Starving 2 hours before dinner! Help plz

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  • posted by MooLoc

    I’m new to BSD and have read the book.
    Please can you share your tips for those ‘starving’ moments. Two hours til family dinner & I’ve tried the glass of water and a tablespoon of nuts ( I grudge the high calories) to help.
    Just wait it out?
    Mind over matter?!
    Would love your ideas! Thanks

  • posted by Patsy

    A cup of tea – normal or fruit/herb can help.

    It does get easier, honestly.

  • posted by Snaggers

    Hi Moo loc

    I’m on week 7 (36lb loss so far) I try to avoid any time where the hunger really kicks in, I really needed to plan for these times as that is when I am at my weakest. Nuts are good, but maybe try an apple, or some berries with some yoghurt, maybe just the yoghurt (with nuts).

    I roast a chicken every few days and have cold roast chicken permanently in the fridge, protein is always satisfying and you can get away with picking only a few bits. The chicken forms the basis of my lunch salad, I also use prawns so these are good to pick at too.

    I also have a pot of chicken stock on the go, my wife hates it but I use it for sauces and when I’m hungry I drink a cup of it, it’s only a few calories and far more substantial and tasty than just water. Flavoured tea can also give your a temporary stay until dinner, lemon and peppermint are my favs.

    Raw veg with seasoning can also be your friend, I love carrots and coriander, cherry tomatoes with dried garlic, mange tout blanched in the chicken stock. I try to go for something tasty and or bulky and “dress it up”.

    You have to look at what you like and distil that down to a low calorie, accessible and hopefully satisfying snack, not easy but 100% worth every second of prep and planning. Remember if you are snacking eat slow and STOP as soon as you do not feel hungry.

    Good luck !

  • posted by MooLoc

    Thank you! I cut a slice off a portobello mushroom that I was cooking!
    Great ideas Snaggers, thanks.

  • posted by Izzy

    sugar free gum helps me 🙂

  • posted by thepolly

    I try to get through it by drinking water/herbal tea but tbh most of the time now I’m not getting very hungry. When I am and the other stuff hasn’t worked then I just try and find something to do until it passes (which it does)…. Stick with it, as everyone says, it really does get easier x

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