Sugar Addiction

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  • posted by FatBloke


    I am starting BSD tomorrow and was wondering how have people dealt with their sugar addiction?

    Today I am eating all the sweet stuff in the house … I mean someone has to do it right?



  • posted by Timmy

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ when Dr M said you need to clear out all of the sugary things in your house, I don’t think he meant into your mouth. You’re going to have one hell of a comedown!

    Anyway, back to question. I can honestly say that I very rarely crave anything sweet now. Previously I used to smash in a chocolate bar/cake after every meal but I don’t fancy them any more.

    I did have a cheat to wean me off them though, and that was peanut butter (meridian, no added anything). Although it isn’t actually seeet it satiated that desire, and was an absolute lifesaver for the first few weeks

  • posted by Flash21

    Hey FatBloke!

    Have wonderful images of you eating up all the sweet stuff in the cupboards! I haven’t done that yet although I’ve started the diet so I know there are still tempting items in there. Must clean it out!

    I have ridiculous cravings. I always want something sweet after lunch and dinner (and most likely inbetween as well…). The things I am finding helpful are:

    Sparkling water with no-sugar squash to give a sweet-ish taste
    1 or 2 squares of really good quality dark chocolate
    Peppermint tea (also helps with bloating and general soothing)
    And peanut butter like Timmy. Although I haven’t even got the healthy natural stuff, just a jar from Asda. I LOVE peanut butter and could eat a whole jar, but that’s probably how I’ve ended up here so will have to restrain myself. A little teaspoon is ok here and there
    Sugar free jelly – Hartleys do one (find in Sainsburys or Asda) which is only 10cals per pot
    Hot choc (can make with water if necessary) – but definitely check the carbs and cals as all brands are not alike!
    Small satsuma or a few berries

    You will find that your cravings diminish. This happened to me before I derailed my first week on BSD by going away for the weekend. Now I’m back on the wagon and hoping that the cravings will reduce again. Sometimes it’s just a case of telling yourself no. Other times the cravings monster might be too big to beat, but try some of the alternatives and see how you get on. An absolute necessity is to keep drinking water. Lots of it and then some more again. The more you drink, the better hydrated you are but also the less hungry you’ll feel. If you can keep hunger at bay you will also tame the cravings better.

    Good luck! Let us know how you get on πŸ™‚

  • posted by FatBloke

    Thanks everyone for your feedback.

    > Have wonderful images of you eating up all the sweet stuff in the cupboards!

    It is not pretty I can tell you!

    > You’re going to have one hell of a comedown!

    So true tomorrow I am going to be such a bundle of fun, good job I am working from home. :O)

    Will keep you all updated.



  • posted by Snoop

    Crikey, Chris, how much sweet stuff have you got in the house? If you’ve got a lot, I’m not sure eating all of it in one day is a good idea. If you really can’t bear to chuck it out, why not have a few days lead in to the diet, gradually reducing the amount of sugary stuff and carbs to a point where you have none left in the house and you are ready to cut the calories? Your body will be struggling if you put loads of sugar in it all in one go.

    Best of luck with the diet in any case. You’d be surprised how quickly you can lose the sugar craving.

  • posted by FatBloke

    I do not have too much really some doughnuts, yoghurts, cheesecake and chocolate snack bars.

    Just working out if I am going to do the meal replacement or real food.

  • posted by Snoop

    “some” could be any number πŸ™‚

  • posted by Flash21

    Mmmm….I don’t think meal replacement would be very satisfying πŸ™ Going down the real food route would better teach you what to eat, how to assess carb/sugar count, portion sizes etc. You can also learn to cook or improve cooking skills, try new recipes and so on.

  • posted by FatBloke

    Snoop I lost count! πŸ™‚

    I did think it would be better to do real food so I could get into good habits with food.

    The meal replacement just makes things easier to start with, but I guess its harder later coming off the meal replacement shakes and going back onto food.

  • posted by Avila

    I planned for about 10 days before starting – grazing down the stuff not on the plan and shopping for the good stuff, with meal plans in place, not the same as the book but adapted to my own tastes and as a ‘home aloner’ allowing for the other portions later in the week etc.

    In the end I didn’t stay with the fixed menu for more than 2 weeks but it gave structure at first, especially to my shopping trip (quick as just skip whole aisles).

    I didn’t have donut type things in the house when planning – they entered but never survived 24 hours in my house! And cheesecake was my nemesis at times over past 8 wks. But still 2 st down. 2 more to go….

    Agree with others that all the sugar in the one day before could be an intense detox effect, plan and start a week later with a gradual come down…. seems a good suggestion. And I say that as an impatient person….. planning can be your friend

  • posted by FatBloke

    >I planned for about 10 days before starting

    Thanks, I should do this but I am going to do day by day for now otherwise I will talk about it and not do it.

    I am like the smoker standing outside the hypnotherapy clinic smoking 20 cigarettes in 10 minutes before he goes in for the treatment.

    Tomorrow I have planned

    Protein Shake

    Chicken Breast and Frozen Veg

    eggs and ham

    Water and black coffee

    I am taking it day by day tomorrow I will flick through the recipe book and choose Saturdays plan but will try to add more veg.

  • posted by Frog

    I agree with flash that eating real food is a better way of eating in terms of re-educating yourself with good nutritional info.
    I also never quite feel that a drink (or shape) is a proper meal – I’m a bit the same with soup.

    I’m still clearing stuff out of the cupboards (throwing, not eating – well mostly!) – but my final day pre BSD did include champagne & afternoon tea at a very nice hotel πŸ™‚

  • posted by Flash21


    Fatbloke – your meal plan for today sounds good. You’ve made me think of Dr Seuss and his green eggs and ham! I hope your eggs will not be green…. Which of the shakes are you going to make?

    Frog – I want an afternoon tea now and it’s only 9.30am!

  • posted by FatBloke

    Hi Flash,

    I have a protein shake called Strppd / it has all the nasty stuff removed and the only sweetener it has in it is Stevia.

    Yet to have it yet as I am not hungry and I have woke up with man flu which is probably all the sugar I ate yesterday.

    I should really have spinach with the ham and eggs then it will be green and healthy!



  • posted by Flash21

    I shall look that up! Sorry to hear about your man/carb flu. I hope you feel better soon. Try something like a miso soup or bouillon broth as the salts in those might make you feel better.

    Yes to the spinach!! πŸ™‚

  • posted by FatBloke

    Coffee and Herbal tea all day.

    I got the results of my blood test for diabetes and cholesterol.

    The diabetes is negative I am in the high end for blood sugar 42 being top of normal and me being at 40.

    Cholesterol 7.1 with HDL at 1.4 so there is no action from the doc’s for any of this.

    But hopefully with this diet my numbers should drop.

  • posted by Snoop

    Good news on the blood tests, FB.

    And good luck with the diet.

  • posted by FatBloke

    Thanks Snoop.

    Third day in and I cheated at 3am had 200 calories I should not have had so was at 1000 for the day.

    Day 1 3.5 pounds lost 13st 10lbs to 13st 6.5lbs
    Day 2 0.25lb 13st 6.5lb to 13st 6.25lb

    Not really a loss for the second day I guess now it is fat not water.

    Drunk loads of water, black coffee and herbal tea.

  • posted by Timetochange

    Well done on your loss fab! I’m a cake and biscuit person so love sugar. I’m now not missing it but I found the first two days soooo difficult; had a proper come down. It’s my real downfall so I’m hoping to keep it to a minimum when I’m done with the weight loss. Can recommend the green smoothies from the book, great in the morning or as they are only less than 100 calls, also good for a fix when a cup of tea won’t do! Good luck on the journey.

  • posted by FatBloke

    I love cake and biscuits as well!

    Thanks I am having protein shakes in the morning, shall have a look at the green smoothie.

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