Just browsing through the article ….. i may try and print it out at the library … i find it difficult to read online. Although i very surface perusal leads me to believe this is about useful strategies rather than mindfulness … but certainly both may be employed for our
I was browsing this topic : Commitment devices, where we make it very unattractive to not follow through on an intention;
when i was reminded, i think, of something Carolyn Myss, talked about.
Keeping promises … especially to oneself. i.e. I’m going to quit playing online Mahjongg after this game …. it’s good practice for your promise/commitment keeping “muscle” to grow stronger.
I frankly try NOT to make promises … or to “be here now” and keep them.
I’ve been on diets where i eat a meal and 2 hours later i remember i was supposed to be on a diet.