The petition

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  • posted by hashimoto

    NHS to encourage the treatment of type 2 diabetes with a low carbohydrate diet.

    Professor Taylor has shown that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed using a low carbohydrate, low calorie diet. The NHS has announced it is rolling out a programme to give pre-diabetics lifestyle help. There is no mention of the blood sugar diet which pre-diabetics and diabetics should be following.

    ▼More details

    The programme will cost £7 million pounds to run. The dietary advice will be the same as that currently being followed. We have a diabetes epidemic so the old advice is not working.
    Dr Maureen Baker, of the Royal College of GPs, welcomed the scheme but she warned “The long-term behaviour changes we need to see is hard to inspire”. However, there are forums for the Blood Sugar Diet which offer the support and inspiration needed which will also ease the burden on GP surgeries.
    Sign this petition The link:

  • posted by thepolly

    Reposted this on my facebook page and also posted about it on but not sure if it’s up yet, needs moderating apparently

  • posted by thepolly

    yes it’s up 😀

  • posted by hashimoto

    Fantastic thepolly, well done x

  • posted by thepolly

    OK so I had one person who signed the petition and 2 others that responded, one of which said that they’d be really angry if someone forced them to go onto an 800 cal a day diet and the other said she didn’t feel as if there was enough long term research done on it 🙁 Tried to give a positive answer and said that it was free to register here and ask any questions from the lovely supportive community.. So I don’t know if anyone will sign.

    But I did get one more signature .

  • posted by thepolly

    Oh and someone else said that it wouldn’t matter because the food industry lobby is too strong and that’s who government listen to

    Hi Hashimoto, hope you’re having a lovely break x

  • posted by hashimoto

    Thanks I’m loving it. Cherrieanne and i are cruising the swan river today : )

  • posted by thepolly

    That’s fantastic – sounds really lovely.

    More news on a lot of people seem happy to sign the petition but if it just said about low carbing rather than the low calorie part. I can see why they are resistant as they don’t know how easy this way of eating is 🙂

    Some of them had problems with the wording as well.

  • posted by thepolly

    It’s a lot better than them telling people to have an operation as that method may work but in the long term won’t change your eating habits. My partner’s ex mother-in-law managed to break a gastric band by overeating.

  • posted by Sandie

    I have signed. If people keep with “the same old” then they will get “that same old”. A lot of people are so resistant to change.

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