Question about electrolytes?

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  • posted by geobl

    I’m starting the Fast 800 in the morning. I’m a type 2, obese, and strongly insulin resistant. I’ve done 16:8 IF before, but never with such a low level of calories. I’ve done 24-hr fasts, but have only managed to go beyond that by two hours. I now always struggle with “keto flu”, and when I fast, my anxiety levels increase in the afternoons until I eat. Once I eat, I start to feel normal again. However when I feel that bad, I tend to overeat.

    How much sodium and other electrolytes do I need? I can’t seem to find anything about that in the book.

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi geobl,
    If you are eating from a wide range of foods within the 800 calories then you shouldn’t need to worry about electrolytes, unless you have a medical issue where you are losing excessive fluid.
    You will get most of the necessary electrolytes from your fruit and vegetables. The western diet tends to be quite high in sodium, so it is usually a case of needing to lower it rather than reach a particular level. Diabetics are recommended to have less than 1500mg per day, to help prevent complications from high blood pressure or heart and kidney disease.

  • posted by geobl

    Thanks for your reply, Cherrianne.

  • posted by FoFi

    I have read on a website I wouldn’t necessarily trust that a slightly higher than normal intake of sodium and potassium can help with the first few days of a low carb diet. However this wasn’t aimed at diabetics and as I said you can’t trust everything on the net.

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