Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by greenjanet

    1. My sister who’s started the BSD 800 a week ago has lost 8.5 lbs, so delighted she is really enjoying the diet. She has extreme anxiety, as do all her family around her, and she is feeling calmer.
    2. The currant bun. (Sun) is out.
    3. My energy levels are back so trotting everywhere, as i have lost another pound making it 20lbs in 17 day.

    And an extra one LOVE ALL YOU GUYS. Couldn’t do I t without you all.

  • posted by SunnyB

    1. OH at home today, so getting to spend some time together
    2. Good weather and can get some washing done
    3. Got some gardening exercise in over the weekend

  • posted by Izzy

    I had a good sleep.
    my daughter has been in a good mood.
    I’ve had such fun watching youtube tutorials and have lots of ideas of things to make 🙂
    I had some lovely customers at work yesterday.

  • posted by Switzerland

    1. I am so thankful for my beautiful neighbor across the road.
    2. Completed all of my work today (before the week-end).
    3. Walking in the bush is so relaxing at this time of year (the snakes are still hibernating).

  • posted by Izzy

    My son slept until 0730
    My sewing last night resulted in a more wearable shrug 🙂
    I’m going to make pancakes in a minute yummy.

  • posted by Timmy

    I became an uncle again for the 14th time this morning (that makes 17 cousins including my 3)
    I’m in a shirt today that I had stopped wearing because it was way too tight
    2 more weeks until holiday!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Tried on three pairs of trousers this morning, previously too small, all fit comfortably now – yippee!!
    Have a boot full of unwanted stuff to take to a village charity sale – double plus, a bit of decluttering and raising funds for a good cause.
    Booked two lots of flights – one for a friend’s wedding in Edinburgh and one to go out to our apartment in Turkey in September.

  • posted by melb100

    (1) The cricket is on and no one else in the office – listening to TMS at work!
    (2) Seeing my mum and sister this weekend
    (3) Coming out the other end of a stinking cold!

  • posted by Izzy

    My son is snuggly
    I painted a little last night
    I put these stickers on my car (I have a blue vw beetle and my sticker is red) and I got a set for my Mother in Law.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Lovely idea Izzy
    At the moment I’m pain free
    I just read a great saying,” difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”
    I’ m at my daughter’s home today- she moved back up north from London and now only lives moments away from me!

  • posted by Souperwoman

    Hi can I join you?

    Thank goodness for my fitness pal
    I can enjoy eggs without toast (avocado is nice)
    It’s a beautiful day

    And one from yesterday
    3 people asked if I’d lost weight!

  • posted by Izzy

    of course you can join us soupie!

  • posted by Izzy

    I achieved a new target this morning – I am no longer obese and I am merely overweight.
    I am more than half way to my ultimate target!
    The scales started with a 10!!
    I’m too excited!
    Today I am visiting my parents and expect to see my sister and niece.
    I have a great family and continue to be grateful for them all.
    Last night I made some key rings.
    I feel happy 🙂

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hey Izzy, that ‘s brilliant news!!! You must be so pleased, you can’t stop smiling. Onward and upward – can’t wait to hear you’re results start with a 9.

    My positive thoughts today:
    Raised £310 at a sale yesterday for a local charity.
    Had a lovely meal out with my husband last night and managed to still get a positive result with my ketostick this morning.
    I’m tettering on the brink of a full stone lost, so hoping to a great result at final weekly weigh-in tomorrow.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Izzy that must feel so good! Congrats! X
    Sunny,is it final weigh in as its now8 weeks? Well done X i hope you teeter and fall into a whole stone lost!
    My positive thoughts today
    Feel blessed…Have got plenty of lovely nourishing food to eat for the week ahead and a roof over my head ( its raining outside)
    Blessed again…Just spent time having cuppa with DD and SIL ( refused a scone with jam and cream – of course!)who now live round the corner after living away for several years
    Loving this Nelson Mandela quote :- ‘ Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.’. Makes me feel better about the several times ive tried to lose weight but havent..and the times ive succeeded in losing weight and regained it!

  • posted by SunnyB

    No, its just the final weigh in for the week. I tend to weigh daily, but only record the final weigh in for each week. I use the daily ones to keep me focused and to give me an indication of how things are progressing. I did seven weeks, then went away on a road trip out to Turkey for ten weeks, during which time I didn’t count cals or carbs, but tried to stay low carb and keep track of things using ketostix. Worked quite well as I only gained 2.8lb in the ten wks. Started the 800 again on returning home and I will be at the end of my fourth week tomorrow, on my second round, so to speak. My intention is to stick with the 800, until I get below the 9st mark, not sure how much below yet, well take a judgment call on that later.
    Love the Mandela quote by the way Yowser49 – very appropriate for us losers!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hey Yowzer, your Nelson Mandela quote made me giggle. Not because of the quote but there was a young girl on TV who, at an interview as given a photo of Nelson Mandela and asked to talk about ‘the person in the photo’ for 10 minutes. She went on about how he had started the family business when things were bad, he had probably never cooked before, the rice he made was a special family recipe. At the end of the interview she was asked why she thought Nelson Mandela knew so much about rice and she said…… wait for it… ‘I thought it was the man on the Uncle Ben Rice packet’. Your quote made me think of Nelson trying over and over again to get his rice right. Oh well, I suppose you had to be there 🙂

    Positive thoughts – just had a right giggle.
    40 minutes in the pool today and no hunger pangs
    Blood glucose steady at 101 (5.6)

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Oh wow SunnyB that road trip sounds amazing!
    Well done on gaining very little ..i’m sure i wd put on stones,i love turkish food. And well done also on getting right back into BSD! X
    Sunshine- girl,i’m giggling too at yr story! That is sooooo funny! X

  • posted by SunnyB

    Happy dancing inside today, as I have consolidated the stone down at last – a point I had been struggling to reach for a couple of weeks now. In fact the scales told me that I’ve lost 3.6lb this week, so I’m really happy!!
    Have realised that my skin is so much better on the BSD. Where my tan would normally peel almost as soon as I returned from holiday, it has stayed fixed and my bottom lip, which had previously nearly always been flaky, with a tendency to crack in the middle, has been smooth and soft for weeks now.
    Got into a favourite dress this morning, for the first time in at least five years – just need an occasion to wear it!

  • posted by Switzerland

    1. The native birds are acting like Spring is here.
    2. It’s been very windy……so I’ve thrown caution to it. (!)
    3. Good things happen.

  • posted by Izzy

    Morning 🙂

    I feel calm and settled.
    We’ve finished buying my daughters school uniform – and I’m grateful we can afford what she needs as well as a bit extra.
    just the fun stuff to buy now – pencil case, stationery etc
    I managed to get up a little sharper this morning.

  • posted by Bissell

    Reasons to be cheerful

    1) the fancy panties I hesitated over buying in the sale fitted!
    2) I now weigh 10 stone something. (13 lbs actually)
    3) I’ve worked out a low carb buffet menu for my 60th party in a few weeks.

  • posted by Izzy

    yay for fancy panties lol. Most of mine are big now I should get new ones as well.

    Had a nice catch up with my manager today, sounds like I’ll be having some more trainees to look after soon.
    Got to come home early to call and get my work laptop fixed. Was nice not to be in a rush for once.

  • posted by runforfun

    Hey, I’ve just joined BSD and this forum seems like a really good idea!

    My reasons to be happy and positive
    1) Introduced more people to Oppo Ice Cream and they loved it! (Its a healthy ice cream!)
    2) Got a big well done when I arrived at work this morning
    3) I got my workout in before work this morning

  • posted by Timmy

    1) T – 12 days until holiday! (and T – 198 days until skiing too :))
    2) I think I’ve convinced/inspired my wife and mother in law to give BSD a go
    3) It’s steak night tonight!

  • posted by karenv

    What a lovely thread! Such a good idea 🙂

    My positives today are:

    1. Just started BSD (on Monday there) and not hungry at all – feeling good 🙂
    2. Had a nice walk in the park today with the dog and no rain
    3. I’ve already lost some weight so feeling positive about the new changes!

    Have a great day everybody x

  • posted by Izzy

    so I had a fall from the wagon – doesn’t sound like a positive? Well in the past a fall from any diet wagon would have been long and consisted of many days of ‘I’ll start again tomorrow… just one more day off’ I’m not doing that this time. I’m back on it.

    Tomorrow is Friday!

  • posted by Timmy

    Well done Izzy. I’ve found that too.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Me too Izzy and Timmy..its a very positive thing..these days its just right back on the horse clippetyclop when i fall off!x

  • posted by Autumn

    This is such a wonderful thread! My three things are:

    1. Food tastes SO MUCH BETTER lately!
    2. My husband is such a good man and takes such good care of his mother 🙂
    3. Watching my puppy reunite with her sister is the most adorable thing ever.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    I agree AUTUMN..food tastes like nectar of the gods when we only have 800 cals to play with and are making better choices.
    Fage Total yoggy is delicious and a daily treat for me right now with some berries.x

  • posted by Jillf

    I just wanted to share two positive things..the first is not huge but hopefully helps – flat peaches (yum) have 20 calories and no carbs according to mfp. They have become my chocolate biscuit of choice!
    The second is amazing if the diet has caused it. I have been taking omeprazol for acid reflux for about five years now and have taken none now for a week with no ill effects. I have lost a stone but not sure that is why, as I was this weight when I started taking the tablets – so it looks like the absence of carbs has changed the constitution of my tummy for the better …fingers crossed but a great side effect of the BSD if it lasts.

  • posted by Bissell

    I don’t want to rain on your parade Jillf, but they are 38 cals and 7.6g carbs each, according to Mr Tesco. 😥

  • posted by Jillf

    Oh no!! My Fitness Pal was my oracle 🙁 thanks so much – I did not stop to check the packet, that is a blow – fewer of those then!

  • posted by karenv

    Such a lovely day here in Belfast 🙂 I hope it’s lovely where you are!

    My three things:

    1. Sun shining on my bike ride to work with a refreshing wee breeze, so I cycled with a big grin on my face
    3. Like JillF, I’ve had tummy issues for years…but on this diet…no probs (such a relief!)

    Have a lovely day and weekend folks x

  • posted by Jillf

    Karenv that is great to know – so pleased for you and very interesting too! I will tell my GP about it at end of diet if it stays as good as this.

  • posted by Jillf

    Bissell – have just checked out my Tesco flat peaches – they are 38 cals per 100g as you say but each peach is nearer 50g, so 20 cals about right? Carbs still 3.5 ish but not bad (not as good as zero carbs granted)

  • posted by Bissell

    Oh well that’s good news! Their website says each peach weighs about 100g, but I guess that must be a beefier one! Another website says Paraguayo flat peaches ( if that is what they are!) are 44 cals and 11g! I should choose the lowest one and just go for it!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    I was just thinking..was in marks foodhall earlier..DD texted to ask me to get her frozen peas..i texted back garden or petit pois..didnt give it another thought til watching the news later.. A doctor in syria talking about no medicine,no bandages,no fresh food. One doctor was living on dried dates. Meanwhile all of them doing their best to heal bodies shattered by bombs. Makes me think,losing weight or not,we shouldnt be complaining,we have access to fresh food of all kinds,24/7, even the poorest of us,even choices to make buying peas! We are so blessed. X

  • posted by greenjanet

    So true Yowser. We need to wish the same for all

  • posted by Switzerland

    Right with you on this one Yowzer49 and greenjanet – we are indeed blessed.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Beautiful sunny day
    Weight under the 12 stone mark
    Hubby had great blood results from the doctor

  • posted by Yowzer49

    SUNSHINE GIRL 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Me – sun shining thru the trees outside my window
    Pain free so far today
    Postie just brought ebay bargain ( lovely little halloween dress – £1 – for my beau’s 5 yr old granddaughter)
    Ps well done GREEN JANET! X 20 lb in 17 days is awe inspiring!
    And TIMMY congrats on becoming an uncle once again! 👍🏻 x 14 x

  • posted by Stodge

    On hols for 2 weeks and enjoying the good food and a little wine after 8 weeks without. I know I will have to be really strict when I get back but I know I can do it! Swimming every day and really enjoying complete relaxation. My work blackberry locked in my drawer at work (on charge and at full volume being completely ignored).

    Lost 4 inches round my waist and my daughter has been able to get her arms round me for the first time ever!!!!

  • posted by Ziggy

    It’s nice here in Enniskillen too karenv!!!! 🙂

  • posted by Yowzer49

    STODGE that is so nice about yr DD..worth all th hard work for such a reward! Enjoy yr hols…sounds like you are really chilling out xx
    ZIGGY is Enniskillen in Ireland? My geography is awful..my feiends have just come back from a trip to Giants Causeway x

  • posted by Izzy

    tonight I made 4 keyrings!! My sewing is improving too.

    We had a lovely family day today, went to the cinema and then had dinner out.

    I’m feeling generally happy and contented. Which for me is still up and down so I really notice and appreciate it when I feel it for more than 10 mins at once lol.

    I went into my daughters room earlier and she was talking to her friend on skype. I lay down with my head on her lap and the 3 of us had a lighthearted chat, my daughter didn’t chase me away and actually sat there brushing my hair. Then I bit her leg, just because I felt like a nibble and I know it makes her laugh. My daughter – although she can be a pain and moody etc – can also be pretty awesome but the main thing I appreciated tonight is that for the moment at least – she still isn’t embarrassed by me lol.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Oh! that teen stage where everything you do embarrasses them in front of their friends IZZY?
    Even if you are only asking if they’d like a drink! Maybe yr DD wont even have that stage!
    It passes anyway,and they return to being their lovely selves again – just another phase!
    Nice that you had that little close precious time with her x
    Night night if youre still awake! Sleep tight.

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