Starting again! Minnie48

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  • posted by Minnie48

    I started this diet 10days ago and it has been a qualified success in that I have yo yo ed between 10.12 and 11 stone with all stops in between. At the moment I am back where I started, 10.12, but today feels more positive so am working hard at it.
    Have decided to, in the words of the song, accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.
    Also need to plan more.
    My brain keeps trying to please me with little suggestions like, one biscuit won’t hurt, then, well have another, oh well you’ve blown it may as well finish the packet. I need to pay more attention to what I am doing. Have to have some biscuits in the house otherwise OH would not be too happy.
    It was book club ar my house today and I provided biscuits for the others BUT I did not eat any and they are now packed away out of sight
    Did consider wearing boxing gloves but decided not really an option.
    Love reading all your positive comments and promise to better this next week.

  • posted by Caro

    Hi Minnie.
    I love your brain messages. Mine is doing exactly the same to the point where i know i just need to go get ready for bed. Distraction is the key otherwise I spend every minute thinking about what I can eat, What I can’t eat and when I can eat. Sound familiar?

  • posted by Minnie48

    Thanks for reply Caro, nice to meet a fellow sufferer. We must keep strong together.

  • posted by Caro

    Yes together. Made it into bed without succumbing to the pantry temptations. Hopefully the scales will show a little less tomorrow morning. This morning i was up 700g. That was a shock. Couldn’t understand that one.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi MINNIE congrats ..showing such restraint at book club! Biccies are hard to resist i agree,but when you see good results on the scales and your clothes feel looser,its worth it!
    I too have yr problem! shouting to me from fridge and cupboards! But hardly ever happens now as ive got past my carb cravings..the cravings can disappear quite quickly and then youre never quite so hungry again!
    It must be harder when others are at home too…i feel lucky to live alone right now as can please myself with what to have in. Hey why not get hubby on board with Bsd too..or is he an irritatingly slim person no matter what he eats! X. Have just bumped into my neighbour who is just like that! He had just eaten a big bar of chocco..and said he loves jelly babies too,and eats freely of whatever he fancies! He has always been slim…grrr no wonder he’s always smiling! X

  • posted by Minnie48

    Hallo yowser thanks for your post.
    Actually have just had a Baldrick moment, ‘a cunning plan’. OH has to go out to a meeting some distance away this afternoon and I suggested he take the rest of the biscuits and hand them round at the meeting. He took them so temptation is out of the way. Win win all the way.
    OH is irritatingly healthy with no aches and pains and not overweight. He does however have a slight paunch, only slight though so he can eat the biscuits with no problem.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Oh MIN my Beau is the same! No health probs,very slim except for a paunch which is developing recently. Not nice of me but i view it with glee…its hard to spend time with someone who can eat his fill but not put on an ounce!

    I Like yr cunning plan!if its not there,you cant eat it!x👍🏻

  • posted by Minnie48

    OK here’s where I am at. After banishing the biscuits and being as I thought careful yesterday with cals controlled, lots of water as it was so damned hot and a few nuts as snack I stepped cautiously on scales today to find I am exactly the same. What a bummer.
    Today I have declared hostilities and it is all out war in the Battle of the Bulge.
    Will be writing everything down. Tried MPF and FatSecret but spent so long trying to make them do what I wanted that I have resorted to pen and paper. On FatSecret I wanted 5grams of butter but it kept showing me 100 grams. Gave up.
    Hopefully scales will show some progress downward tomorrow.
    Minnie x

  • posted by Minnie48

    Hello all.
    Was very careful yesterday,went to bed hungry in spite of protein and veg for dinner BUT I was strong and scales this am said half a pound loss so better than nothing. Did drink a lot of water, 8 full glasses, but did not get rid of much so I am saying that there is a bit of water retention. It makes me feel happier.
    Overslept this am so no time for 30 min gym session before Aqua class but did 45 mins there as usual and tried to work a bit harder.
    Have not done many steps for the last 2 days as it is so dammed hot here in the south but am still focussed on the plan.
    Please keep posting everyone. When I read of the fantastic losses some of you have made I am in awe. It also makes me feel a bit wimpy but don’t worry I am holding on to your coat tails and being dragged along.
    Ta x

  • posted by SunnyB

    Lots of us lose slowly Minnie so you are not alone! I seem to be lucky if I drop half a pound a week at the moment, but I’ll take all I can get. Seems you are doing well on the exercise front – much better than me, as this is an area I really struggle with. Keep drinking plenty of water, but remember to include enough fat, as this helps you feel full and to feel that way for longer. Maybe save a few calories for a little full fat yogurt in the evening, so you don’t have to go to bed feeling hungry.

    Keep going and please keep us posted on your progress.

  • posted by Minnie48

    Thank you for your tips sunny B nod for replying to my post.
    I saw on another post something about Lidl Turkish yogurt so next time I am in their I will try it.
    Sorry to hear you are also a slow loser but nice to know I am not the only one!

  • posted by SunnyB

    A cross we have to bear Minnie, but as long as the pounds are falling I’m happy enough. The Turkish yogurt from Lidls is yummy and excellent value too. Look forward to hearing some good results from you soon.

  • posted by Minnie48

    Hello everyone. Lovely reading your latest posts.
    Another pound off so that’s a WHOLE POUND in 2 days. Not a lot compared to some of you but I feel I am a slow loser and I’m sticking to accentuating the positive. As long as it is going downwards that’s fine. Of course I’d like it to drop off quickly but that’s too big an ask. However all your posts are inspiring and I feel I’ve joined a great club.
    Am going to the theatre tonight with a meal at Carluccios before. Have looked at the eating out thread (thank you Frog) and also looked on line at the menus. Some of the dishes have the calories etc calculated which is helpful but wow, had not realised how high some of the innocuous sounding ones are. Anyhow Chicken Milanaise seems to be the best at just under 600 cals. I will have to very careful as I don’t want to undo in a meal what it has taken me 2 days to achieve. My goal is to stay where I am with no loss or gain.
    Wish me luck and strength.

  • posted by Frog

    Have a lovely evening Minnie – Enjoy!!
    (don’t sit there with the mantra I’m having this because its BSD-OK, I’m having this because its BSD-OK…)
    Drink lots of water

    I had a strada pizza the other day, and the bit I left was really just a token “I’m not going to eat all of it”!) – and I still lost weight that day, you’ll be fine.

  • posted by Minnie48

    Thank you Frog, very encouraging. Will enjoy.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    MIN hope you enjoyed yr night out.
    Didyou like the chick milan..i ve had that a few times and really enjoyed it x

  • posted by Minnie48

    Hallo peeps.
    Having done research for Carluccios I discovered they were fully booked so we were eating elsewhere. Feel I didn’t do to badly with choices and scales confirmed that with only a 4oz gain this am.
    Here’s my problem. The day after eating out, that is today, I have an insatiable appetite and keep wanting to eat and will be over the 800, probably over 1000. Does anyone else have these symptoms? Any tips on dealing with it?
    It happens every time so need to have a strategy.
    At the moment I am hanging on to the wagon by my fingertips so that hopefully I won’t fall off completely.
    Have booked my Aqua class for tomorrow and will try to work hard.
    The play was No Man’s Land by Pinter. The theatre was a sellout and people at the door were asking for returns.
    The audience at the end thought it was brilliant but it was lost on me,and on my companions. I’m not a philistine but as far as I was concerned it was 2 hours of nothing. Nothing happened. Undoubtedly some of the audience liked it but can’t help wondering if some of them were signed up to The Emperor ‘s New Clothes as in the fairy story.

  • posted by Avila

    I think Pinter is one of those that are so clever it is nonsense to normal people!!

    I have not eaten out since being on this plan but I know that after falling off the wagon I find it sets back my ‘taste adjustment’ – it is as if a taste of sugars etc (more tempting than carbs for me) sets off the craving again. And takes a day or so to get beyond that.

  • posted by Minnie48

    Hallo peeps.
    Feeling much better today after yesterday, all 4 wheels are on my wagon and I am holding on tightly!
    Started the day well with half an hour in the gym, 130 cals burnt, and then Aqua class for 45 mins. Hope this will put paid to yesterday’s little lapses.
    Have decided not to use the words good, bad and naughty in relation to food but will use focused and unfocused as this is more positive. Today I am focused and having started well plan to keep up the good work.
    The sun is shining and it’s not too hot so come and join me on the positive train, it’s just about to leave the station but will wait for you if you want.
    All aboard.

  • posted by Minnie48

    Have been very quiet of late as had no success to report.
    Yesterday I had managed to get to 10 10 3/4. Don’t forget the 3/4, very important when you only lose slowly.
    Had a salad for dinner as it was hot. This morning scales said I was back up to 10.12 which is about where I started. Salad consisted of lettuce,rocket,tomato,1/2 avocado, 2 small slices smoked salmon, some sweetcorn, olive oil dressing and beetroot.
    Didn’t calorie count it as I bought it was all healthy.
    Think it probably was the avocado and the olive oil that did it although I thought they were both good.
    Will have to work out calories for everything I fear.
    Am going on holiday on Saturday so think I will have to put this to bed until I return in October.
    Feeling a bit down but will try to improve on my return.
    Well done all of you with success stories. It is very interesting to read your posts and you are all so very supportive.
    Feeling a bit of a wimp but will focus on your successes and hope some of it will rub off on me.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Beg to differ Minnie, I think the problem items were sweetcorn and beetroot, both of which are high in carbs. Having said that an increase of 1.25lb, could be attributed to something as simple as a little water retention or constipation. There is every chance if you weigh again tomorrow, that small gain would have disappeared, possibly with a little bit extra too.
    Don’t be afraid to add in olive oil and avocado, as both contain good fats and fat is important on the BSD. It does help to count both the calories and carbs in everything you consume, but you are right though, to back off while you are on holiday. Just try to broadly stick to the BSD principles, but enjoy a glass or two of wine and relax. Don’t beat yourself up about where you are right now, just go away, enjoy yourself and come back ready to refocus and begin again – we will still be here ready to offer support when you are ready.
    Have a great holiday and hope to read some posts from you on your return.

  • posted by Minnie48

    Thank you for your post SunnyB.
    I have taken on board what you have said so salad tonight will not have beetroot and sweetcorn but will have olive oil dressing. No avocado because I don’t have any left.
    I have written everything down today and am amazed at where the calories go.
    Don’t seem to have eaten much but have already used up quite a lot of calories. Think it is time for water boost with a dash of lime to get me through.
    I must confess I have been guilty of guessing calories so writing them down has been a big eye opener.

  • posted by Frog

    Hi Minnie

    Have you tried using an online calorie counter?
    There are lots of free ones out there FatSecret (my favourite, they have a UK specific site and not many ads) My Fitness Pal, caloriecount…

    It’s mot much of a faff to do, it helps you keep track of calories, protein, fat, carbs…
    As well as a more accurate record, even if you only use it for a week or two, it will help you understand the carb counts of foods that you regularly eat (or maybe make you want to review whether you should be eating them as regularly 🙂 ) – and helps you assess restaurant menus more easily too.

    I find calorie counting alone is relatively easy, but the more nutrition facts that you want to log, the more complicated it gets!

  • posted by Minnie48

    Hi Frog
    Thanks for info. I tried My Fitness Pal but couldn’t get on with it so will have a go at Fat Secret. Hopefully it will help as you say with eating out as that’s what I will be doing in holiday.
    Have just done MFS and it insists that my RDI is 1400 calories per day.
    Do I just ignore that figure and just record what I eat and do my own thing?
    Also butter, I only want say a teaspoon but it won’t go that small. Any advice?
    As you can tell I am not that techy.

  • posted by Frog

    try this keto calculator – Igor’s favourite!
    you put in your data, planned food intake (eg 800 calories, however many grams of carb, etc) and it works out targets for fat and protein.
    For example mine was 800 calories (of course) 50g carb – I then opted for 50g of protein, and it calculated that my fat intake target should be 45g. When I recently reduced carb target to 30g, I didn’t adjust protein, so it now indicates I need 54g of fat.
    TBH, I eat to be within or around the calorie and carb target. I’m not veggie, so don’t have to worry about protein too much, so I let the fat and protein totals fall out by themselves.

    Most of the standard calorie count things are set up to run with – well bog-standard stats – so they’d typically work on 2000 a day intake for maintenance, and if you eat 100 calories a day less……. in ten years time you might have lost a stone!
    I think the sites have presets and error warnings to avoid being held responsible for people doing dangerously silly diets/encouraging anorexia, etc.
    To avoid error messages, just don’t bother with ‘completing your day’
    You are in control of what you want to eat, and what your targets are, not the app that you’re using!

    I did successfully set up an 800 calorie a day target on MFP, I can’t remember how, and have done on FatSecret as well.

  • posted by Minnie48

    Oh thank you so much Frog. Your advice is most welcome and I will have a go at what you say. What would I do with out the helpful people on this forum?

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