Hey guys! I thought I’d share this article that helped me improve me focus / concentration while meditating. What I liked about it was that it was simple things (except for one but that was because of a bigger issue).
Before I share the article I want to share wit you guys my own personal tip. The tip is that you shouldn’t focus so hard on trying to focus. What do I mean by this? I mean that when you’re trying so hard to just focus on meditating, you’re ignoring what’s important, and that’s the thoughts that appear. When I’m meditating I like to be an observer of my thoughts. I sit back and enjoy the thoughts that appear for what they are and take mental notes on how they make me feel. When I do this, I don’t even have to focus on focusing and instead I’m able to feel a sense of calm and peace. Time flies by when I do this too! So give it a shot! 🙂
This was the article I was talking about in the beginning of this post: http://societyofzen.com/concentration-meditation/