Relapsed :x

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  • posted by Elehisie

    I managed to lose 55kgs in the past… thats about 120pounds.
    Then I managed to keep my weight for 2 years. I remember being scared of letting the diet go, so I was extremely careful there for a while. Until I had chocolate again. At that point I thought I could control myself. I can’t. After that I have tried a couple times to go back to the diet but I’m finding extremely hard to keep on it.

    I had problems with people being hostile to me while I was on my desired weight. Whether they were aware of it or not, most of my friends were supportive to me when I was morbidly obese and struggling to diet, but were hostile to me while I was maintaining weight. In the sense that they would help me avoid sugar and “forbidden food” for the longest time but then when I was happy about my weight they wouldn’t “allow” me to say no to sweets. Also they kept bringing me sweets all the time. That includes my closest friends, my boyfriend, my freaking mother. I’d be either embarrassed of saying no or too addicted for saying no. I fell in the “just this once” trap daily and got back 25kg. I said no for everything for a long time, I was tired of being an asshole. It feels like I accepted a piece of cake here and there, blinked my eyes and bang was 25kg bigger. I KNOW it took over a year to get it back cuz I have a weight track thing, but it really doesn’t feel like that.

    Now I am at the point where I have no clothes to wear and winter is around the corner, my back problems that are 100% weight related are crippling back and all exercises that I could do easily seem too hard. And yet, I have problems keeping to the diet. It’s like I don’t know what to do, for some reason I just won’t.

  • posted by shalimar

    I wouldn’t characterize people as being ‘hostile’ unless you know that their intentions were bad. It’s probably ignorance on their part … they were probably thinking, as most people do, that once you are at goal weight you can just go off the diet. They didn’t see it as hostile … they likely just thought they were being nice.

    Other people really can’t make you do anything.

    You can just tell them …. thank you but no thank you … i know you think you are being nice but that’s just not the case. Please help me to stick to my eating plan.

    You can even occasionally say Yes, please … but just this once … this will be my 1 weekly treat. Please help me to stick to my eating plan the rest of the week.

    ??? It’s no more helpful to blame other people, than it is to blame yourself. When you are ready … you just start again.

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