Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by SunnyB

    Thank you for all the kind words. With neither of the funerals being until the new year, I’m trying to keep the focus on Christmas for now and appreciate family and friends. Sadly so far, there has been no sign of my Mum’s stolen jewellery. She has been very stoic about it, but I know it must really hurt to have lost so many sentimental items. They were insured, but nothing can really replace the loss of such personal things.

    Natalie, the brownies are so intensely chocolaty that the vegetable element can’t be tasted at all, which is why they can be made with swede, squash or pumpkin. V, sounds like you had a lovely meal out and I approve of not stressing yourself by weighing this morning. With a good BSD day today, I’m sure the scales will read just fine tomorrow. Marie, your tree sounds lovely and how wonderful to have so many memories wrapped up in it’s decorations. I have collected tree ornaments for years and buy at least one or two new ones every year, but the only sentimental ones I have are four little pottery angels, each one with the name of one of our grandchildren on it. JGwen, hope you hit mid-point before the 25th – I’m sure you can do it!

    Positives for today:
    1) One of our grandsons was 15 today, so we paid a fleeting visit to drop of pressies before they went out with his friend at lunchtime to celebrate. I was there when he was born and we have always been close, for which I’m grateful.
    2) Heard today our son and granddaughter who live a couple of hours away, will be visiting for a few days from 27th Dec.
    3) My OH has no work scheduled until the new year now.

    Just realised all of those positives were family related, but I guess that’s what I am most grateful for right now.

  • posted by Flick

    Here are my positives for today –

    1. I don’t have to go to the markets again before Christmas
    2. There is a beautiful pair of Gang Gang parrots in the crab apple tree outside my window
    3. Most of my pre-Christmas cooking prep is done, just the cherry trifle to go

    Enjoy the next few days everyone.

  • posted by Natalie

    1. I went up to the local shops this morning as soon as they opened to pick up my turkey, there was a queue of cars to get into the car park but otherwise it was pretty painless and now I’m completely done with the shopping.
    2. The forecast for Christmas Day is relatively cool, definitely a positive for someone who will spend half the day in the kitchen!
    3. My 13 year old daughter puts on Christmas Carols every time we get in the car or sit down to do something like colour-in. Very festive.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning all! This thread is certainly starting to feel very festive and constantly makes me smile.

    Yesterday I had a chocolate fest and not even the ‘friendly’ stuff. I have no idea why and I am truly disgusted with myself. I weighed this morning and by some miracle I am still the same as I was when I went away on holiday 4 weeks ago. I am skating on very thin ice though. So my first positive for yesterday ….
    1. I am still drinking at least 2 litres of water everyday.
    2. Apart from the chocolate I had a good BSD friendly day.
    3. My daughter is making me smile. We are going there for lunch on Monday and she is so stressed she is even asking me what water I drink! This time of year seems to turn normally sane people into some sort of ‘monsters’.

    SunnyB all your positives are family related which is lovely but mine seem to all be food related …. sad!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Stay strong V, take back the control and try not to beat yourself up for things already done. I can appreciate your daughter’s stress, that is usually me! So nice this year to be able to relax in the knowledge the main event is going to be a quiet and relaxed affair for us this year.

    My weight was a little up on yesterday, but still comfortably below target, so allowing myself a little latitude. Toying with the idea of not weighing through Christmas, but I suspect when it comes to it, I will continue weighing daily – it’s so solidly part of my daily routine, I think it will just happen automatically.

    My positives today as similar to one or two others posted, but here goes:
    1) Turkey and meat for Boxing Day collected, last of the grocery shop done and whatever we don’t have now, we will live without.
    2) Making a concerted effort to ensure good hydration today, as I have let it slip a little over the last couple of days and really felt it first thing this morning. Keeping track properly today and feeling better for it.
    3) Enjoying relaxing into the festive season and revelling in the reduced stress levels this time around. Living in the day and not stressing about tomorrow.

    I’m guessing that posts will dwindle a bit in the coming days, as we will all be busy with celebrations. Will look forward to reading everyone’s Christmas and positive posts in a few days. Have a brilliant BSD Christmas to one and all!

  • posted by Natalie

    Verano your daughter made me smile too! She’s just trying to make sure you have a good day. I remember hosting several Christmases where one guest couldn’t eat salycilates which are in nearly all fruits veges and spices, one wouldn’t eat fat or anything with egg in it, a couple on Lent so only seafood which I don’t like and rarely cook, and one who needed special A1 dairy products. No wonder I got a bit stressed sometimes! Still have a couple of those around, plus one child not allowed sugar (her mum’s rule, which I respect but very tricky at birthday/Christmas celebrations) but I guess I’m used to it now. And people bring their own food more if they have special needs.

    My positives for this morning:
    1. We will have guests from lunchtime today, Christmas Eve. Which means my husband is running around this morning cleaning the house! I love watching him work.
    2. How calm and stress-free I feel. I will be working hard for the next two days, but enjoying Christmas as well.
    3. I had pizza during the week and my weight jumped up half a kg. I knew it wasn’t 500g of fat! Mostly carbs holding on to water. Sure enough after a few days it’s gone back down.

    Merry Christmas everybody!

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning. It’s good to hear that everyone is stress free, long may it last. I am really struggling to find the positives for yesterday I just had one of those days when I was in a real ‘tizz’ with myself for no particular reason.

    SunnyB I’m like you and have to weigh everyday I think it helps me stay in control but I know it’s not for everybody. Natalie don’t work too hard!

    Just want to wish everyone a great Christmas and I will be back in a couple of days. Enjoy!

  • posted by alliecat

    Last post for me on all threads til Boxing Day! My positives are that
    O/H and I are about to put up our Christmas tree, and enjoy remembering
    our acquisition of ornaments over the past 48 years together.
    There is no Christmas gift that can compare to having my husband
    well and healthy after such a life threatening year with his health.
    Number 3, there is plenty of firewood in the bin for cozy fireside
    chats, listening to our favorite carols 🙂 Will be looking through picture
    albums of loved ones who are no longer with us, and reliving those
    beautiful memories!

    Peace on Earth to all women of “goodwill” on these threads!

    Joy to all,



  • posted by Verano

    Good morning. Hope everyone had a good day yesterday and it brought all the joys and pleasures anticipated.

    My three positives this morning are all interrelated ….
    1. Lovely lunch cooked by my lovely daughter. It’s probably at least 10 years since I was waited on at lunch!
    2. Spent the day with my wonderful grandsons watching the delight of Xmas and presents on their faces.
    3. Stayed 95% BSD friendly. My only concessions to the festive season were half a roast potato, one tablespoon of pudding, which I love, and a third of a mini mince pie. Homemade and succulent. Weirdly I had lost weight this morning when I weighed!!

    Today we are just four for lunch here so it can be as BSD friendly as I want it to be! Hope you all enjoy the rest of the holidays.

  • posted by Natalie

    Verano I indulged a lot more than you but I still lost weight overnight! The human body is weird, isn’t it.
    I have the obvious Christmas positives of family and presents. But also a couple of funny ones about Christmas dinner dessert.
    1. There was a little niggling argument going on on Facebook Messages about who would contribute trifle, several people offered but we didn’t want more than one – I don’t like it so didn’t care and wasn’t part of the discussion – and then in the end no one did! The person who insisted they would was of course the most unreliable person there.
    2. One mother of small children bans unhealthy food for them, fair enough though it’s tricky to manage at big family celebrations, and she brought some ‘healthy’ desserts (not BSD idea of healthy) for them with extras which didn’t get eaten. Then she asked if she could take leftovers of the ‘unhealthy’ desserts home for herself!

  • posted by Maria M

    It’s hard to keep a positive mind when the results aren’t showing. I started doing exercise to reduce the back fat area and I lost a few pounds very fast at first (http://ohealthyeah.com/back-fat-exercises/ number 6 is the perfect for busy people). But then everything stopped. The results weren’t the ones I wanted.
    I thought I was doing everything right, doing exercise and all, but I didn’t pay attention to the food. It’s crucial to get the exact diet that will be tailored to the exercise you do and the nutrients your body needs. Diet is key, so consider visiting a nutritionist to help you with that. 

    So, keep in mind this:
    There is always an answer and reason for the slow results. You just need to follow the right way – the BSD way!

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning.

    Yesterday’s positive moments were many but having a family day especially with our new granddaughter was top of the list……
    1. I managed to cook the full works yesterday and stay pain free. A huge achievement for me.
    2. I did have 2 small roast potatoes and a little pudding but I stayed in ‘control’.
    3. I love being in control of my eating now. Being able to pick and choose without guilt or gluttony is so liberating.

    I keep marvelling at the way in which this WOE has now just become second nature. I no longer have to ‘resist’ certain foods I no longer find them appetising. This I guess only comes with time, and I’ve been here long enough to know!!!!

  • posted by alliecat

    I think you’ve put it very well, V! I think it is only with practicing this WOL
    for an extended period that we come to view food not as a menace or
    challenge, but as something that no longer has power over us. It is
    totally liberating, isn’t it? I struggle sometimes to communicate my
    thoughts as effectively as you do. Thanks! 🙂

  • posted by JackieM

    1) I am 59kg! Without any apparent effort on my part. And definitely a size 10 top and bottom.

    2) everyone had a great Xmas and loved the puppy

    3) I have been saying what I think and the earth did not implode.

  • posted by Verano

    Allie I think you have put it perfectly! Yes practice does make perfect , well nearly!

    JackieM I think you may have been lucky saying ‘what you think’ without backlash unless, of course, all those thoughts were lovely ones!

    Yesterday, was a bit of a ‘midweek crisis’ day for me but I can still find some positives……
    1. I caught up with all my washing.
    2. I had a ‘lazy’ day just doing things because I ‘wanted’ to not because I ‘had’ to or was working to a deadline.
    3. Made a lovely chicken stir fry without a rice substitute, like cauliflower. I no longer need ‘rice’ , vegetables alone make a great meal.

    SunnyB if you are out there …have you abandoned us???

  • posted by JackieM

    Hi Verano, I told my in-laws I was cross they left me behind on a walk (I went back to deal with the dog poo and thought they were waiting). I think at Christmas the point is to walk together. They said sorry, and it was all fine. Sometimes, I have decided, it is OK not to pretend people don’t upset you when they have. I think that might have been the kind of thing that led to the biscuit barrel in the past. Though I agree that constant, random saying what I thought could prove wearing for everyone! Xx

  • posted by Verano

    Ahh … JackieM that really wasn’t too bad at all. I had visions of you telling ‘everybody’ around the table exactly what you thought of them deep down, but I doubt if that would have made for a Happy Christmas! I do agree with you about not pretending not to be upset when you are. I often let things go but a few months ago I was deeply upset by someone’s actions or lack of them really. So I stood my ground and consequently it seems that it’s ME that was in the wrong!!! You know sometimes you just have to stick with your principles despite the consequences, at least I can sleep at night!

  • posted by JackieM

    Aw, Verano, it doesn’t always have a happy ending does it. But having looked at it from all angles, if you can’t see another way then I think it is better to speak out about the way you feel, which is of course different from deciding one is categorically ‘right’ about something. Though not always comfortable.

    If I had gone round the table, I would have had lots of good things to say (this being a positive thoughts thread and all) as they aren’t a bad lot. In fact, I think we all felt this was the best Christmas for ages. I struggle with not having my own family around and being surrounded by my in-laws, but having it at our house sufficiently redresses the balance. It took me a good few years to even realise that was what was happening with me, let alone acknowledge it.

    One thing taking control of my diet has done has made me kinder to myself and it’s forced me to make time for looking after myself too. Because if I don’t eat right my pancreas will suffer (or my bowels!) and if I’m ill a whole heap of people will suffer. My daughter says I’m way less grumpy, so I think in addition to less sugar related mood swings I’ve stopped bottling things up and trying to suffocate them through eating. Which is another jolly good thing. 😁

  • posted by SunnyB

    No Verano, I’ve not deserted I’m still here, just been reading the posts as they blipped into my inbox, rather than actually posting. Sounds like there have been lots of very positive things happening over Christmas, including some people losing weight! I had a major scare Boxing Day morning with a 1.5lb blip upwards on the scales! Pleased to say that has now disappeared and regardless, at no point was I on or above target weight, keeping a sense of perspective on the whole thing.

    It’s amazing how taking control with the BSD also allows us to take control in other areas of our lives too and brings about positive things across the board.

    My positives right now are:
    1) Have our son and granddaughter visiting, so lots of family time at the moment.
    2) Managing to keep hydration up and have discovered Whittards Redbush Chocolate Chai, which is really flavourful.
    3) Still maintaining without weighing, calculating and recording.

    If I don’t get around to posting again in time, I wish you all a very Happy New Year and only good things in 2018.

  • posted by Verano

    I have noticed so much talk of ‘control ‘ recently, maybe I’ve just not pick up on it before, but we all do seem to be more in control of our diet. And yes I do think transfers to other aspects of our lives. Control and perspective should maybe our two guiding principles for 2018 and hopefully all good things will follow.

    Pleased all is well SunnyB wishing you a healthy and happy New Year too.

  • posted by alliecat

    SunnyB, I just couldn’t let your post go by without reporting on how your
    Christmas eggs/salmon substitution for salmon./bagels/cream cheese
    went over in my house. O/h was a little disgruntled when I told him to
    exclude bagels from the last minute grocery list. I added some cream
    cheese to the scrambled eggs, as well as fresh dillweed and scallions.
    O/h fell in love, and has requested a repeat performance for New Year’s
    Day. A new tradition has been born Sunny, thanks to you! When I served
    it, I said “this is compliments of SunnyB” Thank you for the suggestion.
    It was great!

  • posted by SunnyB

    So pleased the egg/smoked salmon dish went over well, Allie. Like the idea of cream cheese and scallions in the eggs, personally not a huge fan of dill, so would probably not go that way, but it does make you wonder what other herbs or spices could be effectively added. I put a drop of double (heavy) cream in our eggs with a couple of dashes of Chipotle Tabasco, other than that, our breakfast was pretty much as I originally described. I also like to sprinkle mine with a little hot paprika.

    Like the idea of having control and perspective as our watch words for 2018. I think that – especially for those of us in maintenance – these are key to our continued BSD way of life. Thank you for the good wishes V, much appreciated. I noticed a new thread from you and I will definitely be taking a look in on there too.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning all. The eggs sound lovely. I make plain old scrambled eggs with smoked salmon but have never thought to add cream cheese, cream or herbs, but will definitely give it a try, sounds ‘lush’!

    So yesterday was a bit of a revelation for me, well not exactly, as it was as I had expected really, but not what I’d hoped for. I weighed and logged all my food and drink yesterday for the first time in ages. The result was as expected I’m in ‘maintenance ‘ so I know what I have to do to start losing again ……
    1. I took ‘control’ of my food intake by weighing and logging.
    2. I have worked out a plan for the coming 8 week challenge of 1000/40 to ease myself back into losing mode.
    3. I did a good chunk of my ironing.

    Hope everyone had a positive day too.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Morning all. Well, the house is suddenly completely empty again, now that our son and granddaughter have left for home and OH is out doing some emergency work for one of his regular clients. So, right now it’s just me and I have chosen to fill my time with catching up on email and the forum. Well done on getting stuck into the ironing Verano, I so admire the effort. I have a whole heap of ironing to do, but am not yet planning to tackle it!

    Like you V, I plan to begin weighing and measuring all consumed as of 2nd Jan and until then, I will continue to consume mindfully and hopefully continue to maintain as I have been recently. Like you when I begin on the BSD in earnest again, I plan to allow some extra calories – at least to begin with – but I want to try to keep the carbs to 20g if I can, as this seems to be key to my losing weight. I know I will have to go back in to maintenance mode for a week from 11th Jan, as we are going to my parents, so OH can refurb their bathroom for them. It’s my birthday that w/e as well, so there will be a meal out for sure. Still, I have a good window to work in to lose the few extra pounds I’d like to shift, as we won’t be going to Turkey until early April.

    Anyway, looking at the positives for today:
    1) With all the family visits over, I’m enjoying some quiet personal time.
    2) Looking forward to a long w/e with OH, before the normal routine kicks in again.
    3) Weighed in at 8st 4.8lb, same as yesterday, so I’m a happy bunny!

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning.

    1. I have just been re-reading the Reflect, review …. thread and quite a few posts talk of simple carbs becoming part of life again and subsequent weight gains. I think there is probably an optimum time of being carb free before you hit the point of no longer finding carbs attractive. I’m not saying that a roast potato will never pass my lips again on the odd occasion but I truly believe that I have reached that point of no longer finding carbs attractive. So that’s my number one positive for today’s list.
    2. Went to the hairdressers yesterday and now feel much better.
    3. Hairdresser paid me a compliment saying how ‘well’ I look. That will do me fine!

    Hope everyone (if SunnyB and I aren’t the only two left standing) has a good and positive day!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hey there, Verano – just you and me at the moment I think! I guess lots of folks are focusing on New Year celebrations etc., but I’m still up for posting a few positives.

    Like you V, in general I no longer find carb laden foods attractive and if I think I fancy something like chips or roast potatoes, just a couple of modest bites will be enough for me to realise I actually don’t really want to eat them. It’s a huge plus being in that position and I’m grateful for not having cravings and urges to devour heaps of non-BSD foods these days. Anyway, positives for today are:

    1) Nice morning out with OH.
    2) Bought some lovely looking sirloin steak for dinner this evening, which I’ll have with salad and OH will have with bubble & squeak.
    3) Have brought my ‘Gift Book’ up to date, with all the gifts we gave this Christmas, so they aren’t duplicated in 2018 – been keeping it since 2006, so quite a little tome of information now.

    Stay positive everyone!

  • posted by Verano

    Wow SunnyB how organised is that! I keep a very rough dinner party/ entertaining book so I can cook everyone my favourites without repeating them too often. They probably don’t remember what they eat here anyway but it makes me feel better!

    So it’s onwards to tomorrow and the last day of 2017. Wonder what 2018 will bring? Whatever we’ll have to keep finding the positives in each day. It’s a really good way to start a new day.

  • posted by KazzUK

    Hello my friends.

    That’s a good idea about keeping a dinner party book! Not that I entertain very often. I have got family coming over for lunch tmrw, however, and I’m making a chilli with jacket potato and garlic bread for them, their request. I’m doing cauliflower rice for myself to go with my portion of chilli. I have some positives:

    1 – to go on a 5 mile walk every Sunday morning with this over 40 group of people that I joined over a year ago but I was too big to cope with the full 5 miles on the couple of times I met up with them. Time to push myself.

    2 – fully commit to giving up bread instead of allowing a crusty roll to creep in every 10-14 days!

    3 – embrace the 2nd half of this winter bundled up in big coats and woolies and then emerge like a butterfly from a chrysalis in April! I’ve said that before but needed to write it down again!

    4 – enjoy this journey, relish the transformation and make a list of all the items of clothing and accessories I’d like to wear when at target!

    Wishing everyone a splendid new year even if, like me, you will be spending the evening at home alone with a couple of glasses of port and some fine stilton and seed crackers AND The Sopranos box set! Happy days!

    Kazzee xxx

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning! Kazz I love the idea of emerging from winter like a butterfly. Port and stilton sounds great I wish I could join you!

    I had a really quiet day yesterday ….
    1. Nails polished and shiny looking lovely …. especially my ‘Christmas’ red toes.
    2. Sorted out an outfit to wear for tonight, a party, even though the top is huge now it still looks ok but this will probably be its last outing!
    3. Have decided how to proceed in 2018 with BSD will, weigh, log and stick to 1000/40 for 8 weeks. Wish me luck!

    Hope 2018 is all you wish it to be ….. Happy New Year…. be well and be healthy.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Final good morning of 2017. We will be out celebrating the arrival of the new year with neighbours, so we have had a brunch and won’t eat now until dinner at theirs this evening. So modest positives for today:

    1) Don’t need to plan a meal for later.
    2) Will have a nice pamper session this afternoon – face pack, shower, paint toe nails etc.
    3) Going to have a play with the new camera OH gave me for Christmas. It’s got lots of ‘gizmos’ on it to get to grips with and I’m itching to really give it a good ‘run out’ now that I have the time and space.

    Have really appreciated the company on this thread. I think it is all too easy for the positives, to get swallowed up in the general hubub of day to day life. Thinking of reviving an old habit, of simply writing down a minimum of ten positive words each day. Even spending time thinking of positive words, helps to lift the mood and I found it helped me look for the positives in the day as well.

    That’s it from me for 2017 on this particular thread. Have a good new year whatever you are doing and may 2018 bring great things your way.

  • posted by Squidge

    My three positive things are –

    1. My husband and I are starting the fast 800 diet tomorrow, so will soon be slimmer and healthier.
    2. We’ve already started doing some exercise which should help.
    3. I’ve ‘met’ some relly helpful and supportive people on this forum.

    Happy New Year everyone. I look forward to us sharing our successes on here during 2018.

  • posted by Theodora

    Good to hear so much positivity to end the year.

    My 3 positives for today are….

    1) Had a wonderful Christmas with family staying (Hotel Theodora was open for business yet again) but we waved them all goodbye this morning (apart from my mother, whom I will drive home on Tuesday) Lovely to see them all, but a week was long enough, so great to have the house back to ourselves.

    2) We all took my mother out for a very yummy lunch yesterday at our favourite waterside restaurant to celebrate her 93rd birthday. I indulged in 3 quite decadent courses (no white carbs though – well just one sauté potato) and several glasses of wine, plus a glass of champagne but this morning I managed to have LOST two pounds, so still have 7lbs of wriggle room.

    3) Going out this evening for dinner with friends at their house, along with 6 other good friends, to see in 2018. Their house is even within walking distance (1.5 miles) so will be walking home in the early hours with my husband, hopefully by moonlight, but we’ll take a torch just in case 😉

    Happy and healthy new year everyone.

  • posted by healthconsciousperson

    That is so awesome and inspiring. I have recently became a vegetarian and I feel so energetic. By eliminating processed foods, sugars and meats, I think my body is feeling nourished and happy. This blog has always been helpful to me http://www.marathonist.com

  • posted by Flick

    Happy new year everyone – here are my positives for today

    1.it is the first day of the year – looking ahead – absolutely anything is possible
    2. It is a perfect early summer morning here, blue sky, fresh clear air, birds singing, and
    3. I’m spending the day at an annual new years day pool party with some of my favourite people

    Also if we consider today just about the end of the silly season, I’ve made it safely through, on plan and alcohol free and it’s just about end of week 7 – all on plan! 🤪 In addition to the health benefits, maintaining this 8 week commitment is really strengthening my confidence and self esteem. Hadn’t anticipated that but now expect it will have a reverberating effect for a while.

    Enjoy the day

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    My 2017 positives.

    1: I still fit into all my new clothes (and my 25 year old wedding dress) just over a year after my 8 weeks at 800 calories experience.
    2: I managed to get in over 15,000 steps today, while dodging all bar a couple of raindrops from storm Dylan, and only getting blown off the pavement into the road once (with no oncoming traffic!).
    3: I found a pair of Rohan light walking trousers in a charity shop for £3.80 which mum estimates is about a 20th of what they originally cost, and they look practically brand new. Ready for a step up in activity into 2018. Happy new year everybody. 😀

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning and Happy New Year!

    I’m away now for a few weeks so I guess that must by first positive. NYE was an eye opener for me in many ways. We went to a party seeing many friends we’d not seen for a long time, some for years. I left the old year on a high …
    1. Received lots of compliments even if some were slightly backhanded such as ‘wow you look great last time I saw you were !!!!! She didn’t actually add ‘so fat’ but that’s what she meant!
    2. Watched fireworks.
    3. Travelled yesterday for three weeks away from the UK weather … can only be good.

    Let’s stay positive in 2018 even if we don’t get to post everyday.

  • posted by JackieM

    Hi all

    1) sinusitis finally going and lovely husband bought me some really good Vicks stuff without me asking (aww! ❤️)

    2) husband bought me awesome size 10 clothes for Xmas and they all fit (double aww ❤️)

    3) puppy can hold bladder really well now and I get a lie-in in the morning. Also he did not disgrace himself when we stayed over with friends NYE,


  • posted by JackieM

    MnM – gonna try on wedding dress today, you’ve inspired me! X

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hello All – very best wishes to everyone, for a prosperous and successful 2018, hope it is a year full of wonderful things for us all.

    So, I had a not very positive day yesterday, mainly due to feeling awful due to poor hydration on New Years Eve and way too many carbs as well. However, I’m on the 800 Reboot from today and taking back control, to lose a few more pounds and push down to a flat 8st. So, my positives today are:

    1) Taking back full control of what I consume and recording daily.
    2) Feeling well today and eager to start the new year properly.
    3) Starting to plan our next trip to our home in Turkey – yippee!!

    How did you get on with the wedding dress JackieM?

  • posted by JackieM

    SunnyB I was just reading this after a shower (I often have a mid afternoon shower when I feel like snacking) so I got my wedding dress out and it fits! Although it is all buttons up the back so I required a bit of help from the girl child to get in and out! These days I would definitely buy one with a hidden zip!

    I never thought that would happen again 😁😁😁

  • posted by SunnyB

    It’s a blast isn’t it, getting into something you thought you’d never get into again!! Well done you!!!

    I also can get into my wedding dress these days and we celebrated our 20th anniv October’17. When I started on the BSD, I never thought I would be able to get into it again, so it was a real boost to find it fitted once more. By the by, I went for the hidden zip, so can get in and out of mine on my own!

    Keep up the good work Jackie.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning!

    Well done to both of you for now fitting into your wedding dresses. I no longer have mine I think it disappeared in a house move, anyway, there’s no way I would fit into it yet. Maybe by the end of this year I will be closer to the size I was 48 years ago!!!!

    I just love this thread it brightens my day and makes me smile every morning. What’s not to like!. So to yesterday ….
    1. The sun was shining.
    2. The feeling of warmth on my body was lovely, especially as it was raining at home.
    3. Had a really BSD friendly day but let myself down with wine!

    It really is difficult to break old habits but I have to try and stop drinking wine when I’m away. So, just for today, I will follow the plan, tomorrow will take care of itself.
    Have a good day!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Been playing catch up all day, as I overslept this morning, so later than usual in posting on the forum today. Do have some positives though:

    1) Lovely charity shop find today – a pretty and flattering green lacy top in size 10 for £2.50, which will team beautifully with a new pair of palazzo pants I bought recently.
    2) Used up some tired veggies to make a yummy veg and stilton soup, which made a delicious lunch and these plenty for the next day or two as well.
    3) Good scales reading this morning, which is probably due to getting rid of water retention from over carbing over new year, but hoping to build on it during the rest of the week.

    Like your attitude V, best to concentrate on one day at a time – certainly the way I’m going at the moment.

  • posted by Verano

    Sun is just coming up over the mini mountains so it will be a positive day! I really wish I could oversleep SunnyB. I usually wake around 4ish and then find it so difficult to get back to sleep …. mind racing!

    Anyway yesterday…..
    1. I did a little more of my jigsaw which is really relaxing.
    2. Continued reading David Cavan book about diabetes but had to skip quite a bit.
    Doesn’t sound too positive but it was because it’s got me closer to the end! If I start reading a book I have to finish it!
    3. Made the best peppered steak I have ever made, used sriracha instead of Tabasco, and enjoyed it without guilt. It’s so good to be out of that ‘low fat’ nonsensical way of living.

    Have a positive day!

  • posted by Natalie

    I spent the day at the zoo with my family.
    1. Not many choices for lunch there but I ate my roast chicken and didn’t eat my chips. Only one tiny crispy piece, and that was enough.
    2. It was cloudy most of the day – cool and pleasant for lots of walking – but then the sun came out and the meerkats we were watching lay on their backs in the sand, soaking up the rays.
    3. 23 grams net carbs today. And that is after seven different vegetables on my plate at dinner time!

  • posted by Nick C

    1. 2 days in and feeling/adapting fine.
    2. Made a batch of beef & offal meatballs, followed by a batch of skinny chilli. Both delicious!
    3. Excited for what the weeks ahead hold for everyone on this journey.

  • posted by Theodora

    My three positives……………

    1) Just signed up for 2 Futurelearning courses, starting 8th and 15th Jan and am really looking forward to taxing my brain a little bit more than usual. They say learning new things helps to stave off dementia, so got to be a good thing!

    2) Slept really well last night, for the first time in weeks.

    3) Totally back on my normal BSD WOE after the Christmas and New Year excesses (although I didn’t partake in refined carbs) – I was sooo craving something fresh and light – so, what with the good night’s sleep, I am feeling refreshed and reinvigorated.

    Can I add a 4th please?

    4) Came home from walking the dogs this morning to find o/h re-grouting the tiles in his bathroom – something I had been asking him to do for months and had totally given up on ever being done! He is also replacing all the sealants etc, which means he’ll have to use my bathroom for a day or 2 while it all dries, but I can live with that! (As long as he’s not in there when I want to use it!😜)

  • posted by JackieM


    1) kids came for dog walk and had the best time running up and down hills. Dog ecstatic. Windy day, we all got refreshed and invigorated.
    2) eating more veg, drinking more water
    3) got out in garden and have some exciting plans for it this year, plus enough money to achieve them!

    Glad to hear you are getting back to your routine, Theodora, and that you got a good sleep.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Wow Theo, a bathroom each, that must be wonderful! Good to see another new name popping up on this thread Nick C.

    My positives for today are:

    1) Have squared away the account reconciliations for the village hall this morning.
    2) Had a lovely long video chat with one of our Turkish friends.
    3) Finding getting back in to the swing of the BSD again quite easy and it’s making me more mindful of what I’m consuming and when.

    Stay positive everyone and please keep telling us all about it.

  • posted by Theodora

    HaHa, Sunny – maybe that’s the secret to how we’ve stayed married for 48 years😝

    Mind you, on a not so positive note, he has now decided to replace his shower tray, which will take him ages (he is not the speediest of workers, but he is a perfectionist) so I’ll let you know if we’re still married after sharing my bathroom with him for the next week or so😉

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