Starting Monday 29th August. Anyone want to join me

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  • posted by bloke41

    G’day all,
    Well done 54 keep sticking at it, I found it hard 2nd time around at the start, just takes a while to form a good habit. Good stuff sunshine staying dry for January.
    Week 52 of my journey, weighed in at 97.00kg, 0.70 kg loss for the week. 67.80kg loss to date.
    Weights really stalled under 100kg, been up and down for couple months. Have to look at my portion sizes, and avoid cheeses as I can’t seem to moderate that.
    Have a good one all, keep at it we can do it!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Thanks Sunshine Bloke 41

    yes second time harder BUT as you say bloke now im into a routine (24 days done) its easier

    and yes sunshine, the balance of a 200 cal buiscuit and what the alternative 250 cal healthy eat would be (Ie tasty and more quantity) is a very good incentive not to be bad

    Im being sensible. had cake at Daughters 21st and a Beer on a non driving theatre trip so i dont feel I’m ‘Missing Out’

    Im still following the original meal planner (8 weeks) and am supplementing with extra veg (Veg is the key to long life I saw on the TV recently aka Japanese lifestyle)

    so weight today is 21st 11 pounds so still on target with a 4 pound average drop per week !!

    Holiday and wedding to go to next week so will see how it goes

    It does take effort but you are all right when you say its worth it in the long run

    I think Bloke is right. Its hard until it becomes a natural habit !


  • posted by bloke41

    G’day all,

    Good stuff 54. Very encouraging number’s.
    Week 53 & 54 of my journey, weighed in at, 0.30 kg loss for the week. 68.10kg loss to date.
    Slow going but will take it.lots of gardening this weekend, feeling knackered but satisfied.
    Have a good one all, and remember never bloody give up.

  • posted by bloke41

    G’day all,

    Hope you all have been well.
    Been 5 weeks since my last post, been very busy, went away for my wife’s 40th, had a ball.
    Week 59 of my journey, weighed in at 98.00 kg, gain of 1.3kg for last 5 weeks 66.4 kg loss to date.
    Been bit of a roller coaster ride, been eating mostly 2 meals a day, and increased quantity of food, just feeling a lot more hungry than normal. Though so far resisted going back to carbs and sugar.
    Off to do my steps have a good one!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore


    Anybody out there?

    I have a need to pick up on this again !!

    Would be great to hear all your news good or bad !!!!


  • posted by LindaA

    I’m here! Live in Sydney, currently travelling in Bulgaria, have been following keto now for 7 years and have maintained 40kg loss since starting this way of eating! Figured out you can’t go back, ever!!

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hiya 54

    I was doing ok til last yr a d then some stress saw me munch choc ! 🙁 really stupid. Now just starting some counselling to see if my overeating and over talking are an emotional imbalance? Maybe it’ll help or not! (To be v honest.)
    I have been trying a lot harder and lost a few lbs but need to get a stone gone though so many pounds to go. Still had nhs uk delay my ankle op.. that’s over 18mths now. Got a ‘dye test to have’ and had the steroid which helped with pain (super!!) And then to go see a 2nd consultant. Frankly they have to ev crossing every possible box to justify the ankle joint replacement. Worryingly state I’l still have pain but surely it can’t be as bad as ‘this’?
    Anyway .. keeping to healthy foods and have almost stopped all choc.
    Trying to get back into artwork as that may help me too. Got this Essential Tremor too so think the artwork is to prove to myself I’m ‘not bad enough’ to lose my artistic ability!!
    But trying to be stricter and reduce what I eat too but I know it’s tough. Still working on my garden room /shed but am making good progress!

    I bought Dr MM’s latest book too so hoping to read that v soon.. been flicking through recipes and such… but my money dictates my v basic veg and meat fish chicken and yog fruit. Etc. 🙂
    How are you getting on!?

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi Linda A
    Well done
    Wish I could!
    Since your in Bulgaria you’re not near Sofia are you? Just wondering about getting a pup from there !! 😁
    I wish with my simple food I didn’t still once in. A blue moon get tempted!!
    Just dark choc.. and nuts!!… when i get stressed and there’s been a lot. Sometimes I’ve controlled it and sometimes I ‘don’t’. I had for about 4yrs then slipped late last yr..
    .i did extra walking not long ago but that strained my left ankle Achelles tendon so now have 2 unhappy ankles!!!
    Got back to 10st a d now only lost 2 lbs in spite of trying but clearly the nuts are doi g too much damage vs my less exercise bar a lot of DIY!!!
    I had kept a lot off but now just feel chubby v sadly, again! But I’ll plod through and will get there again!! 😁

  • posted by bloke41

    G’day 54, Linda, Aurora and any one else whose still on here. Was good to get notifications of posts, I needed to get back on it. Snacking habits crept back in since my last post in March. Got to low of 96.7kg and put on 8kg. Were going away Aug 10th,need bit of reality check, and avoid snacking at all cost. Still managed to stay ketovore but late night snacking has caused me some grief.
    Back on band wagon again, starting weight 104.7kg.
    Still not bloody giving up!

  • posted by LindaA

    AuroraMagic – yes, left there yesterday and am in Plovdiv today. Sofia was lovely.

    Hey bloke41 & 54, I keep in the forefront of my mind that sugar (both sweet & savoury) is poison and my health will suffer as a consequence. The weight loss is great, but I’m now healthy & want to stay that way which to me is my driver.

    What do you want more?

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi Bloke 41, 54, LindaA,

    Sorry to bore you:
    Aww I so, so want my pup, and he’s got a super one at the moment! But I know waiting until I’ve recovered after the op is more sensible as I’ can train him/her before the op and ideally introduce him to my mini horses too. (SO learns who he is to guard). But I’ve now 2 lodgers who love dogs, which does change things! And as I’ve waited so long already, and I had I gone ahead just before covid then I’d have had one now for years!! It’s frustrating.
    I’ve an ankle op (meant to have happened over a yr ago) after an accident 5yrs ago and now the cartilage that was damaged, and they removed, has now resulted in the bone degenerating! OMG! So they’re talking replacement joint or fusion, and no way am I having fusion. Anyway, so Hosp (NHS UK) is now checking off boxes!

    Back on topic:
    Yeah, the nuts I love partly and especially as Almonds do help with migraines and so far after around 5yrs now of being on this diet I can say I’ve only had 2 migraines, and one ‘near one’. The migraines I did get, were after I’d taken a few weeks break from having nuts including almonds!
    But having got into the ‘habit’ of having them, it’s hard to break. My head ‘wants them’. But it’s the ‘other nuts’ and then the sultanas that have become ‘too much’.
    I know keto is close to what I do, but I just have lots of different veg with fish, meat, chicken as it’s cheap and basic. Then a salad at lunch with cheese (try not to have too much) and now beginning to grow what I can (lettuce rhubarb) (before my mini garden herb/mini veg plot) gets started. is started.
    If some recall I too have Lathyrus Linifolous too or Heath Pea and it has made a difference – taking 0.2mg every three days. This plant stops you feeling so hungry or thirsty to some degree and gives you energy! You eat the tubers, harvesting in autumn. But I’m struggling to grow it reliably, and I’d hoped by now to have a lovely patch of it! Still have restarted with a few new plants here in SW London and up North. But the 2 plants that I bought south are struggling. I think they’re getting eaten. Going to repot them in case the soil has now got infected with some nasty bug.
    There’s been attempts to try plant it commercially as it takes 4 yrs to mature it’s a long process. However, it has been proven chemically that it contains an unknown substance, which is amazing. Sad they’ve not managed to grow it commercially yet, as so many would benefit, but I dare say that someone will soon! I wanted to replenish my plants as they struggled. So planted 2 new ones in a better place up North and bought another 2 south. The south ones are struggling. Getting got by bugs!
    This plant was first reported by the Romans in 250AD when they were in the UK and saw it hanging on the wooden eves of properties! It got people through famines !
    I dare say each County has a similar plant, as from the little I’ve learned each Country seems to have plants specific to the needs of that population!
    Anyway I digress, again!
    I’m trying harder to ‘be good’ and eat less – but I’ll often only have 2 meals a day plus some nuts, but now reckon my nuts are neigh a meal! Also, I notice that around 6pm I get hungry but as I usually eat around 8pm (to 9pm – when I’ve stopped working outside) I end up nibbling earlier as I don’t want to stop to eat then. That I think is making me ‘add in a meal’ so this needs re-assessing!
    I rarely have breakfast unless I’m really hungry, so just brunch or just lunch somewhere between 11am to 4pm… every day varies.
    But my nemesis is stress or comfort eating. And hence my new plot through CBT to try and tackle it.
    But I have heard recently of Overeaters Anonymous ! But they say you treat your trigger foods as like an allergy. But for me that ‘seems like a lie’ and to me building a new habit on a lie is just wrong and is a false premise! Surely, honestly has to be fundamentally crucial to having staying power! I’ve lied to myself for years thinking ‘I look OK’ but secretly know I’m podgy / fat! But will see how I get on. Perhaps other things they say is fair and sensible.
    LindaA like you say I too think of sugar like a bad thing. Almost like an alcoholic it’s ‘takes me over’ so I avoid it bar natural sugars in fruit. I’m still on blueberries, strawberries and blackberries! And once in a blue moon have a banana as I do love and miss them.
    I also had a ‘fall off the wagon’ with some sourdough bread a while ago … and ate a loaf in about 3 days! (It wasn’t a huge loaf) but had marmalade and choc on top – just awful! So managed to get over that nonsense!
    So all those things added up and bang put back on a stone! Gutted, but at least I KNOW how to get to lose the weight, I just have to be 101% committed. I am trying to cut back that bit more! Onwards and upwards! 😀
    Sorry for the essay! 🙁

  • posted by bloke41

    G’day Aurora,54, LindaA
    Aurora I’m basically been doing ketovore for the last 18 months. I also let nuts back in and found I could not stop eating them, so basically gone cold turkey now and nut free for know. I was averaging 2 meals a day but for my reset gone back to one big meal a day.
    Linda I agree sugar is poison and I’ve managed to avoid at all cost, and even though I put back on some weight, I still feel hell alot better than 18 months ago.
    Week 1 of my reset journey.
    Starting weight 104.7kg
    Sunday Morning weighed in at 102.1kg Loss of 2.6 kg for the week.
    Still have to pinch my self that 18months ago I almost tipped the scales at 165kg!
    I have a new goal 90kg. I know I can do it.
    Take care all and never bloody give up.

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi bloke 41,

    Sorry not to have got back a lot earlier ! My apologies!
    That sounds like a sensible and achievable goal! I’m slowly down 2lbs from over 10stone to 9:10 now, but had a tricky day the last few days and a bad one a few days ago… and yep that led to slightly more food yesterday. But I did manage to keep it to good things and one tiny bit of choc so a big improvement. Step by step. I keep the almonds as they help stop me getting headaches and especially migraines! 😀
    I am on a must lose weight timeframe too as I must lose that extra stone I’ve managed to add back on.
    We can do this… again! 😀

    I tried ‘overeaters anonymous’ yesterday, and it was well awful. No really info and what their leaflet says is just made up utter rubbish. Still, the people were lovely, but it’s all based on hocus-pocus. So that irritated me that I’d wasted my time but worth a ‘go see’ perhaps. At least I know for sure, it’s not / never for me!

  • posted by bloke41

    Hi Aurora,

    I’m sure you can do it. Was worth a shot with overeaters anonymou, least you gave it a go. I have been binging on you tube on keto/carnivore, to get some inspiration.
    Week 2 of my reset journey.
    Starting weight 102.1kg
    Sunday morning weighed in at 101.9 kg Loss of 0.2 kg for the week, 2.8 kg Loss in my reset phase.
    Increased my walking though food intake increased, least the trend is downward.

    Keep it up, and never bloody give up!

  • posted by Annie-W

    Hi Everyone
    I’m starting on Sunday or Monday. I’m going out for a meal on Friday (last supper!).
    I’ve spent today reading the book and I’m going shopping tomorrow, so I should be ready to start at the weekend.
    I’m a bit nervous about it and I haven’t had the courage to empty my cupboards full of ‘bad’ food yet.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Annie-W, we have all felt like that at the beginning. Take a look at the thread called 5 Years of BSD – A blog. Where I recorded exactly how I felt and what it was like for me, ups and downs. It might make you feel you are not alone. Anyway, you will never be alone if you are on this site 🙂

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Annie-W, how are you getting on. Shout out if you need any advice or tell us of your success.

  • posted by Snoop

    Sorry for having gone missing in inaction for so long, guys. Hope you’re all doing well.
    Going for a restart. 4.5 kg down so far. Long way to go, but hey, it’s 4.5 kg less far than it was. Not expecting to lose weight super fast, just steady.
    Still haven’t bloody given up.

  • posted by Snoop

    Morning all. 5.8 kg down in total this morning. Another 1.3 kg down since last Monday. Rather a surprise since I’m usually a very slow loser. None of the usual gut gripes either. Another pleasant surprise.
    Have a great weekend, guys.
    Still haven’t bloody given up.

  • posted by 54andfatnomore


    Just a quick sign in after many months away and many months of ‘things going on’

    Anyone out there ?


  • posted by Julia18togo

    Hi 54
    Sorry to heare you’ve had months of stuff going on. I feel you as I’ve had a crazy workload which wasn’t conducive to eating sensibly. Back now and laser focused – for the first time in ages! Lost 3 cm off my waist in a week. You’ve got this!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi Julia

    Good to see you back here

    sorry its been a painful root

    Yes, I’m determined to move forward now and writing about my activities is a good way to take responsibility !!


  • posted by Snoop

    Evening all.
    Just about to restart, in fact. Big fail on my part thus far, but I’m forgiving myself for assorted reasons that I won’t go into. Too morbid, too miserable, not helpful. Really must take responsibility for myself now, though.
    Up 800 g on when I first started back on 29 August 2016. Just to be clear.
    Looking forward to rejoining you all.

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hiya 54 & Snoop
    I think we’ve all had our pitfalls.
    Me too have ‘started again’.
    Lost about 5lbs and another 14lbs to go!
    Sorry ti hear if the issues and problems.
    In the last few weks had 3 migraines but got over them with just 2hrs skeep! At keast my tablets still work! Today had another! Again had tablets and withinf 2 hrs eyesight improved. Then home and a 3hrs sleep sorted me out mostly!
    The lovely life stresses hey!!!
    So been looking more at Clare Bailey Mosley’s 800 fast recipes… sone look quite good and hope to try a few.
    I’m trying ti keep my food as s8mple and basic as ai can but enough variety to meet the varied criteria!
    Good to see ‘the group’ coming back!
    We’ll all get there again I’m sure!
    Good luck everyone!! Keep our chin up and positive thinking! Take care & best wishes! 😁👍

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi bloke41 and Julie & Anne
    Yeah indeed we must keep trying… keep positive.
    I just am so puzzled why I gain a stone almost in a week!
    But had covid and barely ate for a week so lost 5lbs – delighted! Must take the silver linings where we can hey!
    Still I was already trying but hadn’t made much progress..
    Amazing how little food I need!!
    Got some fresh salad geowing and hope to plant some veggies when I can make space for them! Although the potatoes have been geowing for years every year! Just a shame I can’t eat them!! 🤣 Bought some ruit trees so hope theyll produce in the next few years!
    Onwards and upwards. Hot weather helps me.
    eat less! 😁👍
    Lots of luck everyone! 😁👍

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Good to see people coming back on

    Its somewhat embarrassing to fail and sometime hard to admit after some good success, so coming on here to a friendly community is a great help

    Seems we’ve all had some trials over the past months so some focus for us all may be the spur we need !!

    Not due my ‘official’ weigh in until Thursday so will see how my new start has gone over its first 2 weeks !!

    I am a bit more relaxed, a bit less rigid in my thinking and what with recent events in the media do see the need to ‘enjoy life’ a bit more as well !!

    Keep it up


  • posted by Julia18togo

    Hi 54, Aurora Magic and Snoop
    How is it going? Confess I didn’t have a great week (been working too much which is always a challenge as I tend to stress eat when I have deadlines) but restarting again from now. Hope you are making encouraging progress, and if not, please also restart and keep me company!
    Happy Friday when it comes!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hello people

    Good to read your message Julia

    I stress and comfort eat, so its a bad day when I’m very busy and feeling sorry for myself !!


    remember that virus thing that was going round a few years ago ?

    Remember……..yes that’s it COVID

    Well I tested positive for COVID 10 days ago !!

    Not great for low calories as little food when feeling very ill BUT loads of food when wanting something comforting

    Im still testing positive so not quite in the mood for being sensible just yet

    However, I am less weight now than I was this time last year which is a bonus, and I’m walking a lot better which is a bonus also !!

    Keep it up everyone


  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi All

    i hope it goes well for you

    Do you think we’ve seen summer ? I saw the sun a couple of times and now think perhaps that was it !!

    Ive decided its time fora reset, a stop drinking, get some exercise, drink lots of water, stick to 800 calls for 3 months then gradually get back to some proper maintenance where I should be now and certainly am not. (almost thought of becoming vegetarian !! but perhaps one step at a time !)

    Given myself a target of a couple of weeks to clear the house of bad things and then Im getting down to it

    So almost 8 years after starting its time for a good reboot !!

    Stay tuned for updates!!

    Keep it up everyone


  • posted by Snoop

    Eight years… Lots has happened in that time. Including putting weight on, I’m mortified to say.
    Good luck, 54. Looks like you could be restarting on 29 August. Me too.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    You are still here Snoop so not given up. You are one of the 8 year members like Verano and myself. Don’t give up, we are still going despite lifes ups and downs.

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi all,
    Glad you’re all still fighting forwards! 🙂
    I’ve been ‘trying’ to lose again but have been struggling. Just not earing little enough. So made a concerted effort to eat smaller meals.

    Just as I felt I was making progress a week ago I got a nasty tummy bug. I’m still unwell and think it must be an ulcer…but will see the Dr on Mon to get tests and such.
    I’ve been doing more digging on emtoional eating. As said before it’s my real nemisis.
    Although now I turn to halthier options it can still happen, amd thise stresseful things keep happening.
    So I found site adter site about EFT ‘tapping’ on acupuncture points and people are having so very many successes I’ve ‘started’. (?.com?)and and this is scientifically backed up.
    I tired it many years ago on a brief radio show and found I felt less worried after doing their quick example!
    I’m at the start with this but it seems most emotional eating comes from prior life experience where ‘some event’ foubd us finding comfort in eating
    So gradually and over time we can find the reasonand then solve it! I am so very enthused!
    The 2 websites above give free information. There are various practicioners who can have you on their online courses (prices vary… ) some are very into making money (Brittany Watkins… about $300 for her materials but you get a 6wk program too).
    I found but there are heaps about and many tutorials are free and online. 🙂
    I’ve found people willing to help because they too werethere before and just want to offer guidence and help. 😀

    So although I’m more than happy to keep up the the fasting and eating healthy, I’m going to give this a go and see if I really can help me !!
    When I did that test it helped.
    A recent on line trial short course saw me see chocolate differently. Not I don t think I ‘need’ it.
    But I’m still unwell and I’ve lost all my appitete (yeayyy! 😀 ) but when it comes back … will it be the same. However the tapping on the accupressure points on hand, chest and head. So nothing odd or weird.
    If I can eat purely to sustain my body and when stressed find other things to do that’d be brilliant !
    Sorry another of my long posts!!
    Other news have a new hospital to sort out my ankle! Hope to have the op wirhin the next year…
    Keep going. Og and I am losing weight as only eating one meal and a cupa soup in eveings!! 🙂

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    yes but where would I be if I hadn’t been at this for 8 years !!

    Ideal weight, habits and lifestyle I don’t think !!

    I have made a restart and am now 1 week in.

    Calorie counting at the moment with nothing white or sugary or microwave box mealed etc etc !!

    Its easy to see the bad habits that have crept in and this week has been about trying to get these under control.

    (I automatically visit the breadbin as soon as I walk into the kitchen etc etc)

    Good to see you Sunshine, Snoop and Aurora

    Keep it up


    (1st new weigh day tomorrow!)

  • posted by Snoop

    Evening all.
    Good to see you, 54. Hope your ankle gets sorted soon, Aurora.
    Thanks for the message, sunshine-girl. These last few years have been quite difficult, yes, but I’ve turned a corner in recent months and while I’ve never been a fast loser, I’m back on it.
    1.6 kg down in the last couple of weeks, but these are the first easy weeks. But I really do think that slow and steady is the way forward for me. Not doing the fast 800, as that hasn’t suited me. But glad to join you if you’ll have me along for the ride.
    Good luck, 54. My husband is a massive bread fan. He genuinely gets anxious is there is no bread in the house. So I understand how hard it is to resist.

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    yes bread is the evil one snoop

    First time today Ive dared jump on the scales

    128.6 KG today from 132.8 KG two weeks ago

    so a drop !!

    (Just shows what rubbish Ive been eating and the bad habits that I have )

    Im currently 800 calls with a target of 1KG a week for 12 months (Much more realistic)

    will step up calories when my metabolic rate picks up

    There is a great metabolic rate finder on Google . You tap in your weight and height and age and it tells you how many calories you ‘burn’ just by doing nothing.

    SO…….if you eat more than this number you put weight on, if you eat less you lose !! (Thats the theory) The more exercise you do the more you burn also etc etc

    keep on going 54

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi All,
    Good to know everyone is still about and keeping going. Albeit with like me some slips and breaks.
    I have figured that the weight if the food we eat and the deinks we have, have to accouny too for some of our weight, and consequently our ‘daily’ / weekly weight..
    I got diwn to 10st 2lb but now beginning to eat 2 or 3 meals am back up to 10 4lb bit some mist be simply from eating that bit more.
    I lost whike I wasn’t hungry.
    I’m still trying to build up stock of the plant, Heath Pea so then have a reliable stick so I can eat the tubers which stave off hinger and thirst and gives you energy!!
    I have foubd even just the few Tapping sessions I’ve nit wanted nor eaten any chocolate at all! Most interesting. Not even wanted it.

    I din’t mind a little top qiality bread so am going to call proper flour producers…with original mills and buy some proper floir for sough dough and flat bread. Then have a treat once a week.
    I think totally cutting it out long tearm isn’t ‘good’ as then I go a little over the top when I get some!! 🙁 so reckon buy proper flour and make more of my own so then it’s ‘best’. 🙂

    Not on a diet month though. Been thinking that maybe a month ‘on’ and a month ‘off’. That plus tappibg to put myself off ’emotional eating’ and I hope in 6mths I’ll be slimmer and happier!
    Can but hooe anyway!
    I can see losing weight is a loy about psychology /emotions as well as ‘normal’ mind over mattet abd trying to restrict input.

    Toyally agree it’s a Calorie / carb / fat / protein Bank…. get the balance right and we’re ‘good’.

    So I hope to try v hard through Sept!! So yeha we can help each ither again I’m sure. I’m happy to! 😁👍☕

  • posted by Snoop

    Wow, 54! Really impressive loss there. Congratulations.

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi Snoop

    Yes bit of a surprise when I stepped on the scales !

    Im being VERY VERY VERY strict with the 800 calories and have a routine

    porridge, salad stuff, something with soup !!

    Lots and lots and lots of water (3L !!)

    My target is 1KG a month for 12 months so I hope realistic. I think Ill lose more during the early stage and then find it harder when I step up the calories a bit

    Metabolic rate calculator I think will help well with this.

    Starting swimming again today so hope that will help keep my energy up !!

    Ive been putting on steadily for a number of months so to see a drop is the motivation I need

    I do have VERY bad food habits, including snacking all day long (snacking on healthy stuff just doesn’t work so I just dont snack now !!)

    Keep on going


  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi 54 and all
    My apologies for all the many spelling mistakes!
    Sounds like a super plan 54!
    I was 10st 5lb after Tea today … so a good 14lbs to lose.
    Yep the steady really strict habits are rhe key for sure! Really hoping we can all lose that pesky weight! Good luck everyone! 😁👍

  • posted by Jd2eyes

    I started last Sunday too lost 3″ of my waist , which im super happy with . I’ve batched cooked and my freezer is full. I’ve really enjoyed cooking new recipes. I’m vegetarian so found limited ideas in book , but so many on here.

    Good luck

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi jd2eyes, I am not a regular poster on here but can I say losing inches was one of the first things that happened to me, besides my BG going down. That is a sign that you are losing visceral fat around your organs which is the best thing in the world for diabetics.

    Good luck.

  • posted by Snoop

    Friday weigh-in: 1.5 kg down for the week. Had a couple of days of dizziness and unsteadiness on my pins, so am adding some calories back in.
    3.5 kg down for August. First month, so not expecting anything like that here on in.
    Hope you’re all well and doing well.

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi All

    Thats great news Snoop. Loss is all about your starting point and how active you are (Im told) BUT I think its all about being determined and sticking to it so well done.

    Yes you’re right Sunshine, losing inches is a great sign at first even if the weight isn’t shifting and it is a big disappointment when that happens (Ive been there a few times !!)

    JD The first few days/weeks are the hardest. Just keep on going !

    Weigh in day for me yesterday after two weeks of VERY STRICT calorie control and some swimming

    so last weigh in 128.6 kg this weigh in 125.8 kgs so that’s 2.8 this week so 7kg loss in 2 weeks !! so 1 stone 1 pound loss in old money !!

    now on week 3 in THE BOOK

    Keep it up all


  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Another week speeds by and its Autumn already !!

    Just a quick update on my progress
    Last week 125.8
    This week 124.1
    so still going down

    And I’ve moved another notch down on my belt !!!
    Im avoiding snacks and drinking alcohol and sugar !!

    Now on week 4 in the book


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