There is a lot of information in the forum about running, however im yet to find an answer to my specific question.
I am almost a week into eating a vastly reduced carb diet and really enjoying the gains (or losses!), eg this am i had an omlette and lunch i had a salad, ive snacked on a few nuts throughout the day. I strongly suspect i am not fat adapted. However tonight is run club, a hilly 10k, which im a little anxious about as ive really cut down on the carbs recently. My intention is to eat some carbs (leftover brown rice and kydney bean chilli) about 90 mins before hand to avoid the dreaded bonk and feeling awful mid run and holding everyone up should i feel to weak to run.
Is this a good idea? By eating this will i reverse any fat adaption my body may have already started to embrace? I have been taking electrolytes daily and i might have a double dose today.
Thanks in advance