Thank you so much everyone.
My first positive is that my boy survived the night and, so far, the day, which last evening we were decidedly unsure of.
Second positive is that I cannot express how much your support and friendship has meant for me today.
Third positive is the wonderful, caring veterinarian hospital he is in, I cannot praise their staff enough.
However, we still have a very poorly boy on our hands, and we have still not been allowed to see him. The vets have been extraordinary though, the admitting vet didn’t leave his side for 4 hours last night, and only then when she was confident that he was relatively stable. She left a wonderful vet nurse with him, who sat with him in his pen all night long, “loving and monitoring him” – her words, not mine, with a phone in her pocket so that she didn’t have to leave him to give me regular updates.
What we know so far is that he has suffered breaks in 3 of his limbs, one of them severe and possibly multiple, and possibly both hips. He has very little undamaged skin left on his legs, but they will salvage what they can as and when he is strong enough, although we have been warned that some toe amputations may be necessary if they cannot salvage enough. His face is also lacerated, but they do not think he has suffered head injuries. He is in severe shock, so is being treated for that (IV fluids), and also on epidural painkillers and strong antibiotics. There is also a distinct possibility of internal injuries, a ruptured bladder being the most likely as his potassium levels have fallen through the floor and his heart rate is very low, he is hooked up to a heart monitor. They are, therefore, keeping a close eye on the situation and, in the meantime have introduced potassium into his drip. Up to now, they had considered that he is not strong enough to undergo xrays and the necessary scans. However, as what they are most concerned about at the moment is infection, they have reluctantly decided to give him a general anaesthetic this afternoon in order to remove all the remaining debris in his open wounds – they were flushed as much as possible last night, but he was in too much pain to undergo thorough cleansing, removal of grit with forceps etc. But they now consider that the risk posed by infection is greater than the risk posed by a GA. Whilst he is under, they will also do the necessary xrays and scans. He is under GA at this very moment, and Abi (the vet) has promised to update me the moment she has finished – she also has an orthopaedic specialist in theatre with her to assess his fractures.
He has been drifting in and out of consciousness, largely because of the strong drug cocktail, but when he is conscious he has apparently been opening his eyes every time someone approaches, and his heartbeat picks up, so he seems to know what is going on.
Sorry, that’s it for now, pretty much all we know – it’s still touch and go and if he makes it (please God) there will be a very long road to be travelled. But we will travel it with him, every step of the way.
Maybe I shouldn’t be bringing this thread down any more with my tales of woe, although I know you all care, but it meant to be about everyone’s positives. I may, if you would like the occasional update (although I understand if not – this is meant to be about BSD after all), transfer to the Phoenix thread because, if he does manage to pull through (please God), he will certainly be a Phoenix rising from the Ashes. What do you think?
Thank you again. xx
PS I hope you will forgive me if I am not very active in the other threads for a while, it doesn’t mean I don’t care,