Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by avisamuelgrey

    I don’t post here often as I’m generally a miserable cow (!), but the sun is out today and I am feeling more up than down, so here we go:

    1. 5lb discard after 4 days of TRE, two meals per day, and no off-plan food (calories were a bit over).

    2. Finished the working week on a high after starting it sobbing at my desk on Monday morning, in front of the staff I manage.

    3. No alcohol, even though it is in the house. I sleep better, my meds are more effective and I’m not sabotaging my hard work.

    I also made a weird aubergine concoction to use up leftovers. Sliced in half, topped with pesto then baked with a chicken breast fillet, topped with halloumi and grilled pepper antipasti. It was really filling, and I was surprised to find the aubergine had more carbs than the peppers. It came to about 400 cals. As I’m not hungover, I plan to spend the day cleaning (never one of my top priorities) so that there is less guilt in the week ahead. And Monday is an extra day off!

    Wishing everyone the best, you are a lovely bunch x

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Thank you Patricia1066 – I will definitely try your aubergine recipe. And I like the sound of yours too avisamuelgrey.
    Birdy – happy to hear you need a belt.. I bet that’s a good feeling. Well done.
    My jeans are feeling loose too, and am fitting into some clothes I have not worn for a couple of years.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Loving that so many positives are being posted. It is the only thread I’m keeping track of while away in Turkey and have been enjoying sharing in everyone’s high points and the spin some if you manage to put on otherwise negative situations.

    Today is being uncooperative weatherwise, with thick grey cloud threatening rain, but I think I can dig up some positives regardless.
    1) Lovely day out yesterday and came back with two new pairs of slim leg trousers, one in fuschia pink and the other in a bold flora pattern, plus a pair of orange sandals.
    2) Managed to get laundry dry this morning before the weather turned.
    3) Have beef casserole slow cooking in the oven and it smells wonderful!
    And if you’ll excuse a fourth …
    4) Designated ‘warning’ sign garment still fitting okay after three weeks.
    To those in the UK, enjoy your extended bank holiday w/e and to those in other locations, have a good weekend too.

  • posted by Kafin13

    It’s only 11am but I’m posting my positive now. I weighed myself this morning and it wasn’t positive or remotely pleasant. I knew it wouldn’t be because while I stay on track every day, I binge at night. I don’t know why, because I’ve done it before, but I feel powerless to stop it right now. There is something going on in my head that all the distractions, reasons why I want to do this etc are incapable of touching right now. I didn’t weigh in to punish myself, I did it to show myself that no matter what I weigh, I’m still a good person, I’m not hideous and that although it isn’t happening right now, I will get back to doing it, I believe very strongly in this WOE and I will get there. Weighing in daily actually helps me keep on track and maybe this was a first step so even though I feel shaky inside, I’m taking this as a positive. And now, I’m off to my first yoga class in about 6 weeks and I’m scared. I know people there don’t care what I look like and no one is probably even that interested but I feel like everyone is staring and judging when really I’m the only one doing that to myself. So I’m going and I will enjoy the exercise and the company and my lovely sweet teacher who loves me no matter what. So I guess 2 (sort of) positives.
    Much love to you all, especially those struggling and many thanks for all the the support you continue to give me xxx

  • posted by sixturkeys

    Hi Kafin – hope the yoga was good. You know, most people there are probably thinking exactly the same as you. I’m going to be stared at and judged. Did you judge them? I can’t imagine you did. And having looked at your blog, I would say you definitely fall into “babe” category. Beautiful smile, wonderful features, lovely colouring, enviable hair. I wish I had a magic wand to stop you beating yourself up. If you have ever thought of yourself as remotely “hideous” then I wonder how I have got through life managing not to traumatise any small children so far. You are a really pretty woman! And funny and witty! You will I hope come to the point where you accept that nature has in fact been kind to you! I also loved the story of Albert pointedly ignoring his new bed…Any more posts like the above and I am going to start talking to you in my serious lawyer tone of voice Ms Kafin…Together we will all get through this.

  • posted by Kafin13

    Hi SixTurkeys – yes the yoga was good! I’m always glad after I’ve been. And you’re right, I couldn’t care less what they look like, they’re all good people and that’s enough for me. No one was looking at me and my instructor who knows what I’ve been going through, gave me lots of hugs which is so nice when you’re so isolated. I miss not having physical contact with anyone. Thank you for the lovely compliments, you made my day! I didn’t know you were a lawyer – something else we have in common, although I don’t practice in the US other than to redline contracts. I don’t want the serious lawyer tone of voice!
    1. I stuck to it the WOE yesterday for the first time in weeks and I’m so proud of myself. It’s only one day but one day at a time will do it!
    2. Going to buy new shoes today with Xmas money from my Mum
    3. I practiced speaking Spanish yesterday to a gentleman in the supermarket. He said “no hablo ingles” and I said “pero, yo soy hablando espanol”. And he continued to tell me he didn’t speak English. It’s possible that my Kiwi accent is interfering with my (I like to think) Mexican accent. It wasn’t a success but it made me laugh and in general everyone here is so kind and appreciative that you’re making an effort to try and speak their language.

  • posted by sixturkeys

    Kafin – yes – one day at a time!! Hold that thought! And I think personally and from reading others on here, it does get easier. Old “desires” do pass, and really quite quickly. I do have lapses (of the wine variety – just much less often -and my portion of aubergine curry (thanks Birdy!) this evening might have been a bit large…) but I am not missing the old carbs at all. And just a week before I started in Jan this year, I was tucking away bread, crumpets with jam, the previously mentioned Danish pastries, mega piles of rice and the rest. After the first week, that really did pass – not willpower, just not really wanting or missing it. I am not a paragon by any means and my discard is slow and stately. Can you make yoga class a really regular feature? I am trying to imagine a blended kiwi/mexican accent….

  • posted by CocoPhoenix

    Great thread!
    Three positive things that happened to me this weekend are:
    1. Finding the BSD book because many of the recipes are single serve and easy to follow.
    2. The weather was beautiful both yesterday and today.
    3. I learned something important thanks to someone on another forum (related to how to do one of my hobbies better).

  • posted by Patricia1066

    My positives are

    1. Despite the scales showing no shift down in 5 days I have lost 1cm off my waist.
    2. Back on track with my ankle after a few days minding it. I’m going to keep on with the exercises.
    3. Thanks to so many good friends here on the forum, I have kept koko even when I am feeling low.

  • posted by Kafin13

    Positive thoughts seem a bit hard to come by at the moment but maybe looking for the little things rather than a big positive os the way to go. So…
    1. I had aubergine β€œsteaks” spread with goat cheese for dinner, which were delicious.
    2. Jeans could probably do with a belt
    3. Albert is always here for me and loves me unconditionally.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi Kafin, Six Turkeys, Patricia and Cocophoenix (most recent posters) and everyone else, It is so good to catch up on a few of the threads this morning. I’ve been AWOL for many weeks trying to sort my move from California to Bath, England — good news is we are here and settled and the dogs both arrived safely!!! I was past tired for the first week, sleeping 11 hours at a stretch, but it is much better now and I feel like I have energy to look around and get myself organized.
    Kafin, what the heck is a Kiwi lawyer doing in Los Angeles? How did you come to be living there with Albert and studying Spanish? I went to UCLA for my undergraduate degree and I married a Los Angeleno (but I quickly re-homed him to the San Francisco Bay area where I grew up, ha ha). I absolutely love LA — it is a complex, crazy place but full of energy and creativity. My inlaws live in Santa Monica and our son and family live in Long Beach.
    Sounds like much success here, good to hear things going well! Cocophoenix, great to hear you found the book — mine became dog eared from so much review in the beginning.

  • posted by caronl

    Hi Californigirl, Glad to hear that you are settling in well in Bath. I am visiting there in September – it is a very special place. Alma mater.

    Positives today. Hmmm. To be honest it has been a strange upsetting week. I don’t think it would be helpful to spread the disquiet (!), so will do this as an act of will:
    1) It’s a new day to embrace. Lots of possibilities. But will probably do something mundane like more parquet-oiling!
    2) My Chamber Choir starts rehearsals tonight – love the experience of singing in a smaller group, and with lovely people.
    3) Heading to the UK tomorrow to see my parents. All of us looking forward to it.

    Best wishes to everyone for the weekend.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hello lovely people, I’m feeling a bit guilty for being absent from here for so long, but so pleased to see positives still being posted.
    Kafin, it’s often the little things that get overlooked and if we can spend a few minutes finding the little pluses, it can help put things in perspective.
    C/girl, so glad you are settling into your new location. Would be good to make contact on I’m back in the UK and see if we can’t link up, as I’m not so far away from Bath.
    caronl, sorry you have had a rough week, but have a lovely time with your family. Hopefully it will make up for the negative stuff that’s gone before.

    Positives from me right now ….
    1) Still 60 days of our Turkish break to go
    2) Finally had a lovely long Skype call with Allie – hope it’s just the first of many
    3) Really enjoying the wonder fresh produce in the markets here and tailoring meals accordingly. Keeping me on my culinary toes!!

    Please keep posting those positives everyone!

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Hi Californiagirl, SunnyB, Good to see you on the boards,
    My positives today are
    1. Cellulite has gone from my legs.
    2. I had a lovely lunch of ham, olives and cornichon.
    3. I removed chocolate and wine from the house.

    I came across the word winecreep here, how does wine creep into my shopping basket? Not this week!

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Caronl, I’m happy to be in your alma mater town! Where did you live when you were here? We back up to the canal, wow, what an amazing resource, great for walking, running — I had no idea it was here until we stumbled upon it while walking. Truly lovely!
    SunnyB, when you get home from Turkey I would love to say hello in person.
    Patricia, i STILL cannot keep chocolate and wine in the house, now three years into BSD life. I buy it when I want it, but I don’t keep it regularly sitting around because I just can’t spend all day holding myself back and saying, no no no. It is just easier to have it far away. That goes for all bread and sweets too — no willpower here, but then why tempt myself?
    I got a new notebook today that has the best quote inside the cover — “the first step is to take one” — a great BSD quote!

  • posted by caronl

    Hi Californiagirl. I lived mostly on campus and one year in Southstoke. I normally stay in Bathhampton with friends when I visit. Are you on that part of the canal by any chance??!

  • posted by alliecat

    Cheers to everyone this evening! Congrats to all who have made the decision to keep the cork in the wine bottle this
    weekend πŸ™‚ I guess I’m responsible for inventing the term “wine creep”, referring to my own bad maintenance habit of
    sharing a bottle of wine with O/H on the weekend, and then allowing it to “creep” into the first part of the week! Creeping
    into one’s shopping cart works well, too, for a definition. The three consumables that have always been the triumverate
    of tragedy for me has been the combo of wine, cheese and crusty sourdough bread. I’ve kept the bread and cheese out
    of the house for almost 3 years, and I still wouldn’t trust myself with it on the premises. Stilton would be a dog whistle
    from inside the refrigerator! For some, chocolate is the threat πŸ™‚ Recognizing trigger substances makes a great leap
    forward for us all.

    Positives for the week:

    1) At least fully recovering from my recent bout with pneumonia
    2) The teaching semester is just finishing up for O/H, and I’m looking forward to making his re acquaintence in the
    3) Spending a lovely couple of hours laughing and chatting with SunnyB. Imagine it…Live from New England to
    Turkey!!! I think I’m functioning in 3-4 time zones every day πŸ™‚

    Wishing everyone a sunshine filled weekend! I just love hearing about what’s on display in all of your gardens.

    Really happy to see you settled in Bath, Julia. Have you ventured forth to master driving on the wrong side of the road?

  • posted by Verano

    Ahh! What wonderful posts. I have missed all of my BSD ‘friends’ lately so it’s really good to hear from you all. Apologies for not posting but now I guess I need to add my three…….
    1. Spent six days away in southern England with family enjoying great food but not so great weather.
    2. Had a lovely evening out with friends tonight.
    3. Despite almost a week away in hotels and eating out in wonderful places, I have lost half of my ‘cruise’ weight gain! Go figure! Anyway have 4 weeks of ‘normality’ before our next jaunt so back on track and really looking forward to ‘normal’ BSD eating again.
    Hope everyone is well, have a good weekend and…… Stay positive!

  • posted by Puddy

    Hello everyone, I’m new to commenting on the forums, but have been watching for a while. I’m a Type 2, who can control the blood sugar with a low very carb diet, but can’t control the binge eating when I lapse. This time I’m starting with NLP for emotional support. Not the kind of NLP that manipulates you , but the kind where you learn to understand your own decision making processes. If it’s OK I’d like to join this thread and the weekly one.

    My positives.
    I’ve lost 6lbs in 2 weeks
    I went on a training course today and the only carbs I ate where some salad with my ham and cheese at lunch time (no dressing because I didn’t know what was in it)
    Even better, I didn’t pass the cakes and cookies with a reluctant martyr feeling. I just didn’t want them.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Welcome Puddy, good to have you join us!
    Hi Verano, great to see you! Good to hear you are shifting the cruise additions! Yes, the weather here in SW England has been a bit challenging this week!
    Allie, I sent you an update on 5/9, did you get it?
    And, I am having trouble loading all the recent forum posts, I can only click on four and they load individually — is anyone else having this problem? Maybe the forum got too big and they dont want to support so many old posts? It is happening on both my cell phone and my laptop, so it seems to be their issue, not mine.

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon!
    At last the sun is shining so time to start getting rid of the winter carnage in the garden. Lots of patio cleaning, fence painting and weed removing going on at the moment. Fortunately I don’t have to do it myself!
    Californiagirl if you are using an app or link try reloading them. I had an episode a while ago when I couldn’t download the forums but fortunately it righted itself.
    So to my positives……
    1. Today I woke up feeling really bright so I dressed-up a little more than normal for staying at home, in the hope of keeping up the good mood.
    2. I have made decision to finally rid my wardrobe of those ‘fat clothes’ that I am keeping because they are still fine but do nothing for my self esteem. So looks like a visit to the charity shop is imminent.
    3. Have decided I need to make some short term goals. It’s so difficult to stay on track sometimes especially when you’ve been following this WOL for several years. It’s almost my third anniversary!
    Anyway, hope everyone is having a good weekend full of positives.

  • posted by alliecat

    It’s almost my third anniversary too, V.! Coming up, June 1st! When is yours? I hope you can sit out in the garden sunshine
    today, even if you’re not participating in all of the industry πŸ™‚

    Happy Mother’s Day to all that are celebrating today. Give Mum a huge hug if she is still with you!

  • posted by Verano

    Allie I can’t believe it’s nearly three years since we discovered this WOE but I dread to think how my health would be have been had I not discovered this WOL! I’d probably be much heavier and taking loads of pills had I carried on eating as my 2016 β€˜normal’.
    I think there are quite a few of us who are around three years certainly sunshine-girl, and Kristen has probably passed her third anniversary. SunnyB must be close to three too and Mixnmatch and probably many others who are posting/reading. Essie? Maybe we should start a β€˜3+’ club!!
    I know my resolve has weakened. I don’t eat the β€˜white stuff β€˜ and my blood sugars have been great, as a result , for over two years. I just wonder how much more difficult it will be as time goes on especially if I don’t have the forums to help!
    Who knows!
    Anyway, for the moment, we should all pat each other on the back for adopting this way of life for the last three years.
    WE HAVE ALL MADE A GREAT SUCCESS of this WOL!!! Let’s just carry on and go forward……..

  • posted by Kafin13

    1. I found my first grey hair (although I prefer silver, more princess-like). Not positive or negative, just interesting! Maybe turning 46 brought it on…
    2. I’m down 9lbs which brings me back to where I was after my first two weeks. I initially lost 16lbs in the first two weeks back in March and then nothing (scale or measurements) for four weeks so I got discouraged and fell off the wagon, putting it almost all back on. I then did a week and lost a bit before falling off again. I’m now back on track and lost 9lbs in a week. So according to the science in my brain, (Kirsten Science) maybe we shouldn’t worry so much when nothing changes for weeks in a row because I feel like my body was just adjusting to its new set point which is why I was able to reach it again after just one week. And now on to the next chunk.
    3. I wanted to buy a whole cheesecake as a reward for my discard. But I didn’t. So I guess I want to see what happens if I don’t give in MORE than if I do. Maybe behaviors are changing?

  • posted by Esnecca

    My three year anniversary is August 1, Verano and allie. It still boggles my mind. I think there’s a strong chance I’d be immobile by now if I hadn’t found the BSD. My knees and feet were in so much pain all the time. I couldn’t even sleep lying down because my knees hurt when I was on my sides or stomach and my own weight suffocated me on my back. I literally slept (when there was any sleep to be had) sitting up in a chaise lounge. I shopped in the middle of the night to get the closest parking space and navigate the store, leaning against the cart for support, with as few people around as possible.

    It was a shadow existence. I find I prefer the light.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    I just passed my 3 yr anniversary on March 1st. I found the paperback version of BSD as I passed through London Heathrow on a holiday in 2016 and bought it on the fly (I was embarrassed to buy the book because I was worried people around me would be thinking β€œwell SHE sure needs that book!)
    It literally changed my life. Before that I had been gaining and gaining and no matter what I did or how I dieted nothing was working. My old management β€œtechnique” of exercise exercise exercise didn’t have the same effect and I couldn’t exercise enough hours to get rid of the weight, or even keep from gaining more. I had started to think of myself as thick, because I was just β€œwide” front to back, with fat just packed in everywhere.
    It is actually hard to think about it objectively as I write this β€” I was truly in despair.
    I was a really slow adopter and it took me about two months to internalise the BSD system. I fell off the wagon over and over.
    I would write down every morning how I had done the day before and if I had messed up, I would strategise how I could avoid that mistake again. I had strategies for everything! I used to practice out loud in the car ordering sparkling water so I wouldn’t default to ordering wine at a restaurant!
    Over time I got better and better but I’ve never been perfect at it. But the huge fantastic news here is that YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO IT PERFECTLY FOR IT TO WORK!!
    If you keep your carbs very low (I aimed for 20 grams/day and ended up around 30 per day) and keep at it, even imperfectly, it will work.
    Today I am still low carb and I have lost the desire for sugar and junk. I do have an occasional beer after a long hike and I eat to fullness β€” but the weight stays off as long as I avoid the β€œcarbage”.
    I’m not skinny but I’m strong and healthy and I am (usually) full of energy.
    Anyone who is struggling, don’t give up. Get a copy of Gary Taubes book, β€œWhy We Get Fat and What To Do About It” and really internalise WHY carbohydrate matters. That book is my best recommendation to go with the BSD. Together they unlock the secret β€” and the secret is that your beautiful body is designed to work brilliantly β€” you just get need to give your body the right food to help it get there.

  • posted by Birdy76

    Morning I am here😊

    Ok so I do have positives even when it is a little sad at the moment.

    1. I spent a lovely weekend at my parents with my boy and brother and his family remembering a lady who was loving, stubborn and generous of laughter and heart. God bless you Aunty Margaret ❀️❀️

    2. I only slipped off of the wagon and didn’t pole vault off of it, with damage limitations put in place!(kinda)

    3 my son got an award for Best improved Player on his rugby team and was offered wing on the A team next season.😊😊❀️❀️ Very proud mum.

    So today is a new day and the sun is shining and I am ready to get back on the wagon and discard more weight and inches. Have a great day guys. BirdyπŸ’žπŸ¦œ

  • posted by Verano

    A really positive post Birdy! It’s always heart warming to read positive posts especially in times of great sadness. We can all find the positives…. even if we do have to dig deep sometimes.

  • posted by SunnyB

    C/girl, that was an inspiring post and I love the term ‘carbagge’. Like you I did not do it perfectly either and no doubt that slowed progress, but it still worked and I still reached my goal. I started the BSD WOL on 23.02.2016 and lost a little over 3st (42lb) to hit my target on 30.08.2017. During that time, we had three extended breaks on Turkey, when I largely ate to the BSD principles, but didn’t do the 800/20 and didn’t weigh myself, but gained very little each time. These periods obviously slowed progress though, but didn’t stop me ultimately achieving target and then maintaining successfully. Low carb is my default now and whilst I’m still not perfect and still have a glass or two of wine occasionally or maybe a small dessert, it’s quickly compensated for and any damage limited.
    While I’m here I’ll offer up some positives too …
    1) guess the first one just has to be the BSD and this wonderful forum, now both firmly corner stones for me
    2) going to visit friends for a few days and looking forward to spending time with them.
    3) the beautiful Turkish sunshine
    Loving all the positives people, please keep them coming.

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Hi everyone,
    My positives are coming along very well.

    1. My cabin bag weighs 11kg, I used to have to carry 13kg extra on me every day. Every time I have to lift the bag, I realise that I am lighter by more than this!

    2. Off to Sardinia on Wednesday, a week of Mediterranean food, and home to the longest lived people in Europe.

    3. My family are all keeping well.

  • posted by wendleg

    Oooh lovely Patricia ! I am.looking forward to hearing all about it. Hope you are up to lots of walking and visiting with your sister.
    I have been away from the Positives thread for a while but love reading the posts.

    My positives…not having to get up for work at 5.30.this morning !
    I am recovering well from my op
    I feel liberated clearing out oversized clothes which I will never wear again. I like the thought of someone else benefitting from them but would have preferred to give them away at a Bsd celebratory party !!
    I am sitting in the garden listening to.bird song and hoping to turn my white legs less white !! It’s hot here today .
    You lovely maintainers are fantastic inspiration . We salute you ! Tastes change…attitudes definitely change. I shudder when.I see a sickly carb loaded sugar piece of cake bomb on the TV adverts now

  • posted by Scottishgal

    Thank you so much Californiagirl for sharing your story. I found it so inspiring and encouraging. It’s good to know that I’m not alone in falling off the wagon so often and that results are still achievable. I’m going to take a leaf out of your book and find coping strategies for my trigger points. Today has been really bad food wise. I’d almost given up. But my daughter pointed out that if you drop your phone and crack the screen you don’t then jump on it to completely break it! A slip up on this WOE should be the same as a cracked screen…..just pick up and carry on.

    Patricia, that’s a great way of realising your weight loss. Hope you have a brilliant time in Sardinia and your foot is up to all the walking and sight seeing. Will miss you but will look forward to hearing all about it when you get back. I’m sure there will be loads of great food choices and you’ll come back lighter than you went!. Have a fab time x

    Wendleg, I’m so glad you’re recovering well from the op and you’re enjoying relaxing in the garden.

    My positives today
    1.Taking inspiration from californiagirl and my daughter and forgetting about today’s massive hiccup
    2.Tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning…….again lol
    3.Been gloriously warm and sunny here today so I went out for a lovely walk after work tonight. Used the time to clear my mind and sort my thoughts.

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Heart-lifting to read so many wonderful positives. Thank you!
    Today’s for me are:
    1. I reached 8 weeks of Fast 800 on Sunday, and have lost almost 5kg. I’m only 4ft 11″ tall and 62 y.o. – so that’s a good amount for me. I am loving low carb and stay <=20g each day. I mainly started this WOE to see if it would help arthritis/fibromyalgia type pains I was having – and it has! My pain today is so minimal compared to 8 weeks ago – and hands etc are pain free. I will keep going!
    2. It’s a sunny autumn day here so I will take advantage and bath my two dogs.
    3. Just finished delicious lunch (I do 16:8) of an egg, haloumi, mushrooms and zucchini – all only 1.7g carb. I love this WOE!

  • posted by JGwen

    I am going to claim all of my positives from one 5 minute experience today.
    Today I ran into one of the local gossips who I haven’t seen since I started on this WoE, during those 5 minutes there was :-

    the shocked expression,
    the slow look up and down,
    the slowed down small talk as brain is obviously struggling trying to compute the change and hold a conversation at the same time.

    all followed by the scurrying away which you know is a rush to start a conversation with someone else about what they have just seen.

    What’s the smilie for a big fat wicked grin?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Cheshire cat should cover it Gwen

  • posted by Angie TW

    Hi can I join your posts please? I am at the beginning of my third week and have lost 6lbs.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Sunshine-girl, I can imagine a smile remaining hanging in the air after I left, so Cheshire Cat would be exactly right. –

  • posted by alliecat

    That’s great, Ang1e! Welcome to the ne1ghborhood!

    JGwen, your exper1ence has just made my day! 1 want to burst out laugh1ng at your usual w1t 1n access1ng 1t πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  • posted by sixturkeys

    Allie, I previously posted on the wrong thread, but we want to know what you spilled on your keyboard this time….

  • posted by wendleg

    Oh I love that JGwen !!! I hope you were wearing your shorts too !!!!

  • posted by JGwen

    I second that 6turkeys, come on Allie, what have you done to your keyboard this time?

  • posted by alliecat

    Woops! And here 1 thought maybe no one would not1ce! πŸ™‚ Couldn’t 1 s1mply have a dyslex1c computer??? The ugly
    truth 1s that 1 knocked some hot ash off a c1garette (1know, 1know!) and that melted the key before 1 could sw1pe 1t
    off the keyboard. 1’m hop1ng that you all can be pat1ent w1th me unt1l 1 drag my shamed face self back to the 1T
    guy to see 1f he can pry 1t up and make 1t serv1ceable aga1n! The worst part 1s that 1’ve done th1s to O/H’s computer
    th1s t1me…M1ne 1s st1ll out for repa1rs from the last “1nc1dent! 1 need some new rules…No beverages or c1gs
    1n the room when 1 have the computer on!! 1’m PATHET1C! 1t’s okay JGwen..1 know you’re laugh1ng, but you know
    my h1story of keyboard abuse πŸ™‚

  • posted by sixturkeys

    Allie, I also smoke (horror!) but that was some hot ash you had there. Melted the key?? Hopefully the 1T guy can sort 1t out for you….and thankfully you said that OH is on holiday, so you can get it fixed before he needs to send an email to any Masters or PhD Bus1ness student…

  • posted by alliecat

    Thanks, 6T! 1t’s n1ce to have some company on the naughty step reserved for us m1screant smokers πŸ™‚

  • posted by Birdy76

    My dear dear all1e you have started a craze🀣 1 am lov1ng the 1’s as I’s makes me think whilst reading🀣🀣🀣❀️❀️❀️ I am also a smoker and I am afraid I love it!!

    On a positive note I have had a whole day with out dairy! I am experimenting and taking things out and putting things in, so watch this space.

    Hope you have all had a good day and Allie I am sure your keyboard will be fixed soon. BirdyπŸ’žπŸ¦œ

  • posted by JGwen

    You are right All1e, 1 was laugh1ng.
    Maybe you need to have a chat w1th the 1T guy about having a standalone keyboard of your own so you don’t have to go anywhere near the keyboards on either laptop. Definitely a WiFi keyboard and a WiFi system to display the screen on the TV so that any laptop you use is out of harm / wine or fag reach.

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    A slightly different Positive Thoughts posting . . .
    Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
    Life is beauty, admire it.
    Life is a dream, realize it.
    Life is a challenge, meet it.
    Life is a duty, complete it.
    Life is a game, play it.
    Life is a promise, fulfill it.
    Life is sorrow, overcome it.
    Life is a song, sing it.
    Life is a struggle, accept it.
    Life is a tragedy, confront it.
    Life is an adventure, dare it.
    Life is luck, make it.
    Life is life, fight for it.” Mother Teresa
    Every word of this is SO true . . . and EVERY day we ALL face “most” of these statements in one arena or another of our individual lives πŸ™‚ Maybe we could write this out and put something beside each every day . . . Maybe sometimes we need reminding of what is available to us – our own personal “tool kits”, how strong we all are . . . most times unaware of what we are capable of handling and learning/teaching from πŸ™‚ This is what keeps us busy, interested, growing and rewarded with inner gifts πŸ™‚ We also need to be ready and up for FACING a game, promise, sorrow ,song, etc which may NOT present in a form normally expected πŸ™‚ Quack! Quack! from an intrigued, considering the words and therefore a very deep in thought Duckie πŸ™‚ Hope it gives someone something to soothe, contemplate, inspire, enlighten – look forward to πŸ™‚ Enjoy πŸ™‚

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Wendleg,
    I had my shorts on, and walked up to her with head up, shoulders back, headlights on main beam and hips swinging. πŸ™‚

  • posted by wendleg

    FA……BU …LOUS !!! ‘J Gwen !!!!

  • posted by wendleg

    Smoking turkeys…..no I don’t approve of that !!! Allie knows what I think about her smoking too. I will nag you both relentlessly !!

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