Sign our petition

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  • posted by hashimoto

    NHS to encourage the treatment of type 2 diabetes with a low carbohydrate diet.

    Professor Taylor has shown that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed using a low carbohydrate, low calorie diet. The NHS has announced it is rolling out a programme to give pre-diabetics lifestyle help. There is no mention of the blood sugar diet which pre-diabetics and diabetics should be following.

    ▼More details

    The programme will cost £7 million pounds to run. The dietary advice will be the same as that currently being followed. We have a diabetes epidemic so the old advice is not working.
    Dr Maureen Baker, of the Royal College of GPs, welcomed the scheme but she warned “The long-term behaviour changes we need to see is hard to inspire”. However, there are forums for the Blood Sugar Diet which offer the support and inspiration needed which will also ease the burden on GP surgeries.
    Sign this petition The link:

  • posted by Bill1954

    People !!!
    Orchid has just posted a link to a BBC article on diabetes.
    At the bottom of the article is a contact link that lets you email them to tell them your T2D stories.
    I’ve just given them the whole 9 yards including links to this forum and the petition.
    Please everybody do the same. This could just generate the publicity we need.
    The above may be a link to the BBC but the article is about T2D worldwide, so if all of our friends from outside the UK could send emails that would be a big help
    An example of what myself and Lynne have sent is in the petition thread in the BSD Med Style Low Carb forum
    Thanks in advance.

  • posted by Cap2000

    This is the way forward. Simple carbs are the work of the devil! I have lost 3.5Ibs since 4.4.16 when I embarked on the 800 cal aday diet. The Dr wasn’t interested in this concept. He was more concerned that I didn’t get along with Metformin! I do believe that the pharmaceutical companies put pressure on GP’s to peddle their products. I am keeping a diary so that when I DO succeed in reversing this disease it will all be audited in black and white.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Good for you Cap2000

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi folks, I have sent my email to the BBC using the email address you supplied, Bill. This is what I sent, not as eloquent as yours Bill and Lynne

    In January this year I came across the book by Dr Michael Mosley ‘The 8 week blood sugar diet’ and the associated website At the time I was piling on weight while on a ‘healthy’ diet. I have Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism, a condition which makes it difficult to lose weight. It is a metabolic disease and as such is often linked to diabetes. I used the NHS self test for diabetes and discovered that if I didn’t already have diabetes I was very likely to develop it.

    I didn’t want to wait for an appointment to have the recommended tests done, I just began the diet thinking this has got to work for me.

    Well it has!!! In 10 weeks 2 stones and 9 lbs of fat has just melted away, I have tried other well known slimming diets to no effect. This diet has made me feel energetic and healthy again, as if ten years has been knocked of my age. After the first 4 or 5 days there were no hunger pangs. The diet involves cutting out starchy carbohydrates and for the initial weeks restricting your calories to 800. As you are encouraged to eat full fat on this diet you feel full, you also eat fish, meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds beans, pulses and some fruits.

    In my opinion all diabetics and pre diabetics should be encouraged to follow the low carb/low calorie diet. professor Taylor of Newcastle University has done years of clinical trials which demonstrate that this diet works.

    The NHS is about to spend £7 million rolling out a program of 13 sessions of advice to 100,000 pre diabetics. Why? Will they still be told to eat carbs which clearly do not help diabetics? Surely it is better for the government to advise patients to follow this diet. Not only will it be infinitely cheaper it will also save millions from taking increasing numbers of drugs in order to ‘control’ their diabetes yet still end up facing the prospect of amputations and blindness.

    As a side issue this diet could be used to tackle obesity, once the first few days are over it is extremely easy to follow.
    I think an unexpected bonus of this diet, based on my personal experience and posts on the forums is that the diet is beneficial to hypothyroid patients with weight problems.

    On a personal note my FBS test result came back on 4.4.16 with a reading of 3.8. I am currently reducing my inhaled steroids (under medical supervision) as my asthma seems much better on this diet.

    I, with the support of several members of the forums (names can be supplied) began a petition asking for the NHS to encourage diabetics to follow this low carb, low calorie diet.

    The Petition :

    Petition NHS to encourage the treatment of type 2 diabetes with a low carbohydrate diet.

    Professor Taylor has shown that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed using a low carbohydrate, low calorie diet. The NHS has announced it is rolling out a programme to give pre-diabetics lifestyle help. There is no mention of the blood sugar diet which pre-diabetics and diabetics should be following.
    ▼More details

    The programme will cost £7 million pounds to run. The dietary advice will be the same as that currently being followed. We have a diabetes epidemic so the old advice is not working.
    Dr Maureen Baker, of the Royal College of GPs, welcomed the scheme but she warned “The long-term behaviour changes we need to see is hard to inspire”. However, there are forums for the Blood Sugar Diet which offer the support and inspiration needed which will also ease the burden on GP surgeries.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Well done Hashimoto, you are certainly flying the flag and hopefully someone will sit up and take note.

  • posted by captainlynne

    That’s great Judith. They’ll wonder what has hit them!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Lynne and Sunnyb. I hope lots of us email in. The more there are the more the BBC might want to carry out an ‘investigation’. Wouldn’t it be marvellous if they did AND publicised our petition!
    I’ll be dreaming tonight! 🙂

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi hashimoto

    Have read the offending article & torn up two drafts. Will sleep on it & do my bit tomorrow. Too angry to be coherent tonight. Same b……t over & over. See what I mean. Still no reply from my MP. Deafening in her silence
    Calma calma & pitch it right

  • posted by Julia18togo

    I notice the petition is growing. Almost at 200 now. My family have signed. But my FB is no good for spreading the word as I only use it for keeping in touch with friends and family who live abroad😕
    Family gathering next week so will see if anyone comments – if they do they will get chapter and verse on the virtues of the BSD!

  • posted by Bill1954

    Big article on the news last night about the worldwide T2D epidemic.
    Now is time to get the word out while the subject is getting so much media attention.
    Come on folks, get those emails going, it only takes a couple of minutes.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi eureka, I. Just rattled mine off. I wish I had taken a few minutes to refine it.

    We just need as many of us as possible to write something about the BSD to make them take notice – and to counter the usual rubbish which will be spouted – you know – the eat more carbs brigade!

    Hope you are feeling calm enough to send that email today! 🙂

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi hashimoto

    Can’t find the T 2 personal story to link to the BBC article to send my email to ? They have moved on with the news. Will try to email direct to James Gallagher health editor at BBC later. Am out now

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi eureka, I posted mine to

    I couldn’t manage it from the article on the bbc news website. Emailing directly to James Gallagher sounds like a good option 🙂

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi hashimoto

    Finally emailed the BBC Sent epistle to He’s Health editor BBC news website

    Re: Deadly diabetes 6.4.16 ( news item)

    I am a type 2 diabetic, diagnosed 2013. I have completed 8 weeks on the blood sugar diet (BSD) as per Dr Michael Mosley’s book, based on Professor Roy Taylor’s original trial to try & REVERSE type 2 diabetes (Newcastle uni)
    Why the BSD & why now? Because I /we can’t wait 5 years for the results of a trial diet to save our lives
    We who have chosen to participate in this diet & are aware there are no guarantees of success , are desperate.
    When you are given this diagnosis & a pitiable deteriorating future is forecast , you will try anything that offers hope.
    Look at our forum
    We are Reversing & controlling type 2 diabetes. We use real food – not shakes, in the real world (no medical monitoring in hospital ) & with very little involvement or support by our local surgery Drs & nurses!

    Insulin metabolises Carbohydrates as an energy source. Unused carbs are stored as fat. Our production & use of insulin is impaired!
    Why are medics telling type 2 diabetics to overload their bodies with a toxic, deadly amount of carbs?
    You don’t throw fuel on a fire.

    Both my parents died from type 2 diabetic complications.

    Sugar in meat! Genetic agricultural manipulation! Corn syrup in almost everything ! etc. Why?
    Look no further for your answers to a rapid world wide increase in type 2 diabetes.

    A LOW CARB diet takes away uncontrollable hunger. It controls GHRELIN – the hunger hormone. You can take back control of your eating habits.
    The Low Carb 8-week BSD is working for me. Coupled with a Mediterranean diet & exercise I have a future to enjoy not dread.

    The BSD forum cares. We welcome all & support all. We know exactly what type 2 diabetes is like.

    Our voice is getting louder & stronger world wide. We will be heard.
    A LOW CARBOHYDRATE DIET could save us ALL.

    Please sign our petition
    Thank you & pass it on


  • posted by hashimoto

    Wow, eureka! That is so eloquent and articulate, I am bowled over! You really have said it all!

    Come on fellow BSDers, get writing! Let’s bombard them! It doesnt matter what part of the world you are in – the BBC has a global service 🙂

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi hashimoto

    Many thanks. Glad I slept on it & deleted the expletives!

    All newbies please read & sign our petition. Pass it on
    Up the Revolution!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Yes, all newbies who are British Citizens please sign out petition!!! 🙂

  • posted by shortapple

    Signed and tweeted.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Thanks shortapple 🙂

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi hashimoto,
    I’m unable to sign your petition as I live abroad. Haven’t heard from you in some time. How are you going?

  • posted by Sandie

    I found the petition page but couldn’t sign it as my tablet said that page didn’t exist. I will try later on the big computer.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Switzerland, thanks for asking. I’m alive and kicking and returned from my wonderful holiday in Oz.

    Just been busy dealing with the jungle my garden had become in 5 weeks of neglect, catching up with folks etc etc 🙂

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Judith,
    Welcome back, you have been missed!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Good to hear you’re back Judith.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi Hashimoto,
    Great to hear everything’s OK. Good luck with your garden.
    How will we know to send out a search party if you get lost in the undergrowth?

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Judith,
    When you had that awful reaction to the brownie, how did you get yourself better, I have been feeling awful, although this afternoon I have felt a bit better, I’m hoping I have seen the last of the upset tum, it’s a bit like when I have a diverticular episode, and I remember you have had that trouble in the past, my usual method of recovery is to eat bland food, rice and chicken and white bread toasted! I think I have cracked it then it rears its ugly head again, it’s been getting me down at times! It’s the first time since starting the diet that I have had anything remotely similar to diverticulitis!
    I hope you have recovered from your holiday, silly really to say ‘have you recovered’ however I always need at least a week to get myself back into the swing after a holiday, you will have felt it too as you were returning from Australia! Anyway I hope you are ok and have got your garden a bit tidier now? It’s a shame you couldn’t get someone to look after it while you were away? Angela is doing that for a friend of ours who is going away next week, she will be in her element!
    Hope alls well with you too with your weight lose etc.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Christine

    Judith’s asked me to answer you as she’s away & can’t get on here on her phone.

    She goes for bland food. She can’t eat bread do her doctor suggested yoghurt, cheese, eggs, rice & fish. She says you mentioned not eating dairy but doesn’t know if you are lactose intolerant or been told in the past not to eat it during an attack. If you Dan eat dairy, cheese and yoghurt they are still in the BSD. She wouldn’t eat the rice, bread or potatoes because of the BSD.

    So (she says), cheese, yoghurt, fish & chicken. She sometimes cooks chicken in a pan of hot chicken stock to make a bland meal.

    She says she hopes you feel better quickly.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi all,
    Check out today’s daily mail, page46, a doctor Aseem Malhotra has an article about low carb high fat diet, looks very much like the bsd diet, haven’t read it all yet, worth a look, so do sign the petition today if you haven’t already, and, post on your Facebook page too, we need to get this discussed in parliament!
    Off to a very wet parish garden party now, I have had my lunch so won’t be tempted.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Very interesting, Christine.

    The BSD is indeed a simple, easy to follow version of a low carb, high fat diet – I think Michael Mosley set out to make the programme simple so that people didn’t have to worry too much about nutritional percentages but had instructions which they could follow to produce often quick results.

    It would be great if people did get to know how much better you feel without refined carbohydrates, and how easy it is to do once you accept the Mediterranean Diet principles.

    Amazing how pervasive all the ‘too many eggs are bad for you’, ‘bread is very important for health’, ‘carbohydrates give you energy’, ‘don’t eat too much fat, it makes you fat’ “rules” have become.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi igorasusual,

    Just got back from the garden party, ( which was held indoors!) will sit down and read the paper in a bit, however the bit I did read before I went sounds just like our diet?
    If it gets the message out there I don’t suppose it matters which hymn sheet we are singing from?
    At the garden party one of my daughters friends stopped me and remarked on my weight loss, I told her all about the bsd diet and the article in the paper today, she was more interested in ‘my’ diet! Said she would have a look on line, so I told her to sign the petition and put it on Facebook too! Also my daughter is looking at the diet, has ordered the book to read and plans to do what Lucia has done, start gradually into it, so more success there too!
    Good luck with your weight loss journey.

  • posted by Seadog

    I’ve just done a little research into Dr Aseem Malhotra, who as stated above posted an article in the Daily Mail a few days ago. Anyway, I’ve just found a REALLY interesting article in Mens Health magazine, which puts forward, very succinctly, the benefits of a high fat/low carb approach. I am astonished quite honestly, that we have allowed ourselves to be mistakenly advised to follow a low fat/high carb diet which REALLY annoys me. Why is it that Govt advice is so slow to change ? People are ruining their health through incorrect GP advice. I think there is a gradual change happening, but the advice is still wrong. the so called ‘slimming clubs’ are still making millions out of poor people who are told to follow their misguided and ineffective plans. Sorry, rant over, but if you are like me and just started to realise that we have been sold a crock of s*** by the Govt, it makes you mad !!
    Anyway….below is a link to Dr Malhotra research and findings.

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