Hi Izzy
well the leg would be high protein, low carb – good choice!
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Hi Izzy
well the leg would be high protein, low carb – good choice!
I’m excited today because
I was getting on really well yesterday with my garden project (levelling and putting gravel down in an untidy area) and looking forward to continuing today
My son will be home for a few hours
My friend and I spent some time yesterday planning a trip to China next year.
And happy because
I have already done the ironing – usually it gets left to Sunday evening
I have passed the 1 stone milestone in my weightloss. – it’s taken 6 weeks but I’m averaging about 1200 calories per day. I did manage 2 800 calorie days this week which I think helped as I had reached a bit of a plateau .
My blood sugar levels are down
I had a blood test last week and see the diabetes nurse on Wednesday so am hoping for a good outcome on that.
Fantastic sunny winter day here on the Queensland Gold coast. Echo to all – gratitude for easy access to beautiful food and choice
Ziggy – Knox ancestors came to Australia from Enniskillen or somewhere very close – late 19th century
Lovely about your daughter Izzy
I passed my Welsh exam, Yay!
I spent a lovely day walking around the Highgrove estate gardens with friends.
I’m beginning not to panic if my weight fluctuates up a lb or two, and I get right back on the 800. So far!
Have had our five year old grand daughter staying for a few days and it’s been a joy to have her positive energy in the house. She is smart, amusing and a gentle ‘old’ soul.
Spending time with other family too – definitely blessed!
Having time to enjoy some good weather.
Aw she sounds like a little darling SUNNYB ..some children do arrive as old souls dont they..like theyve been here many times before x children and grandchildren and wonderful pets are such blessings x
lots of lovely positives I love reading them, lol at Frog yes the leg would have been protein.
today I was able to help a friend, and my son was well behaved whilst I did it.
We’re chilling listening to passenger.
Earlier I watched Coraline – a kids movie but I really like it. I hadn’t realised it was based on a Neil Gaimen novel and strangely enough I’m currently reading one of his. I quite like the weird worlds he weaves. I think they are really aimed at a younger audience but I like them anyway.
My weight still starts with 10
I’ve lost 1/2 inch from my waist and hips
tonight I will see my mother in law for the first time in 7 months. (and my sis in law)
My in-laws are lovely people none of the ‘monster in law stuff’ I’m very lucky to have them.
My mother called me last night (my parents also lovely people, lucky to have them too) and told me they have been offered a place in sheltered housing. This is awesome news as they currently live in an upstairs flat and my Dad’s legs are struggling. I know it’s going to be a great move for them and benefit them both. I hope they will enjoy their new chapter (probably in September)
Hey Izzy – that all sounds like brilliant news! Hope things work out for your folks and they happily settle into their new home.
My positives for today are – have had a friend and her daughter staying for a couple of days. Has been good to catch up in person for a change.
Have another friend coming to stay from tomorrow, which I’m really looking forward, as she is my longest standing friend and a joy to have around.
Spent a wonderful afternoon wandering around a donkey sanctuary yesterday afternoon, meeting the residents, getting some exercise and enjoying the fresh air. Great experience for mind and body.
SunnyB…a donkey sanctuary…how lucky are those donkeys now?
1. Sticking to BSD 5:2 and seeing results.
2. I continue to have heaps of energy (which translates to me achieving more).
3. It’s Olympic Eve…can’t wait for the games to begin.
I have everything I need.
I am so much healthier than I was.
I have a lovely MIL.
I’m going to a castle AND a stone circle today which is PERFECTION in my eyes lol.
Blood glucose down
Blood pressure down
Weight down
Most of all my little ones and my daughter are coming to see me next week.
I’m excited today because
1) I’m still at my target weight
2) it’s a beautiful day
3) it’s my 60 th birthday tomorrow and I’m having a party! I haven’t had a party since I was about 7! It’s a bit like getting married, but better, because I get to choose all the food ( mainly BSD but with some cake, bread and scones for th others) I get to choose all the guests (so people I actually like) I’m going on holiday a few days later and better because it won’t include either of my husbands! Woohoo!!!
1. Sitting in the garden in the sun at 7 am feeling fully alive
2. Drinking a lovely cup of coffee WITH NO SUGAR as I’ve given it up after a lifetime.
3. 8 st 11 lb this morning – nearly 2 stone lighter than just 3 months ago.
This feels so transformational I can’t really believe it. If this is possible I start to feel I can achieve almost anything
Have a really happy day, peeps. Happy Bitthday for tomorrow, Bissell
Hi Bissell
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR TOMORROW. And Bril work for staying at target, so delighted for you, so have a wonderful party, and I hope you have a fab holiday. I’ve heard 60 is a very liberating age, I’m almost 59 so almost with you there. Enjoy. Let us know all about here.
Love jan
Hi Igorasusual
Ooh how lovely sipping coffee in the morning sun, I’m in Kent England, not So warm here. It is quite amazing how the tastebuds change on this plan, I’ve heard it happens to ex smokers also, so wonder what has happened with us.
That feeling of control of the old monster appetite is powerful isn’t it, very motivating I am not as far along as you week 5, but it is a real revelation this plan never experienced it in all the 41 years I dieted and believe me I tried everything.
So enjoy your sips of coffee in the sunshine, delighted for you for your weight loss and wellbeing. Wishing you a happy week
Regards jan
Thank you Jan – I’m in Oxford Emgland so def under the same skies as you! Our back garden faces south east and so is a regular sun trap (if there is any, of course). The cat and I are warming up nicely and I hope the clouds clear for you in Kent (lovely county, lots of my ancestors came front here)!
Have a great day whatever
Happy Birthday Bissell – have a lovely day and enjoy your party
Congratulations igorasusual – 2 stone (or nearly!) is great
Morning Jan
Positive thoughts – my back is healing well – odd twinge but not painful anymore
I think I’ll pass on going to the gym, but maybe a superlong walk today
Ooh Igorasusual, lovely part of the country, yes the weather is warm and balmy here now, yes we are both very fortunate to live in safe beautiful areas, we are very blessed. you to have a great day.
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I’m looking forward to getting my bus pass!
Congratulations BISSELL on yr birthday AND your bus pass! Both things are brilliant fun!
Hope youre having a wonderful day,and that the year ahead will be magical!
May all yr bday wishes come true xx
IZZY how were the castle and the stone circle ( sorry if youve said elsewhere) hope you had a lovely time,it does sound idyllic x
Happy Birthday Bissell!!
The castle was lovely it’s a local one only 20 mins away from my house and yet- I didn’t know it existed until I lived here about 17 years lol.
and the stone circle was extra fun because we went in the dark! Left the boys at home so just my MIL, SIL, my daughter and me.
Here are some pics from my blog of the stone circle (the first one) the small boy is mine, as is the girl in pink, the other one is her friend This was from last year.
positives – spending lots of time with MIL and SIL.
I do love castles and stone circles.
My son had a poo in the toilet yesterday (yup, it’s a struggle lol)
yesterday we went for a little train fun here… http://www.deeside-railway.co.uk/ My son loved the train.
Thanks Izzy! Glad you had a lovely family time at the castle, looks interesting. It’s always the way, isn’t it? I never think to look at local landmarks unless visitors come.
I’m party ready now. When can I start?!
It’s never too early Bissell! start celebrating NOW!!
I didn’t wait for visitors really to look at the places, it’s more I waited until life was falling apart and deliberately started making time for myself and looking for the things I’m interested in It helped make life better at the time!
Fab pics Izzy! Thank you!
Party on BISSELL xx
Happy Birthday Bissell – have fun at your party.
Thanks for the pictures of the stone circles Izzy. They bring out the ancestor’s in me (Cornwall, 4 generations ago).
1. Awesomeness in Rio with Mack Horton (400m freestyle) and the women’s 4 x 100m relay with Cate and Bronte Campbell, Emma McKeon and Brittany Elmslie. All of the Olympians are awesome.
2. Spring is just weeks away.
3. The energy I have eating low carb mediterranean.
Have had my v. best friend visiting. She’s a glass half full person and always brings such positive energy with her.
Raised some more funds for our village news sheet, by running a small stalling in a local market yesterday morning.
I can’t imagine a negative post on here. Everyone is doing so well on this eating plan. It makes you feel brand new doesn’t it!
Great photos Izzy, looks as though you had a fab time. Isn’t it amazing what’s on your doorstep – without you even realising!!
Have just effortlessly painted my toenails..much less big tum in the way! X
Back from 2 weeks holiday in Tuscany. Only one pound heavier than when I left. Ate some carbs and drank some wine but not going to beat myself up about it!
Oh very well done STODGE ..thats a real accomplishment coming back from hols only one pound heavier.
The temptations you must have faced during two weeks in Tuscany! You deserved a few treats,after all life is short and none of us get as many hols as we need! All part of the nice memories to bring home,remembering eating some lovely food and drinking some wine! You shd feel very pleased with yrself! X
I now have a waterproof plaster covering the stitches on my back, so I can have a shower or bath tonight.
Or both
I have some samphire
you have stitches? whatever happened I hope you heal soon x
I was in my den again and improved on the last alien keyring… I made a pink one for my friend!.
I’ve stuck to my food plan today.
I’m not too late into bed…
Congratulations on your birthday Bissel. Great pictures Izzy.
I saw the diabetes nurse this week and my Hba1c was down from 56 just after Christmas to 42. Also according to her I have lost 3cm off my waist since this time last year. That’s after 7 weeks of BSD.
She has reduced my medication, wahoo!
And in other news –
I have booked my holiday to China for next year.
I bought a skirt in the next size down. It’s stretchy admittedly, but it fits!
Hi Izzy
Nothing major – I had a cyst removed from my back last week, so few stitches that thankfully don’t hurt anymore. Local Health service (not sure why still called NHS) have this weird system at weekends where you have to take your own dressings along. – So I got waterproof ones so now I can shower, wash my hair…
technically I could have done that before, but as the dressing is in the centre of my back and I can’t reach it, would have left me with a soggy dressing, unless I did it immediately before going to get it changed. I got the hydrocolloid type (like the blister plasters that speed up healing), and they can be left in place for a few days, so next time I go back will be to get the stitches removed.
I was very whingy about it at the start of the week – if I sat here thinking about how much it hurt – it hurt!
I quickly discovered that if I got on with stuff, it was itchy rather than painful!
glad that you stuck to your plan today, and got back in the loft for crafty stuff – well done
great stuff soupy!
Glad it isn’t serious Frog – speedy recovery to you
I woke up early which ordinarily is not a positive! However I’ve been able to sort out stuff and I’m sat here having my shake and watching a movie and it is kind of nice not to feel rushed. I TRY to get up earlier but usually just can’t motivate myself.
I had a fantastic birthday, many thanks for all the lovely good wishes.
EVERYONE mentioned how slim I looked (smugness overload)
I only had one square inch of cake, the rest of the day was low carb. No promises about calories though, I ate my own weight in porky scratching.
And the weatherman has just promised 2 weeks of sunshine. Bring it on!
Hi Bissell
glad that you had a brilliant day (not sure if i’d have considered pork scratchings a treat, but if you enjoyed them!!), and all the compliments must have been great.
Bissell, a great birthday, great party and 2 weeks of sunshine – wonderful!
1. Over half way in cleaning out my studio.
2. A dear friend helped me with the studio (notice how easy everything is when friends are there?)
3. Had a beautiful sunshiny day.
I keep meaning to keep up with this and promptly forget!
My daughter has enjoyed her first week at High School and seems happy and settled.
My son has enjoyed his first two days at pre-school nursery and also seems happy and settled.
I made 7 keyrings today.
I feel happy, well and NOT anxious.
Everything is currently awesome.
I’m very fortunate to still have both parents
I’m very grateful they are moving into sheltered housing next month This will make their lives so much easier.
I’m grateful that after a difficult thing my niece is happy and moving on with her life. I’m very proud of her.
Thought I’d post on this threat, to encourage others to keep it alive.
~ Can get in a pair of size 12 crop trousers and 2 size 12 dresses I haven’t been able to get into for some considerable time.
~ Last w/e we had a lovely four night camping trip with four of our grand children
~ My OH and I are just four weeks away from a five week stint in Turkey
~ SW England is enjoying some summer weather, which is always a plus
Positive thoughts:
Yesterday I bought a Size 10 pair of denim crop jeans in the sale….what is happening to the sizing these days????
(this time last year I would have been looking at a Size 20!!!!!)
Yesterday I was shown a video taken in 1994……everyone else looked so much younger then……. I looked so much fatter !!!!????
Beautiful sunny day SunnyB.
Enjoy a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend UK folks.
Keep all the good intentions going around the world BSD friends.
Yay for the positives
I spent time with my sister and niece yesterday, which was nice.
I’ve a week off this week coming lots to do but not at work!
my size 12-14 pyjamas fit easily, I’ve chucked out all my old bigger ones.
Been feeling rather negative lately but today I am grateful to be able to give blood.
So often it’s helping others that kicks me out of a slump and gets me back on track. Back on the wagon tomorrow.
Glad you’re feeling more positive Dottyeel. If you look hard enough, there’s usually something to be grateful or glad about. From you last sentence, I’m guessing you have been struggling on your BSD quest recently. Be kind to yourself, refocus and push ahead with it – it will come right eventually.
My positives for today:
~ Got out in the garden and started sorting out the ‘jungle’.
~ Started to planning the refurb of our conservatory, to make it a useable room.
~ By removing a dying fir tree, we have gained a lovely new view from our kitchen.
Hoping for a good result on the scales tomorrow and planning to have a turf out of baggy clothes this coming week.
Thank you SunnyB for your positive words. Yes, I am struggling with the whole BSD way of life but it has worked previously and it will work again!
Hi everyone..
1. It’s the first day of Spring.
2. Woke up this morning and the temperature in the lounge room was ‘double digits’!
3. It’s no longer pitch black when going to the station at 06:00.