Starting the journey 21/02/2016

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  • posted by Sue1234

    Hi all, I admit I was getting worried about the blood sugar reading and my weight not moving for a week, I did also worry that I was one of those people who have been diabetic for too long for it to work.

    However, Day 30 weight 10st 6lbs another 1lb lost, so 10lbs in total.
    Blood sugar 10.6

    I have been reading up on the dawn affect and one lady ate later in the day which seemed to help, so I’m having a cup of coffee this morning, will have a sugar free drink mid morning, test my blood before lunch when I have my porridge and see what effect that has. My husband who was very sceptical but supportive is really impressed and surprised especially with the 2 1/2″ waist loss. My trousers are definitely a bit slacker and I bought the next size down in knickers as an incentive to get my waist down. I told my friend that I wanted to lose 3 1/2″ off my waist, because although it isn’t ideal, at least the 35″ figure is on the Desmond chart and it’s better than being totally off the scale! 😃

    Cherrianne it is encouraging to know that yours went up and then down. I’m not sure if the fat has started to come out of my liver yet, because I have so much elsewhere. 😁

  • posted by hashimoto

    Sue1234 have you got any ketostix? They should reassure you that fat is coming off 🙂

  • posted by innermonologue

    Happy Monday, all!

    Feeling slightly frustrated this week as I’ve stayed the same, weight-wise. I was secretly hoping to carry on losing at the same rate as in the first 3 weeks, but I know that wasn’t very realistic. I can’t comment on actual inch loss as I was so keen to get started in the first week that I didn’t measure myself (also too head-in-the-sand to want to see the figures!), but my clothes are looser, and I’m wearing a top today that I haven’t worn for a good couple of years because it showed all the lumps & bumps, so I’m taking that as my positive for the week and just getting on with it.

    I’m going to be looking carefully at my protein and water intake this week and see if I can tweak it a bit to trigger more fat loss (I’ve been wary of a higher protein % as I wanted to avoid the really bad constipation I got earlier on – eating lots of green veg etc.). Husband’s also back from a two-week trip so I’ll get more of a chance to get out and exercise than I have previously. I will get better! 🙂

  • posted by innermonologue

    BTW – has anyone had really bad breath with the diet? I’d read elsewhere that if you drink more it clears up but I’m interested to hear if anyone else has suffered similar? I’m using a lot of sugar-free gum :-/

  • posted by Hawks

    Re the bad breath: I know that some research has shown bad smelling breath is more likely after eating proteins than carbs, so maybe that could be one of the reasons? If you can make sure to clean teeth or chew gum after eating proteins like cheese, maybe that will help.
    A company sells a probiotic kit so you can repopulate your mouth with the fresher smelling type of bacteria for people who have an imbalance causing bad breath.
    Search for Blis probiotic.

  • posted by Shrinkydinkyman

    For bad breath, try chewing some parsley. Works really well.

  • posted by Fatty

    You can smell people in a ketotic state… their breathe sells a bit like when you have a big feed of garlic…. maybe your using ketones..x

  • posted by innermonologue

    Thanks for the tips, Hawks & Shrinkydinkyman. 🙂 I wish I liked parsley, but I will look up the probiotic idea.

  • posted by innermonologue

    Hi Fatty. Much as I hate to admit it, it does smell the same as when I’ve had a really garlicky spag bol (TMI! Sorry, folks!). If it means I’m using ketones then that makes me feel a bit better about it – thank you! x

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Innermonologue
    I ve read that it means youre having too much protein. So reduce protein and increase fat. I think it was in Jenny Ruhls book ‘low carb problems solved’ (£3 on kindle)
    Hope it helps.
    Ps its quite important too because too much protein can slow weight loss.

  • posted by Sue1234

    Hi I think I know why I am slower at losing the weight and my blood sugar is taking longer to sort. I’m not on the standard Metformin, I’m on the modified release Metformin which releases more slowly into the bloodstream.

    Metformin works by slowing the release of sugar from the liver and pushing it into the muscles.

    Day 31 weight 10st 6lbs. Blood sugar 10.5

    I’ve ordered some ketostix to see if that shows what is going on.
    I tried my porridge with cinnamon today, but didn’t like it.
    Had a weird Blood sugar reading mid morning of 18.9?!

    I had a crazy idea of stopping my Metformin this morning, but I chickened out and kept taking it. 😈😇

  • posted by Fatty

    Poop if that really is the case… then thats what I am in for… Lucky I am not weighing myself… decided that the reason I am doing this is to correct blood sugars… so am letting blood sugars bey indicator not weight…. Hmmm…. well I will have to research getting off MetforminXR

    I am impressed that you can fit porridge into this eating regime… there is no way I could fit a bowl of oats into the restricted carbs…. well done you….

    One thing I try and keep in mind is…. we are all doing this to make our lives healthier…. if you slip yuo on one day or even a few – its OK – just get back on the horse the next day……xxxxx

  • posted by Fatty

    Hi Cherrianne,
    Sorry for being slack… I worked almost all of my professional life in Perth – so no I don’t think our paths would have crossed i that life… and I have to say it is a handicap having not worked in the state I live in (most of the time) because I don’t have the inside drum on the who is good in the medicos department….(SAD FACE)… never the less it is nice to go out and not come across former or current clients and have to negotiate that…. I am hopping over to the Rising blood sugar levels thread to have a look as you suggested… bel up a little this am…for not dietary or lack of excursive reason??.. Going well here. You?? off to Luxembourg for the easter break… luckily our first choice…Brussels… had no good train connections… phew!!!…. brings it all very close to home…. and now I want to GO HOME more than ever!!!… x

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi not so Fatty,
    What a good thing you didn’t go to Brussels! Enjoy your weekend break in Luxembourg, I can see why you’d want to come home. So much unrest in Europe and no help from the politicians it seems.
    The metformin xr will almost certainly be slowing down the release of stored sugar from your liver, if you were on the normal one you could have tried dropping the morning dose.
    Once the liver starts to release that sugar, many of us have experienced very erratic levels usually the fasting one, and the day time ones are ok.
    The rising fasting blood sugar levels thread does have a lot more info. and will give you an idea of how long it lasted for everyone else.
    All the best from cool, definitely autumnal SA. The leaves are beginning to turn colours in the hills but down on the coast at Pt Willunga yesterday my Mum and brother were swimming with dolphins 🙂

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hi Sue
    I’m on slow release Metformin too
    Although I’ve lost a good amount of weight up to now, I haven’t lost as much or as fast as some others (23lb at last weighday)
    I did have problems after week 4 with blood sugar levels too, but now in week 8 it all seems to be stabilising again.
    Stick with it, I’m proof it does work on this medication.

  • posted by Sue1234

    Day 32 weight 10st 7lbs (a lb back on, but still 9lbs less than start)
    Blood sugar 10.8

    I have been a bit naughty the last few days, I replaced “good” calories with some “naughty” ones. I had a packet of space raiders 63calories and I had one diabetic chocolate 45 calories. Back on the straight and narrow today. I bought some brown rice and bulgur wheat today. I plan to use the brown rice sparingly now and again. I found some gram flour but didn’t buy it because it wasn’t on my OK list, but I found that it is OK to get, so I’ll get it next time. Found quinoa but it was more than twice the price of bulgur so didn’t bother.
    A few of the supermarkets are putting offers on veg which is great for me. 🙆
    Had a strange shopping basket if anyone was looking – fresh veg, healthy grains etc and 6 bags of boiled sweets (for my Oldie 👴).😊

    I’m relieved that I’m not the only one on slow release Metformin, I asked my doctor for it not long after diagnosis because the wind I generated from the regular stuff would have powered a small town, and the smell was unbelievable. 😅

  • posted by Bill1954

    My experience of it was the same but the diahorrea was awful as well.
    Interestingly enough I had blood tests a couple of years ago from a locum nurse who forcefully insisted that I take the metformin within 20 mins either side of food !
    But, they are slow release I stammered in surprise.
    Still works better my way was the response.
    It took me a while to realise she was talking rubbish.

  • posted by Janet1973

    Oh you two paint such a lovely picture of life with diabetes!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Don’t they just, Janet1973!!! 🙂

  • posted by Sue1234

    Well it’s something they don’t tell you when you are diagnosed and I only got on to the modified release version because I did some research, there will be people out there suffering because they don’t know any different. Normal dose Metformin costs £30 and modified cost £120 a year so it mounts up if you don’t tell anyone there is an alternative.

    Day 33 weight 10st 6lbs – the pound has come back off
    Blood sugar 10.9

    Have got the fitness dvd’s out from the back of the drawer – have been watching them while waiting for the man to repair my oven. I want to check that I will be able to do the warm ups before I actually start doing any exercises. Now he has fixed the oven I have to clean the house for my visitors coming for lunch on Sunday – just having a coffee before I start. I’m not a fan of cleaning.

    Hope everyone is resisting temptation, I’ve been bought two big reduced sugar eggs by people who know I’m on this diet! They actually have more sugar per 100g than my husband’s dark chocolate “normal” ones.

  • posted by Sue1234

    Day 34 weight 10st 6lbs
    Blood sugar 10.3

    Busy day today, I missed my morning pill by accident, I didn’t drink or eat as much as usual – got a really bad headache tonight, will see how I feel tomorrow.

    Going to a funeral on Wednesday it is causing a lot of tension at home because the deceased’s favourite meal which is high carb and sugar we are having for the funeral tea – so I’m debating restricting what I eat on Tuesday and Thursday and just eat it, or go to the service and not the meal? Or go for the meal and just have a cup of tea. It’s not my Oldie or Mum, but it is a close friend.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Just have your cuppa at the funeral. A cousin advised me not to order per head for my mothers funeral because people tend not to eat much. She was right, I ordered for half the people we expected and there was LOADS of food left over. So I really don’t think anyone will notice if you only have a cuppa – I’m assuming of course that it will be the usual buffet? !
    I’m also sorry to hear you lost a close friend

  • posted by Sue1234

    No not a buffet unfortunately – Tatie pot followed by trifle – it’s a proper sit down do and the venue is not that big.

    Had better news about the big cancer do I’m attending in April, it is a buffet and there is curry and salad that I will be able to have.

    Thank you, it wasn’t totally unexpected, he had a lot wrong with him, but he was one of those oldies who just kept on going.

  • posted by Janet1973

    Sorry about your sad news, Sue. If I were in your position, I’d have just a couple of mouthfuls of each course. That way, if anyone says why aren’t you eating you can say well funnily enough you don’t really have an appetite. Its about grief then and not about you isn’t it. There arent many times I would make an exception but funerals and high tension situations would be the times for me.

  • posted by Janet1973

    Hi Sue
    I’ve just re-read my post and I made a terrible gaff. I should have said that its not about having to explain about you being on a diet. I’m sorry, what I wrote sounds a bit callous, we already know that you have so many people in your life to look after so you are not a me me me person at all. My point was really just that I think you will be hoping to attract as little attention as possible while staying on track as much as possible and I think you can do both.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Janet, that’s great advice for Sue 🙂 Janet I didn’t read your first post in any other way that it was great advice, and to be honest, a lot of people just can’t eat much at funerals, they’re pretty emotional occasions. You often think you will be able to eat until you are there -and you can’t. I would think there will be a few people who find their appetite is dulled.

    Sue, I hope it goes as well as these things can. Like Janet says we all know you are a caring person 🙂

  • posted by Janet1973

    Thanks Judith, I’m adept at getting my foot into my mouth, its a skill I’ve been practising for many years! ‘Nuff said 😉

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Janet. Like Judith I took your first post as great advice.

    I’m a fellow suffers of ‘foot in mouth disease’😱

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Janet, I’m notorious at putting my foot in my mouth, sadly age doesn’t seem to have taught me how to redress this problem 🙁

  • posted by Sue1234

    Janet I didn’t see any problem with your post, it is a really good suggestion. Sometimes so much is going round in my head that I miss the obvious solution – that’s where you all come in with some common sense.

    Day 35 end of week five – so much has happened in such a short time.
    Weight 10st 6lbs
    Blood sugar 9.2 ( not sure if a blip or it’s finally coming down).

    Downside I am constipated. I haven’t “been” since Wednesday so am going to take a laxative to get things going and then going to add more veg and fruit and fluid to my diet. I kept thinking I would just “go” that is why I haven’t done anything about it sooner. I will keep a closer eye on this in future – I don’t use laxatives lightly – but have a sore tummy and a bad headache so it’s now time to act. 🚾

    Hope everyone is still doing well and keeping going 😂😂😂

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hi Sue,
    I too get the occasional bout of constipation which can lead to a bad head. Like you, I prefer to avoid laxatives. For me, I think it may be eating a bit too much protein and not enough veggies. Upping my intake of fluids (a peppermint tea, perhaps) & fruit/veg certainly seems to help. I would also suggest upping your activity levels if possible – that seems to help for me. Maybe it’s keeping your body temperature up (so muscles are relaxed?) or just being vertical (gravity will eventually take over?)… But the “download” will eventually happen. I find while I have a headache I might be prone to pigging out on something so it’s a blessed relief when I return to normality.
    Anyway, good luck! Take care,

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi sue and rose, I find a tspn of milled flax on my morning yoghurt works wonders! 🙂 It’s £1.99 from Aldi 🙂

  • posted by Sue1234

    The laxatives worked – not a lot but enough.

    Day 36 weight 10st 5lbs (-11lbs or 5 bags of sugar)
    Blood sugar 12.3

    Thanks for your suggestions, I was speaking to someone today who said that porridge can make some people constipated and I have been eating it most days recently. It might be a digestion issue or it might be that I need to drink a lot more fluid when I have it.

    I’m going to be eating a lot of raw veg tomorrow and will try to fit one more drink into my day.

    I’m feeling really tired tonight possibly because I had a very large tea (but not too naughty) – a tiny bit of cranberry sauce and a small spoon of Diabetic ice cream were the only naughty bits – no roast taties or Yorkshire puddings .

  • posted by Janet1973

    That’s fabulous news Sue! There is still so much that is experimental for all of us. I would have thought the opposite of porridge oats so that’s good to know.

  • posted by DJDAussie

    Hi Everyone, is there room for yet another Sth Aussie? I bought the book on Saturday and my husband and I are hoping to start the eating regime on Tuesday when we return from an interstate trip after spending the Easter weekend with family. I’m in research mode at the moment so have found reading this thread both educational and entertaining. I’m T2 and have been diagnosed for about 18 years. Firstly diet controlled (or not as it turned out) now I’m on slow release Metformin and Diamicron. I’ve had some success with controlling my sugars by restricting carbs but I’ve been doing it on my own and the weight has not come off. So I’m hopeful that this will be the answer. My husband is over weight but is not diabetic. He is very supportive and so we’re doing the journey together. I’m looking forward to reading and sharing your experiences along the way. Well done all for your journey so far….

  • posted by Janet1973

    We’ve got plenty of room for you here DJD. And answers, good advice and some fun too. You are right to take some time to get your head together. Once you are ready to start, you will find this a wonderful new way of life. Looking forward to reading about your progress! Its 12.45 am in England now so I’m off to bed! All the best to you and your husband

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi DJD,
    Welcome from a fellow South Aussie!
    This is the best way to bring your blood sugars down and keep them down.
    When you are ready to start you will get lots of advice and support from the lovely people on here. 🙂

  • posted by innermonologue

    Hello! I’ve finally fallen off the plateau after almost a fortnight! To say I’m delighted doesn’t even come close. It’s only 1.5lb loss (11.5lb total) but that’s better than the random yo-yo-ing up and down I’ve been doing for what feels like forever. I spent ages reading the forums to see if I could find an answer to the plateau problem and it looks like a two-fold solution: stick as near to 50g carbs per day as possible and steer clear of anything that is sweet. The second thing may sound obvious, but I’d been helping myself to a square of chocolate and a few dried apricots now and again over weeks 3, 4 & 5 (everything in moderation and apricots are healthy, right?) and I really think that made the difference.

    How is everyone else doing? I’ve been keeping an eye on the forum even though I was too demotivated to post anything. Sorry for your loss, Sue.
    Hello, newbies!
    P.S. My next challenge is trying to stick to this whilst I spend a week up a mountain in France for the annual big hols. Is low-carb and skiing compatible?

  • posted by Sue1234

    Hello everyone – the more the merrier.
    Glad your starting to lose again innermono!ogue. I’ve been losing painfully slowly, but I didn’t increase my exercise – so it’s my own fault really. However the weight does seem to be going in the right direction. I’m not sure if my liver or pancreas is emptying or not and I’m not sure if a lower fast reading or a higher fast reading is better at the moment?

    Day 37 10 St 6 lbs – have put 1lb on since yesterday, but I have eaten more yesterday and today.
    Blood sugar 10.3

    I test my blood every morning, I’m in week 6 and I had hoped for better results by this stage, or is my liver still emptying? I have ordered some ketostix as recommended, I’m not sure what they will prove, but I’ll give them a go. I didn’t manage to drink more today, in fact I did very little. Going to be more active tomorrow – possibly. 😇

  • posted by Sue1234

    Day 38. Weight 10st 7lbs
    Blood sugar 11.4

    Going back on the shakes today after putting 2 lbs back on in the last two days. 😔

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hi Sue
    try a couple of days checking your sugar levels pre dinner instead of fasting. That does tend to give a better picture of progress as FSB will alway be the highest reading of the day (unless of course you are munching your way through the chocolate aisle)
    Your slow weight loss and sugar level reduction is puzzling though, have you tried increasing the fat a little and reducing the carbs a bit ?

  • posted by Sue1234

    Hi Bill

    I did my blood before lunch today, by coincidence and it was 9 something. I have had mayonnaise for the last few days and more protein. Before this diet I had already been pudding, chocolate and sweets free and always eat ready meals that were less than 10g of Sugar per hundred. I gave up take aways and had home made sweet and sour made with sweetener. The only thing I did that is different to this diet is that I had a sandwich and crisps for lunch and I had either potatoes, rice or pasta with my main meal. I also didn’t eat breakfast just had a cup of coffee instead. That was the way I ate since 2009 when I was diagnosed.

    I am not avoiding fat, I just don’t seem to be eating much. It’s the funeral tomorrow so I’ll have a shake made with water in the morning and hummus with veg for tea and just eat the Tatie pot and trifle at the funeral tea and take the hit the day after!

  • posted by Sue1234

    Day 39 weight 10st 5 lbs (gone down again back to 11lbs off )
    Blood sugar 9.2

    I had more fluids yesterday and today maybe that helped the blood sugar?

    I needn’t have worried about the funeral tea, I easily and discreetly deposited the potatoes on my husband’s plate and he rose to the challenge of eating my trifle along with his own as well. So I ended up eating allowed food.

    Hopefully the scales and blood sugar reading tomorrow will be as good as today. I’m making veg curry (again) but trying a small amount of Bulger wheat as a change from cauliflower rice tomorrow.😇

  • posted by hashimoto

    Glad yesterday went smoothly 🙂

  • posted by Sue1234

    The service was really good as well.

    Day 40 weight 10st 5lbs
    Blood sugar 10.2

    Very busy today, made veg curry with Bulger wheat (instead of rice) – one portion of curry went to a neighbour and two in the freezer. Also made carrot & butternut squash soup ready for tomorrow’s lunch and 5 portions frozen. Drank more fluid today again, I’m having ratatouille and salami for tea tomorrow. I’ve got a few built up in the freezer.😊

    Maybe it’s better I’m losing the weight slowly, at least it is coming down and might be more likely to stay down as I continue this way of eating. 5 bags of sugar is a sizeable chunk to lose.

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Sue,
    I think you are doing amazingly well given the events of the past few weeks. Hopefully life will be smoother sailing now so you get a chance to breathe and recover. 🙂

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Sue, 5 bags of sugar is a very sizeable chunk to lose – and you have done it with so much going on in your life.:)

  • posted by Sue1234

    Thank you, your support has been brilliant.☺

    Day 41 weight 10st 5lbs
    Blood sugar 9.9

    Have been “going” to the loo a lot more since I increased my fluid intake. Soup was delicious. Having coleslaw with salami for tea as white cabbage needs used up. I bought two leeks last week, not sure what to do with them. I used to make something with leeks, am going to have a think this afternoon in the bath – I’ll have them with the rest of the salami tomorrow.

    My blood sugar seems to go up and down like a see saw, have gone through my food diary and apart from when I had a few chips and had breaded scampi I can’t find a pattern. Will keep going and see what happens. It seems to be slowly going down.

    Hope everyone had a good Easter – I’ve got two eggs looking at me – my husband has said he will “help me out with them!” Ironically he has been losing weight and not dieting – there is no justice!

    Anyone know if cornflour is OK to make a white sauce with. I’ve just remembered my recipe for cheesy leeks.😀

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Sue why don’t you make leek soup minus the potato then you don’t need cornflour!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Leeks are great fried off with some butter or olive oil. They can even be sweated off and then finished in the oven with a little cream and chees – au gratin style. I made some for a family dinner recently and it was delicious!

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