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  • posted by Serenamttr

    I’ve been on the 8wk for 3 weeks and have lost 12lbs in a fortnight. Weigh in tomorrow.
    I go to kefalonia on 9th for a fortnight. I’d like some useful substitutes generally please but esp that I can ask for in Greece – Google translate here I come!
    I won’t be a a.m. about it but certainly will make gd choices where I can.

  • posted by SunnyB

    A good Greek salad with feta and olives would be ideal, but as long as you apply the BSD principles as far as possible, you shouldn’t go far wrong. Choose a protein with veggies or salads and avoid rice, potatoes, bread and pasta as far as you are able.

    Remember though, that this is a holiday and part of life, so allow yourself some latitude and enjoy the odd non-BSD treat if you desire – a small ice cream, the occasional glass of wine. If you are prudent when it comes to the carbs, you will probably not put on more than a pound or two. Oh, and don’t forget to keep the hydration up – even more important in the heat.

    Have a lovely break and come back fired up to get back to another round of 8wks at 800!

  • posted by Serenamttr

    My thoughts. Thanks.
    How about sweet potato chips?

  • posted by SunnyB

    There is little difference in the calorie/carb content between ordinary potatoes and sweet potatoes – in 100g the former contains 97 cals to 21.4g and the later 90 cals to 21.7g – so my advice would be to avoid both in any real quantity, i.e. a full portion. The odd chip or wedge would be fine, but I wouldn’t include a full size portion.

    Courgetti would be great, but might not be readily available – unless you are self-catering of course.

  • posted by Serenamttr

    I’ll just try n stay away from the usual baddies! But allow myself a few cold beers on occasion..
    Thx again..

  • posted by Serenamttr

    Diet drinks no good are tgey? I hate mineral water but will drink it. Just want to chk that all diet drinks are out..

  • posted by SunnyB

    It’s up to you if you include diet drinks, I personally hate them as I can taste the synthetic sweeteners and there is evidence that the sweetness still caused blood sugars to spike. There is also the risk of the sweetness triggering your desire for sugary ‘treats’. Why not try sparkling water with a good squeeze of lemon or lime?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Oh my goodness you will be in Greece, eat Greek. Lots of lovely stuff like tzatziki, hummous, taramasalata, greek salad, feta and so on. They dont go made on piles of mash or chips or even rice. Just watch out for the bread basket.

    Diet drinks are supposed to fool the body into thinking it is having something sweet but when no sugar nutrients hit the blood stream the body sort of say, hey where’s my calories, and starts craving. Also it is putting unnecessary chemicals into your body that has now become a temple. But it is up to you. I add a little lemon to my morning glass of water.

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