad to see you here with us, hopefully you are seeing positive benefits by now and glad to be on the journey with you