Starting Monday 29th August. Anyone want to join me

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  • posted by Pootle

    Hi 54,

    I started the BSD in mid June. Calorie and carb counting and (latterly) also protein. My start point was newly diagnosed diabetic and 15 1/2 stone. I have been extremely strict for most of the last 4 months, with a few ‘slips’. Weighing and recording everything I eat! In mid September my blood test result was back into pre-diabetic and this morning I weighed in at 11stone. I have another 7 pounds to go and then the really difficult bit starts! Keeping to an even weight…not on 800 kcal but on maintenance…and also keeping out of the diabetic range, with counted carbs…change of mindset needed again for that! I have reduced from (British ladies) size 22 to 16..I can do so much more now!

    I am keeping on….

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    That is brilliant Pootle

    You must be so pleased

    well done you

    Yes, maintaining must be the hard bit.

    Advice is ‘dont count calories etc’ BUT I think Im going to be doing a lot of it in future

    Well done again


  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi Folks

    How is everyone out there?

    Do tell us all how things are going, struggles, barriers and of course successes !!
    I started to think that this weight loss thing is a very long chore and was looking forward to getting back to normal !! But then I started to realise its not a chore, its a journey to a newnormal, a new way of thinking, to a new me, a me that has new habits in his daily routine, habits that help maintain that healthy weight I seek !! Once realised, its not a chore at all relly, just some hard work on a journey to a better place !!

    So yes, still on it, working hard on the route

    Weight now 111 KG so approx 17st 7 pounds in old money All good and progress still being made
    Ive done a solid 12 weeks at 800 calls a day and have moved to the recommended 1500 for 4 weeks before looking to cut back again on another round !

    Bonus is I am losing weight and feeling MUCH more energetic

    Downside: Im slowly sending all my 4XL clothes to VINTED or the charity shop !!

    Keep on going


    Im looking to leave the old me behind and move to a ‘new’ me, with new habits, with new ways of doing things: so

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi 54 and all,
    Oh that sounds brilliant. It is tough…
    We do just have to ‘keep the faith’.
    Sadly I’ve put back on a stone… but never lost that last stone.
    But my ankle replacement operation with a different hospital, is now booked for 24th Jan 25. So now must lose that stone I addes on! . Even if for now I don’t do more than that, it would still be good.
    To add to my life I’m finally getting my puppy too. Will be 16wks old before imported next month .. cross everything it all goes ok.
    Mad I know. New hospital wasn’t doing the op til May or June so figured doggie would be a year old and have learned most things by then.
    But I was then offered the Op in Jan .. so in some ways better as then by next summer I’ll be ‘basic recovered’ and beginning to be more stable on my feet. And the dog woupd have learned a fair bit by then too.
    I’ve bought a 2nd hand mobility scooter, an IWalk and a knee scooter. I think all can play their part. I can walk the dog using the mobility scooter. Surgeon reckons by month 5 I’ll be walking so not too bad!
    Anyway restarted the cutting back on food and today restarted in earnest.
    I bought mimi spencer Fast Cook to help with the odd alternative ideas…
    I’m trying to stick to my sald lunch with a few alternatives and meat/fish/chicken and veg for dinner. The odd apple and mini satsuma and few nuts. So cutting back quantity if my usual food but no bread and butter!! 😁🙏
    Really hope we all shed the pounds, and get to our perfect weight as soon as possible. 🙏🤞🤞👍😁

  • posted by LindaA

    I’m still here and lurking but don’t post much. Still down 35kg and full-on keto. No sugar, no grains, no lentils or pulses, no potatoes. As 54 says, this isn’t a diet, it’s a way of life and when I figured that out (years ago), I knew I could do this forever as this is an investment for my future health. I’m now nearly 65 and am planning on walking the French Camino next May. I’ve never had so much energy, I’m always walking and I can’t sit still. My habits are now ingrained, when I’m offered cake or biscuits or whatever, my answer is simply “No thanks, I don’t eat sugar (or wheat or whatever)”. There is no compromise, there are no treats or one offs (how is getting diabetes and the slippery slope that goes with that a treat!!).
    My ex husband passed away at 68 about 3 years ago of complications resulting from type 2. Heart disease, kidney failure, dialysis…. the list goes on. He was 68!!! I’m not going down that path and I’ll be saying ‘no’ to the wrong foods till the day I drop dead (probably of exhaustion!!).
    For those that find it difficult, keep thinking of your ‘why’ and realise that the cravings will pass. If you find a food that although is technically keto (mine is greek yoghurt and nuts) but you find you can’t stop eating them, STOP eating them. Buy a steak, lamb chop, chicken thigh – whatever and fry it in butter and eat that. I challenge you to still be hungry. Get up and go for a walk, have a bath, go for a swim – just distract yourself. The cravings will go, I promise.
    Although I started out on the 800 cals and lost all my weight in 6 months, I’m not a huge fan and would do it differently if I had to do it again. Just cut out all carby foods and eat till satiated. Not full, satiated!
    It’s been 8 years now and I’ll never go back to that 100kg self that I started out as.
    Best of luck everyone!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Linda Brilliant I so agree with you . Well done you

    I still do 800, I do the 8pp recipes from all the books and online (and the alternatives by other authors) and just mix and match the ones I like !!

    Sound lie you have this under control Linda. Well done

    Gosh Aurra, that ankle must be a real pain, sorry to hear its still an issue

    The healthy food approach is well worth it. A mix of strict calorie control, healthy food intake and exercise !!
    My aunt always used to say that its only me ho puts food in my mouth so where is the issue with cutting down !! I used to quite cynical but apart from the psychology stuff etc, I do believe she was quite right

    its only me that puts food in my mouth so I try to ensure its non white and full of fibre and goodness !!

    Keep on going and watch out for CHRISTMAS!! (there Ive said it)


  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hiya 54 and Linda,
    Yeah the ankle is a pain. Thank you.
    Sounds like great logic and sensible..
    Totally agree on the don’t eat the wrong stuff.
    Sadly I feel I eat ‘too much, still’, so have been cutting back. Now plan to lose a stone over the next 8wks before my Op. Should help !! 🙂

  • posted by alexjevasn

    Thanks very encouraging for me I’m going to give it a try.

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi All

    Hows Christmas going !!

    Mince pies, puddings, quality street, celebrations, chocolate log etc etc !!!

    I’m ‘maintaining’ next week which enables me to ‘have christmas’ !!

    then straight back on the 800 calls !!

    Im now 110 KGs so still heading in the right direct !! (7 months to target fingers crossed !!)

    Happy holidays


  • posted by Californiagirl

    Merry Christmas 54!
    Take care to not overdo it! It is very hard to get back to the BSD if you celebrate too much — our carb monsters should not be allowed out of their cages for very long or they start to think they get to direct things.
    Wishing you a wonderful holiday,

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi 54 and all,
    Wishing everyone had a very Merry Christmas and will have a happy and prosperous New Year. I hope it’ll be the best yet!

    Doing OK with Christmas. I stayed with a friend, and although feared I’d have to keep saying NO, I said I’d be cautious, but would relax a bit. So had sensible food and just a few restricted treats.
    Did manage a walk around their place and saw otter tracks, saw Northern Divers, incredible waves off the Atlantic Ocean. And on another drive saw golden eagles and even the huge white tailed eagle – both sadly at a distance but at least seen!
    Had a good time. Only had 3 quality street.
    Returned home and got the log stove going. Sadly very smokey so took a great effort over 2 days to sort it. But the chimney needs a clean. 😀 Maybe tomorrow or when it’s not raining or blowing a gale!
    With my Op at the end of Jan and lost a little weight before I went North (UK), so plan a very strict diet until the Op. Losing all I can will help me during my recovery greatly! One day I’d hope to re-play tennis, but the surgeon isn’t convinced, as it’ll wear out the replacement joint. I plan therefore to make the brace when taking part in various activities! 😀
    I do see this as a way of life. I know my new ‘normal’ eating maintains my weight with the little DIY that I do for days on end. So I’ll have to do more activity, and then hopefully lose that much more weight too (once recovered). But I will try hard to lose all I can before the op, as I know it works, and know it can be done! It is a way of life and an enjoyable one! But I allowed (recently) some bread type treats, which is fatal!. Have also added a little carrot, as I need to pay my hair attention to gain more nutrients for it.
    Anyway I hope everyone has some super New Year celebrations!
    I hope to get a new pup in ’25 which will increase my walking when recovered! So I hope lots of ‘fun and games’ ahead.
    Hope we all lose more weight this coming year! 😀

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